Large Red Damselfly (Male)

Large Red Damselfly

Latin name: Pyrrhosoma nymphula

The Large Red Damselfly is a medium-sized red and black damselfly with black legs. Males have red abdomens with bronze-black markings, black bands around the ‘tail’ and a black thorax with red shoulder stripes. Immature males have yellow shoulder stripes. Females can be mostly red to appearing entirely black. They can have red or yellow shoulder stripes.

The Large Red Damselfly is the earliest damselfly to emerge in Britain. It can be seen from the end of March through to September.

They live around the edges of ponds, lakes, ditches and canals, but avoid fast flowing water. They can also be found away from breeding sites in grassland and woodland and is a regular visitor to gardens.

Adult Large Red Damselflies generally emerge from the pond at the same time. This takes just a short period of three weeks in spring.

A common and widespread species throughout Britain.

Created: 29  September  2018  Edited: 29  September  2018

Large Red Damselfly (Female)
by KLS

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