Bedshiel is a Village in the county of Scottish Borders.
Bedshiel postcode: TD10 6XR
There are great places to visit near Bedshiel.
Bedshiel History
There are some historic monuments around Bedshiel:
- Houndslow,settlement 600m NW of Prehistoric domestic and defensive: settlement SM4421
- Byrecleugh, farmstead and cultivation remains 300m SSW of Secular: farmstead SM4508
- Rathburne House, tower house 180m NNW of Secular: tower SM12579
- East Gordon,cairns 900m WNW of Prehistoric domestic and defensive: field clearance cairn, cairnfield; Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cairn (type uncertain) SM4724
- Chesters, fort Prehistoric domestic and defensive: fort (includes hill and promontory fort) SM4452
- Chester's Dikes, settlement Prehistoric domestic and defensive: settlement SM12420
- Harelaw Moor,farmstead 1500m NE of Barebreeks Wood Secular: farmstead SM4490
- Hen Law,cairn 1550m WNW of Langtonlees Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cairn (type uncertain) SM4548
- Herrits Dyke,linear earthwork 2400m N of Greenlaw,Greenlaw Moor Prehistoric domestic and defensive: linear earthwork SM371
- Raecleugh Head Hill, fort 690m NNW of Raecleugh Head Prehistoric domestic and defensive: fort (includes hill and promontory fort) SM378
- Hareheugh Craigs, fort and settlement Prehistoric domestic and defensive: fort (includes hill and promontory fort); Secular: settlement, including deserted, depopulated and townships SM4783
- Greenknowe Tower, Gordon Secular: tower SM13590
- Cranshaws House, church and burial ground 150m SE of Ecclesiastical: burial ground, cemetery, graveyard SM12422
- Fort, 225m NW of Raecleugh Head Prehistoric domestic and defensive: fort (includes hill and promontory fort) SM377
- Eastfield, barrow 650m NW of Prehistoric ritual and funerary: barrow SM4719
- Bedshiel,cairn 950m NNE of Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cairn (type uncertain) SM4630
- Dirrington,farmstead Secular: farmstead SM4639
- Dunside Hill, cairn 1225m S of Byrecleugh Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cairn (type uncertain) SM12507
- Longformacus House,enclosed cremation cemetery 1450m SW of Prehistoric ritual and funerary: enclosed cremation cemetery SM4623
- Evelaw Tower Secular: tower SM5654
- Halliburton,cairn 1300m N of Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cairn (type uncertain) SM4621
- Dirrington Great Law,three cairns Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cairn (type uncertain) SM4626
- Dirrington Little Law,cairn on summit of Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cairn (type uncertain) SM4638
- Fort, 95m WNW of Raecleugh Head Prehistoric domestic and defensive: fort (includes hill and promontory fort) SM4580
- Mainslaughter Law,cairn Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cairn (type uncertain) SM4919
- Hume Castle, castle and associated settlement Secular: castle SM387
- Wrunklaw,fort 700m ESE of Horseupcleugh Secular: fort (non-prehistoric) SM5003
- Ellem Church, church and burial ground Ecclesiastical: burial ground, cemetery, graveyard SM12471
- Harelaw Moor,earthwork 750m ENE of Barebreeks Wood Secular: enclosure SM4499
- Dirrington,farmstead 400m N of Secular: farmstead SM4622
- Evelaw,farmstead and cultivation remains 650m WSW of Secular: farmstead SM4581
- Blackcastle Rings,fort Prehistoric domestic and defensive: fort (includes hill and promontory fort) SM363