Norfolk Hawker

Norfolk Hawker

Latin name: Anaciaeschna isoceles

The Norfolk Hawker or Green-eyed Hawker, is one of two brown hawker dragonflies found in Britain. The Norfolk Hawker has clear untinted wings, green eyes and a yellow triangular mark on the second abdominal segment, which is how it gets it’s Latin name. The male has a slightly narrower waist and more prominant yellow shoulder stripes than the female

The Norfolk Hawker is currently restricted to the fens and grazing marshes in Norfolk and Northeast Suffolk.

The Norfolk Hawker breeds in unspoilt grazing marsh dyke systems with clean water, margins of rushes and preferably with an abundance of aquatic plants.

The adults can be seen in June and July.

Created: 28  August  2018  Edited: 28  August  2018

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