East Wall
East Wall is a Town in the county of Dublin.
There are great places to visit near East Wall including some great cities.
Don't miss Dublin City's cities if visiting the area around East Wall.
East Wall History
There are some historic monuments around East Wall:
- Templeogue Graveyard DU01759
- Kildonan Kiln - corn-drying DU04745
- Dubber Enclosure DU00611
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01262
- Murphystown Fulacht fia DU03181
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU03961
- Dublin South City Rock art (present location) DU04820
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01032
- Milltown (Newcastle By.) Mill - unclassified DU03592
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04323
- Kilshane Ritual site - holy well DU00602
- Butterfield Habitation site DU03901
- Dublin South City Chapel DU01295
- Dublin South City Watercourse DU02632
- Monkstown Housefarm Graveyard DU01896
- Dublin South City Bridge DU02997
- Donnybrook West Headstone DU03876
- Dublin South City Burial ground DU03789
- Dublin South City Graveslab (present location) DU04035
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01174
- Dublin South City House - 17th century DU04843
- Balcurris Enclosure DU00655
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04290
- Dublin South City Church DU01330
- Dublin South City Burial ground DU04211
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU01194
- Dublin North City Bridge DU01356
- Carmanhall Field boundary DU03952
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01140
- Dublin South City Tannery DU03778
- Miltonsfields Pit DU04645
- Dublin North City Well DU01359
- Cloghran (Coolock By.) Mound DU00702
- Dublin North City Church DU01294
- Harristown House - 16th/17th century DU00632
- Dublin South City Church DU01343
- Dublin South City House - 17th/18th century DU04884
- Dublin South City House - 17th/18th century DU04300
- Dublin North City House - indeterminate date DU03490
- Dublin South City Ritual site - holy well DU01851
- Chapelizod,Dublin North City Barrow - ditch barrow DU04901
- Dublin South City Ritual site - holy well DU01311
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU03996
- Dublin South City Sea wall DU03581
- Dublin South City Inn DU01022
- Dublin South City Water mill - unclassified DU01414
- Middletown Enclosure DU04984
- Dublin South City Mound DU01052
- Woodside Enclosure DU02096
- Broghan Enclosure DU04938
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04320
- Dublin South City Inn DU01035
- Dublin South City Building DU02890
- Dublin North City Brickworks DU03480
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU03540
- Rathfarnham Windmill DU01858
- Dublin North City Graveyard DU01550
- Feltrim Castle - unclassified DU03327
- Dublin South City Wall monument DU04227
- Donnybrook West House - 16th/17th century DU03599
- Dublin North City Deer park DU00966
- Silloge Field system DU00615
- Dublin North City Road - road/trackway DU00975
- Dublin South City Water mill - unclassified DU01348
- Dublin South City Memorial stone DU04213
- Dublin South City Cross DU01219
- Grange (Coolock By., Coolock Ed) Church DU00793
- Dublin South City Ritual site - holy well DU03101
- Dublin South City House - 17th/18th century DU04868
- Templeogue Watercourse DU01735
- Dublin South City Mill - unclassified DU02609
- Woodtown Redundant record DU04863
- Monkstown Castlefarm Bawn DU01901
- Fosterstown South Field system DU04366
- Dublin South City Watercourse DU02971
- Dublin South City Water mill - unclassified DU01427
- Dublin South City Inn DU01020
- Claremont Enclosure DU00689
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04274
- Dublin South City Quay DU01253
- Dublin South City Building DU03041
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01019
- Dublin South City Castle - unclassified DU01034
- Dublin South City Wall monument DU04245
- Kingstown (Coolock By.) Ring-ditch DU04446
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU01200
- Dublin South City Cross-slab (present location) DU03955
- Dublin North City Glasshouse DU01074
- Newtown (Coolock By., Finglas Ed) Castle - motte and bailey DU00603
- Dublin South City Building DU02950
- Carrickmines Great Fortification DU02229
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01028
- Dublin South City Building DU03481
- Dublin South City Furnace DU02914
- Dunleary Promontory fort - coastal DU01980
- Intake Martello tower DU01878
- Dublin South City Gateway DU02546
- Dublin South City Water mill - unclassified DU02610
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03516
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01036
- Newtown, Blackrock Ritual site - holy well DU01885
- Common Graveyard DU00386
- Kill Of The Grange Font DU01911
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU02943
- Dublin South City Water mill - unclassified DU01352
- Dublin South City Castle - unclassified DU01420
- Dublin South City Cross DU01045
- Kilgobbin Graveslab DU02103
- Shallon (Nethercross By.) House - 16th/17th century DU00443
- Dublin South City Mill - unclassified DU03777
- Dublin North City Redundant record DU00952
- Drinan Enclosure DU04711
- Dublin North City Courthouse DU03453
- Dublin North City House - 18th/19th century DU04311
- Kilmashogue Graveslab DU02211
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU01112
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03548
- Dublin North City House - indeterminate date DU03488
- Dublin South City Water mill - unclassified DU01346
- Belcamp House - 16th/17th century DU00780
- Dublin South City Bowling green DU01106
- Kilgobbin Inn DU02113
- Dunsoghly Crucifixion plaque DU00589
- Crowscastle Ring-ditch DU04644
- Kilmashogue Field system DU02088
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03405
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03520
- Whitechurch Graveslab DU01797
- Dublin South City Round tower DU01338
- Portmarnock Enclosure DU04477
- Sandyhill Enclosure DU04500
- Dublin South City Ritual site - holy well DU01313
- Balally Castle - tower house DU01785
- Newpark (Castleknock By.) House - 18th/19th century DU00448
- Dublin North City Habitation site DU03037
- Finglas East House - 18th/19th century DU00690
- Dublin South City Building DU01064
- Dublin South City Battery DU01564
- Dublin North City Riverine revetment DU03757
- Tiknock Ritual site - holy well DU01806
- Dublin South City Inn DU01030
- Dublin North City Enclosure DU03867
- Dublin South City Memorial stone DU04222
- Clonskeagh (Dublin By.) Bridge DU01857
- Dublin South City Rock art (present location) DU03991
- Brackenstown Burial ground DU00398
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04285
- Grange (Coolock By., Coolock Ed) Enclosure DU00784
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03521
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU04036
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01063
- Kinsaley Enclosure DU00724
- Dublin South City Inn DU01024
- Dublin South City Graveyard DU03423
- Tonlegee (Coolock By.) Ecclesiastical enclosure DU00805
- Dublin South City Hospital DU03114
- St. Margaret'S Building DU03345
- Rathfarnham Bridge DU01818
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU03428
- Dublin North City Burial DU03786
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU02718
- Dublin South City Water mill - unclassified DU01349
- Dublin South City Cursing stone (present location) DU04335
- Merryfalls Enclosure DU04463
- Dundrum Castle - Anglo-Norman masonry castle DU01784
- Dublin South City Industrial site DU03028
- Dublin South City Church DU03551
- Dublin North City House - 18th/19th century DU00971
- Dublin South City Cross-slab (present location) DU04003
- Dublin South City Cross-slab DU04216
- Dublin South City School DU01251
- Raheny Graveyard DU00817
- Dublin South City Field system DU03797
- Hazelbrook Ring-ditch DU04522
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03487
- Chapelizod,Dublin North City Barrow - ditch barrow DU04902
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04280
- Raheny Ecclesiastical enclosure DU00818
- Dublin South City Building DU01058
- Coldwinters (Castleknock By.) Ring-ditch DU00609
- Ballystruan Enclosure DU04743
- Drumnigh Enclosure DU04376
- Ballystrahan Enclosure DU04404
- Dublin North City Mine - lead DU02976
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU02944
- Forrest Great Ringfort - unclassified DU00427
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU04297
- St. Margaret'S Church DU00578
- Dublin South City Guildhall DU03099
- Drishoge (Coolock By.) Ritual site - holy well DU00989
- Dublin South City House - 17th/18th century DU04888
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU04318
- Kilgobbin Castle - tower house DU02112
- Dunsoghly House - indeterminate date DU00588
- Santry (Coolock By., Drumcondra Rural Ed) Ecclesiastical residence DU00645
- Cruagh Church DU02075
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03486
- Kilreesk House - 16th/17th century DU00440
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU03987
- Dublin South City Building DU02960
- Forrest Great Chapel DU00425
- Rathmines South Mill - unclassified DU01863
- Springhill Road - road/trackway DU04497
- Dublin South City Water mill - unclassified DU01210
- Forrest Great Ring-ditch DU04368
- Poppintree (Castleknock By.) Habitation site DU04735
- Dublin South City Watercourse DU01407
- Burgage Enclosure DU03819
- Dublin South City Bullaun stone (present location) DU04424
- Stillorgan South Church DU01888
- Dublin South City Chapel DU01196
- Dublin South City House - 18th century DU04879
- Dublin South City Castle - unclassified DU01854
- Dublin North City Water mill - unclassified DU01197
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04271
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU01277
- Templeogue Graveslab DU03975
- Woodside Designed landscape - tree-ring DU01835
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01130
- Milltown (Uppercross By.) Bridge DU01738
- Drumcondra Church DU00992
- Carrickmines Great Rock art DU03158
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01195
- Claremont Ring-ditch DU04416
- Dublin South City Chapel DU01084
- Carmanhall And Leopardstown,Murphystown Fulacht fia DU03182
- Sainthelens Castle - motte and bailey DU00509
- Dublin South City Chapel DU02489
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04288
- Kilgobbin Redundant record DU02414
- Dublin North City Habitation site DU02734
- Donnybrook West Ecclesiastical site DU03579
- Dublin South City Inn DU01169
- Dublin North City House - 16th/17th century DU01199
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04302
- Dublin South City Riverine revetment DU02569
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU01152
- Dublin North City House - indeterminate date DU01350
- Kilmashogue House - 18th/19th century DU02091
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01446
- Dublin South City Religious house - Knights Hospitallers DU01221
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03505
- Dublin South City Well DU01147
- Dublin North City Wall monument DU04263
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU03399
- Dublin South City House - 18th century DU04892
- Portmarnock Habitation site DU04754
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU02732
- Springhill Ring-ditch DU04967
- Baldoyle Enclosure DU00733
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01447
- Dublin North City House - indeterminate date DU03489
- Dublin South City Wall monument DU04225
- Dublin North City Religious house - Cistercian monks DU01302
- Sandyhill Enclosure DU04466
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01133
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01145
- Donnycarney Building DU03784
- Kilmainham Pit-burial DU03199
- Stillorgan South Graveyard DU01889
- Dublin South City House - 17th/18th century DU04873
- Dublin North City Riverine revetment DU03016
- Cruagh Inscribed stone DU02078
- Dublin North City House - indeterminate date DU03494
- Shallon (Castleknock By.) Enclosure DU04969
- Deansgrange Cist DU01971
- Johnstown (Castleknock By., Finglas Ed) House - indeterminate date DU00678
- Dublin South City Cathedral DU01202
- Dublin South City Ecclesiastical site DU03010
- Barnacullia Well DU02095
- Grange (Coolock By., Malahide Ed) Ringfort - unclassified DU00705
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU03986
- Merryfalls Field system DU04464
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU02772
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03518
- Dublin South City Cross-inscribed stone (present location) DU04327
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03525
- Tolka Mill - unclassified DU00950
- Malahide Demesne Earthwork DU00498
- Dublin South City Cross-slab (present location) DU03950
- Dublin South City Guildhall DU01054
- Killeek Enclosure DU00424
- Milltown (Newcastle By.) Water mill - unclassified DU01739
- Dublin South City House - 17th century DU04303
- Dublin North City Weir - fish DU01357
- Donnybrook East Mill - unclassified DU01452
- Dublin South City Meeting-house DU03556
- Stockhole Enclosure DU04505
- Unknown Maypole DU00673
- Kinsaley Enclosure DU04353
- Dublin South City Prison DU03412
- Dublin South City Quay DU03434
- Dublin North City Religious house - Dominican friars DU03126
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU03984
- Dublin South City Kiln - lime DU03045
- Dublin South City Excavation - miscellaneous DU03796
- Templeogue Church DU01758
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01184
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01161
- Malahide Church DU00489
- Tonlegee (Coolock By.) Church DU00803
- Malahide,Robswalls Earthwork DU00507
- Dublin South City Kiln - lime DU02901
- Dublin South City Workhouse DU01242
- Dublin North City Park DU01245
- Toberbunny Ritual site - holy well DU00617
- Dublin North City House - indeterminate date DU03497
- Dublin South City Building DU02948
- Dublin North City Well DU01552
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU03025
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU04319
- Grange (Coolock By., Malahide Ed) Ringfort - unclassified DU00708
- Dublin North City Bastioned fort DU00984
- Dunsoghly Chapel DU00586
- Kill Of The Grange Ritual site - holy well DU01905
- Dublin North City Well DU01355
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04275
- Montpelier Megalithic tomb - passage tomb DU02072
- Clontarf East House - 16th/17th century DU01546
- Dublin North City House - 16th/17th century DU01477
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03510
- Dublin South City College DU02998
- Dublin South City Gateway DU01853
- Dublin South City Memorial stone DU04249
- Portmarnock Road - road/trackway DU04755
- Dublin South City Gatehouse DU03575
- Jamestown Great Well DU00660
- Dublin South City Excavation - miscellaneous DU03798
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU03020
- Grange (Coolock By., Malahide Ed) Ringfort - unclassified DU00706
- Sandymount Martello tower DU01553
- Hazelbrook Enclosure DU04518
- Drumnigh Enclosure DU04377
- Taylorsgrange Cross-slab (present location) DU01825
- Dublin South City Field system DU03799
- Dublin North City Glasshouse DU01072
- Loughlinstown Burial ground DU02405
- Kilgobbin Cross DU02225
- Dublin North City House - 18th/19th century DU00957
- Stormanstown House - 16th/17th century DU00674
- Robswalls Martello tower DU00510
- Chapelizod Building DU04907
- Dublin South City Hospital DU01316
- Dublin South City Architectural feature DU03962
- Merrion (Dublin By.) Fish-pond DU04897
- Dublin South City Ritual site - holy well DU01217
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03526
- Dublin South City Church DU01329
- Brenanstown,Carrickmines Great Enclosure DU02369
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU02774
- Saintdoolaghs Ritual site - holy well DU00721
- Dublin South City Meeting-house DU01088
- Dublin South City Water mill - unclassified DU01351
- Ballymun Burnt mound DU04741
- Dublin South City Water mill - unclassified DU03690
- Saintdoolaghs Enclosure DU04758
- Stillorgan Grove Flat cemetery DU01893
- Kinsaley Field system DU04354
- Dublin South City Cross (present location) DU03957
- Dublin South City House - 18th century DU04880
- Dublin South City Memorial stone DU04239
- Marino Building DU03892
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01163
- Whitechurch Church DU01795
- Dublin North City Meeting-house DU01083
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU02737
- Dublin North City Burnt mound DU03791
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU02596
- Dublin South City Meeting-house DU03506
- Templeogue Redundant record DU01757
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01136
- Dublin South City Inn DU02730
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01138
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU01280
- Dublin North City Graveslab (present location) DU04806
- Coolock Chapel DU00821
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01026
- Drumnigh Ring-ditch DU04378
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04284
- Dublin South City Kiln - tile DU02913
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03522
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03550
- Dublin South City Mill - unclassified DU01118
- Saintdoolaghs Ring-ditch DU04963
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03504
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01265
- Dublin South City House - 17th/18th century DU01109
- Dublin South City Tomb - chest tomb DU04230
- Dublin North City Bowling green DU03476
- Rathingle Ring-ditch DU04834
- Dublin South City Mill - unclassified DU01156
- Dublin South City Bridge DU02995
- Dublin South City Water mill - unclassified DU03030
- Dubber Enclosure DU04425
- Balcurris Enclosure DU00616
- Kill Of The Grange Ritual site - holy well DU01948
- Dublin South City Building DU01066
- Milltown (Uppercross By.) Ford DU01860
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU03023
- Dublin South City Stone head (present location) DU03994
- Dublin North City Water mill - unclassified DU01382
- Kilgobbin Linear earthwork DU02378
- Dublin South City Castle - unclassified DU01855
- Dublin North City,Dublin South City Ford DU03415
- Portmarnock Structure DU04753
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03555
- Dublin North City Wall monument DU04261
- Newtown (Coolock By., Finglas Ed) Enclosure DU00593
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03528
- Dublin South City House - 17th/18th century DU04890
- Dublin North City School DU01101
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04315
- Dublin South City Chapel DU01321
- Dublin North City Graveslab (present location) DU04805
- Dublin South City Sheela-na-gig (present location) DU04000
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU03018
- Carrickmines Great Bawn DU02228
- Dublin South City Burial ground DU02985
- Stockhole Field system DU04506
- Saintdoolaghs Enclosure DU04495
- Dublin South City Ecclesiastical site DU01218
- Dundrum Graveyard DU01775
- Dublin South City Castle - tower house DU02543
- Whitechurch Font DU01800
- Dublin North City House - indeterminate date DU03507
- Chapelizod Earthwork DU04904
- Dublin North City Building DU03584
- Dublin South City Sheela-na-gig (present location) DU04031
- Dublin South City Courthouse DU03449
- Dunleary Martello tower DU01982
- Dublin South City Riverine revetment DU02597
- Dublin North City Burial ground DU00958
- Dublin South City Windmill DU01406
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01270
- Dublin South City House - 18th century DU04876
- Newtown (Coolock By., Finglas Ed) Ringfort - unclassified DU00591
- Dubber Ring-ditch DU05000
- Dublin South City Burial ground DU03352
- Dublin South City Church DU01336
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03421
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU02946
- Maynetown,Portmarnock Tide mill - unclassified DU00731
- Poppintree (Castleknock By.) Pit DU04733
- Dunsoghly House - 16th/17th century DU00590
- Terenure Castle - unclassified DU01862
- Dublin South City House - 17th/18th century DU04870
- Dublin North City Graveslab DU04258
- Drinan Sheela-na-gig DU00492
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU03402
- Kilgobbin Habitation site DU03703
- Merrion (Dublin By.) House - 18th century DU04898
- Dublin North City Monumental structure DU04812
- Dublin North City Bridge DU02859
- Drinan Pit DU04710
- Dublin South City Hospital DU01220
- Chapelizod Building DU04908
- Dublin South City Chapel DU01322
- Deansgrange Castle - unclassified DU01970
- Dublin South City Riverine revetment DU02575
- Donnybrook West Windmill DU01456
- Dublin North City Church DU01339
- Monkstown Housefarm Charnel house DU01897
- Dundrum Church DU01774
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01135
- Hazelbrook Ring-ditch DU04521
- Cappoge Enclosure DU04940
- Dublin South City House - 18th century DU04881
- Dublin South City House - Viking/Hiberno-Norse DU02959
- Santry (Coolock By., Drumcondra Rural Ed) Graveyard DU00649
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03527
- Dublin South City Riverine revetment DU02639
- Dublin South City Well DU03524
- Stormanstown House - 16th/17th century DU03359
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU02788
- Dublin North City Quay DU03009
- Cappoge Ringfort - unclassified DU00623
- Kilreesk Ringfort - unclassified DU03940
- Dublin South City Library DU01105
- Portmarnock Enclosure DU04756
- Butterfield Enclosure DU03900
- Malahide Demesne Sheela-na-gig DU00502
- Dublin South City Mill - unclassified DU03419
- Grange (Coolock By., Malahide Ed) Enclosure DU00786
- Dublin South City Church DU03396
- Dublin South City Chapel DU03474
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03535
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01153
- Dublin North City Prison DU02989
- Dubber House - indeterminate date DU00613
- Dublin South City Water mill - unclassified DU01017
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU02954
- Dublin North City Mill - unclassified DU01166
- Ballyogan Linear earthwork DU02401
- Kinsaley Church DU00703
- Dublin South City Watercourse DU02622
- Templeogue Weir - regulating DU02624
- Dublin North City,Dublin South City Ford DU02999
- Rathfarnham Graveyard DU01768
- Seapoint Or Templehill Martello tower DU01886
- Dublin South City House - 17th/18th century DU04889
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01252
- Springhill Enclosure DU04498
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU02952
- Brookville Ritual site - holy well DU00801
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01157
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU01201
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01865
- Dublin South City Boundary stone DU01048
- Dublin South City Theatre DU01085
- Kilgobbin Cist DU02114
- Meakstown Habitation site DU04732
- Dublin South City Hospital DU01318
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU03779
- Dublin South City Church DU01340
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01134
- Corballis (Coolock By.) Castle - unclassified DU00598
- Dublin North City Burial DU01480
- Dublin South City House - Viking/Hiberno-Norse DU02941
- Mountpelier House - 18th/19th century DU03903
- Dublin South City Blockhouse DU01563
- Dublin South City Meeting-house DU03406
- Finglas East Ritual site - holy well DU00663
- Dublin South City Building DU02961
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU03021
- Dublin South City Inn DU01033
- Dublin South City Watercourse DU03027
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04278
- Dublin South City Sheela-na-gig (present location) DU04206
- Dunsoghly Castle - motte and bailey DU00587
- Dublin South City Chapel DU01323
- Dublin South City Wall monument DU04231
- Dublin North City Building DU01244
- Saintdoolaghs Field system DU04496
- Dublin South City Rock art (present location) DU03993
- Templeogue Graveslab DU01760
- Dublin South City Watercourse DU02637
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU02773
- Newtown, Blackrock Castle - unclassified DU01884
- Dublin South City Memorial stone DU04241
- Dublin South City Glass works DU01263
- Dublin South City House - 16th/17th century DU01100
- Dublin South City Watercourse DU03787
- Dublin South City Church DU01345
- Dublin South City Church DU01331
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01131
- Kilgobbin Graveslab DU02102
- Kinsaley Enclosure DU04357
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01141
- Clonshagh (Coolock By., Coolock Ed) House - 16th/17th century DU00642
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03523
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03533
- Dublin South City Gallows DU01041
- Cruagh Graveyard DU02079
- Dublin South City Hospital DU01271
- Drishoge (Coolock By.) House - 16th/17th century DU00990
- Portmarnock Structure DU04751
- Dublin North City House - 16th/17th century DU02896
- Finglas East Town defences DU00662
- Portmarnock Structure DU04749
- Dublin North City Ritual site - holy well DU01543
- Silloge Enclosure DU04504
- Dublin South City Religious house - Franciscan friars DU01299
- Balgriffin Park Church DU00727
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01291
- Dublin North City Mill - unclassified DU01165
- Marino Redundant record DU03364
- Dublin South City Building DU02771
- Drinan Ring-ditch DU04713
- Drimnagh Water mill - unclassified DU01391
- Booterstown Castle - tower house DU01880
- Dublin North City Water mill - unclassified DU03793
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU02731
- Dublin South City Courthouse DU03392
- Donnybrook West Cross DU01462
- Dublin South City Burial ground DU02983
- Shallon (Nethercross By.) Mound DU00423
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04800
- Dundrum Castle - tower house DU03832
- Dublin North City Mill - unclassified DU01116
- Dublin South City Church DU02487
- Dublin South City Cross-slab (present location) DU04007
- Dublin South City Stone head (present location) DU04034
- Dublin South City Inn DU03127
- Dublin South City Hospital DU01228
- Dublin South City Church DU03102
- Dubber Ring-ditch DU05001
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01187
- Dublin South City Memorial stone DU04233
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01172
- Dublin South City Cross-slab (present location) DU04133
- Woodtown Megalithic tomb - portal tomb DU02073
- Carmanhall Flat cemetery DU03198
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01312
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01180
- Dublin South City Religious house - Augustinian canons DU01298
- Finglas East Graveyard DU04803
- Dublin South City Graveyard DU03129
- Clonskeagh (Dublin By.) Ringfort - unclassified DU01856
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU03982
- Dublin South City House - 18th century DU04865
- Crumlin Windmill DU01840
- Finglas East Church DU00670
- Dunsoghly Standing stone DU03818
- Fosterstown South Enclosure DU04367
- Dublin North City Graveyard DU01415
- Drinan Kiln DU04708
- Irishtown (Dublin By.) Settlement cluster DU03574
- Dublin South City Church DU01334
- Dublin North City Habitation site DU03031
- Dublin South City House - 17th/18th century DU04869
- Dublin South City Gallows DU01429
- Dublin South City Theatre DU01111
- Springhill Ring-ditch DU04965
- Kilgobbin Graveyard DU02100
- Dublin South City Hospital DU03002
- Kilmashogue Cairn - unclassified DU02086
- Dublin North City House - indeterminate date DU00979
- Mulchanstown Castle - unclassified DU01973
- Dublin South City Hospital DU01241
- Feltrim Ritual site - holy well DU00495
- Carrickmines Great Mill - unclassified DU02230
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU01143
- Coolock Mound DU00800
- Dublin South City House - 17th/18th century DU04872
- Dublin South City Tannery DU03131
- Dublin North City Cross-inscribed stone (present location) DU04808
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04272
- Poppintree (Castleknock By.) Pit DU04734
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU04301
- Dublin South City House - 16th/17th century DU03014
- Rathfarnham Water mill - unclassified DU01836
- Burgage Enclosure DU00777
- Dublin North City Barracks DU01243
- Pelletstown Castle - unclassified DU00684
- Fosterstown South Ring-ditch DU04363
- Forrest Great House - 16th/17th century DU00428
- Kill Of The Grange Cross-inscribed stone DU01907
- Kilmashogue Cross DU01802
- Barnacullia Enclosure DU02094
- Nevinstown West Ring-ditch DU00431
- Dublin South City Furnace DU02911
- Richmond Castle - unclassified DU00996
- Kinsaley Enclosure DU04355
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU02912
- Kilgobbin Architectural fragment DU02108
- Dublin South City Wall monument DU04226
- Haroldsgrange Mound DU01780
- Raheny Windmill DU00827
- Finglaswood Castle - tower house DU00686
- Dublin South City Stone head (present location) DU03956
- Drimnagh Castle - Anglo-Norman masonry castle DU01392
- Dublin South City Graveyard DU01086
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03503
- Kill Of The Grange Cross DU01906
- Drumnigh Enclosure DU04747
- Saintdoolaghs Ecclesiastical enclosure DU00722
- Dublin South City Pillory DU01042
- Dublin North City Quay DU03755
- Stillorgan South Graveslab DU01890
- Fosterstown South Enclosure DU04365
- Dublin North City Watercourse DU02636
- Dublin South City House - 18th century DU04877
- Dublin South City Religious house - Augustinian canons DU01305
- Dublin North City Graveslab DU04259
- Feltrim Ringfort - cashel DU00493
- Dublin South City Designed landscape feature DU03501
- Dublin South City Bridge DU02993
- Dublin South City Guildhall DU01065
- Dublin South City Mill - unclassified DU02965
- Dublin North City,Dublin South City Ford DU03103
- Dublin South City Burial ground DU02521
- Dublin South City House - 16th/17th century DU01023
- Dublin South City Bridge DU02994
- Dublin South City Building DU01272
- Donnybrook West Mill - unclassified DU01468
- Dublin South City Riverine revetment DU02638
- Ballygall (Coolock By.) House - 16th/17th century DU00676
- Fosterstown South Enclosure DU04362
- Donnybrook West Headstone DU03875
- Drinan Cremation pit DU04709
- Jamestown (Rathdown By.) Enclosure DU02218
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04267
- Brenanstown,Carrickmines Great Water mill - unclassified DU02370
- Killester North Church DU01537
- Dublin South City Building DU03788
- Donnybrook West House - fortified house DU01470
- Crumlin Mound DU01399
- Whitehall (Rathdown By.) Building DU01771
- Irishtown (Dublin By.) Church DU01442
- Newtown (Rathdown By.) Fulacht fia DU03164
- Artaine South Church DU00681
- Dublin North City Gallows DU02970
- Kilgobbin Linear earthwork DU02407
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU04295
- Cloghran (Coolock By.) Church DU03914
- Feltrim Windmill DU00496
- Dublin South City Watercourse DU02618
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU02982
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU03427
- Dunsoghly Castle - tower house DU00585
- Dublin South City Castle - tower house DU01445
- Dublin South City Cenotaph DU04218
- Clontarf East,Clontarf West,Killester South Battlefield DU01555
- Dublin South City Mill - unclassified DU01155
- Drinan Enclosure DU04716
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU03403
- Dubber Ring-ditch DU04947
- Dublin South City Graveslab DU04220
- Cloghran (Coolock By.) Ritual site - holy well DU00597
- Dublin North City Building DU03794
- Dublin South City Stone head (present location) DU03981
- Kinsaley Graveyard DU03565
- Dublin South City Graveyard DU03478
- Dublin South City College DU01029
- Killakee Enclosure DU02135
- Dublin North City Burial ground DU00960
- Auburn Enclosure DU04520
- Dublin South City Religious house - Augustinian friars DU01300
- Dublin South City Church DU03363
- Woodtown Cursus DU04802
- Newtown (Coolock By., Finglas Ed) Ringfort - unclassified DU00592
- Dublin North City,Dublin South City Historic town DU04199
- Kilmashogue Megalithic tomb - portal tomb DU02082
- Tonlegee (Coolock By.) Ring-ditch DU00808
- Clonskeagh (Dublin By.) Redundant record DU01861
- Dublin North City,Dublin South City Bridge DU02849
- Dublin South City Kiln DU02969
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU03035
- Saintdoolaghs Church DU00718
- Balseskin Enclosure DU04399
- Dublin South City Chapel DU01069
- Dublin South City Meeting-house DU02980
- Shanganhill Ring-ditch DU03905
- Dublin South City Tannery DU03029
- Tonlegee (Coolock By.) Mill - unclassified DU00806
- Dublin South City Rock art (present location) DU03989
- Dublin South City Castle - Anglo-Norman masonry castle DU02537
- Kinsaley Enclosure DU04356
- Malahide Demesne Church DU00501
- Dublin South City Mill - unclassified DU01117
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03485
- Dublin South City House - 16th/17th century DU01381
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU02882
- Dublin South City Mill - unclassified DU02608
- Merryfalls Enclosure DU04462
- Dublin North City House - indeterminate date DU00987
- Dublin North City Mound DU00968
- Kilgobbin Urn burial DU02409
- Milltown (Newcastle By.) Water mill - unclassified DU01740
- Kilgobbin Graveyard DU02223
- Templeogue Well DU01827
- Dublin South City Mill - unclassified DU03388
- Dublin South City Cross DU01043
- Knocklyon Castle - tower house DU01778
- Dublin North City Glass works DU03477
- Dublin South City Ecclesiastical enclosure DU03414
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01235
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01267
- Kilgobbin Ritual site - holy well DU02224
- Kinsaley Enclosure DU04352
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01132
- Dublin North City Riverine revetment DU03792
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU03039
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01189
- Dublin South City House - Viking/Hiberno-Norse DU02947
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01158
- Dublin North City Riverine revetment DU03756
- Dublin South City Tomb - effigial DU04294
- Kinsaley Enclosure DU04358
- Simmonscourt Burial DU01850
- Dublin South City Chapel DU03011
- Dublin South City Building DU02770
- Dublin South City House - 18th century DU04878
- Dublin South City House - 16th/17th century DU02984
- Saintdoolaghs Cross DU00719
- Kill Of The Grange Cross DU01910
- Kill Of The Grange Cross DU03979
- Dublin South City Castle - unclassified DU01025
- Dublin North City Building DU03024
- St. Margaret'S Chapel DU00580
- Dublin South City Church DU02491
- Dublin South City House - 16th/17th century DU03482
- Crumlin Church DU01396
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU04822
- Monkstown Housefarm Church DU01895
- Common Enclosure DU04799
- Dublin South City Building DU02668
- Dublin North City Burial ground DU00959
- Dubber Castle - unclassified DU00612
- Kilmashogue Enclosure DU02090
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU04317
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU03790
- Dublin South City Mill - unclassified DU01160
- Cardiffsbridge Bridge DU00685
- Dublin South City House - 16th/17th century DU02880
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03544
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01224
- Kilbarrack Upper Ritual site - holy well DU00811
- Tiknock Ringfort - unclassified DU02093
- Dublin South City Mill - unclassified DU03111
- Kilmashogue Redundant record DU02214
- Scholarstown Ringfort - unclassified DU01779
- Dublin South City Meeting-house DU01087
- Kilgobbin Church DU02099
- Milltown (Uppercross By.) House - 18th/19th century DU01859
- Templeogue Graveslab DU03976
- Dublin South City Hospital DU01317
- Dublin North City Monumental structure DU04815
- Haroldscross House - 18th/19th century DU01424
- Cloghran (Coolock By.) Ringfort - unclassified DU00430
- Dublin South City Park DU01273
- Dublin North City Graveyard DU00956
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01125
- Cruagh Font DU02076
- Dublin South City Water mill - unclassified DU01223
- Rathingle Enclosure DU04835
- Broomfield (Coolock By.) Enclosure DU00508
- Dublin North City Mill - unclassified DU01046
- Crumlin Ecclesiastical enclosure DU03569
- Rathgar Enclosure DU03602
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01154
- Dublin South City Chapel DU01320
- Malahide Demesne Architectural fragment DU00504
- Dublin South City House - Viking/Hiberno-Norse DU02942
- Dublin South City Ritual site - holy well DU01275
- Grange (Coolock By., Malahide Ed) Ringfort - unclassified DU00707
- Violethill Little Quarry DU01485
- Dublin North City Graveslab DU02529
- Coldwinters (Castleknock By.) Enclosure DU00610
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01146
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04277
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01222
- Dublin South City College DU02707
- Dublin South City House - 18th century DU04887
- Dublin South City Sheela-na-gig (present location) DU04002
- Dublin South City Cross (present location) DU03958
- Dublin South City Meeting-house DU03483
- Claremont Mound DU00680
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01129
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU03026
- Dublin South City Latrine DU01051
- Kill Of The Grange Ritual site - holy tree/bush DU01949
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU01193
- Dublin South City Memorial stone DU04237
- Dublin South City Burial DU01206
- Kill Of The Grange Bullaun stone DU01909
- Dublin South City Mill - unclassified DU03417
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04279
- Balally Church DU01808
- Ballystrahan Field system DU04405
- Dublin North City Ecclesiastical site DU00955
- Rathmines South Mill - unclassified DU01864
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03517
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03393
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03484
- Dublin North City Quay DU03001
- Dublin North City Building DU01102
- Dublin North City Religious house - Cistercian monks DU04253
- Dublin South City Ecclesiastical residence DU01099
- Rathfarnham Water mill - unclassified DU01817
- Dublin South City Church DU01327
- Carrickmines Great Rock art DU03156
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03529
- Maynetown Enclosure DU00774
- Crumlin Windmill DU01403
- Butterfield Burial ground DU03898
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04316
- Dublin South City House - 17th/18th century DU04891
- Dublin North City Church DU01549
- Murphystown Burial ground DU03951
- Oldcourt Ritual site - holy well DU01792
- Clontarf East Bawn DU01547
- Drinan Burial DU04712
- Dublin North City Burial DU04819
- Dublin South City House - 17th/18th century DU04864
- Dublin South City Watercourse DU02641
- Dublin North City Graveslab DU04260
- Dublin South City Graveyard DU01984
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU03038
- Santry (Coolock By., Drumcondra Rural Ed) Ritual site - holy well DU00647
- Dublin South City House - 16th/17th century DU01237
- Grange (Coolock By., Malahide Ed) Burnt mound DU03754
- Malahide Demesne Castle - tower house DU00499
- Newtown (Coolock By., Finglas Ed) Ring-ditch DU04132
- Dublin South City Stone sculpture - iconic (present location) DU04032
- Dublin North City Burial ground DU02526
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU03882
- Kilgobbin Cross DU02105
- Dublin North City Quay DU02851
- Dublin North City House - 18th/19th century DU01183
- Tolka Bridge DU00951
- Dublin South City Stone head (present location) DU04427
- Dublin South City Cross-slab (present location) DU03949
- Dublin North City House - 18th/19th century DU01177
- Dublin South City Cross-slab (present location) DU04037
- Dublin North City Watercourse DU02623
- Dublin South City Burial ground DU03795
- Dublin North City Glasshouse DU01076
- Dublin South City Quay DU02870
- Dublin South City Church DU01335
- Malahide Demesne Graveyard DU00506
- Dublin South City Cross-slab (present location) DU04043
- Chapelizod,Dublin North City Enclosure DU04900
- Dublin South City Cross-inscribed stone (present location) DU04326
- Dublin South City Bridge DU02987
- Dublin North City Chapel DU01319
- Dublin South City Shambles DU01055
- Rathfarnham Church DU01767
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01288
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU03122
- Dublin North City Quay DU02836
- Woodland Ecclesiastical site DU01883
- Malahide Demesne Sheela-na-gig DU00503
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01122
- Dublin North City Chapel DU01081
- Saintdoolaghs Ritual site - holy well DU00720
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03471
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03492
- Dublin North City Graveyard DU03479
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU04321
- Belcamp Ringfort - unclassified DU00760
- Dubber Ring-ditch DU05005
- Roebuck (Rathdown By.) Castle - unclassified DU01776
- Harristown Enclosure DU00594
- Darndale Earthwork DU00790
- Dublin South City Inscribed stone (present location) DU04038
- Kingstown (Coolock By.) Field system DU04447
- Dublin South City Church DU01341
- Donnybrook East Ecclesiastical enclosure DU01459
- Malahide Demesne Architectural fragment DU00505
- Shallon (Castleknock By.) Enclosure DU04968
- Dublin South City House - 16th/17th century DU01059
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03532
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03531
- Dublin North City,Dublin South City Bridge DU02865
- Dublin South City Riverine revetment DU02570
- Dublin South City Pier/Jetty DU03542
- Dublin North City Chapel DU03433
- Dublin South City School DU01307
- Maynetown Enclosure DU04519
- Dublin South City Prison DU01292
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU01142
- Booterstown Designed landscape - tree-ring DU01879
- Dublin South City House - 17th/18th century DU04882
- Newtown (Coolock By., Coolock Ed) House - 16th/17th century DU00791
- Dublin South City Inn DU01139
- Dublin South City Memorial stone DU04250
- Burgage Enclosure DU04941
- Bettyville (Coolock By.),Dublin North City Armorial plaque DU01524
- Dublin North City Enclosure DU03866
- Kill Of The Grange Graveyard DU01904
- Kilgobbin Cross DU02109
- St. Margaret'S Ritual site - holy well DU00582
- Dublin South City Watercourse DU03043
- Springhill Field system DU04499
- Dublin South City Memorial stone DU04240
- Dublin South City Prison DU02986
- Dublin North City Building DU02671
- Dublin South City Cross (present location) DU03960
- Kilshane Church DU00600
- Dublin South City Religious house - Carmelite friars DU01303
- Dublin South City Pillory DU01050
- Rathfarnham House - fortified house DU01770
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01175
- Darndale House - 18th/19th century DU00788
- Dublin South City Riverine revetment DU02553
- Dublin South City School DU01308
- Deansgrange Font (present location) DU01914
- Artaine South Graveyard DU00682
- Dublin South City Building DU03541
- Dublin North City House - 16th/17th century DU02898
- Taylorsgrange Megalithic tomb - portal tomb DU01804
- Clonshagh (Coolock By., Kinsaley Ed) Ring-ditch DU04942
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04324
- Bonnybrook Burial mound DU00797
- Dublin South City Building DU01479
- Dublin North City Water mill - unclassified DU01525
- Toberburr Fulacht fia DU00387
- Dublin South City Religious house - Augustinian, of Arrouaise nuns DU01301
- Dublin South City Church DU01342
- Dublin South City Burial ground DU04212
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01276
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04313
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU04329
- Dublin South City Earthwork DU02583
- Springhill Ringfort - unclassified DU00775
- Killester North Graveyard DU01538
- Dublin South City Prison DU03439
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU02958
- Dublin North City House - 16th/17th century DU02878
- Dublin South City Memorial stone DU04214
- Balgriffin Park House - 16th/17th century DU00782
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU02939
- Kimmage (Rathdown By.) Mill - unclassified DU01422
- Dublin South City House - 16th/17th century DU03549
- Dublin South City Quay DU03108
- Dublin South City Memorial stone DU04234
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04268
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04289
- Dublin North City House - 16th/17th century DU00978
- Balgriffin Park Building DU00783
- Dublin North City Religious house - Benedictine nuns DU01260
- Dublin South City Building DU01062
- Common Ringfort - unclassified DU00385
- Dublin North City Graveslab (present location) DU04804
- Newtown (Coolock By., Finglas Ed) Ringfort - unclassified DU03904
- Dundrum Ecclesiastical enclosure DU01773
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU03973
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01123
- Foxrock Mound DU01947
- Raheny Windmill DU00823
- Dublin North City Burial ground DU01404
- Balseskin Enclosure DU04934
- Dublin South City Church DU01983
- Dublin North City Quay DU03537
- Dublin South City Windmill DU03881
- Templeogue Mill - unclassified DU01736
- Dublin North City Castle - unclassified DU01002
- Whitechurch Graveyard DU01796
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01190
- Unknown Mill - unclassified DU01423
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04276
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01124
- Dublin North City Meeting-house DU01073
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01297
- Dublin South City Burial ground DU01113
- Dublin South City Watchtower DU01040
- Dublin South City Tomb - effigial DU04221
- Dublin North City Burial DU03869
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU03044
- Finglas East Cross - High cross DU00671
- Dublin South City Crane house DU03115
- Kilgobbin Graveslab DU02101
- Dublin South City Quay DU02871
- Kill Of The Grange Church DU01903
- Dublin South City Riverine revetment DU02642
- Dublin South City Castle - motte DU02535
- Dublin South City Water mill - unclassified DU01866
- Cappoge Habitation site DU00622
- Finglas West House - 16th/17th century DU00666
- Cloghran (Coolock By.) Graveyard DU03915
- Dublin South City Wall monument DU04228
- Dublin South City Quay DU02868
- Dublin North City Almshouse DU04859
- Stillorgan Park Castle - unclassified DU04844
- Dublin North City Earthwork DU00953
- Dublin South City Rock art (present location) DU04524
- Dublin South City Well DU01309
- Stillorgan Grove House - medieval DU01892
- Dublin South City Church DU03424
- Rathfarnham Graveslab DU01769
- Dublin South City Meeting-house DU03473
- Dublin South City Quay DU02874
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04322
- Dublin North City Mill - unclassified DU02544
- Dublin South City Mill - unclassified DU01269
- Dublin South City Rock art (present location) DU03947
- Kilbarrack Upper Enclosure DU00820
- Springhill Enclosure DU00776
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01179
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01171
- Broghan Habitation site DU00636
- Dublin South City Quay DU02869
- Daneswell Ritual site - holy well DU00988
- Brenanstown Megalithic tomb - portal tomb DU02232
- Dublin South City Watercourse DU01310
- Cruagh Watchtower DU02077
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU03042
- Dublin South City Shambles DU01056
- Chapelizod Building DU04905
- Whitechurch Cross-slab DU01798
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03511
- Dublin South City Riverine revetment DU02577
- Saintdoolaghs Graveyard DU00723
- Dublin South City Memorial stone DU04243
- Dublin South City Memorial stone DU04238
- Dublin North City Bastioned fort DU00977
- Murphystown Castle - tower house DU01946
- Dublin South City Building DU03776
- Drumnigh Enclosure DU04748
- Dublin South City Quay DU03008
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01186
- Brenanstown Fulacht fia DU03764
- Dublin North City House - 17th/18th century DU04896
- Edmondstown Flat cemetery DU01793
- Dublin South City Watercourse DU02630
- Kilshane Castle - unclassified DU03681
- Rahulk Ring-ditch DU04481
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01296
- Dublin South City Watercourse DU03410
- Dublin South City Weir - regulating DU01410
- Dublin North City Well DU00973
- Santry (Coolock By., Drumcondra Rural Ed) Ecclesiastical enclosure DU00648
- St. Margaret'S Graveyard DU00579
- Kilmashogue Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb DU02084
- Stillorgan Park Cist DU04309
- Dublin South City House - Viking/Hiberno-Norse DU02938
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04325
- Dublin South City Inn DU01433
- Monkstown Castlefarm Castle - tower house DU01899
- Tonlegee (Coolock By.) Cross DU00807
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01121
- Meakstown House - 16th/17th century DU00614
- Grange (Coolock By., Coolock Ed) Burnt mound DU03775
- Greenhills Flat cemetery DU01732
- Portmarnock Mound DU00730
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU04299
- Santry Demesne House - 18th/19th century DU00624
- Dublin North City Enclosure DU03865
- Dubber Inn DU00634
- Newtown, Blackrock Cross DU01881
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU03985
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03509
- Dublin North City Bridge DU01250
- Seapoint Or Templehill Castle - unclassified DU01976
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03512
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU03022
- Dublin South City Water mill - unclassified DU01226
- Kilmashogue Enclosure DU02089
- Dublin North City Burial ground DU00961
- Taylorsgrange Church DU01805
- Killeek Enclosure DU00388
- Dublin South City Bridge DU02991
- Dublin South City Church DU01332
- Dublin North City Wall monument - effigial DU04256
- Donnybrook West Water mill - unclassified DU01467
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU03401
- Drinan House - 16th/17th century DU00491
- Middletown Enclosure DU04983
- Tonlegee (Coolock By.) Graveyard DU00804
- Dublin North City House - 16th/17th century DU02879
- Monkstown Castlefarm Gatehouse DU01900
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU03416
- Dublin South City Building DU02955
- Ballygall (Coolock By.) Enclosure DU00679
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU02765
- Kilgobbin Bullaun stone DU02110
- Cappoge Burial ground DU04739
- Killakee Standing stone DU02134
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU03036
- Dublin North City Mill - unclassified DU03012
- Dundrum Graveslab DU03977
- Dublin South City Graveyard DU03015
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01191
- Dublin South City Church DU02503
- Saintdoolaghs Field system DU04757
- Dublin South City Windmill DU03005
- Dublin South City House - 16th/17th century DU01306
- Ballystruan Cremation pit DU04742
- Portmarnock Structure DU04750
- Cruagh Cist DU02080
- Dublin South City Graveslab DU04535
- Dublin North City Graveslab DU04264
- Shanganhill Ringfort - unclassified DU03906
- Dublin South City Prison DU01037
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04266
- Crumlin House - 18th/19th century DU01839
- Dublin South City Quay DU02847
- Fosterstown South Burnt mound DU04643
- Dublin South City House - 16th/17th century DU01256
- Forrest Great Burial ground DU00426
- Dublin South City Architectural fragment DU04527
- Dublin South City Church DU02520
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04312
- Dublin South City Rock art (present location) DU03997
- Montpelier Megalithic tomb - passage tomb DU02071
- Templeogue Graveslab DU01762
- Taylorsgrange Ritual site - holy well DU01803
- Dublin South City Brickworks DU03438
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01208
- Dublin South City Cathedral DU03880
- Dublin South City Quay DU01128
- Dublin South City Tomb - effigial (present location) DU04293
- Donnybrook East House - 16th/17th century DU01451
- Haroldsgrange Enclosure DU01781
- Dublin North City Settlement cluster DU03870
- Dublin South City Tennis court DU01098
- Dublin South City Water mill - unclassified DU01347
- Cappoge Enclosure DU04740
- Raheny Church DU00816
- Dublin South City Quay DU03463
- Dublin North City House - 17th century DU04296
- Drinan Enclosure DU04717
- Dublin South City Building DU01057
- Jamestown Great House - indeterminate date DU00659
- Dublin South City Architectural feature DU03959
- Scholarstown Fulacht fia DU02921
- Dublin North City Sea wall DU03013
- Dublin South City Mass-house DU03006
- Rathfarnham Mass-house DU04204
- Drinan Enclosure DU04719
- Dublin North City Monumental structure DU04814
- Dublin South City Mill - unclassified DU01841
- Fosterstown South Enclosure DU04364
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01168
- Middletown Enclosure DU00716
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04269
- Dublin South City Cross-slab DU04229
- Crumlin Graveyard DU03568
- Cornelscourt Castle - tower house DU01950
- Dublin South City Bridge DU01449
- Dublin North City Bowling green DU01248
- Dublin South City Church DU01344
- Dublin North City House - indeterminate date DU01358
- Donnybrook East Mill - unclassified DU01453
- Belcamp Ring-ditch DU04371
- Donnybrook West Tomb - unclassified DU03874
- Dublin South City Building DU02666
- Dublin South City Mill - unclassified DU02621
- Dublin South City Mill - unclassified DU03418
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01144
- Merryfalls Enclosure DU04746
- Dublin North City Church DU03475
- Miltonsfields Structure DU04646
- Dublin South City Quay DU03450
- Dublin North City Quay DU03785
- Dublin South City Church DU01282
- Dublin South City Bridge DU02990
- Chapelizod Building DU04906
- Springhill Ring-ditch DU04966
- Dublin South City Hospital DU02698
- Dublin North City Graveslab DU04265
- Dublin North City Graveslab DU04257
- Dublin South City Chapel DU01324
- Kilmainham Prison DU03781
- Dublin South City Graveyard DU01089
- Dublin North City Church DU01261
- Dublin South City Windmill DU03390
- Dublin South City Chapel DU01325
- Dublin South City Guildhall DU01061
- Kilshane Enclosure DU03664
- Butterfield Ecclesiastical enclosure DU03899
- Dublin South City Graveslab DU04247
- Dublin South City Watercourse DU02643
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01266
- Dublin South City House - Viking/Hiberno-Norse DU02940
- Brenanstown Standing stone DU02404
- Auburn Mound DU00497
- Dublin South City Bullaun stone DU03988
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04287
- Dublin South City Chapel DU01176
- Dublin South City Building DU02951
- Dublin South City Guildhall DU03420
- Dublin South City House - 16th/17th century DU01448
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01149
- Cardiffscastle House - 17th century DU00664
- Dundrum Graveslab DU03711
- Dublin North City Mound DU01551
- Drumcondra Graveyard DU00993
- Dublin South City Castle - unclassified DU01852
- Dublin North City Religious house - Cistercian monks DU04252
- Dublin South City Building DU03040
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03530
- Carrickmines Great Castle - unclassified DU02227
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU03019
- Dublin South City Cross (present location) DU03948
- Balally Linear earthwork DU01831
- Pickardstown Inn DU00701
- Dublin South City Ecclesiastical residence DU01031
- Dublin North City Ritual site - holy well DU01542
- Kildonan Enclosure DU04744
- Woodside House - 16th/17th century DU01834
- Dublin South City Cross DU01047
- Dublin South City House - 17th/18th century DU04885
- Dublin South City Meeting-house DU01254
- Donnybrook West Graveyard DU01461
- Crowscastle Ritual site - holy well DU00429
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03534
- Dublin South City Watercourse DU02619
- Chapelizod Earthwork DU04903
- Portmarnock Structure DU04752
- Dublin North City Bridge DU00964
- Santry (Coolock By., Drumcondra Rural Ed) Church DU00644
- Dublin South City House - 17th/18th century DU04875
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU03398
- Saintdoolaghs Ring-ditch DU00725
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04281
- Greenwood Ring-ditch DU04517
- Dublin North City House - 16th/17th century DU01523
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04314
- Dublin South City Graveslab (present location) DU03946
- Dublin South City Memorial stone DU04244
- Dublin South City Burial ground DU04292
- Dublin North City Megalithic structure (present location) DU00974
- Dublin South City Watercourse DU01409
- Dublin South City Ritual site - holy well DU01314
- Dublin South City Building DU01053
- Saintdoolaghs Ring-ditch DU04964
- Dublin South City House - 18th/19th century DU01471
- Dublin South City Memorial stone DU04235
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03426
- Baldoyle Graveyard DU03373
- Drinan Cremation pit DU04714
- Dublin South City Church DU01164
- Baskin Enclosure DU04409
- Balally Ecclesiastical enclosure DU01809
- Dublin South City Maypole DU01426
- Belcamp Redundant record DU03366
- Balally Fulacht fia DU03195
- Dublin North City House - indeterminate date DU03491
- Templeogue Castle - tower house DU01763
- Donnybrook East,Donnybrook West Bridge DU03578
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU04283
- Dublin South City Rock art (present location) DU04328
- Ballystrahan Ring-ditch DU04933
- Dublin South City Watercourse DU01412
- Dublin South City House - medieval DU01039
- Santry (Coolock By., Drumcondra Rural Ed) Font DU00646
- Dublin North City House - 17th century DU04818
- Dublin South City Designed landscape feature DU03500
- Dublin South City Tannery DU02907
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU01151
- Dublin South City Font DU04223
- Kilshane Burial ground DU00601
- Dublin South City Inn DU01021
- Drinan Enclosure DU04715
- Clontarf East Castle - Anglo-Norman masonry castle DU01545
- Dublin North City Hospital DU03443
- Dublin South City Church DU02482
- Kilgobbin Church DU02222
- Balgriffin Park Graveslab DU00728
- Dublin South City Ogham stone (present location) DU04291
- Dublin South City House - 16th/17th century DU03124
- Dublin South City Water mill - unclassified DU01354
- Dubber Ring-ditch DU05004
- Dublin North City Bridge DU01249
- Dublin South City Habitation site DU03017
- Carrickmines Great Castle - ringwork DU03280
- Dublin South City Building DU02885
- Dublin South City Cross - High cross (present location) DU04033
- Artaine South Castle - unclassified DU00683
- Dublin South City House - 17th century DU04298
- Kinsaley Enclosure DU04351
- Dublin South City Cross - High cross (present location) DU04528
- Dublin North City House - 18th/19th century DU01182
- Dublin South City Settlement cluster DU03573
- Dublin South City Building DU01075
- Rahulk Enclosure DU04480
- Dublin South City House - indeterminate date DU03493
- Dublin South City Redundant record DU04273
- Irishtown (Dublin By.) Graveyard DU01443
- Donnybrook East,Donnybrook West Enclosure DU02933
- Dublin North City Well DU00970
- Dublin North City Burial ground DU03121
- Balcurris Ringfort - unclassified DU00654
- Dublin North City Castle - tower house DU00967
- Stillorgan South Ecclesiastical enclosure DU01891