Common Mouse-ear

Common Mouse-ear

Latin name: Cerastium fontanum

Common Mouse-ear is a low growing, quite hairy plant, with lanceolate un-stalked dark green leaves arranged in opposite pairs along the stem. The flowers consist of five deeply notched white petals backed by green sepals with thin white borders and ten stamens.

Common Mouse-ear is a perennial, but can grow rapidly from seed and is capable of flowering within nine weeks of germination. By being able to do this, it can exploit sites that are subject to regular disturbance such as arable land or habitats like roofs, walls, shingle and sand dunes.

You can find Common Mouse-ear in grassy habitats and flower meadows, shingle and sand dunes and they flower from April through to November.

A common plant found throughout Britain.

Created: 17  September  2018  Edited: 17  September  2018

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