Nisbet is a Village in the county of Scottish Borders.
Nisbet postcode: TD8 6TR
There are great places to visit near Nisbet.
Nisbet History
There are some historic monuments around Nisbet:
- The Law,fort Prehistoric domestic and defensive: fort (includes hill and promontory fort) SM1699
- Sandyknowe,earthwork SW of Prehistoric domestic and defensive: enclosure (domestic or defensive) SM3553
- Old Roxburgh,deserted town between River Teviot & River Tweed Secular: settlement, including deserted, depopulated and townships SM4282
- Peniel Heugh, fort Prehistoric domestic and defensive: fort (includes hill and promontory fort); Secular: fort (non-prehistoric) SM1703
- Pinnaclehill Farm,burial mound & cists 90m NW of Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cist SM2987
- Kelso Abbey Ecclesiastical: abbey SM90177
- Littledean Tower,tower-house Secular: tower SM5999
- Ringleyhall,fort Prehistoric domestic and defensive: fort (includes hill and promontory fort) SM2506
- Muirhouselaw,homestead moat Secular: homestead moat SM2883
- Roxburgh Castle Secular: castle SM1718
- Brotherstone,enclosure 500m NE of Prehistoric domestic and defensive: enclosure (domestic or defensive) SM4643
- Lintalee,earthworks Secular: enclosure SM2890
- Ulston Moor,Roman camp 600m N of Overwells Roman: camp SM3389
- Scraesburgh,earthwork Prehistoric domestic and defensive: enclosure (domestic or defensive) SM2405
- Jedburgh Franciscan Friary Ecclesiastical: claustral remains SM9858
- Smailholm Tower, tower, buildings and enclosures Secular: tower SM13614
- Timpendean,tower & earthwork Secular: enclosure SM1719
- Jedburgh Abbey, 50m ESE of Abbey House Ecclesiastical: abbey SM13126
- Cappuck,Roman fort Roman: fort SM1708
- Ancrum,market cross Crosses and carved stones: market cross SM1722
- Haughhead Kip,mound Prehistoric ritual and funerary: mound (ritual or funerary) SM2230
- Mantle Walls, Ancrum, bishop's palace Secular: palace SM13324
- Cessford Castle Secular: castle SM1710
- Castle Hill, fort Prehistoric domestic and defensive: fort (includes hill and promontory fort) SM1712
- Remains of medieval bridge below Ancrum Old Bridge Secular: bridge SM13741