Llansaintfraed in Elvel

Llansaintfraed in Elvel is a Village in the county of Powys.

Retail in Llansaintfraed in Elvel

There are great places to visit near Llansaintfraed in Elvel including some great waterfalls, mountains, caves and ancient sites.

Llansaintfraed in Elvel's best nearby waterfalls can be found at Sgwd Yr Eira, Dan Yr Ogof Waterfalls, Sgwd Isaf Clun Gwyn, and Sgwd Y Pannwr.

There are a number of mountains near Llansaintfraed in Elvel including Corn Du, and Pen y Fan.

Places near Llansaintfraed in Elvel feature a number of interesting caves including Dan Yr Ogof.

Don't miss Maen Llia Standing Stone's ancient sites if visiting the area around Llansaintfraed in Elvel.

Places to see near Llansaintfraed in Elvel

Lakes near Llansaintfraed in Elvel

    Where to Eat in Llansaintfraed in Elvel