
Bathgate is a Town in the county of West Lothian.

Bathgate postcode: EH48 1PA

Retail in Bathgate

There are great places to visit near Bathgate including some great towns, castles and shopping centres.

Linlithgow, and Livingston are some of Bathgate best towns to visit near Bathgate.

Blackness Castle is a great place to visit close to Bathgate if you like castles.

The Centre Livingston is one of Bathgate's best, nearby shopping centres to visit in Bathgate.

Bathgate History

There are some historic monuments around Bathgate:

Places to see near Bathgate

History of Bathgate

Early records of Bathgate are somewhat sketchy. It is recorded that, around 1160, Uchtred Dalrymple, Sherriff of Linlithgow, and Geoffrey de Melville came to Bathgate at the command of King Malcolm IV and measured out an area of land which was to form the basis of Bathgate Parish. The church and all its associate property were placed under the auspices of Holyrood Abbey at that time and paid a tenth of its income from the land to that institution.

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Lakes near Bathgate

    Where to Eat in Bathgate