Keymer is a Village in the county of West Sussex.
Keymer postcode: BN6 8RA
There are great places to visit near Keymer including some great towns, country parks, woodlands and airports.
Towns to visit near Keymer include Chichester, and Crawley.
Keymer's best nearby country parks can be found at Goodwood Country Park, and Buchan Country Park.
The area close to Keymer boasts some of the best woodlands including Goodwood Country Park.
There are a number of airports near Keymer including Gatwick Airport, Shoreham Airport, and Chichester/Goodwood Airport.
Keymer History
There are some historic monuments around Keymer:
- Bowl barrow on Scabes Castle
- Saucer barrow 170m SW of Ditchling Cross, Plumpton Plain
- Earthworks and lynchets on Buckland Bank and Buckland Hole
- Moated site in Ragget's Wood
- Earthwork near Horseshoe Plantation, Stamer
- Old manor house (remains of), Portslade-By-Sea
- Wolstonbury Camp: a Ram's Hill type enclosure on Wolstonbury Hill and associated later remains
- Bowl barrow north west of Warningore Bostall: part of Plumpton Plain round barrow cemetery
- Medieval earthworks at Balmer
- Bowl barrow 550m south east of Ditchling Cross: part of Plumpton Plain round barrow cemetery
- Bowl barrow in Great Wood
- Part of Western Brow round barrow cemetery and an Anglo-Saxon barrow field 700m south of Westmeston Farm
- Pair of bowl barrows 720m SSE of Westmeston Farm forming part of Western Brow round barrow cemetery
- A saucer barrow and three bowl barrows on Tegdown Hill
- Romano-British farmstead, field system and trackway on Wolstonbury Hill
- Plumpton Plain earthworks
- Devil's Dyke hillfort
- Platform barrow 300m south of Wolstonbury Camp
- Three bowl barrows 750m south east of Westmeston Farm, forming part of Western Brow round barrow cemetery
- Dovecote at Patcham Court Farm, 80m north west of All Saints Church
- Part of Plumpton Plain round barrow cemetery and an Anglo-Saxon barrow field south east of Warningore Bostall
- Bowl barrow 530m south east of Ditchling Cross: part of Plumpton Plain round barrow cemetery
- Cross dyke on Newtimber Hill
- Cross dyke and adjacent saucer barrow 850m south east of Ditchling Cross: part of Plumpton Plain round barrow cemetery
- Bowl barrow south of The Beeches: part of Plumpton Plain round barrow cemetery
- Romano-British farmstead 480m north west of Devil's Dyke Cottages
- Round barrow S of Ditchling Beacon
- Bowl barrow on Streat Hill 400m NNW of Streathill Farm, forming part of Western Brow round barrow cemetery
- Faulkner's Bottom entrenchment
- Deserted medieval settlement and associated cultivation terraces on Perching Hill
- Post-medieval stock enclosure at Devil's Dyke
- Prehistoric linear boundary and Bronze Age bowl barrow in Pudding Bag Wood, 350m south of Upper Lodges
- Two bowl barrows 600m south east of Ditchling Cross: part of Plumpton Plain round barrow cemetery
- Bowl barrow 300m north west of Mount Harry
- Romano-British villa at Randolph's Farm
- Ewe Bottom entrenchment, Patcham
- Bronze Age and Anglo-Saxon barrow cemeteries south of Juggs Road
- Bowl barrow 670m south west of Saxondown Farm: part of a round barrow cemetery
- A group of three bowl barrows and an Anglo-Saxon barrow field on The Bostle
- Two bowl barrows north-east of Streathill Farm
- Platform barrow and saucer barrow 350m ESE of Blackcap
- Earthworks and lynchets near Eastwick Barn, Patcham
- Hillfort, a beacon and dewpond on Ditchling Beacon
- Bowl barrow 700m south east of Ditchling Cross: part of Plumpton Plain round barrow cemetery
- Whitehawk Camp causewayed enclosure
- Cross dyke 730m south east of Ditchling Cross
- Three bowl barrows 820m south east of Westmeston Farm, forming part of Western Brow round barrow cemetery
- Hillfort, the possible remains of a Romano-Celtic temple and a group of three bowl barrows at Hollingbury
- Middle Brow earthwork
- Bowl barrow on North Hill
- Three bowl barrows 770m south east of Westmeston Farm, forming part of Western Brow round barrow cemetery
- Linear earthwork S of village
- A cross-ridge dyke and part of an adjoining cross-ridge dyke meeting at Juggs Road near Falmer Bottom
- Round barrows W of Ditchling Beacon
- Group of three bowl barrows and an Anglo-Saxon mixed cemetery on Summer Down
- Bowl barrow south west of The Beeches: part of Plumpton Plain round barrow cemetery
- Bowl barrow 780m south east of Westmeston Farm, forming part of Western Brow round barrow cemetery
- Bowl barrow south of Newmarket Bottom
- Medieval enclosure W of Newmarket Plantation
- Motte and bailey castle 240m east of Dean's Mill
- Oval barrow 775m south of Plumpton Place on Plumpton Plain
- Part of Western Brow round barrow cemetery and an Anglo-Saxon barrow field 690m south of Westmeston Farm
- Bowl barrow on Streat Hill 430m NNW of Streathill Farm, forming part of Western Brow round barrow cemetery
- Medieval settlement at Stanmer
- Bowl barrow 200m east of Plumpton Bostall (top end)
- Two bowl barrows 190m south east of Blackcap
- Anglo-Saxon barrow field 650m south west of Wick Farm
- Cross dyke in Great Wood, 500m south west of Stanmer House
- Bowl barrow 750m south east of Westmeston Farm, forming part of Western Brow round barrow cemetery
- Hlaew 430m ENE of Keymer Post
- Section of Port's Road and barrow on Round Hill, Hangleton
- Roman road and 18th century coaching road N of Pyecombe church
- Cross dyke and bowl barrow 310m south east of Wolstonbury Camp
- Castle Hill earthwork
- Bowl barrow on Fulking Hill