Evie is a Village in the county of Orkney Islands.
Evie postcode: KW17 2PE
There are great places to visit near Evie.
Evie History
There are some historic monuments around Evie:
- Knowe of Ramsay, chambered cairn 300m E of Hullion, Rousay Prehistoric ritual and funerary: chambered cairn SM1306
- West Puldrite, two mounds 280m NNW of Prehistoric ritual and funerary: barrow SM1413
- Setter,two mounds Prehistoric ritual and funerary: mound (ritual or funerary) SM1404
- Varme Dale, mounds 470m ESE of Gorn Prehistoric ritual and funerary: mound (ritual or funerary) SM1408
- Knowe of Craie, chambered cairn 380m NNW of Curquoy, Rousay Prehistoric ritual and funerary: chambered cairn SM1291
- Ness of Woodwick, broch, 970m E of Lower Bisgarth Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch SM1467
- Wass Wick,mound Prehistoric domestic and defensive: mound (domestic or defensive) SM1412
- Reeky Knowes, burial mounds, Aiker Ness Prehistoric ritual and funerary: barrow SM1369
- Burgar,chambered cairn NNW of Prehistoric ritual and funerary: chambered cairn SM1247
- Westness Church Ecclesiastical: church SM3626
- South Howe, broch, Westside, Rousay Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch; Secular: Viking settlement, Norse settlement SM1425
- Knowe of Midgarth, settlement and cairn Prehistoric domestic and defensive: settlement; Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cairn (type uncertain) SM1303
- Burness,broch & chapel 200m S of Ecclesiastical: chapel; Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch SM1253
- Knowe of Burrian, broch 190m SSW of Burrian, Rousay Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch SM1451
- Eynhallow Church and settlement Ecclesiastical: church; Secular: settlement, including deserted, depopulated and townships SM90144
- Peter's Kirk,church,burial ground and broch N of Outer Urrigar Ecclesiastical: burial ground, cemetery, graveyard; Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch SM1483
- Knowe of Hamar, burnt mound Prehistoric domestic and defensive: burnt mound SM10104
- Midhowe, chambered cairn and remains nearby Prehistoric ritual and funerary: chambered cairn SM90219
- Syra Dale,two cairns 380m NNE of Setter Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cairn (type uncertain) SM1396
- Aiker Ness,Broch of Gurness,broch and settlement Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch SM90157
- Knap Knowes, mounds 900m E of Sinians of Cutclaws, Quendal, Rousay Prehistoric ritual and funerary: barrow SM1364
- Tafts of Quendale, farmstead, Rousay Secular: farmstead SM13536
- Knowe of Yarso,chambered cairn Prehistoric ritual and funerary: chambered cairn SM90198
- Seven Knowes, mounds Prehistoric ritual and funerary: mound (ritual or funerary) SM1378
- Wasswick Battery, coastal battery complex 400m E of Queenamuckle 20th Century Military and Related: Battery SM13564
- Knowe of Lairo, long cairn, E of Hullion, Frotoft Prehistoric ritual and funerary: long cairn SM1300
- Tafts, burnt mound 195m WSW of, Quendal, Rousay Prehistoric domestic and defensive: burnt mound SM13433
- Knowe of Lyron, mound 120m WNW of Lyron Cottage Prehistoric ritual and funerary: mound (ritual or funerary) SM1343
- Eynhallow,standing stone & mound Prehistoric ritual and funerary: mound (ritual or funerary) SM1263
- Green Gairsty, dyke Secular: linear earthwork, dyke SM10340
- Tingwall, broch and mound 90m W of Tingwall House Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch; Secular: meeting place, thingstead, moot hill SM1473
- Knowe of Grugar or Ryo,broch SE of Burgar Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch SM1454
- Knowe of Hunclett,broch ESE of Hunclett,Frotoft,Rousay Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch SM1456
- North Wald, mounds and burnt mounds 350m NNE of Prehistoric domestic and defensive: burnt mound; Prehistoric ritual and funerary: mound (ritual or funerary) SM1360
- Hall of Rendall, settlement 275m NE of and St Thomas's Kirk Ecclesiastical: church; Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch SM1420
- Boardhouse,mound 225m SSE of,Bimbister Prehistoric ritual and funerary: mound (ritual or funerary) SM1341
- Staney Hill, enclosure 95m S of Henges Prehistoric ritual and funerary: henge SM13441
- Damsay, St Mary's Chapel Ecclesiastical: chapel SM2949
- Midland, burial mound 450m NNE of Prehistoric ritual and funerary: barrow SM1415
- Knowe Stenso,broch N of Dyke Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch SM1459
- Midhowe Broch,broch and settlement,Rousay Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch SM90218
- Knowe of Dale, burnt mound, Quendal, Rousay Prehistoric domestic and defensive: burnt mound SM1293
- Howe Harper,cairn 300m NW of Binscarth,Finstown Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cairn (type uncertain) SM1281
- Click Mill Industrial: mill, factory SM90076
- Sandyhall, mounds S of Prehistoric ritual and funerary: mound (ritual or funerary) SM1376
- Quoynalonga Ness, burnt mound 430m SSE of, Quendal, Rousay Prehistoric domestic and defensive: burnt mound SM1367
- Viera Lodge,broch,Frotoft Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch SM1476
- Nettletar, broch 250m SW of Prehistoric ritual and funerary: barrow SM1468
- Knowe of Dishero, broch 200m SSW of The Old Manse, Gorseness Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch SM1453
- Knowe of Swandro,mound 400m SSE of Skaill,Westside Prehistoric domestic and defensive: mound (domestic or defensive) SM1310
- The Hillock Broch, Finstown Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch SM1448
- Knowe of Gorn, burnt mound 195m S of Innister, Rousay Prehistoric domestic and defensive: burnt mound SM1298
- Long Stone, standing stone, Frotoft, Rousay Prehistoric ritual and funerary: standing stone SM1267
- Knowes of Trotty,mounds S of Netherhouse,Huntscarth Prehistoric ritual and funerary: barrow SM1316
- Geord of Nears, cairn 90m SW of Cairn House, Rousay Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cairn (type uncertain) SM1269
- Loch of Knitchin,cairn 230m N of,Brinvar Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cairn (type uncertain) SM1286
- Blackhammer,chambered cairn,Rousay Prehistoric ritual and funerary: chambered cairn SM90035
- Westness,Viking houses,noost & graveyard Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cist; Secular: Viking settlement, Norse settlement SM3534
- Staney Hill,standing stone 400m NNE of Feolquoy Prehistoric ritual and funerary: standing stone SM1390
- Knowes of Euro, mounds 340m SW of Appietown, Gorsness Prehistoric ritual and funerary: barrow SM1313
- Broch of Burgar, broch Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch SM1426
- Robie's Knowe, burnt mound 405m NNE of Howe Cottage Prehistoric domestic and defensive: burnt mound SM1371
- Burrian Broch,broch,Corrigall Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch SM1428
- Lower Quendal, burnt mound NE of Sinians of Cutclaws, Rousay Prehistoric domestic and defensive: burnt mound SM1363
- Knowe of Lingro,chambered cairn,Lingro,Wasbister,Rousay Prehistoric ritual and funerary: chambered cairn SM1301
- The Wirk,tower and hall,Westness,Rousay Secular: hall SM5773
- Vinquin, broch, 145m SSW of Upper Arsdale Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch SM1477
- Taversoe Tuick, chambered cairn and nearby remains Prehistoric ritual and funerary: chambered cairn SM90297
- Too of Nugle, burial mound 500m WSW of Innister. Rousay Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cairn (type uncertain) SM1401
- Howana Gruna, cairn 270m SE of Whitehouse Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cairn (type uncertain) SM1280
- Black Knowe, mound 470m N of Lower Cottascarth Prehistoric ritual and funerary: mound (ritual or funerary) SM1245
- Knowe of Rowiegar, chambered cairn and nearby remains Prehistoric ritual and funerary: chambered cairn SM1307
- North Howe, broch, Westside, Rousay Prehistoric domestic and defensive: broch SM1469
- Midhouse, souterrain 380m ESE of Prehistoric domestic and defensive: souterrain, earth-house SM1465
- Knowes of Trinnawin, mounds 830m and 560m SE of Upper Bigging Prehistoric ritual and funerary: mound (ritual or funerary) SM1315
- South Aittit, church 185m NE of Ecclesiastical: church SM1486
- Ivybank, mound 215m SSW of, Rousay Prehistoric ritual and funerary: cairn (type uncertain) SM1255
- Bridge of Scuan, bridge, 350m NNE of Scuan Secular: bridge SM1489