Tobercurry is a Town in the county of County Sligo.
There are great places to visit near Tobercurry including some great towns.
The area close to Tobercurry boasts some of the best towns including Sligo.
Tobercurry History
There are some historic monuments around Tobercurry:
- Powellsborough Ringfort - rath SL05381
- Roosky (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Moated site MA02644
- Cashel South Ringfort - rath SL05265
- Ballyara (Knox) Ringfort - rath SL05173
- Muckelty Redundant record SL04256
- Carrownloughan Ringfort - rath SL03397
- Claragh Scotch Ringfort - rath SL04064
- Carrowneden (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL03374
- Muckelty Enclosure SL04314
- Moylough Souterrain SL05415
- Tullyvellia Ringfort - cashel SL03976
- Tullyvellia House - early medieval SL03981
- Sessuecommon Enclosure SL04018
- Sessuegarry Enclosure SL04012
- Lavy More Enclosure MA03403
- Ballindoo Or Doocastle Ringfort - rath MA02656
- Carrownloughan Hut site SL03390
- Doomore (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL03996
- Doobeg (Corran By., Kilturra Ed) Souterrain SL05387
- Banada Graveyard SL05236
- Rue Souterrain SL05216
- Ballyara Or Falduff Ringfort - rath SL05199
- Carrowreagh (Knox) Souterrain SL05168
- Ballindoo Or Doocastle Barrow - bowl-barrow MA02660
- Achonry Barrow - unclassified SL04264
- Corsallagh Barrow - ring-barrow SL04019
- Deenodes Ringfort - rath SL03416
- Ballyara Or Falduff Barrow - mound barrow SL05201
- Knockadoo (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL02871
- Ballinvally (Leyny By., Streamstown Ed) Ringfort - rath SL04134
- Ballyara Or Falduff Souterrain SL05280
- Magheranore Ringfort - cashel SL05384
- Carnyara Church SL04220
- Bunnacranagh Ringfort - rath SL06066
- Laughil Souterrain SL03365
- Cloonbaniff Souterrain SL04042
- Rathscanlan Hut site SL05277
- Ballyara Or Falduff Enclosure SL05193
- Achonry Enclosure SL05303
- Sessuegarry Ringfort - rath SL04017
- Achonry Cathedral SL04271
- Streamstown (Leyny By., Streamstown Ed) Enclosure SL04229
- Tonnagh Ringfort - rath MA03338
- Calveagh Lower Ringfort - rath RO00782
- Carrowntawa Ringfort - rath SL04092
- Rue Burnt mound SL05281
- Leitrim South Ringfort - rath SL05340
- Laughil Ringfort - rath SL04037
- Oghambaun Fulacht fia SL05457
- Barroe (Costello By.) Souterrain MA08343
- Ballyara Or Falduff Fulacht fia SL05283
- Ballindoo Or Doocastle Ringfort - rath MA02661
- Ballyara Or Falduff House - indeterminate date SL05203
- Cunghill Ringfort - rath SL04159
- Knockatotaun Hut site SL03400
- Mullaghanarry Ringfort - rath SL04217
- Cloonbaniff Ringfort - rath SL04041
- Calveagh Lower Earthwork RO00785
- Tullycusheen Beg Enclosure SL07388
- Achonry Barrow - ditch barrow SL05297
- Cloonmore (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA03352
- Leitrim North Hut site SL03973
- Tullyhugh Ringfort - rath SL04152
- Moylough Ringfort - rath SL05412
- Streamstown (Leyny By., Streamstown Ed) Ringfort - rath SL04230
- Carrownacreevy (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL03368
- Carrowreilly Ringfort - rath SL04167
- Lissymulgee Ringfort - rath MA03356
- Ballindoo Or Doocastle Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA02652
- Tullyhugh Ringfort - rath SL04165
- Oghambaun Ringfort - rath SL05330
- Knockadoo (Leyny By.) Souterrain SL02869
- Cloondrihara Enclosure SL03376
- Carrownaskeagh Ringfort - rath SL03339
- Oghambaun Fulacht fia SL05458
- Lissaneagh Redundant record SL04218
- Rathscanlan Souterrain SL05251
- Achonry Barrow - ring-barrow SL05291
- Montiagh Bullaun stone SL06049
- Ballyara Or Falduff Enclosure SL05202
- Derrynabrock Redundant record MA03412
- Ballintadder Ringfort - rath MA08349
- Achonry Barrow - ring-barrow SL05300
- Achonry Barrow - ring-barrow SL05290
- Rathscanlan Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL05375
- Ballyara (Knox) Ringfort - rath SL05170
- Carrownacreevy (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL03367
- Mullaun Ringfort - rath SL03989
- Banada Ringfort - rath SL05229
- Pullagh Ringfort - rath SL04122
- Moylough Ringfort - rath SL05416
- Carrowreagh (Knox) Ringfort - rath SL04023
- Muckelty Souterrain SL04258
- Lavagh (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL04137
- Muckelty,Toberscardan Barrow - ring-barrow SL03829
- Lavagh (Leyny By.) Souterrain SL06573
- Tullymoy Burnt mound SL05284
- Carrowreilly Ringfort - rath SL04173
- Banada Enclosure SL05238
- Mullanabreena Ringfort - rath SL05350
- Bunnacranagh Barrow - ditch barrow SL06069
- Castleloye Souterrain SL05287
- Lavagh (Leyny By.) Redundant record SL04099
- Carraun (Leyny By., Tobercurry Ed) Ringfort - rath SL04021
- Carrownateewaun Ringfort - rath SL04062
- Oghambaun Ringfort - rath SL05323
- Moylough Ringfort - rath SL05409
- Drumbaun Earthwork SL06085
- Leitrim North Enclosure SL03969
- Barroe (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA03353
- Rue Ringfort - rath SL05210
- Rue Souterrain SL05249
- Cashel South Children's burial ground SL05268
- Ballyara Or Falduff Graveyard SL05196
- Tullyhugh Hut site SL04169
- Gortnadrass Ringfort - rath SL04054
- Carraun (Leyny By., Tobercurry Ed) Ringfort - rath SL04210
- Tullanaglug Ringfort - rath SL05241
- Carnyara Hut site SL06572
- Mullaghanarry Souterrain SL04214
- Mullaghanarry Ringfort - rath SL04209
- Cloonlarhan Ringfort - rath MA02643
- Tullycusheen More Ringfort - rath SL05165
- Moylough Ringfort - rath SL05414
- Bunnacranagh Ringfort - rath SL06065
- Carrowmurray Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL03387
- Moylough Cist SL05452
- Bunnacranagh Ringfort - rath SL06064
- Tullanaglug Ringfort - rath SL05191
- Killoran North Ringfort - rath SL03406
- Lissaneagh Ringfort - rath SL04123
- Kilcummin Religious house - Franciscan Third Order Regular SL03960
- Carrownloughan Ringfort - rath SL03395
- Achonry Ringfort - rath SL04235
- Gortnadrass Ringfort - rath SL04053
- Carraun (Leyny By., Tobercurry Ed) Barrow - bowl-barrow SL04022
- Carraun (Leyny By., Tobercurry Ed) Ringfort - rath SL04207
- Carrowreagh (Knox) Ringfort - rath SL04029
- Ballindoo Or Doocastle Ringfort - rath MA02657
- Cunghill Barrow - ring-barrow SL04160
- Sessuegarry Children's burial ground SL04013
- Sessuecommon Barrow - mound barrow SL03978
- Banada Tomb - unclassified SL05234
- Carrowreilly Ringfort - rath SL04171
- Lavagh (Leyny By.) Graveyard SL04096
- Cloonlaughil Redundant record SL06071
- Carrowmurray Ringfort - rath SL03379
- Cloonaraher (Leyny By.) Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL04329
- Doomore (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL04121
- Cashel North Ringfort - rath SL04051
- Doobeg (Corran By., Kilturra Ed) Ringfort - rath SL05385
- Bunnacranagh Ringfort - rath SL06062
- Barroe (Costello By.) Children's burial ground MA09137
- Carnyara Barrow - unclassified SL04318
- Carrowntober Souterrain SL05317
- Bunnacranagh Redundant record SL06080
- Carrowcarragh Ringfort - cashel SL04141
- Eskragh Ringfort - rath SL05245
- Cloonarara Ringfort - rath SL04125
- Doobeg (Corran By., Kilturra Ed) Ringfort - rath SL05386
- Lavy More Children's burial ground MA08340
- Bellahy Bastioned fort SL06076
- Achonry Barrow - unclassified SL05304
- Bunnacranagh Ringfort - rath SL06078
- Moylough Souterrain SL05456
- Castleloye Ringfort - cashel SL05286
- Cloonacool Ringfort - rath SL03995
- Ballyara Or Falduff Ringfort - cashel SL05205
- Cashel South Ringfort - rath SL05273
- Tobercurry Ringfort - cashel SL05336
- Tobertelly Souterrain SL04251
- Cloonlumney Ringfort - cashel RO00786
- Gortnadrass Souterrain SL04055
- Gowlaun (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Enclosure MA02670
- Tullanaglug Ringfort - rath SL05190
- Tobercurry Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL05337
- Leitrim North Ringfort - rath SL03974
- Lowpark Ringfort - rath MA03342
- Rathscanlan Ringfort - rath SL05376
- Doobeg (Corran By., Kilturra Ed) Barrow - ring-barrow SL05388
- Ballindoo Or Doocastle Ringfort - rath MA02651
- Carraun (Leyny By., Tobercurry Ed) Souterrain SL04211
- Achonry Field boundary SL05301
- Carrowreilly Ringfort - rath SL04108
- Cloonacool Ringfort - rath SL03993
- Carrowneden (Leyny By.) Ringfort - cashel SL03372
- Lissaneagh Souterrain SL04124
- Kilcummin Burial ground SL03951
- Montiagh Kiln - lime SL06645
- Creeghassaun Ringfort - rath SL05184
- Calveagh Upper Ringfort - cashel RO00788
- Lavy More Ringfort - rath MA03347
- Achonry Enclosure SL04236
- Sessuegarry Redundant record SL04015
- Ballinvally East Children's burial ground SL05359
- Montiagh Graveyard SL06047
- Gortnadrass Souterrain SL04058
- Carrowkeel (Leyny By.) Enclosure SL05345
- Achonry Ringfort - rath SL04231
- Srah Lower Ringfort - rath MA02648
- Carrownloughan Ringfort - rath SL03396
- Dawros Ringfort - rath SL05261
- Moylough Ringfort - rath SL05411
- Oghambaun Ringfort - rath SL05324
- Kilcummin Redundant record SL03953
- Cashel South Barrow - mound barrow SL05282
- Carrownaworan Ringfort - rath SL04100
- Killoran North Ringfort - rath SL03413
- Kilcummin Kiln - lime SL04035
- Tullyvellia Souterrain SL03990
- Tonroe (Costello By.) Enclosure MA03351
- Rue Ringfort - rath SL05274
- Ballyara (Knox) Ringfort - rath SL05174
- Muckelty Redundant record SL03831
- Bunnacranagh Ringfort - rath SL06079
- Carrowreagh (Cooper) Ringfort - rath SL05405
- Eskragh Souterrain SL05247
- Leitrim North Ringfort - rath SL03972
- Killoran South Ringfort - rath SL03415
- Mullaghanarry Ringfort - rath SL04216
- Ballincurry Children's burial ground SL06504
- Powellsborough Ringfort - rath SL05378
- Kilcummin Bullaun stone SL03950
- Kilcummin Ringfort - cashel SL03949
- Carnyara Kiln - lime SL04223
- Tobercurry Ritual site - holy well SL05334
- Tullyhugh Souterrain SL04170
- Knockatotaun Ringfort - rath SL03402
- Claragh Irish Barrow - mound barrow SL04063
- Rue Ringfort - rath SL05211
- Leitrim South Ringfort - cashel SL05342
- Carrownacreevy (Leyny By.) Souterrain SL04046
- Moylough Souterrain SL05421
- Rathscanlan Ringfort - rath SL05218
- Roosky (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Moated site MA02646
- Oghambaun Souterrain SL05320
- Streamstown (Leyny By., Streamstown Ed) Enclosure SL04228
- Montiagh Ringfort - rath SL06054
- Ballincurry Fulacht fia SL06499
- Lissaneagh Burnt mound SL04316
- Leitrim South Castle - unclassified SL05449
- Knocknashee Common Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL03823
- Killoran South Souterrain SL04059
- Carrownloughan Moated site SL03392
- Lowpark Ringfort - rath MA03345
- Moylough Redundant record SL05424
- Oghambaun Souterrain SL05321
- Carrownaleck Souterrain SL04039
- Cashel South Ringfort - rath SL05255
- Ballinvally West Barrow - bowl-barrow SL05355
- Carrowntober Souterrain SL05316
- Carrownaworan Souterrain SL04104
- Achonry Ringfort - rath SL04238
- Knocknashee Common Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL03824
- Lowpark Ringfort - rath MA03341
- Achonry Road - road/trackway SL04281
- Ballyara (Knox) Ringfort - rath SL05169
- Achonry Penitential station SL04276
- Carrowreagh (Knox) Ringfort - rath SL04024
- Kilcummin Church SL03955
- Carrowreagh (Knox) Ringfort - rath SL04027
- Carnyara Hut site SL04225
- Achonry Earthwork SL04260
- Tullyvellia Ringfort - rath SL04000
- Castleloye Ringfort - rath SL05288
- Kilcummin Kiln - lime SL04036
- Achonry Field system SL05302
- Claragh Irish Enclosure SL04114
- Ballindoo Or Doocastle Burial ground MA02653
- Carnyara Barrow - bowl-barrow SL04129
- Rue Ringfort - rath SL05217
- Ballincurry Burnt mound SL06500
- Ballinvally West Ringfort - rath SL05354
- Roosky (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Ringfort - rath MA02647
- Rathscanlan Ringfort - rath SL05313
- Moylough Ringfort - cashel SL06491
- Cashel North Souterrain SL04050
- Cloondrihara Milling complex SL04044
- Knockadoo (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL03344
- Carrownaskeagh Souterrain SL03340
- Cashel South Ringfort - rath SL05408
- Oghambaun Hut site SL05333
- Moylough Souterrain SL05420
- Ballindoo Or Doocastle Ringfort - rath MA02654
- Achonry Ringfort - rath SL04239
- Cloonlaughil Ringfort - rath SL06070
- Moylough Hut site SL06494
- Cunghill Ringfort - rath SL04158
- Moylough Enclosure SL06498
- Tobercurry Souterrain SL05318
- Streamstown (Leyny By., Streamstown Ed) Ringfort - rath SL04145
- Magheranore Enclosure SL05382
- Muckelty Ringfort - rath SL03833
- Carrowneden (Leyny By.) Hut site SL03373
- Moylough House - indeterminate date SL06497
- Carrownacreevy (Leyny By.) Ringfort - cashel SL03366
- Drumbaun Ringfort - rath SL06083
- Bunnacranagh Ringfort - rath SL06060
- Moylough Children's burial ground SL05425
- Lissymulgee Souterrain MA03357
- Moylough Cist SL06546
- Achonry Enclosure SL03837
- Carraun (Leyny By., Tobercurry Ed) Ringfort - rath SL04208
- Toberscardan Ringfort - rath SL04259
- Ballyara (Knox) Ringfort - rath SL05172
- Ballinvally (Leyny By., Streamstown Ed) Ringfort - rath SL04227
- Moylough Ringfort - rath SL05413
- Bunnacranagh Ringfort - rath SL06063
- Leitrim North Ringfort - rath SL03964
- Montiagh Ecclesiastical enclosure SL06577
- Carrowclare Ringfort - rath SL04149
- Leitrim North House - indeterminate date SL03971
- Barroe (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA03355
- Moylough Enclosure SL06495
- Moylough Platform - peatland SL06496
- Kilcummin Redundant record SL03948
- Ballyara Or Falduff Castle - unclassified SL05198
- Leitrim South Children's burial ground SL05380
- Carrowreilly Ringfort - rath SL04164
- Rathscanlan Ringfort - rath SL05250
- Cunghill Enclosure SL04153
- Mullaun Ringfort - cashel SL03984
- Cloonacool Ringfort - rath SL03992
- Carrowcarragh Ringfort - rath SL04148
- Carrownloughan Souterrain SL03389
- Claragh Irish Hut site SL06570
- Oghambaun Ringfort - cashel SL05326
- Leitrim North Ringfort - rath SL03968
- Carrowreagh (Cooper) Ringfort - rath SL05404
- Carrownaworan Ringfort - rath SL04102
- Rathmactiernan Ringfort - rath SL03347
- Carrowreilly Redundant record SL04313
- Doomore (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL04001
- Muckelty Redundant record SL03828
- Claragh Scotch Hut site SL04065
- Streamstown (Leyny By., Streamstown Ed) Ringfort - rath SL04146
- Carrowmurray Enclosure SL03382
- Magheranore Field system SL05383
- Calveagh Lower Mound RO00784
- Ballindoo Or Doocastle Ringfort - rath MA02642
- Banada Castle - unclassified SL05235
- Cloonfane Souterrain MA03372
- Streamstown (Leyny By., Streamstown Ed) Barrow - ditch barrow SL04147
- Deenodes Ringfort - rath SL03418
- Carrowmurray Ringfort - rath SL03377
- Carrowreilly Hut site SL04178
- Sessuecommon Ringfort - rath SL03979
- Achonry Redundant record SL07062
- Sonnagh Ringfort - rath MA03202
- Claragh Irish Ringfort - rath SL04113
- Sessuegarry Enclosure SL04016
- Carrowreagh (Knox) Ringfort - rath SL04028
- Killoran North,Killoran South Enclosure SL03414
- Lowpark Children's burial ground MA03343
- Gortnadrass Field system SL04101
- Cloonlaughil Ringfort - rath SL06072
- Carrowkeel (Leyny By.) Redundant record SL05344
- Barroe (Costello By.) Ringfort - unclassified MA03354
- Tullyhugh Souterrain SL04151
- Carrownacreevy (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL03369
- Gortnadrass Souterrain SL03827
- Killoran South Hut site SL04061
- Castleloye Barrow - ring-barrow SL05289
- Achonry Barrow - mound barrow SL03838
- Achonry Altar SL04279
- Carrowmurray Souterrain SL03381
- Mullaun Ringfort - rath SL03986
- Cloonmeen West Ringfort - rath MA03349
- Cashel North Ringfort - cashel SL04047
- Doomore (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL03997
- Lavagh (Leyny By.) Religious house - Franciscan friars SL04095
- Leitrim South Ringfort - cashel SL05379
- Tobertelly Ringfort - rath SL04250
- Banada Religious house - Augustinian friars SL05232
- Banada Tomb - unclassified SL05233
- Cunghill Barrow - mound barrow SL04105
- Cloonfane Ringfort - unclassified MA03371
- Bellahy Church SL06077
- Rue Souterrain SL05212
- Cloondrihara Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL04043
- Muckelty Redundant record SL03832
- Ballindoo Or Doocastle Ringfort - rath MA02655
- Streamstown (Leyny By., Streamstown Ed) Ringfort - cashel SL04136
- Montiagh Enclosure SL06052
- Montiagh Ringfort - rath SL06051
- Banada Bridge SL06598
- Gortnadrass Redundant record SL04056
- Achonry Barrow - ring-barrow SL05294
- Bunnacranagh Ringfort - rath SL06067
- Ballincurry Fulacht fia SL06082
- Sessuegarry Redundant record SL07213
- Moylough Enclosure SL06490
- Tullanaglug Castle - unclassified SL05185
- Tullycusheen More Ringfort - rath SL05166
- Gowel (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA03350
- Achonry Barrow - unclassified SL05299
- Cashel North Ringfort - rath SL04049
- Tullymoy Ringfort - rath SL05186
- Annagh (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL05163
- Carrowwilkin Ringfort - rath SL05270
- Carrowwilkin Moated site SL05271
- Cunghill Souterrain SL04107
- Carrowwilkin Redundant record SL05278
- Ballindoo Or Doocastle Ringfort - rath MA02659
- Kilcummin Bullaun stone SL03961
- Cloonmeen West Enclosure MA03398
- Lavagh (Leyny By.) Field system SL04098
- Ballincurry Fulacht fia SL06503
- Carrownaworan Ringfort - rath SL04103
- Carnyara Souterrain SL04132
- Eskragh Souterrain SL05244
- Muckelty Hut site SL03834
- Carrowcarragh Barrow - ring-barrow SL04140
- Rathmactiernan Ringfort - rath SL03408
- Mullaun Enclosure SL03985
- Laughil Ringfort - rath SL03364
- Carrownaleck Ringfort - rath SL04038
- Roosky (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Ringfort - rath MA02645
- Toberscardan Enclosure SL04254
- Ballyara Or Falduff Ringfort - rath SL05204
- Ballyara (Knox) Ringfort - rath SL05206
- Knockatotaun Hut site SL03404
- Derreens Ringfort - rath SL03962
- Calveagh Lower Souterrain RO00783
- Carrowreagh (Cooper) Ringfort - rath SL05406
- Achonry Barrow - unclassified SL05298
- Bunnacranagh Earthwork SL06056
- Carnyara Souterrain SL04128
- Oghambaun Burial ground SL05462
- Cloonaraher (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL04089
- Achonry Enclosure SL03839
- Cashel North Barrow - mound barrow SL03385
- Carnyara Ringfort - rath SL04127
- Cloonarara Ringfort - rath SL04088
- Ballyara (Knox) Ringfort - rath SL05171
- Mullaun Souterrain SL03987
- Tullyhugh Ringfort - rath SL04150
- Rue Ringfort - cashel SL05248
- Srah Lower Burial ground MA02649
- Lowpark Ringfort - rath MA03344
- Achonry Road - road/trackway SL04274
- Lowpark Burnt mound MA08353
- Carrowreagh (Cooper) Ringfort - rath SL05407
- Rue Ringfort - rath SL05214
- Rue Ringfort - rath SL05213
- Ballyara Or Falduff Barrow - unclassified SL05200
- Leitrim North Souterrain SL03965
- Carha Ringfort - rath SL03342
- Carnyara Ringfort - rath SL04131
- Carrownloughan Ringfort - rath SL03393
- Lavy More Children's burial ground MA08341
- Srah Lower Souterrain MA02650
- Achonry Ringfort - rath SL05293
- Cashel South Barrow - unclassified SL05276
- Clooningan Ringfort - rath SL05264
- Carrowkeel (Leyny By.) Souterrain SL05346
- Cloonacool Redundant record SL03947
- Kilcummin Ecclesiastical enclosure SL03957
- Cunghill Enclosure SL04162
- Cashel North Souterrain SL03384
- Knocknashee Common Enclosure SL03825
- Lavagh (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL04097
- Leitrim South Ringfort - rath SL05341
- Ballyara Or Falduff Ringfort - rath SL05197
- Oghambaun Ringfort - rath SL05327
- Mullaghanarry Ringfort - rath SL04213
- Gortnadrass Ringfort - rath SL03826
- Carrowreilly Ringfort - rath SL04166
- Curry Ringfort - rath SL06057
- Oghambaun Enclosure SL05328
- Carrownaleck Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL04040
- Carrowneden (Leyny By.) Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL03370
- Mullanabreena Enclosure SL05349
- Gortnadrass Ringfort - rath SL04057
- Muckelty Ringfort - cashel SL03835
- Ballyglass (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL04087
- Claragh Irish Souterrain SL04111
- Tullyvellia Hut site SL03982
- Leitrim North Ringfort - rath SL03970
- Achonry Barrow - ring-barrow SL04263
- Lowpark Souterrain MA08345
- Toberscardan Ringfort - rath SL04255
- Montiagh Religious house - unclassified SL06048
- Toberscardan Souterrain SL04253
- Claragh Irish Ringfort - rath SL04110
- Drumbaun Souterrain SL06084
- Achonry Ringfort - rath SL04267
- Carnyara Souterrain SL04224
- Lowpark Burnt spread MA08354
- Lavy More Ringfort - rath MA03346
- Cloonacool Souterrain SL03994
- Tobertelly Ringfort - rath SL04247
- Tullyvellia Field system SL03977
- Ballincurry Fulacht fia SL06502
- Deenodes Ringfort - rath SL03417
- Knocknashee Common Enclosure SL06561
- Cloonmeen West Ringfort - cashel MA03364
- Cashel South Ringfort - rath SL05267
- Achonry Ringfort - rath SL04234
- Tullanaglug Souterrain SL05188
- Claragh Irish Barrow - bowl-barrow SL04112
- Kilcummin Architectural fragment SL03958
- Cloonaraher (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL04090
- Sandyhill Ringfort - rath SL06073
- Lavy More Enclosure MA03348
- Muckelty Ringfort - cashel SL04226
- Carnyara Barrow - ring-barrow SL04130
- Banada Architectural fragment SL05230
- Cashel South Ringfort - rath SL05266
- Tullycusheen Beg Ringfort - rath SL05164
- Cashel South Ringfort - rath SL05252
- Bunnacranagh Souterrain SL06068
- Carrowwilkin Ringfort - rath SL05272
- Carnyara Ringfort - rath SL04126
- Carrowreagh (Cooper) Ringfort - rath SL05455
- Lissalough Ringfort - rath SL02873
- Eskragh Ringfort - rath SL05246
- Knockadoo (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL02868
- Montiagh Cross-inscribed stone SL06050
- Oghambaun Ringfort - rath SL05322
- Tobertelly Ringfort - rath SL04249
- Cunghill Ringfort - rath SL04154
- Tobertelly Souterrain SL04248
- Streamstown (Leyny By., Streamstown Ed) House - 16th/17th century SL04144
- Knockatotaun Ringfort - rath SL03403
- Oghambaun Souterrain SL05332
- Toberscardan,Muckelty Cairn - unclassified SL03830
- Achonry Graveyard SL04272
- Streamstown (Leyny By., Streamstown Ed) Souterrain SL04323
- Rathscanlan Ringfort - rath SL05209
- Achonry Barrow - ring-barrow SL05292
- Ballindoo Or Doocastle Ringfort - rath MA02658
- Cashel South Redundant record SL05254
- Bunnacranagh Ringfort - rath SL06061
- Cashel North Ringfort - rath SL03383
- Carrownaleck,Kilcummin Redundant record SL03952
- Ballyara Or Falduff Church SL05195
- Moylough Hut site SL06492
- Oghambaun Ringfort - cashel SL05331
- Carrownloughan Ringfort - rath SL03394
- Kilcummin Souterrain SL06560
- Knockadoo (Leyny By.) Souterrain SL02866
- Tullanaglug Ringfort - rath SL05187
- Mullaghanarry Ringfort - rath SL04215
- Carrowwilkin Ringfort - rath SL05269
- Knocknashee Common Hillfort SL03822
- Carha Souterrain SL03343
- Oghambaun Standing stone SL05325
- Streamstown (Leyny By., Streamstown Ed) Enclosure SL04135
- Claragh Irish Ringfort - rath SL04109
- Deenodes Ringfort - rath SL03419
- Oghambaun Ringfort - cashel SL05319
- Ballindoo Or Doocastle Castle - tower house MA02669
- Ballyara Or Falduff Ringfort - rath SL05192
- Mullaun Ringfort - cashel SL03983
- Achonry Ritual site - holy well SL04275
- Achonry Ringfort - rath SL04232
- Banada Stone head SL05237
- Tobercurry Redundant record SL05335
- Clooningan Ringfort - rath SL05262
- Tullanaglug Ringfort - rath SL05189
- Achonry Cross-slab SL06589
- Sonnagh Enclosure MA03203
- Cunghill Ringfort - rath SL04156
- Carrowmurray Ringfort - cashel SL03380
- Moylough Souterrain SL05427
- Tobercurry Redundant record SL05454
- Carrownloughan Ringfort - rath SL03388
- Moylough Hut site SL05419
- Carrownacreevy (Leyny By.) Redundant record SL03460
- Leitrim North Ringfort - rath SL03966
- Achonry Church SL04270
- Moylough Ringfort - rath SL05426
- Tullymoy Ringfort - rath SL05240
- Clooningan Ringfort - rath SL05263
- Tullyvellia Ringfort - rath SL03980
- Cashel North Ritual site - holy well SL04052
- Knockadoo (Leyny By.) Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL02870
- Knockatotaun Ringfort - rath SL03399
- Clooncous Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb MA08352
- Corsallagh Enclosure SL04020
- Carnyara Ecclesiastical enclosure SL04222
- Carrowntober Ringfort - rath SL05315
- Cunghill Souterrain SL04157
- Drumbaun Ringfort - rath SL06053
- Carrowreagh (Knox) Fulacht fia SL04026
- Carrowneden (Leyny By.) Hut site SL03371
- Ballinvally East Ringfort - cashel SL05357
- Carrowloughan East Barrow - bowl-barrow SL04325
- Cunghill Hut site SL04155
- Lisnagore Ringfort - rath SL04283
- Achonry Enclosure SL04282
- Carrowkeel (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL05347
- Mullaun Ringfort - rath SL03991
- Carrowcarragh Earthwork SL04138
- Moylough Ringfort - rath SL05410
- Carrowmurray Ringfort - rath SL03433
- Tullyvellia Enclosure SL03975
- Cloonlumney Children's burial ground RO00787
- Achonry Ringfort - rath SL04237
- Carrowmurray Souterrain SL03378
- Powellsborough Enclosure SL05339
- Muckelty Hilltop enclosure SL04257
- Carrowmurray Enclosure SL03386
- Achonry Boulder-burial SL04280
- Knockatotaun Megalithic structure SL03405
- Carnyara Graveyard SL04221
- Knockatotaun Ringfort - rath SL03398
- Carrowreilly Hut site SL04172
- Carnyara Redundant record SL04315
- Rue Ringfort - cashel SL05215
- Achonry Ringfort - rath SL04261
- Tullyhugh Ringfort - rath SL04168
- Ballinvally (Leyny By., Streamstown Ed) Enclosure SL04133
- Ballinvally East Souterrain SL05358
- Tullyhugh Castle - unclassified SL04304
- Carrowreagh (Knox) Souterrain SL04025
- Carrowntawa Souterrain SL04317
- Leitrim South Souterrain SL05343
- Carrowntober Ringfort - rath SL05314
- Carrownacreevy (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL04045
- Carrownagappul Moated site SL05242
- Cloonaraher (Leyny By.) Souterrain SL04091
- Carrowreagh (Knox) Ringfort - rath SL04030
- Leitrim North Bullaun stone SL04033
- Sessuecommon Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL03998
- Carrowreilly Ringfort - rath SL04176
- Ballincurry Fulacht fia SL06501
- Carrowcarragh Ringfort - rath SL04142
- Moylough Ringfort - cashel SL05418
- Mullaghanarry Ringfort - rath SL04212
- Srah Upper Ringfort - rath MA03340
- Cashel South Children's burial ground SL05253
- Streamstown (Leyny By., Streamstown Ed) Mill - unclassified SL04143
- Achonry Ringfort - rath SL04266
- Cloondrihara Mound SL03375
- Carrowreagh (Knox) Ringfort - rath SL04031
- Achonry Field system SL04273
- Carrownabanny Ringfort - rath SL03341
- Cashel South Barrow - ditch barrow SL05275
- Achonry Barrow - ring-barrow SL05296
- Sandyhill Ritual site - holy well SL06075
- Carrowkeel (Leyny By.) Redundant record SL05348
- Bunnacranagh Ringfort - cashel SL06059
- Mullaun Bullaun stone SL07364
- Achonry Cross-slab SL04277
- Lavagh (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL04093
- Eskragh Ringfort - rath SL05243
- Carrownaleck Cross-inscribed stone SL07458
- Tobertelly Ringfort - rath SL04252
- Killoran South Souterrain SL04060
- Knockatotaun Enclosure SL03401
- Achonry Barrow - unclassified SL04265
- Lowpark Children's burial ground MA08346
- Carrowreilly Ringfort - rath SL04177
- Achonry Enclosure SL04233
- Moylough Field system SL05422
- Achonry Barrow - ring-barrow SL04262
- Sandyhill Ringfort - rath SL06074
- Ballindoo Or Doocastle Enclosure MA02662
- Carrowreilly Hut site SL04175
- Mullanabreena Barrow - ring-barrow SL05351
- Leitrim North Souterrain SL03967
- Carrowreagh (Knox) Ringfort - rath SL05167
- Bunnacranagh Ringfort - rath SL06058
- Moylough Hut site SL06489
- Carrownloughan Ringfort - rath SL03391
- Drumbaun Ringfort - rath SL06055
- Carnyara Barrow - mound barrow SL04322
- Carrowntober Redundant record SL05285
- Tonnagh Children's burial ground MA03339
- Rathscanlan Moated site SL05208
- Derreens Ringfort - rath SL03963
- Mullanabreena Barrow - ring-barrow SL05352
- Moylough Enclosure SL06493
- Carrowreagh (Knox) Kiln - lime SL05377
- Kilcummin Graveyard SL03956
- Carrowreilly Souterrain SL04174
- Killoran North Ringfort - rath SL03407
- Achonry Enclosure SL04268
- Achonry Ringfort - rath SL05295
- Cunghill Ringfort - rath SL04106
- Moylough Hut site SL06487
- Cashel North Ringfort - rath SL04048
- Claragh Scotch Redundant record SL04066
- Carrowreilly Redundant record SL04161
- Belra Souterrain SL06451
- Tobercurry Ringfort - cashel SL05338
- Ballyara (Knox) Enclosure SL05207
- Sessuegarry Ringfort - rath SL04014
- Ballindoo Or Doocastle Enclosure MA08813
- Knockadoo (Leyny By.) Souterrain SL02872
- Achonry Quarry SL03836
- Sessuecommon Souterrain SL03999
- Lissymulgee Souterrain MA08342
- Ballinvally West Ringfort - rath SL05353
- Banada Ringfort - rath SL05239
- Mullaun Ringfort - rath SL03988