Grypocoris stysi (Mirid Bug)

Grypocoris stysi (Mirid Bug)

Latin name: Grypocoris stysi

Grypocoris stysi is a genus of ‘true bug’ known as a Mirid Bug. It is a very noticeable bug with a chequered pattern of yellowish-white and bright orangey-yellow.

It is usually found on nettles in wooded areas and also on umbellifers and white bryony flowers as well as the stems and leaves of grasses.

The adults and larvae feed on flower heads and small invertebrates, such as aphids.

The larvae hatch in May and nymphs become adult in June and July, but rarely survive much beyond August.

Found widely throughout Britain.

Created: 5  October  2018  Edited: 5  October  2018

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