Ballymore is a Village in the county of County Westmeath.
There are great places to visit near Ballymore.
Ballymore History
There are some historic monuments around Ballymore:
- Carrickaneha Ringfort - rath WM01760
- Ardnacrany North Ringfort - rath WM01126
- Ballintober Ringfort - rath WM02538
- Ardnurcher,Coolalough,Kilbeg,Spittaltown Settlement deserted - medieval WM02596
- Lisnagree Ringfort - rath WM02544
- Ballinkeeny Or Mosstown Burial ground WM01892
- Forgney Graveyard LF02046
- Bracknahevla Castle - unclassified WM01939
- Mullenmeehan Barrow - mound barrow WM01768
- Cartronkeel (Clonlonan By.) Meeting-house WM03451
- Killarecastle Enclosure - large enclosure WM01825
- Mullenmeehan Water mill - unclassified WM03957
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM01929
- Ballintober Souterrain WM04678
- Calliaghstown (Rathconrath By.) Mound WM01146
- Rathskeagh Upper Ringfort - rath WM01797
- Ballymulvey Designed landscape - tree-ring LF01674
- Paddinstown Lower Hut site WM04194
- Kilcumreragh Ecclesiastical enclosure WM03997
- Ballymulvey Earthwork LF02949
- Piercetown (Rathconrath By.) Ringfort - rath WM01162
- Killarecastle Ringfort - rath WM01834
- Bryanmore Upper Castle - unclassified WM03437
- Ballinkeeny Or Mosstown Ringfort - rath WM01893
- Forgney Ringfort - rath LF01690
- Ardborra Moated site WM01766
- Killeenbrack Ringfort - rath WM01882
- Abbeyshrule Graveslab LF01979
- Cartronkeel (Clonlonan By.) Sheela-na-gig WM03449
- Ardborra Moated site WM01763
- Cloncullen (Rathconrath By.) Bullring WM01131
- Clonboy Or Ballinacor Ringfort - rath WM01793
- Killachonna (Clibborn) House - indeterminate date WM04673
- Ballynagarbry Enclosure WM02477
- Knockdomny Mound WM03615
- Paddinstown Lower Ringfort - rath WM00585
- Kilcornan Ringfort - rath WM01718
- Dunnamona Ringfort - rath WM01717
- Ballybranigan House - indeterminate date LF01812
- Ballynahinch Crannog OF00003
- Forgney Fulacht fia LF03027
- Drumraney Earthwork WM01738
- Ballymulvey Castle - unclassified LF02510
- Forgney Ringfort - rath LF01689
- Abbeyshrule Graveslab LF02863
- Killarecastle Standing stone WM01828
- Killeenbrack Enclosure WM01896
- Mullaghcloe Castle - unclassified WM03649
- Laragh (Moycashel By.) Ringfort - rath WM02574
- Russagh Kiln - corn-drying OF04999
- Ballinlig Lower Designed landscape - tree-ring WM03810
- Killaroo Ringfort - rath WM01943
- Forgney Ringfort - rath LF01703
- Clooncullen Ringfort - rath LF01700
- Ballybeg (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM02567
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM02517
- Killeenbrack Barrow - mound barrow WM01898
- Clare Hut site WM04556
- Killarecastle Ritual site - holy well WM01837
- Ardnurcher Standing stone WM02577
- Creevaghmore House - 17th century LF02983
- Ballinive Ringfort - rath WM01879
- Newcastle Fulacht fia LF03031
- Rackavra Hut site WM04553
- Abbeyshrule Burial ground LF01974
- Knockdomny Barrow - bowl-barrow WM02475
- Moyvoughly Enclosure WM02397
- Clonyveey Barrow - ring-barrow WM01816
- Raheen Ringfort - rath WM01919
- Ballybrickoge Castle - motte and bailey WM02502
- Ballinderry (Clonlonan By.) Designed landscape - tree-ring WM02456
- Paddinstown Lower Ringfort - rath WM00581
- Paddinstown Lower Souterrain WM04190
- Shinglis Ringfort - rath WM01132
- Moyvoughly Standing stone WM02390
- Moyvore Earthwork WM01211
- Coolatoor Ringfort - rath WM02496
- Ballynafearagh (Rathconrath By., Umna Ed) Ringfort - rath WM01777
- Moyvoughly Enclosure WM04746
- Churchtown (Moygoish By.) Chapel WM00569
- Newcastle Ringfort - rath LF01676
- Cartronkeel (Clonlonan By.) Inscribed stone WM03608
- Ardnurcher House - medieval WM03460
- Killarecastle Ritual site - holy well WM03856
- Bawnoges Enclosure WM02485
- Ballinive Ringfort - unclassified WM01880
- Dungaghy Ringfort - unclassified WM01866
- Taghnafearagh Ringfort - rath WM01875
- Farnagh Ringfort - unclassified WM02473
- Abbeyshrule Earthwork LF02519
- Duneel Souterrain WM01244
- Ballymore Military camp WM01783
- Killeenbrack Castle - tower house WM01895
- Coolatoor Mound WM02495
- Mullaghcloe Mass-rock WM01788
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM02514
- Ballintober Enclosure WM04680
- Toorfelim Meeting-house WM02487
- Killarechurch Hut site WM04548
- Ballycloghduff (Kilkenny West By., Grogan Ed) Water mill - vertical-wheeled WM03892
- Bryanmore Upper Ringfort - rath WM01757
- Shinglis Enclosure WM03875
- Killeenbrack House - indeterminate date WM04564
- Ballymorin Castle - motte WM01248
- Tennalick Earthwork LF02101
- Raheen Earthwork WM01921
- Newcastle Burnt spread LF03028
- Dunegan Ringfort - rath WM02425
- Moyvoughly Enclosure WM04669
- Clooncallow Field system LF02440
- Calliaghstown (Rathconrath By.) Ringfort - rath WM01130
- Farnagh Castle - tower house WM02474
- Kilcumreragh Barrow - stepped barrow WM02570
- Lisnacask Ringfort - rath WM01160
- Cappaghjuan Standing stone WM01802
- Lisnacask Souterrain WM01161
- Ballycloghduff (Kilkenny West By., Grogan Ed) Ringfort - rath WM02384
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM01930
- Rath Enclosure LF01677
- Bracknahevla House - indeterminate date WM04578
- Ballymore Hospital WM03652
- Killeenbrack Ringfort - rath WM01897
- Killarechurch Ringfort - rath WM01838
- Killarecastle Ecclesiastical enclosure WM04020
- Clooncallow Graveyard LF02870
- Killininneen Castle - unclassified WM01758
- Calliaghstown (Rathconrath By.) Souterrain WM04357
- Relick (Longworth) Graveyard WM03677
- Dungaghy Ringfort - rath WM01867
- Moyvoughly Barrow - unclassified WM02391
- Ardnacrany North Graveyard WM03421
- Killarecastle Church WM01836
- Ballinkeeny Or Mosstown Ringfort - rath WM04567
- Abbeyshrule Cross LF02896
- Mullaghcloe Ritual site - holy well WM01789
- Pallas More Ringfort - rath LF01673
- Gortmore Barrow - mound barrow WM01143
- Faheeran Castle - unclassified OF00021
- Ballymore Religious house - Augustinian canons WM01815
- Paddinstown Lower Ringfort - rath WM01158
- Newcastle Bridge LF02509
- Mullaghcloe Ringfort - rath WM01787
- Killarecastle Bawn WM03853
- Ballymahon Historic town LF02508
- Killarecastle Cist WM01826
- Churchtown (Moygoish By.) Graveyard WM02942
- Cartronkeel (Clonlonan By.) Castle - tower house WM02483
- Killeenagroagh Ringfort - unclassified WM01944
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM01926
- Rackavra Ringfort - rath WM01871
- Labaun Ringfort - unclassified WM02420
- Coolatoor Ringfort - rath WM02508
- Paddinstown Lower House - indeterminate date WM04191
- Kilgawny Ringfort - rath WM01217
- Balrath (Corkaree By.) Ringfort - rath WM01190
- Streamstown (Moycashel By.) Ringfort - rath WM02522
- Paddinstown Lower Ringfort - rath WM00586
- Clare Ringfort - rath WM01918
- Rahadorrish Ringfort - unclassified WM01221
- Newcastle Pit LF03026
- Cartroncoragh Ritual site - holy well WM01739
- Harrystown Mass-rock WM03871
- Killeenbrack Ringfort - rath WM01936
- Keel (Shrule By.) Enclosure LF03055
- Forgney,Newcastle Fulacht fia LF03024
- Ballydoogan Ringfort - rath WM02424
- Ardnacrany North Ringfort - unclassified WM01141
- Killeenbrack Bawn WM03441
- Raheen Ringfort - rath WM01780
- Kilgawny Ringfort - rath WM01225
- Forgney Ritual site - holy well LF01701
- Piercetown (Rathconrath By.) Ringfort - rath WM03887
- Curraghboy (Rathconrath By.) Ringfort - rath WM01222
- Mosstown Demesne Ringfort - rath WM01894
- Syonan Barrow - unclassified WM02579
- Kilgawny House - indeterminate date WM04380
- Temple Patrick Graveyard WM04024
- Kilgawny Ringfort - rath WM01187
- Coolatoor Church WM02504
- Killeenbrack House - indeterminate date WM04562
- Ballinderry (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM02455
- Tennalick House - 17th century LF02099
- Temple Patrick Church WM01213
- Ballymore Military camp WM01813
- Dungaghy Ringfort - rath WM01869
- Mullaghcloe Ringfort - rath WM01786
- Raheen Children's burial ground WM01920
- Dungaghy Ringfort - rath WM01823
- Bracknahevla Ringfort - rath WM02512
- Labaun Ecclesiastical enclosure WM03973
- Knockdomny Ringfort - rath WM02478
- Labaun Church WM03820
- Ballinkeeny Or Mosstown House - indeterminate date WM04568
- Bracknahevla Ringfort - rath WM02513
- Moyvoughly Ringfort - rath WM02396
- Faheeran Bawn OF00022
- Drumraney Moated site WM01744
- Clonybane Enclosure WM04545
- Ballinkeeny Or Mosstown Cist WM01891
- Cloonkeen (Rathcline By.) Enclosure LF01672
- Ballybrickoge House - 17th century WM02535
- Ballinive House - indeterminate date WM04560
- Moyvoughly Ringfort - unclassified WM01778
- Churchtown (Moygoish By.) Ecclesiastical enclosure WM04054
- Drumraney Castle - motte WM01736
- Newtown (Delvin By.) Ringfort - rath WM01720
- Coolatoor Ringfort - rath WM02507
- Killeenbrack Ringfort - rath WM01887
- Pallas More Mound LF01616
- Cappantack Ringfort - rath WM02481
- Killarecastle Ritual site - holy well WM03857
- Coolatoor Barrow - mound barrow WM02506
- Ballymore Church WM01785
- Rathcastle Designed landscape - tree-ring WM01182
- Abbeyshrule Cross - High cross LF01978
- Ballintober House - indeterminate date WM04679
- Toorbeg Ringfort - unclassified WM01776
- Clare Ringfort - rath WM01873
- Killarecastle Ringfort - rath WM01830
- Castlegaddery Ringfort - rath WM00597
- Ardnacrany North Ringfort - unclassified WM01127
- Creevaghmore Ringfort - rath LF01684
- Coolatoor Stone head WM02497
- Ballybrickoge Burial ground WM02494
- Bryanmore Upper Castle - ringwork WM01770
- Streamstown (Moycashel By.) Ringfort - rath WM02525
- Clooncallow Enclosure LF01685
- Coolatoor Well WM01955
- Agharanagh (Shrule By.) Ringfort - rath LF01614
- Clyglass Enclosure WM01934
- Clooncallow Church LF02869
- Ballymore House - 16th/17th century WM03651
- Ballymahon Graveyard LF02045
- Ballymore Bastioned fort WM03647
- Ardnurcher Graveyard WM03869
- Ballymahon Church LF01670
- Knockdomny Earthwork WM03616
- Knockdomny House - indeterminate date WM04676
- Abbeyshrule Ringfort - rath LF01680
- Paddinstown Lower Ringfort - rath WM00582
- Moyvoughly Earthwork WM03603
- Legan (Clonlonan By., Mount Temple Ed) House - indeterminate date WM04666
- Cloghbreen Ringfort - unclassified WM01772
- Knockdomny Ringfort - rath WM02445
- Moyvoughly Enclosure WM04667
- Kilcumreragh Graveyard WM03693
- Killeenbrack Ringfort - rath WM01885
- Killarecastle Castle - unclassified WM03851
- Ballycloghduff (Kilkenny West By., Grogan Ed) Ringfort - rath WM02383
- Tobercormick Designed landscape feature WM01245
- Ardnurcher Ritual site - holy well WM02588
- Ballycloghduff (Kilkenny West By., Grogan Ed) Castle - unclassified WM03891
- Lisnagree Ringfort - rath WM02545
- Forgney Church LF01702
- Laragh (Moycashel By.) Ringfort - rath WM02573
- Rackavra Ringfort - rath WM01822
- Ardnurcher Wall monument - effigial WM03463
- Legan (Clonlonan By., Mount Temple Ed) Ringfort - rath WM02381
- Shurock (Clonlonan By.) Earthwork WM02447
- Abbeyshrule Graveyard LF03006
- Ardnurcher Town defences WM03462
- Gibstown Standing stone WM01803
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM02511
- Baskin High Castle - unclassified WM01746
- Laragh (Moycashel By.) Castle - tower house WM02548
- Relick (Longworth) Cross-slab WM03427
- Ballynagrenia Castle - ringwork WM02493
- Clare Ringfort - rath WM01863
- Ballymore Graveyard WM03650
- Kilcatherina Ringfort - rath WM02569
- Abbeyshrule Graveslab LF02864
- Cartroncoragh Graveyard WM03898
- Creevagh Beg Burial LF02857
- Newtown (Delvin By.) Ringfort - rath WM01149
- Kilnahinch Burial ground WM02454
- Derryhall Ringfort - rath WM02541
- Shinglis Ringfort - unclassified WM01781
- Moyvoughly Barrow - bowl-barrow WM02392
- Clonybane Ringfort - rath WM01818
- Moyvoughly Earthwork WM04668
- Cartronkeel (Clonlonan By.) Bawn WM03755
- Ballymore Mausoleum WM03870
- Ballydoogan Ringfort - rath WM02423
- Ardnacrany North Graveslab WM03422
- Duneel Ringfort - rath WM01790
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Enclosure WM02500
- Ballinderry (Clonlonan By.),Kilnahinch Crannog WM02489
- Creevaghmore Ringfort - rath LF01695
- Rowlandstown Souterrain WM01167
- Ballinlig Lower Barrow - ring-barrow WM01916
- Faheeran Enclosure OF00025
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM02521
- Bawnoges Ringfort - rath WM02486
- Kilgawny Road - road/trackway WM01219
- Rathcastle Souterrain WM04371
- Tullagh Upper Or Killeenbane Ringfort - rath WM01945
- Cooleen Enclosure WM02451
- Barry (Shrule By., Ballymahon Ed) Enclosure LF01613
- Shurock (Clonlonan By.) Architectural feature WM03861
- Shurock (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM02450
- Ballynagall (Moycashel By.) Ringfort - rath WM02491
- Coolatoor Architectural fragment WM03459
- Killaroo Ringfort - rath WM01937
- Moyvore Earthwork WM01179
- Kilcumreragh Chapel WM04273
- Rathcogue Ringfort - rath WM01154
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM02510
- Streamstown (Moycashel By.) Ringfort - rath WM02524
- Mullaghcloe Kiln - lime WM02933
- Bracknahevla Ringfort - rath WM01940
- Moyvoughly House - indeterminate date WM04536
- Rathcaled Souterrain WM04189
- Tennalick Architectural fragment LF02985
- Toorevagh Ringfort - rath WM01145
- Tobercormick Standing stone WM01801
- Ardnacrany North Ringfort - rath WM01124
- Killarechurch Church WM01840
- Rath Upper Ringfort - rath WM01140
- Paddinstown Upper Ringfort - rath WM00588
- Ballymore Standing stone WM01814
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown House - indeterminate date WM04573
- Killeenbrack House - indeterminate date WM04563
- Coolatoor Inscribed stone WM03458
- Harrystown Water mill - vertical-wheeled WM03872
- Fairfield Ritual site - holy well WM04753
- Tobercormick Ritual site - holy well WM04385
- Ballybranigan Ringfort - rath LF01615
- Clonboy Or Ballinacor Ringfort - unclassified WM01800
- Ballinive Ringfort - rath WM01881
- Aghanargit Bullaun stone WM02488
- Dunegan Bawn WM04672
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM02518
- Clooncullen Enclosure LF01686
- Shurock (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM02426
- Mosstown Demesne Castle - unclassified WM01931
- Sheean (Rathconrath By.) Enclosure WM04643
- Curraghboy (Rathconrath By.) Ringfort - rath WM01186
- Labaun Redundant record WM02419
- Ballynalone Redundant record WM01719
- Ardnacrany North Religious house - Carmelite friars WM01129
- Kilgawny Ringfort - rath WM01218
- Duneel Castle - ringwork WM01791
- Moategranoge Castle - motte and bailey WM02482
- Cartron (Shrule By.) Ringfort - rath LF01694
- Keenoge Ritual site - holy well WM01241
- Clare House - indeterminate date WM04546
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Souterrain WM04574
- Clooneen (Shrule By.) Earthwork LF03065
- Ballymore Castle - tower house WM03466
- Newtown (Delvin By.) Ringfort - unclassified WM01148
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM02501
- Ballymacartan Earthwork WM01240
- Labaun Earthwork WM02418
- Shinglis Enclosure WM03874
- Ardnurcher Castle - motte and bailey WM02591
- Ballymore Castle - motte and bailey WM01784
- Rathskeagh Upper Ecclesiastical enclosure WM04021
- Knockdomny Ringfort - rath WM02468
- Clynan Ringfort - rath LF01679
- Abbeyshrule Redundant record LF02996
- Ballinive Enclosure - large enclosure WM01878
- Ballintober Ringfort - rath WM02539
- Kilcumreragh Chapel WM04271
- Temple Patrick Water mill - vertical-wheeled WM01242
- Clare Ringfort - rath WM01872
- Coolatoor Ringfort - rath WM02498
- Noughaval Ringfort - rath WM01123
- Ballinive Hut site WM04559
- Dalystown (Rathconrath By.) Moated site WM01243
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Castle - unclassified WM01928
- Dunlom West Ringfort - rath WM02421
- Abbeyshrule Cross-slab LF01975
- Killarecastle Castle - motte and bailey WM01835
- Ardnacrany North Wall monument WM03424
- Dalystown (Rathconrath By.) Ringfort - rath WM01247
- Dalystown (Rathconrath By.) House - indeterminate date WM04381
- Ballymore,Clonyveey,Mullaghcloe Settlement deserted - medieval WM01962
- Williamstown (Rathconrath By.) Ringfort - rath WM01153
- Ballinive House - indeterminate date WM04557
- Killarechurch Ringfort - rath WM01839
- Clonnamanagh,Mullaghcloe Religious house - Cistercian nuns WM02966
- Forgney Ringfort - rath LF01705
- Killarecastle Building WM03849
- Curraghboy (Rathconrath By.) Ringfort - rath WM01185
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM01923
- Killeenbrack Ringfort - rath WM01888
- Killarecastle Field system WM01831
- Correagh (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM02388
- Lisnagree Ringfort - rath WM02520
- Ballinlig Upper Earthwork WM01917
- Coolatoor Ritual site - holy well WM02505
- Carrickaneha Ringfort - rath WM01761
- Ballynalone Ringfort - rath WM01722
- Ardnurcher Church WM02590
- Abbeyshrule Redundant record LF02997
- Laragh (Moycashel By.) Bawn WM02549
- Shinglis Castle - unclassified WM01235
- Knockdomny Ringfort - rath WM02467
- Dungaghy Ringfort - rath WM01865
- Cartroncoragh Ecclesiastical enclosure WM03901
- Coolatoor Ringfort - rath WM02509
- Ballycloghduff (Kilkenny West By., Grogan Ed) Ringfort - rath WM02382
- Abbeyshrule Graveslab LF02865
- Streamstown (Moycashel By.) Ringfort - rath WM02526
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM01942
- Cloghbreen Ringfort - unclassified WM01771
- Forgney Burnt pit LF03025
- Lugacaha Crannog WM03468
- Gortmore Barrow - mound barrow WM01142
- Ardnacrany North Field system WM01128
- Dungaghy Ringfort - rath WM01870
- Coolatoor Ringfort - rath WM02499
- Newcastle House - 17th century LF01675
- Clooneen (Shrule By.) Ringfort - rath LF01691
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown House - indeterminate date WM04575
- Killarechurch Graveyard WM03685
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM01924
- Bryanmore Upper Ringfort - rath WM01759
- Streamstown (Moycashel By.) Ringfort - rath WM02515
- Ardbuckan Enclosure WM01767
- Killeenerk Ringfort - rath WM01249
- Burrow Or Glennanummer Fulacht fia OF04989
- Killeenboy Ringfort - rath WM01239
- Shinglis Crannog WM01782
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM01938
- Noughaval Ringfort - rath WM01119
- Bryanmore Upper House - indeterminate date WM04538
- Kilcurry Ringfort - rath LF01618
- Lisnagree Ringfort - rath WM02546
- Bracknahevla Ringfort - rath WM01941
- Drumanure Cross - High cross (present location) LF02861
- Corgarve Barrow - ring-barrow WM02576
- Lisnagree Ringfort - rath WM02540
- Rackavra Ringfort - rath WM01832
- Cartron Glebe Crannog OF00016
- Clare Castle - tower house WM01862
- Paddinstown Upper Ringfort - rath WM01159
- Newcastle Burnt spread LF03030
- Cartronkeel (Clonlonan By.) Burial ground WM02484
- Ardnurcher Ecclesiastical enclosure WM03992
- Rowlandstown Earthwork WM01166
- Clonyveey Ringfort - rath WM01817
- Rathskeagh Upper Ringfort - unclassified WM01798
- Killeenbrack Ringfort - rath WM01889
- Knockdomny Ringfort - rath WM02476
- Burrow Or Glennanummer Fulacht fia OF04990
- Dalystown (Rathconrath By.) Enclosure WM01246
- Killeenbrack Ringfort - rath WM01884
- Newcastle Burnt spread LF03029
- Killachonna (Clibborn) Ringfort - rath WM02453
- Ardborra House - indeterminate date WM04535
- Feargarrow Ringfort - rath OF00020
- Maddadoo Ringfort - rath WM01819
- Piercetown (Rathconrath By.) Ringfort - rath WM01157
- Killarecastle Building WM03852
- Ballymore Bawn WM03876
- Brackagh (Kilcoursey By.) Ringfort - rath OF00023
- Rathcaled Standing stone WM04188
- Duneel Castle - unclassified WM04539
- Abbeyshrule Graveslab LF01976
- Killeenbrack Ringfort - rath WM01883
- Temple Patrick Ecclesiastical enclosure WM04025
- Lissanode Earthwork WM01775
- Ballintober Ringfort - rath WM02537
- Lissanode Ringfort - rath WM01765
- Abbeyshrule Castle - tower house LF01973
- Ardborra Souterrain WM01762
- Ballymore,Mullaghcloe Redundant record WM04282
- Temple Patrick Barrow - ring-barrow WM01264
- Cartronkeel (Clonlonan By.) Architectural feature WM03450
- Carrickbeg Enclosure LF01683
- Dungaghy Ringfort - rath WM01868
- Paddinstown Lower House - indeterminate date WM04192
- Kilgawny Ringfort - rath WM01216
- Drumraney Ringfort - rath WM01737
- Ballycloghduff (Kilkenny West By., Grogan Ed) Ringfort - rath WM02386
- Creevaghmore Ringfort - rath LF01681
- Taghnafearagh Ringfort - rath WM01874
- Clonboy Or Ballinacor Ringfort - rath WM01794
- Killachonna (Clibborn) Ringfort - rath WM02452
- Gibstown Earthwork WM01804
- Baskin Low Burial mound WM01741
- Killarecastle,Rackavra Cist WM01827
- Piercetown (Rathconrath By.) Moated site WM01155
- Rathskeagh Upper Burial mound WM01795
- Bellanalack,Knockdomny Castle - ringwork WM02444
- Mount Temple Settlement cluster WM02409
- Relick (Longworth) Ecclesiastical enclosure WM03426
- Ballymulvey Fish-pond LF02948
- Cartroncoragh Church WM01740
- Coolatoor Earthwork WM02503
- Newtown (Delvin By.) Ringfort - rath WM01150
- Duneel Castle - tower house WM01792
- Drumraney Barrow - unclassified WM01743
- Ballybranigan Ringfort - rath LF01668
- Moyvoughly Castle - unclassified WM02393
- Beltacken Ringfort - rath WM01215
- Cartroncoragh Graveslab WM03900
- Templemacateer Ecclesiastical enclosure WM02587
- Mount Temple Ringfort - rath WM02410
- Cloghan (Shrule By.),Tennalick Bridge LF02909
- Lugacaha Redundant record WM03469
- Clooncullen Ringfort - rath LF01697
- Moyvoughly Earthwork WM02387
- Lisnagree Enclosure WM02543
- Bracknahevla Field system WM04577
- Ballinkeeny Or Mosstown House - indeterminate date WM04569
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM02516
- Newtown (Delvin By.) Ringfort - rath WM01151
- Ballinkeeny Or Mosstown Water mill - unclassified WM03953
- Clare Ringfort - unclassified WM01864
- Fairfield Enclosure WM01773
- Cartron Glebe Ringfort - rath OF00019
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM01927
- Carricknagower Barrow - unclassified WM01721
- Cloonkeen (Rathcline By.) Ringfort - rath LF01671
- Killeenbrack Hut site WM04561
- Shurock (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM02449
- Rathcastle Ringfort - rath WM01183
- Ballycloghduff (Kilkenny West By., Grogan Ed) Exhibitionist figure (present location) WM02389
- Forgney House - indeterminate date LF01825
- Rackavra Ringfort - rath WM01833
- Kilgawny Ringfort - rath WM01224
- Ballymorin Cross WM01251
- Newcastle Ringfort - rath LF01687
- Tullybane Ringfort - rath WM02439
- Rathskeagh Lower Ringfort - rath WM01824
- Moyvoughly Bullaun stone WM02395
- Russagh Enclosure OF00027
- Forgney Ringfort - rath LF01688
- Paddinstown Lower,Paddinstown Upper Castle - unclassified WM00587
- Ballymahon Bridge LF02505
- Ballydoogan Enclosure - large enclosure WM02427
- Lisnagree Ringfort - rath WM02542
- Drumraney House - indeterminate date WM04533
- Ballymore Road - hollow-way WM03648
- Newtown (Kilcoursey By., Kilcumreragh Ed) Enclosure OF00026
- Rathskeagh Upper Barrow - mound barrow WM01796
- Labaun Graveyard WM02415
- Ballinderry (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM02568
- Lissanode Castle - unclassified WM01774
- Cloghbane Ringfort - rath WM03811
- Carrickaneha Burial mound WM01764
- Killeennanam Moated site WM01754
- Dunlom East Ringfort - rath WM02422
- Ballybeg (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM03817
- Clare Ringfort - rath WM01821
- Bracknahevla Castle - ringwork WM04576
- Curraghboy (Rathconrath By.) Ringfort - rath WM01181
- Cartroncoragh Graveslab WM03899
- Dunegan Castle - tower house WM02446
- Ballymahon Ringfort - rath LF01669
- Aghnabohy Ringfort - rath WM01180
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM02519
- Pallas Beg Castle - unclassified LF01617
- Ardnurcher Standing stone WM02589
- Abbeyshrule Religious house - Cistercian monks LF01619
- Calliaghstown (Rathconrath By.) Mound WM01125
- Kilnahinch Church WM03653
- Rathcaled Barrow - mound barrow WM00579
- Clynan Mound LF01678
- Paddinstown Lower Hut site WM04193
- Clonybane Ringfort - rath WM01860
- Ballinkeeny Or Mosstown Ringfort - rath WM01877
- Killaroo House - indeterminate date WM04579
- Kilgawny Moated site WM01223
- Ballinlavin Ringfort - unclassified WM01935
- Tonlemony Ringfort - rath WM01214
- Kilmurragh Ringfort - rath OF00018
- Ardbrennan Ringfort - rath WM01829
- Milltown (Rathconrath By., Ballymore Ed) Burnt mound WM03873
- Labaun Castle - motte and bailey WM02417
- Rath Upper Ringfort - rath WM01139
- Abbeyshrule Architectural fragment LF01977
- Ardnurcher Burial Vault WM04132
- Killeenbrack Ringfort - rath WM01890
- Clonybane Ringfort - rath WM01859
- Relick (Longworth) Church WM01156
- Rathcaled Ringfort - rath WM00580
- Paddinstown Lower Ringfort - rath WM00583
- Shinglis Ringfort - unclassified WM01237
- Rathskeagh Upper Church WM01799
- Kilcumreragh Church WM02571
- Tullaghnageeragh Ringfort - rath WM02479
- Killeenbrack Ringfort - rath WM01886
- Feargarrow Enclosure OF00015
- Labaun Ringfort - rath WM02411
- Raheen Ringfort - rath WM01779
- Clare Bawn WM04551
- Paddinstown Lower Ringfort - rath WM00584
- Laragh (Moycashel By.) Ringfort - rath WM02572
- Ballinkeeny Or Mosstown House - indeterminate date WM04565
- Shinglis Enclosure WM01236
- Ballinive Hut site WM04558
- Cloncullen (Rathconrath By.) Ringfort - rath WM03815
- Sheean (Rathconrath By.) Ringfort - unclassified WM01164
- Cartron (Shrule By.) Ringfort - rath LF01696
- Ballincurra Ringfort - rath WM01184
- Balrath (Rathconrath By., Skeagh Ed) Barrow - unclassified WM01220
- Ballintober Ringfort - rath WM02536
- Ardnacrany North Ecclesiastical enclosure WM03423
- Baskin High Ringfort - rath WM01745
- Syonan Castle - tower house WM02578
- Streamstown (Moycashel By.) Ringfort - rath WM02523
- Curraghboy (Rathconrath By.) Ringfort - unclassified WM01188
- Bryanmore Upper Ritual site - holy well WM04534
- Shurock (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM02448
- Bellanalack Ringfort - rath WM02443
- Ballinaspick Or Bishopstown Ringfort - rath WM01925
- Clare Ringfort - rath WM01922
- Ballynagall (Moycashel By.) Ringfort - rath WM02492
- Burrow Or Glennanummer Fulacht fia OF05002
- Abbeyshrule Bridge LF02498
- Moyvoughly Ritual site - holy well WM02394
- Shinglis Military camp WM01238
- Dungaghy House - indeterminate date WM04547
- Snimnagorta Standing stone WM01747
- Ballycloghduff (Kilkenny West By., Grogan Ed) Ringfort - rath WM02385
- Killininneen Ringfort - unclassified WM01756
- Kilmurragh Ringfort - rath OF00017
- Clyglass Ringfort - cashel WM01933
- Labaun Cross-slab (present location) WM02416
- Gortmore Ringfort - rath WM01144
- Clooncullen Enclosure LF01698
- Lisnagree Ringfort - rath WM02550
- Killachonna (Castlemaine) Ringfort - rath WM03614
- Forgney Ringfort - rath LF01704
- Keel (Shrule By.) Ringfort - rath LF01699
- Raheen Enclosure - large enclosure WM01915
- Snimnagorta Souterrain WM01748
- Newtown (Kilcoursey By., Kilcumreragh Ed) Ringfort - unclassified OF00024
- Taghnafearagh Ringfort - unclassified WM01876
- Cartron Glebe Standing stone OF00062