Gorse Shieldbug

Gorse Shieldbug

Latin name: Piezodorus lituratus

The Gorse Shieldbug is a large shieldbug with two adult colour forms. Those that have hibernated and appear in the spring and early summer are two-tone green with red antennae, whereas the new generation appearing in the late summer have orangey-red markings on their backs and red antannae. They turn completely reddish-brown prior to hibernation.

They are associated with gorse, but the larvae will also feed on broom and dyer’s greenwood and have also been found on laburnum and clovers.

Mating takes place from May to July. Females lay 10 to 20 eggs on the stems, leaves and fruits of the host plants. Nymphs can be seen until September. The adult of the new summer generation can be found from the end of July or beginning of August.

Common and widepsread throughout Britain.

Created: 8  October  2018  Edited: 8  October  2018

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