Birch Shieldbug

Birch Shieldbug

Latin name: Elasmostethus interstinctus

The Birch Shield Bug has a fairly flat body which is green and red with the entire upper surface covered in black dots. Their sides and abdominal margins are yellow and their legs are yellowish-green.

The Birch Shieldbug overwinters as an adult in leaf litter, after which they emerge in the spring to start mating. From early June to the middle of August, the female lays her eggs. They are laid on the upper side of birch leaves or the catkins. The nymphs hatch and develop in summer, usually feeding on Silver Birch, but also on hazel and aspen. The new generation of Birch Shieldbugs is complete by August and will inhabit sunny areas with mixed birch woodlands, deciduous trees and shrubs.

Common and widespread throughout Britain in mixed birch woodlands.

Created: 12  October  2018  Edited: 12  October  2018

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