

Latin name: Potentilla anserina

Silverweed is a creeping, low-growing plant, with silvery, downy, toothed leaves and saucer-shaped, five-petalled, yellow flowers.

It is a trailing plant that can be found on rough grassland, roadside verges, sand dunes and waste ground and can be found in large patches over trampled or damp disturbed ground. Its flowers appear in June and continue through to August. Its silvery, downy leaves remain all year.

Silverweed was said to have been used by Roman soldiers as padding in their shoes. The plant is also named Traveller’s ease and Traveller’s joy, so maybe this is the reason why. It was perhaps used as it flourishes even when trampled on.

It is very common and widespread throughout Britain.

Created: 2  October  2018  Edited: 2  October  2018

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