Ballykeeran is a Village in the county of County Westmeath.
There are great places to visit near Ballykeeran.
Ballykeeran History
There are some historic monuments around Ballykeeran:
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Stone head WM03598
- Creggy Enclosure WM01138
- Cloghannagarragh Ringfort - rath WM01700
- Killogeenaghan Ringfort - rath WM02461
- Lackan Ringfort - rath WM01663
- Walderstown Castle - tower house WM01751
- Kilkenny West Font (present location) WM03893
- Bolinarra Bawn WM04697
- Cornafulla Post row - peatland RO06319
- Kilkenny West Crannog WM04508
- Collegeland Children's burial ground WM02348
- Kilkenny Abbey Church WM01725
- Ardnagragh (Digby) Ringfort - rath WM01730
- Moydrum (Brawny By.) Burial WM03726
- Lisnascreen Ringfort - rath WM01681
- Athlone Cross-slab WM03797
- Waterstown Barrow - bowl-barrow WM01690
- Killogeenaghan Ringfort - rath WM02812
- Annagh Ritual site - holy well WM04754
- Athlone Tomb - table tomb WM03496
- Athlone Graveyard WM03692
- Killogeenaghan Ringfort - rath WM02365
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06311
- Nahod Little Ringfort - rath WM02429
- Ballynahown Ringfort - rath WM02803
- Athlone Memorial stone WM03487
- Ballynakill (Kilkenny West By.) Bawn WM04506
- Kilkenny Lanesborough Ringfort - rath WM01728
- Ballymurry Ringfort - rath WM02437
- Cannorstown (Hogan) Castle - unclassified WM01106
- Clonaderg Redundant record OF02845
- Athlone Cross-slab WM03495
- Killininneen Mass-rock WM04448
- Athlone Redundant record WM03552
- Rathduff (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM02431
- Cornafulla Structure - peatland RO06324
- Hall Ringfort - rath WM02837
- Clonkeen (Kilkenny West By.) Graveyard WM02950
- Clonydonnin Enclosure WM02850
- Portlick Castle - tower house WM02937
- Rathmore (Shrule By.) Bridge LF02931
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Redundant record OF02836
- Kilcleagh Bastioned fort WM02816
- Killomenaghan Ritual site - holy well WM03859
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Redundant record OF02830
- Ballycahillroe Church WM02822
- Kilcleagh Church WM02817
- Kilkenny West Font WM03897
- Ballaghkeeran Little House - indeterminate date WM04515
- Bunown Castle - tower house WM01676
- Carrickobreen Inauguration site WM04662
- Creaghduff Ringfort - rath WM01692
- Ballynahownwood Road - class 3 togher WM03014
- Ballynacliffy Castle - tower house WM01092
- Clonkeen (Kilkenny West By.) Church WM01114
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Inscribed stone (present location) WM03601
- Tully Inauguration site WM02355
- Curraghnaboll Platform - peatland RO07502
- Kilkenny West Cross WM03894
- Creeve (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM02376
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Castle - unclassified WM03562
- Inchmore Religious house - Augustinian canons WM01098
- Athlone Redundant record WM03561
- Bunown Ringfort - rath WM01687
- Killinure North Bullaun stone WM01670
- Kilfaughny Ringfort - rath WM01662
- Garrycastle House - fortified house WM02350
- Aghavoneen Enclosure WM02814
- Ballykeeran Rabbit warren WM02325
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06306
- Creeve (Clonlonan By.) House - early medieval WM04663
- Ballaghkeeran Little House - indeterminate date WM04513
- Nahod Little Ringfort - rath WM02430
- Ballynahownwood Road - class 3 togher WM03012
- Killinroan Ringfort - rath WM02438
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Armorial plaque WM03516
- Creeve (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM02371
- Athlone House - 17th century WM03479
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06321
- Ardnagragh (Digby) Ringfort - rath WM01753
- Athlone Graveslab WM03637
- Bunown Church WM01685
- Fassagh Ecclesiastical enclosure WM03974
- Brittas(Kilkenny West By.) Ringfort - rath WM01749
- Athlone Town defences WM02339
- Lissoy Ringfort - rath WM01108
- Littletown Souterrain WM04350
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06310
- Kilkenny Abbey Ringfort - rath WM01729
- Blyry Upper Redundant record WM02349
- Cartronkeel (Kilkenny West By.) Ringfort - rath WM01679
- Portaneena Ringfort - rath WM01695
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06317
- Athlone Church WM02342
- Barry Beg Road - road/trackway RO06623
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Armorial plaque WM03508
- Boardsland Ringfort - rath WM01702
- Auburn (Lough Mareegan) Crannog WM01667
- Cloonown Church RO05907
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Barracks WM03564
- Killogeenaghan Ringfort - rath WM02459
- Inchbofin Graveyard WM03738
- Tullyhogan Ringfort - rath WM01701
- Lackan Ringfort - unclassified WM04351
- Magheramore Ringfort - rath WM02465
- Creeve (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM02374
- Killomenaghan Graveyard WM02961
- Bolyconor Moated site WM02845
- Ballynahownwood Road - class 3 togher WM02806
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Redundant record OF02837
- Creeve (Clonlonan By.) Earthwork WM02370
- Walderstown Ringfort - rath WM01755
- Inchbofin Ecclesiastical enclosure WM03736
- Ballymurry Barrow - stepped barrow WM02435
- Killinroan Enclosure WM02441
- Creeve (Clonlonan By.) Enclosure WM02373
- Inchbofin Cross-slab WM03747
- Aghavoneen Ringfort - rath WM02810
- Creggan Lower Ringfort - rath WM02352
- Kilcleagh Castle - unclassified WM02819
- Ballynacliffy Burial ground WM01100
- Littletown Ringfort - unclassified WM04353
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Redundant record OF02835
- Rathmore (Shrule By.) Ecclesiastical site LF02987
- Aghavoneen Castle - ringwork WM02813
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Redundant record WM03560
- Tobernagauhoge Ringfort - rath WM01703
- Athlone House - 17th century WM02337
- Hare Island Ecclesiastical enclosure WM01682
- Tully Enclosure WM04764
- Clonbrusk Standing stone - pair WM02323
- Coolvin Earthwork WM01121
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06302
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Armorial plaque (present location) WM03482
- Tully Ringfort - rath WM02434
- Twyford Castle - motte WM02328
- Athlone Inscribed stone WM03478
- Williamstown (Clonlonan By.) Architectural fragment WM02490
- Ballynahownwood Road - class 3 togher WM03019
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Redundant record WM03558
- Inchbofin Ecclesiastical enclosure WM03739
- Lissoy Ringfort - rath WM01665
- Cornafulla Structure - peatland RO06326
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06293
- Ranelagh Battery WM02331
- Ballycahillroe Well WM02820
- Rathmore (Shrule By.) Ringfort - rath LF01667
- Garrynafela Castle - unclassified WM01694
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06290
- Athlone Redundant record WM03553
- Inchbofin Building WM03737
- Hall Ringfort - rath WM02836
- Ardnagragh (Digby) Ringfort - rath WM01752
- Cloonown Redundant record RO05908
- Carnpark Ritual site - holy well WM02399
- Ballynahownwood Structure - peatland WM03015
- Garrynafela Barrow - mound barrow WM02367
- Killogeenaghan Ringfort - rath WM02809
- Laughil (Garrycastle By.) Enclosure OF00198
- Kilfaughny Earthwork WM01666
- Lisdachon Ringfort - rath WM01709
- Esker Standing stone OF00222
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06332
- Inchbofin Church WM01088
- Cornafulla Structure - peatland RO06315
- Glen (Clonlonan By.) Designed landscape - tree-ring WM04767
- Bunown Field system WM01686
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06295
- Athlone Market-house WM02338
- Creeve (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM02375
- Ballaghkeeran Little Burial mound WM04517
- Ballynahown Bullaun stone WM02796
- Corracullin Redundant record OF00301
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Castle - Anglo-Norman masonry castle WM02334
- Lisdossan Ringfort - rath WM01704
- Bolinarra Castle - unclassified WM02832
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06297
- Pearsonsbrook Souterrain WM04512
- Rathmore (Shrule By.) Redundant record LF01664
- Killomenaghan Church WM02792
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Memorial stone WM03515
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06292
- Doonis Ringfort - rath WM01093
- Clonydonnin Ringfort - rath WM02848
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Armorial plaque WM03512
- Athlone South Religious house - Cluniac monks WM02335
- Clonaderg Redundant record OF02844
- Clogher,Corbrack Bridge WM03752
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06308
- Kilkenny West Architectural fragment WM03895
- Hall Ringfort - rath WM02835
- Cloonbonny Barrow - bowl-barrow WM02358
- Athlone Well WM03518
- Cornafulla Structure - peatland RO06331
- Creeve (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM01769
- Doonis Ringfort - rath WM01095
- Whinning Ringfort - rath WM01656
- Ballymurry Ringfort - rath WM02436
- Dunnamona Settlement deserted - medieval WM01711
- Pearsonsbrook Ringfort - rath WM01689
- Killinure Castle - tower house WM04269
- Clonkeen (Kilkenny West By.) Earthwork WM01112
- Ballycahillroe Ecclesiastical enclosure WM03977
- Clonaderg Redundant record OF02846
- Kilcleagh Mill - corn WM02818
- Ballaghkeeran Little Pier/Jetty WM04516
- Kilkenny Abbey Graveyard WM03684
- Cloonown Ritual site - holy well RO05912
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Memorial stone WM03510
- Athlone Memorial stone WM03486
- Rathmore (Shrule By.) Redundant record LF01665
- Ballynahownwood Redundant record WM03016
- Kilbillaghan Mill - unclassified WM03949
- Lissakillen South Ringfort - rath WM01672
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Inscribed stone WM03505
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Armorial plaque (present location) WM03484
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Post row - peatland OF02840
- Aghanashanamore Burial ground WM03757
- Clonydonnin Bullaun stone (present location) WM03867
- Loughandonning Ritual site - holy well WM02346
- Waterstown Crannog WM04518
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Cross-slab (present location) WM03493
- Kilcleagh Graveyard WM03697
- Corracullin Enclosure OF00295
- Aghavoneen Ringfort - rath WM02815
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06307
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06309
- Hall Ritual site - holy well WM03610
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Redundant record OF02839
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Armorial plaque WM03514
- Creevenamanagh Ringfort - rath WM01705
- Hare Island Church WM02967
- Athlone Redundant record WM03551
- Carnpark Castle - tower house WM02400
- Killinroan Burial ground WM02440
- Clonkeen (Kilkenny West By.) Ringfort - unclassified WM01113
- Ballynahownwood Road - class 2 togher WM03002
- Bellaugh Fortification WM02332
- Moydrum (Brawny By.) Designed landscape - tree-ring WM04766
- Creeve (Clonlonan By.) Enclosure WM02378
- Hare Island Graveyard WM04510
- Killinure North Cross WM01671
- Lough Ree Redundant record RO05601
- Nun'S Island Ecclesiastical enclosure WM01097
- Kilkenny West Architectural fragment WM03896
- Inchmore Ringfort - unclassified WM01655
- Athlone Cross-slab WM03796
- Cloonbonny Children's burial ground WM02361
- Athlone Religious house - Franciscan friars WM03490
- Rathmore (Shrule By.) Redundant record LF01666
- Ardnagragh (Gray) Ritual site - holy well WM04752
- Carnpark Bawn WM04670
- Carrick (Kilkenny West By.) Children's burial ground WM01135
- Ballynahownwood Structure - peatland WM03005
- Creeve (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM02372
- Farrannamoreen Ringfort - rath WM01680
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06314
- Killomenaghan Ecclesiastical enclosure WM03860
- Portlick Church WM04207
- Cornafulla Structure - peatland RO06301
- Coolvuck Upper Barrow - ring-barrow WM02369
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Redundant record OF02825
- Lackan Ringfort - rath WM01664
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Redundant record OF02829
- Portlick Ecclesiastical enclosure WM04206
- Clonkeen (Kilkenny West By.) Ecclesiastical enclosure WM03881
- Athlone Religious house - Franciscan friars WM02333
- Cornafulla Structure - peatland RO06299
- Inchbofin Cross-slab WM03742
- Ballynacliffy Bawn WM04349
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Redundant record OF02832
- Athlone Castle - motte WM03803
- Cloonbonny Ringfort - rath WM02790
- Waterstown Castle - unclassified WM01698
- Cornafulla Structure - peatland RO06327
- Tobernagauhoge Ringfort - unclassified WM01708
- Creggy Ringfort - unclassified WM01137
- Laughil (Garrycastle By.) Standing stone OF00199
- Esker Enclosure OF00298
- Bethlehem Religious house - Franciscan nuns (Poor Clares) WM01089
- Athlone Redundant record WM03555
- Athlone Armorial plaque (present location) WM03481
- Boyanagh (Earl) Ringfort - rath WM02464
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Bridge WM02336
- Inchbofin Cross-slab WM03748
- Ardnagragh (Gray) Earthwork WM01733
- Corbrack Earthwork WM01120
- Toorydonnellan Ringfort - rath WM02833
- Cloonbonny Road - class 3 togher WM02804
- Ballynahownwood Road - class 3 togher WM03017
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Inscribed stone WM03507
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Inn WM03600
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Redundant record OF02828
- Lackan Ringfort - rath WM01109
- Killogeenaghan Enclosure WM04692
- Lisdachon Standing stone WM01710
- Killinure North Barrow - bowl-barrow WM01674
- Ballaghkeeran Little Promontory fort - inland WM01696
- Ballinlassy Enclosure WM02793
- Ballykeeran Earthwork WM02324
- Athlone Graveyard WM02341
- Cornafulla Structure - peatland RO06294
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06291
- Cloonown Graveyard RO05910
- Carnpark Enclosure WM02401
- Kilkenny Abbey Ecclesiastical enclosure WM04005
- Loughnaskin,Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow,Golden Island Historic town WM02368
- Corracullin Enclosure OF00303
- Lissoy Ringfort - rath WM01110
- Bunown Graveyard WM03683
- Portlick / Whinning Cross-slab WM01657
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Stone head (present location) WM03500
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Armorial plaque WM03511
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Road - class 3 togher OF00195
- Carrick (Kilkenny West By.) Ringfort - rath WM01133
- Athlone Mill - corn WM03565
- Twyford Crannog WM02326
- Fassagh Children's burial ground WM02458
- Barry More Causeway RO05596
- Boardsland Ringfort - rath WM01707
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Mill - corn WM03566
- Athlone Redundant record WM02344
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06316
- Creeve (Clonlonan By.) Souterrain WM04665
- Esker Ringfort - rath OF00299
- Barry More Redundant record RO05607
- Ballynahownwood Road - class 3 togher WM03011
- Ballynahownwood Road - class 3 togher WM03013
- Corracullin Ringfort - cashel OF00300
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Inscribed stone WM03602
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06305
- Carrickfin Ringfort - rath WM01673
- Creaghduff Ringfort - rath WM01693
- Creaghduff Souterrain WM03436
- Barry More Redundant record RO05595
- Ballycahillroe Graveyard WM03975
- Carnpark Settlement cluster WM03729
- Cornafulla Structure - peatland RO06296
- Esker Standing stone OF00200
- Athlone Church WM02340
- Cannorstown (Chapman) Windmill WM01136
- Ballynahownwood Road - class 3 togher WM03003
- Doonis Enclosure WM01096
- Drumlosh Structure - peatland RO06352
- Muckanagh Bawn WM01091
- Garrycastle Ringfort - rath WM02351
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06298
- Cloondalin Earthwork WM03708
- Bunown Ringfort - rath WM01675
- Twyford Redundant record WM03814
- Boardsland Ringfort - rath WM01706
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Armorial plaque WM03513
- Knockanea Ringfort - rath WM02364
- Toberclare Ringfort - rath WM01677
- Athlone House - 17th century WM02345
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06330
- Kilfaughny Bawn WM04507
- Carrickobreen Ringfort - rath WM02357
- Cornafulla Structure - peatland RO06304
- Aghanashanamore Barrow - mound barrow WM03758
- Retreat Military camp WM02347
- Annagh Ringfort - rath WM01697
- Cloonown Ecclesiastical enclosure RO05911
- Creeve (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM02379
- Nahod Little Ringfort - rath WM02432
- Kilcleagh Ecclesiastical enclosure WM03866
- Ballynahownwood Road - class 3 togher WM03020
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06320
- Waterstown Ringfort - rath WM03998
- Corralena Structure - peatland WM02805
- Cornafulla Structure - peatland RO06303
- Kilkenny Abbey Chapel WM03700
- Clonydonnin Ringfort - rath WM02846
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Weir - fish WM03567
- Creggan Upper Castle - tower house WM02353
- Ballycahillroe Castle - unclassified WM02821
- Clonydonnin Ringfort - rath WM02849
- Clonaderg Redundant record OF02842
- Doonis Ringfort - rath WM01094
- Portlick Graveyard WM01668
- Ballynahownwood Road - class 3 togher WM03009
- Crosswood Earthwork WM02354
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Redundant record OF02826
- Whinning House - 18th/19th century WM04305
- Littletown Ringfort - rath WM01102
- Creeve (Clonlonan By.) Castle - tower house WM02377
- Ballynahownwood Redundant record WM03004
- Carnpark Ringfort - rath WM02428
- Nun'S Island Church WM03734
- Coosan Castle - tower house WM02322
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow,Golden Island,Loughnaskin Redundant record WM04281
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Redundant record OF02833
- Cornafulla Structure - peatland RO06325
- Cartroncroy Ringfort - rath WM01105
- Twyford Castle - motte WM02327
- Cannorstown (Chapman),Cannorstown (Hogan) Mill - unclassified WM03940
- Lissatunny Ringfort - rath WM01658
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Redundant record WM03550
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Memorial stone WM03595
- Bunown Ritual site - holy well WM01684
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Sheela-na-gig (present location) WM03501
- Carnpark Ringfort - rath WM02398
- Doonis Crannog WM01090
- Williamstown (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM02463
- Laughil (Garrycastle By.) Ringfort - rath OF00221
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Road - class 3 togher OF00194
- Athlone Sheela-na-gig WM03638
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06322
- Athlone Cross-slab WM03795
- Inchmore Ecclesiastical enclosure WM04004
- Ballynahown Ringfort - rath WM02797
- Kilbillaghan Castle - unclassified WM02795
- Ardnagragh (Gray) Castle - tower house WM01734
- Inchbofin Cross-slab WM03746
- Inchbofin Church WM02970
- Farrannamoreen,Cartronkeel (Kilkenny West By.) Ringfort - rath WM01678
- Athlone Redundant record WM03554
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Redundant record OF00193
- Cannorstown (Hogan) Bawn WM04352
- Creggy Ringfort - rath WM01116
- Twyford Ritual site - holy well WM04366
- Clonaderg Redundant record OF02843
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Redundant record OF02838
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Redundant record OF02834
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Memorial stone WM03509
- Tully Bawn WM02356
- Ballynahownwood Road - class 3 togher WM03006
- Ballynahown Bullaun stone WM03862
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Road - class 3 togher OF02827
- Ballynahownwood Road - class 3 togher WM03010
- Magheramore Ringfort - rath WM02469
- Ardnagragh (Digby) Souterrain WM04530
- Cloonbonny Castle - unclassified WM02359
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06300
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Road - gravel/stone trackway - peatland OF02824
- Clogher Ringfort - rath WM01117
- Brittas(Kilkenny West By.) Ringfort - rath WM01691
- Glen (Clonlonan By.) Earthwork WM02362
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Redundant record WM03556
- Cornafulla Structure - peatland RO06318
- Aghavoneen Souterrain WM02811
- Bolinarra Ringfort - rath WM02844
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Water mill - unclassified WM03804
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Cross-slab (present location) WM03492
- Kilkenny West Ritual site - holy well WM01724
- Athlone Castle - unclassified WM03546
- Ballynahown Enclosure WM02802
- Nahod Little Ringfort - rath WM02433
- Glassan,Pearsonsbrook Water mill - vertical-wheeled WM03924
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Road - class 3 togher OF00291
- Littletown Castle - unclassified WM01103
- Cloonown Cross-slab RO05909
- Fassagh Bullaun stone WM04674
- Cloonown Metalworking site RO07168
- Ardnagragh (Digby) Earthwork WM01750
- Corracullin Redundant record OF00302
- Kilkenny West Castle - tower house WM01723
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Road - class 2 togher OF00283
- Tullaghan (Kilkenny West By.) Enclosure WM04531
- Cornamagh Promontory fort - inland WM04741
- Boyanagh (Malone) Water mill - unclassified WM03948
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06328
- Ballynahown Bullaun stone WM02798
- Cloonbonny Ringfort - rath WM02360
- Kilkenny Abbey Ringfort - rath WM01727
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Armorial plaque (present location) WM03483
- Barry More Enclosure - large enclosure RO05605
- Ballynahownwood Redundant record WM03007
- Littletown Ringfort - rath WM01101
- Barry Beg Field system RO06466
- Pearsonsbrook Ringfort - rath WM01688
- Athlone Wall monument WM03488
- Killomenaghan Ritual site - holy well WM03625
- Esker Ringfort - unclassified OF00223
- Kilkenny Abbey Religious house - Fratres Cruciferi WM01726
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Inscribed stone WM03506
- Ballynahownwood Road - class 3 togher WM03018
- Ories Earthwork WM02791
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Architectural feature WM03599
- Athlone Redundant record WM03549
- Clonydonnin Barrow - pond barrow WM03868
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Redundant record WM03559
- Twyford Cross - High cross (present location) WM02329
- Athlone Redundant record WM03548
- Creeve (Clonlonan By.) House - indeterminate date WM04664
- Ballynahownwood Structure - peatland WM03008
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Ecclesiastical site WM03498
- Barry Beg Redundant record RO05602
- Inchbofin Cross-slab WM03745
- Kilfaughny Castle - unclassified WM01661
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Road - class 2 togher OF00196
- Cloncraff Or Bloomhill Road - class 3 togher OF02831
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06312
- Corbrack Cliff-edge fort WM01115
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Cross - Wayside cross WM03520
- Tonagh Ringfort - rath WM01099
- Kilkenny West Burial ground WM02934
- Laughil (Garrycastle By.) Redundant record OF00197
- Inchbofin Graveyard WM02969
- Athlone Graveslab WM03489
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Memorial stone WM03504
- Portlick Cross-slab WM04208
- Ballynakill (Kilkenny West By.) Castle - tower house WM01660
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06323
- Cornafulla Structure - peatland RO06329
- Killogeenaghan Ringfort - rath WM02808
- Inchbofin Cross-slab WM03740
- Athlone,Athlone And Bigmeadow Boundary stone WM02343
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Architectural fragment WM03596
- Cartroncroy Ringfort - rath WM01104
- Inchbofin Cross-slab WM03744
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Redundant record WM03557
- Inchbofin Cross-slab WM03743
- Glen (Clonlonan By.) Church WM02363
- Clonydonnin Bullaun stone WM02847
- Coolaleena Ringfort - rath WM01107
- Twyford Ecclesiastical site WM02330
- Portlick Castle - motte and bailey WM01669
- Athlone And Bigmeadow Cross-slab (present location) WM03491
- Athlone Redundant record WM03563
- Carrick (Kilkenny West By.) Mass-rock WM01134
- Lowpark Or Ballyboy Ringfort - rath WM01659
- Castletown (Clonlonan By.) Ringfort - rath WM02794
- Ballynahownwood Road - gravel/stone trackway - peatland WM02807
- Cornafulla Road - unclassified togher RO06313
- Inchbofin Cross-slab WM03741