Riverstown is a Village in the county of County Sligo.
There are great places to visit near Riverstown including some great towns.
Towns to visit near Riverstown include Sligo.
Riverstown History
There are some historic monuments around Riverstown:
- Tully (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL05685
- Toberbride Fulacht fia SL06457
- Doonaveeragh Hut site SL05788
- Ballysumaghan Ringfort - rath SL02895
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Hut site SL05927
- Lisruntagh Ringfort - rath SL03579
- Doonally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03144
- Bleachgreen Mill - unclassified SL06585
- Toberanania Ringfort - rath SL03117
- Treanmacmurtagh Field system SL05748
- Brickeen Enclosure SL04854
- Greenan Ringfort - cashel SL05727
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Enclosure SL05662
- Killerry Enclosure SL03087
- Doomore (Corran By.) Cist SL06540
- Barroe Lower Redundant record SL04872
- Killala Ringfort - rath SL03681
- Inishmore Island Castle - motte SL04878
- Greaghnafarna (Drumahaire By., Killanummery Ed) Ringfort - rath LE00766
- Union Ringfort - rath SL03011
- Castledargan Castle - tower house SL03130
- Greenan Road - road/trackway SL05818
- Lisdoogan Ringfort - rath SL04794
- Ardvarney Ringfort - rath SL04613
- Toomour Cross-slab SL06618
- Rathmoney Enclosure SL07442
- Clooskirt Enclosure SL03730
- Srananagh Ringfort - rath SL03702
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Quarry SL05807
- Doonally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03677
- Ardkeeran (Tirerrill By.) Souterrain SL03792
- Rosmore Ringfort - rath SL03800
- Bleachgreen Ringfort - rath SL03002
- Cloonamahan Ringfort - rath SL03557
- Bawn Ringfort - rath LE00733
- Cloonlurg Quarry SL04598
- Treanmore (Corran By.) House - 18th/19th century SL05935
- Carrownspurraun Ringfort - rath SL03744
- Lissergloon Ringfort - rath SL03659
- Lisruntagh Enclosure SL03580
- Lahardan Ringfort - rath SL04767
- Carrowgobbadagh Earthwork SL02831
- Collooney Mill - unclassified SL03007
- Kinkillew Ringfort - rath SL03722
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Cist SL05768
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Souterrain SL03204
- Lahardan Sweathouse SL04758
- Mullaghmore (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03782
- Ardsallagh,Cloonagh (Corran By.),Cross,Knocknacroy,Knocknawhishoge Road - road/trackway SL05496
- Knockaun Ringfort - rath SL04631
- Knockbreenagher Ringfort - rath SL03891
- Castleore Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL03112
- Lahardan Ringfort - rath SL04770
- Ballysumaghan Enclosure SL02892
- Cloonagashel Ringfort - rath SL04429
- Carrickbanagher Souterrain SL06459
- Derrybrisk Ringfort - rath LE00731
- Derrybeg Ringfort - rath SL04830
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Fulacht fia SL06530
- Treanmacmurtagh House - 18th/19th century SL05742
- Ballynakill Graveyard SL03759
- Cloghoge Lower Road - road/trackway SL05679
- Treanmore (Corran By.) House - 18th/19th century SL05925
- Castledargan Redundant record SL03222
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Hut site SL05693
- Drumraine (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04704
- Treanmacmurtagh Cist SL05672
- Knocknagore Ringfort - rath SL05580
- Bullaun Enclosure SL04760
- Drumaskibbole Ringfort - cashel SL02842
- Mountgaffeny Ringfort - rath SL05895
- Knockgrania (Corran By., Drumrat Ed) Moated site SL05641
- Emlagh (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03806
- Killala Ringfort - rath SL03682
- Carricknahorna West Standing stone SL05784
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03195
- Ardloy Souterrain SL04726
- Tawnagh (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04882
- Arnasbrack Cliff-edge fort SL03135
- Rathmulpatrick Ringfort - rath SL03892
- Greenan Barrow - embanked barrow SL05809
- Templevanny Graveslab SL06646
- Brickeen Ringfort - rath SL04827
- Brickeen Ringfort - rath SL04826
- Carrickglass Ringfort - rath SL04776
- Ballydawley Crannog SL02949
- Srananagh Ringfort - rath SL03705
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Redundant record SL05545
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03196
- Tawnagh (Tirerrill By.) Graveyard SL04693
- Ardsallagh Ringfort - rath SL04529
- Ballysumaghan Ringfort - rath SL03689
- Cloonacaltry Ringfort - rath SL05532
- Bellanagarrigeeny Or Castlebaldwin Ringfort - rath SL04810
- Mullaghmore (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03762
- Tunnagh (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03735
- Emlagh (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03804
- Carnaweeleen Barrow - unclassified SL05650
- Barroe South Ringfort - rath SL04873
- Templevanny Redundant record SL05842
- Lough Arrow Crannog SL04861
- Kingsborough House - 16th/17th century SL04853
- Ballysumaghan Cursing stone SL03691
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL05769
- Carrickcoola Ringfort - rath SL03750
- Barroe South Well SL04865
- Lisdoogan Enclosure SL04792
- Kilross Church SL03150
- Knockroe (Tirerrill By., Aghanagh Ed) Enclosure SL07440
- Carricknahorna East Enclosure SL05894
- Greenan Barrow - embanked barrow SL05811
- Castleore Souterrain SL03114
- Cooperhill Souterrain SL03789
- Rathbaun,Sracummer (Drumahaire By.) Ringfort - rath LE00765
- Inishmore Island Graveyard SL05713
- Killadoon Redundant record SL04679
- Cartronhugh Souterrain SL03104
- Sheerevagh Ringfort - rath SL04741
- Markree Demesne Ringfort - rath SL03555
- Graniamore Ringfort - rath SL04539
- Toomour Cross-slab SL05829
- Cartronhugh Church SL03102
- Ardleebeg Hut site SL03686
- Tawnagh (Tirerrill By.) Ritual site - holy well SL04621
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Enclosure SL07470
- Carricknahorna East Ringfort - cashel SL05893
- Drumraine (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04708
- Cloonmacduff Ritual site - holy well SL02854
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Enclosure SL07459
- Bricklieve Ringfort - rath SL04795
- Killala Ringfort - rath SL03679
- Knockroe (Tirerrill By., Aghanagh Ed) Enclosure SL05708
- Mount Town Ringfort - rath SL04675
- Drumduff Ringfort - unclassified LE00750
- Tully (Corran By.) Souterrain SL07421
- Cloonagh (Tirerrill By.) Redundant record SL03905
- Ardkeeran (Tirerrill By.) Crannog SL04608
- Cloghoge Upper Ringfort - rath SL04815
- Knocknacross Ringfort - rath SL04883
- Cooperhill Ringfort - rath SL03786
- Carrowcrory Crannog SL05838
- Carnaweeleen Hut site SL05653
- Rosmore Ringfort - rath SL03809
- Carrowcrin Redundant record LE00759
- Ballyhealy Or Hollybrook Demesne Souterrain SL05700
- Ardleebeg Anomalous stone group SL03687
- Knockbreenagher Ringfort - rath SL03886
- Cloghoge Lower Enclosure SL05678
- Mullaghfarna Ringfort - rath SL05703
- Tully (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL05683
- Ballydawley Stone row SL02950
- Doongelagh Sweathouse SL04672
- Killerry Church SL03083
- Union Ringfort - cashel SL03009
- Carrowcrin (Tirerrill By.) Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL03146
- Ballydawley Ritual site - holy well SL02956
- Toomour Church SL05825
- Knocknagore Ringfort - rath SL05581
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03198
- Aghanagh Enclosure SL05832
- Toberanania Ringfort - rath SL03122
- Knockroe (Tirerrill By., Aghanagh Ed) Ringfort - cashel SL05792
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03697
- Drumdoney (Tirerrill By., Killadoon Ed) Ringfort - rath SL04635
- Fallougher Ringfort - rath SL05555
- Clooneally Enclosure SL07511
- Arnasbrack Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL03093
- Drumaskibbole Ringfort - cashel SL02835
- Emlagh (Corran By., Drumrat Ed) Ringfort - rath SL05483
- Toomour Graveyard SL05828
- Ballydawley Ringfort - cashel SL03028
- Castledargan Enclosure SL03126
- Coolskeagh Hut site SL06660
- Cloonagashel Field system SL04427
- Tully (Corran By.) Cairn - unclassified SL05780
- Tiratick Ringfort - cashel SL03115
- Coollemoneen Ringfort - rath SL04664
- Kiltycloghan Architectural fragment SL03668
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL05764
- Knockaun Ringfort - rath SL04634
- Emlagh (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03815
- Aghanagh Redundant record SL05871
- Carrigans Upper Field system SL04408
- Kinkillew Ringfort - rath SL03724
- Cross Platform SL07294
- Castledargan Bawn SL06673
- Finisklin (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL05583
- Cloghoge Lower Cairn - unclassified SL07124
- Ballydawley Ringfort - rath SL03026
- Aghanagh Graveslab SL05888
- Ballydawley Graveyard SL02953
- Knocknacross Ringfort - rath SL04648
- Ballindoon Font SL04848
- Cleighran Redundant record LE00754
- Carricknagat (Tirerrill By.) Anomalous stone group SL03166
- Treanscrabbagh Hut site SL05759
- Feenaghmore Fulacht fia SL06583
- Carricknagat (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03161
- Cloonagh (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03714
- Knockroe (Tirerrill By., Lisconny Ed) Ringfort - rath SL03560
- Toberanania Ringfort - rath SL03091
- Annaghgowan Redundant record SL03846
- Castleore Anomalous stone group SL03106
- Cartronhugh Ringfort - cashel SL03096
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03194
- Ballynakill Ringfort - rath SL03734
- Whitehill (Tirerrill By., Lakeview Ed) Redundant record SL04710
- Knockroe (Tirerrill By., Aghanagh Ed) Quarry SL05710
- Murhy Cairn - unclassified SL03848
- Ogham (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04594
- Tully Beg Enclosure SL02881
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Redundant record SL05791
- Ballindoon Ritual site - holy well SL04851
- Cloonagh (Corran By.),Cross Cave SL05499
- Kinkillew Enclosure SL03908
- Cloonlurg Ringfort - rath SL04356
- Carricknahorna East Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL05778
- Ballyhealy Or Hollybrook Demesne Ringfort - rath SL05699
- Kilross Redundant record SL03159
- Barroe South Enclosure SL04864
- Cloghoge Lower Ringfort - rath SL04822
- Knockroe (Tirerrill By., Aghanagh Ed) Ringfort - rath SL03860
- Killerry Enclosure SL03080
- Mullaghfarna Ringfort - rath SL05702
- Drumee Ringfort - rath SL03693
- Drumee Ringfort - rath SL03694
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL05765
- Arnasbrack Field boundary SL03138
- Cloonagashel Settlement deserted - medieval SL07122
- Ballydawley Crannog SL06438
- Sheerevagh Ringfort - rath SL04743
- Gaddan Ringfort - rath SL03680
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Hut site SL03851
- Cloonmacduff Ringfort - cashel SL02851
- Lahardan Ringfort - rath SL04766
- Lough Arrow Crannog SL05796
- Castleore Mound SL03107
- Kingsbrook Ringfort - rath SL04603
- Mullaghfarna Ringfort - rath SL05704
- Cloonagashel Souterrain SL04426
- Doonmeegin Ringfort - rath SL04495
- Belladrihid Enclosure SL02829
- Rockbrook Ringfort - rath SL03783
- Kiltycloghan Souterrain SL03666
- Rathgeean Sweathouse SL03186
- Ardagh Ringfort - rath SL04647
- Bleachgreen Enclosure SL03003
- Greenan Redundant record SL05731
- Glen (Tirerrill By., Drumcolumb Ed) Ringfort - rath SL03784
- Drumcondra Enclosure SL07503
- Carrigans Upper Enclosure SL04421
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Ringfort - cashel SL05722
- Mount Town Ringfort - rath SL04663
- Aghanagh Barrow - unclassified SL05891
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Settlement cluster SL03858
- Ardrea Ringfort - rath SL04461
- Templevanny Ringfort - cashel SL05837
- Graniamore Ringfort - rath SL04538
- Cuiltydangan Ringfort - rath SL03882
- Treanscrabbagh Ringfort - cashel SL05758
- Cletty Ringfort - rath SL04530
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed),Cuilsheeghary More,Doonaveeragh,Knockroe (Tirerrill By., Aghanagh Ed),Mullaghfarna Road - road/trackway SL05913
- Treanmacmurtagh Enclosure SL05933
- Rathgeean Ringfort - rath SL03185
- Castledargan Standing stone SL03127
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL05770
- Toomour Ecclesiastical enclosure SL05831
- Drumrane Ringfort - rath LE00739
- Ardagh Cross-slab SL06592
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03672
- Annaghcor Ringfort - rath SL04804
- Cloghoge Lower Redundant record SL05680
- Sheerevagh Ringfort - rath SL04745
- Killala Ringfort - rath SL03684
- Carrigeenblike Hut site SL06534
- Markree Demesne Ringfort - rath SL02874
- Treanscrabbagh Quarry SL05687
- Spotfield Ringfort - rath SL03572
- Lahardan Ringfort - rath SL04773
- Lahardan Redundant record SL04769
- Greenan Enclosure SL05728
- Annaghgowan Enclosure SL03845
- Doomore (Corran By.) Redundant record SL07123
- Carnaweeleen Enclosure SL05656
- Drumraine (Tirerrill By.) Enclosure SL07510
- Roscrib West,Bellanascarrow East,Roscrib East Road - road/trackway SL04523
- Kilross Redundant record SL03141
- Springfield Ringfort - rath SL04699
- Coolskeagh Hut site SL05859
- Bricklieve Castle - unclassified SL04799
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Cairn - unclassified SL05926
- Rusheen (Tirerrill By., Riverstown Ed) Ringfort - rath SL03776
- Toomour Ritual site - holy/saint's stone SL06600
- Clooneenroe Ringfort - rath SL03517
- Carrownspurraun Bullaun stone (present location) SL03742
- Cloonamahan House - 18th/19th century SL03583
- Srananagh Ringfort - rath SL03699
- Treanscrabbagh Ringfort - cashel SL05752
- Dromore (Tirerrill By., Ballysadare East Ed) Cliff-edge fort SL03111
- Abbeyville Or Ardlaherty Ringfort - rath SL05486
- Carrigeenblike Ringfort - cashel SL04874
- Drumnagranshy,Murhy Hilltop enclosure SL05660
- Rooghan Hut site SL03741
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Souterrain SL05667
- Emlagh (Corran By., Drumrat Ed) Fulacht fia SL05647
- Sliganagh Enclosure LE00728
- Treanmacmurtagh House - 18th/19th century SL05740
- Arnasbrack Ringfort - cashel SL03136
- Cams Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL04714
- Kiltycloghan Architectural fragment SL06677
- Tully (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL05750
- Collooney Architectural fragment SL06648
- Rathgeean Ringfort - rath SL03189
- Carricknahorna East Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL05783
- Inishmore Island Designed landscape feature SL04877
- Behy Castle - tower house SL04590
- Kiltycloghan Bullaun stone SL03667
- Ardagh Graveyard SL04643
- Lissergloon Ringfort - rath SL03661
- Markree Demesne Ringfort - rath SL02875
- Templevanny Graveyard SL05841
- Cloghoge Lower Cairn - clearance cairn SL05944
- Coollemoneen Crannog SL04674
- Carricknagat (Leyny By.) Ringfort - rath SL03000
- Knockadoo (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04605
- Barroe Upper Ringfort - cashel SL04868
- Cuilsheeghary More,Knockroe (Tirerrill By., Aghanagh Ed) Field system SL05801
- Treanscrabbagh Hut site SL05760
- Feenaghroe Redundant record SL05540
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Riverstown Ed) Ringfort - rath SL04592
- Killanummery Ringfort - rath LE00747
- Castledargan Designed landscape - folly SL03216
- Tunnagh (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03717
- Kinkillew Ringfort - rath SL03723
- Greenan Souterrain SL05729
- Ardagh Church SL04642
- Drumcolumb Ringfort - rath SL04626
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Hut site SL05666
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Hut site SL05923
- Derry More Ringfort - rath SL04831
- Tawnagh (Tirerrill By.) Cross - Tau cross SL04696
- Cuilsheeghary More Ringfort - cashel SL03861
- Bearlough Ringfort - rath SL05535
- Ardleebeg Ringfort - rath SL03685
- Doonsheheen Hut site SL04656
- Cloghoge Lower Ringfort - rath SL05681
- Coolboy Redundant record SL04733
- Tawnagh (Tirerrill By.) Headstone SL04697
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03670
- Carrowcrin Redundant record LE00723
- Rusheen (Tirerrill By., Riverstown Ed) Redundant record SL03745
- Toberbride Ringfort - rath SL03542
- Greenan Redundant record SL05732
- Doonmeegin Ringfort - rath SL04496
- Drumnagranshy Ringfort - rath SL04531
- Ogham (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04593
- Toberanania Ritual site - holy well SL03121
- Treanmacmurtagh Cliff-edge fort SL05746
- Castledargan Cairn - unclassified SL03078
- Cloonagashel Ringfort - rath SL04425
- Carrownagh Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL03094
- Carnaweeleen Redundant record SL05657
- Murhy Ringfort - cashel SL05734
- Cleighran Ringfort - rath LE00755
- Barroe Upper Enclosure SL04867
- Rosmore Ringfort - rath SL03803
- Killadoon Ringfort - rath SL07315
- Ardkeeran (Tirerrill By.) Enclosure SL03793
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Enclosure SL05690
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Cairn - unclassified SL03857
- Carrickcoola Ringfort - cashel SL03752
- Cloonmacduff Ringfort - cashel SL03021
- Bullaun Redundant record SL04763
- Barroe Lower Redundant record SL04871
- Gaddan Beg Ringfort - rath SL03698
- Kilmorgan Redundant record SL04685
- Ballydawley Bridge SL03055
- Lissycoyne Souterrain SL04739
- Carrickglass Ringfort - rath SL04832
- Lissaneeny Ringfort - rath SL03709
- Lisbanagher Ringfort - rath SL03769
- Greenan Redundant record SL05910
- Ballynakill Redundant record SL03738
- Aghanagh Graveyard SL05885
- Drumahaire Gateway LE02395
- Barroe Upper Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL04869
- Toberanania Ringfort - rath SL03119
- Drumrane Ringfort - rath LE00743
- Knockmullin Crannog SL03548
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Cross-slab SL06605
- Lavally (Corran By.) Redundant record SL04589
- Cloonmacduff Ringfort - rath SL03018
- Rosmore Souterrain SL03801
- Mullaghcor Ringfort - rath SL04528
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Bullaun stone SL05551
- Kilross Cross SL07435
- Kilcreevin Barrow - ring-barrow SL04436
- Rosmore Ringfort - rath SL03810
- Cloonagh (Corran By.) Cross-slab (present location) SL07135
- Treanmacmurtagh Road - road/trackway SL05924
- Annagh (Tirerrill By.),Bellarush,Cartronroe (Tirerrill By.) Bridge SL06520
- Treanmacmurtagh Kiln - lime SL06535
- Kinkillew Crannog SL03728
- Cloonmacduff Ringfort - cashel SL03019
- Cuilsheeghary Beg Souterrain SL07436
- Sheerevagh Barrow - bowl-barrow SL04744
- Cartronhugh Burnt mound SL03223
- Cloonmacduff Altar SL03020
- Clooskirt Ringfort - rath SL03731
- Drumahaire Bawn LE00726
- Lough Arrow Crannog SL05799
- Ardagh Ringfort - rath SL04637
- Kiltycloghan Graveyard SL03665
- Cams Souterrain SL04712
- Toomour Earthwork SL05820
- Aghanagh Ritual site - holy/saint's stone SL05882
- Bricklieve Souterrain SL04797
- Lissycoyne Ringfort - rath SL04738
- Doonally (Tirerrill By.) Redundant record SL07251
- Tunnagh (Tirerrill By.) Crannog SL03715
- Cartronroe (Tirerrill By.) Barrow - mound barrow SL04755
- Doonmeegin Ringfort - rath SL04494
- Cuilsheeghary More House - 18th/19th century SL05919
- Lough Arrow Redundant record SL03847
- Ardvarney Ringfort - rath SL04611
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03676
- Ballynakill Ringfort - rath SL03739
- Glen (Tirerrill By., Drumcolumb Ed) Enclosure SL03785
- Springfield Enclosure SL04701
- Knockbreenagher Burnt spread SL07066
- Kingsbrook Hut site SL04604
- Lissergloon Enclosure SL03903
- Cloghoge Upper Ritual site - holy well SL04813
- Carrickcoola Ringfort - rath SL03733
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Souterrain SL03854
- Knockatober Embanked enclosure SL03143
- Annagh (Tirerrill By.) Redundant record SL04754
- Cuiltydangan Ringfort - rath SL03881
- Emlagh (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03813
- Ardagh Cross-slab SL06616
- Knockadoo (Leyny By.) Fulacht fia SL04890
- Bricklieve Ringfort - rath SL04796
- Cuiltydangan Ringfort - rath SL03878
- Cooperhill Or Gobbadagh Ringfort - rath SL03559
- Rathgeean Ringfort - rath SL03188
- Ballydawley Bullaun stone SL07183
- Drumaskibbole Field boundary SL02838
- Knocknageeha (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03657
- Coollemoneen Cross-slab SL06563
- Carricknagat (Tirerrill By.) Redundant record SL03225
- Cloonymeenaghan Souterrain SL04732
- Ardvarney,Cuiltylough Crannog SL04609
- Rathmoney Ringfort - rath SL03175
- Brickeen Holed stone SL04809
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Church SL05543
- Ballyhealy Or Hollybrook Demesne Ringfort - rath SL05698
- Clooneally Ringfort - rath SL03181
- Lough Arrow Crannog SL05892
- Cross Ritual site - holy well SL05497
- Drumraine (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04705
- Ardrea Fulacht fia SL04575
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03200
- Drumnasoohy Redundant record SL03895
- Coollemoneen Ritual site - holy tree/bush SL04669
- Treanmacmurtagh Cairn - unclassified SL05670
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Graveyard SL05544
- Doongelagh Ringfort - rath SL04654
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Ritual site - holy well SL05538
- Cuilsheeghary Beg Ringfort - cashel SL05866
- Ardakip Beg Ringfort - rath LE00730
- Ardagh Ritual site - holy well SL04638
- Drumahaire Castle - hall-house LE00727
- Belladrihid Redundant record SL02827
- Toomour Ritual site - holy well SL05733
- Kilross Bullaun stone SL03147
- Gaddan Ringfort - rath SL03678
- Carrickcoola Bawn SL03732
- Drumrane Ringfort - rath LE00742
- Templevanny Ecclesiastical enclosure SL06591
- Coollemoneen Cursing stone SL06562
- Treanmacmurtagh House - 18th/19th century SL05743
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Enclosure SL05692
- Drumaskibbole Ringfort - cashel SL02840
- Killanummery Earthwork LE00746
- Tully Beg Ringfort - rath SL03140
- Lisruntagh Ringfort - rath SL03582
- Knockmoynagh Ringfort - rath SL04467
- Drumdoney (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Designed landscape - tree-ring SL05906
- Cartronhugh Ritual site - holy/saint's stone SL03105
- Bunnamuck Ringfort - rath SL05536
- Drumrane Ringfort - rath LE00757
- Clooneenroe Designed landscape - tree-ring SL03515
- Treanscrabbagh Enclosure SL06482
- Coolboy Ringfort - rath SL07464
- Cuilsheeghary More Hut site SL03859
- Union Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL06611
- Kilsallagh Ringfort - rath SL05586
- Mullaghcor Barrow - bowl-barrow SL04526
- Lisbanagher Souterrain SL03770
- Drumee Ringfort - rath SL03662
- Tully (Corran By.) Redundant record SL05781
- Doonaveeragh Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL05776
- Drumnasoohy Sweathouse SL03893
- Bricklieve Ringfort - rath SL04791
- Annaghloy Ecclesiastical site SL05798
- Treanscrabbagh Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL05773
- Kilmorgan Church SL04682
- Carrowcrin (Tirerrill By.) Enclosure SL06508
- Templevanny Church SL05840
- Drumaskibbole Enclosure SL02836
- Cloghoge Lower Ritual site - holy well SL05689
- Cartronhugh Enclosure SL03095
- Knocknageeha (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03177
- Sheerevagh Ringfort - rath SL04800
- Markree Demesne Enclosure SL03552
- Drumdoney (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Designed landscape - tree-ring SL05907
- Doonaveeragh Cairn - unclassified SL05777
- Lahardan Redundant record SL04774
- Whitehill (Tirerrill By., Lakeview Ed) Ringfort - rath SL04709
- Cams Ritual site - holy well SL04715
- Ballysumaghan Enclosure SL02894
- Cloonmacduff Graveyard SL03016
- Drumcondra Ringfort - rath SL03172
- Falnashammer Ringfort - rath SL03654
- Roscrib East Ringfort - rath SL04463
- Kilross Building SL03153
- Rosmore Ringfort - rath SL03808
- Springfield Megalithic tomb - portal tomb SL04700
- Whitehill (Tirerrill By., Lakeview Ed) Ringfort - rath SL04622
- Toomour Ritual site - holy well SL05812
- Carrigans Upper Road - road/trackway SL04423
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03193
- Markree Demesne Ringfort - rath SL03551
- Cuilsheeghary Beg Children's burial ground SL06537
- Carricknagat (Tirerrill By.) Sweathouse SL03165
- Drumcondra Field system SL03218
- Aghanagh Building SL05875
- Clooskirt Ringfort - rath SL03727
- Ardloy Enclosure SL04898
- Cooperhill House - 16th/17th century SL03787
- Carricknagat (Tirerrill By.) Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL03160
- Carrigans Upper Hut site SL04578
- Knockaun Ringfort - rath SL04639
- Carricknahorna West Enclosure SL07182
- Roscrib East Barrow - embanked barrow SL04489
- Knockbreenagher Ringfort - rath SL03890
- Ballynary Ringfort - cashel SL05715
- Knockadoo (Tirerrill By.) Barrow - unclassified SL04595
- Gortlownan Castle - motte SL03086
- Cartronhugh Ringfort - cashel SL03100
- Tawnagh (Tirerrill By.) Church SL04692
- Ardagh Ringfort - rath SL04646
- Drumcondra Castle - tower house SL03168
- Clooskirt Ringfort - rath SL03729
- Lavally (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL04459
- Drumaskibbole Enclosure SL02832
- Doonally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03145
- Lahardan Ritual site - holy well SL04772
- Ardloy Ringfort - rath SL04728
- Treanmacmurtagh Enclosure SL05749
- Treanmore (Corran By.),Murhy Ringfort - rath SL05954
- Castleore Souterrain SL03110
- Carrigeenboy (Tirerrill By., Collooney Ed) Burnt spread SL06584
- Newpark Cliff-edge fort SL04353
- Kingsborough Designed landscape - avenue SL06665
- Ballydawley Souterrain SL06446
- Cloonymeenaghan Ringfort - rath SL04731
- Treanmacmurtagh House - 18th/19th century SL05929
- Carrickcoola Ringfort - rath SL03780
- Toberbride Ringfort - rath SL03541
- Carrickbanagher Redundant record SL03627
- Castleore Ringfort - cashel SL03108
- Treanscrabbagh Enclosure SL07126
- Carrickcoola Enclosure SL03753
- Bricklieve Ringfort - rath SL04798
- Toomour Ritual site - holy/saint's stone SL05830
- Ballysumaghan Ringfort - rath SL03688
- Carricknagat (Tirerrill By.) Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL03209
- Mullaghfarna,Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL05775
- Carrickbanagher Ringfort - rath SL03581
- Carrowreagh (Corran By., Toomour Ed) Road - road/trackway SL05834
- Barroe North Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL04778
- Cartronroe (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04757
- Rusheen (Tirerrill By., Ballynakill Ed) Enclosure SL03777
- Carrowreagh (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04650
- Kingsbrook Fulacht fia SL04893
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Burnt mound SL06531
- Carricknahorna West Redundant record SL05787
- Aghanagh Enclosure SL05869
- Cams Ringfort - rath SL04717
- Deerpark Hut site SL04352
- Castleore Ringfort - rath SL03113
- Drumahaire Standing stone LE02394
- Ballysumaghan Enclosure SL03692
- Drumduff Ringfort - rath LE00748
- Treanscrabbagh Enclosure SL05755
- Carrigans Lower Ringfort - rath SL04348
- Treanmacmurtagh Fulacht fia SL05673
- Ballydawley Stone head SL02958
- Drumraine (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04619
- Cloonlurg Ringfort - rath SL04355
- Rathmoney Ringfort - rath SL03174
- Ballydawley Children's burial ground SL06445
- Graniamore Ringfort - rath SL04537
- Knockaun Ringfort - rath SL04630
- Knockatober Megalithic tomb - portal tomb SL03155
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Redundant record SL05549
- Cuilsheeghary Beg Ringfort - cashel SL05868
- Markree Demesne Earthwork SL03646
- Greenan Kerb circle SL05730
- Lough Arrow Redundant record SL05870
- Ballinvoher (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL04491
- Cross Platform SL07295
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Ringfort - rath SL05694
- Mullaghmore (Tirerrill By.) Kiln - lime SL06463
- Drumnasoohy Sweathouse SL03802
- Ardneeskan Ringfort - rath SL03771
- Cloghoge Lower Hut site SL04821
- Rathrippin Souterrain SL03513
- Cloonamahan Ringfort - rath SL03651
- Aghanagh Barrow - ditch barrow SL05878
- Lough Arrow Redundant record SL05797
- Tully (Corran By.) Redundant record SL05928
- Knockroe (Tirerrill By., Aghanagh Ed) Enclosure SL07437
- Sheerevagh Ringfort - rath SL04801
- Knockroe (Tirerrill By., Aghanagh Ed) Ringfort - cashel SL05789
- Sheerevagh Souterrain SL04803
- Doonsheheen Ringfort - rath SL04657
- Ballydawley Souterrain SL03023
- Knockatober Barrow - mound barrow SL03207
- Cuiltydangan Ringfort - rath SL03879
- Drumcolumb Graveyard SL03819
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Ringfort - cashel SL05786
- Knockmullin Ringfort - rath SL03547
- Heapstown Enclosure SL04749
- Lough Arrow Redundant record SL05897
- Ardagh Cross-slab SL06613
- Behy Sheela-na-gig SL04591
- Barroe Lower Redundant record SL04858
- Toomour Leacht SL05827
- Carnaweeleen Quarry SL05648
- Cloonmacduff Church SL02856
- Lisconny Ringfort - rath SL03587
- Ballinvoher (Corran By.) Redundant record SL04492
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL05771
- Cloonmacduff Castle - unclassified SL03010
- Lisconwy Ringfort - rath SL05585
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Enclosure SL07427
- Ardagh Cross-slab SL07206
- Drumcolumb Ringfort - rath SL03816
- Treanmacmurtagh Souterrain SL05736
- Ardkeeran (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03791
- Ardvarney Ringfort - rath SL04612
- Carrigans Lower Kiln - lime SL06521
- Annaghgowla Island Structure SL04875
- Castledargan Building SL03132
- Annaghcor Souterrain SL04805
- Union Earthwork SL03008
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Fulacht fia SL05946
- Ballygrania Ringfort - rath SL02878
- Knocknawhishoge Ringfort - rath SL05492
- Ballindoon Enclosure SL04850
- Cooperhill Or Gobbadagh Enclosure SL03553
- Kilcreevin Redundant record SL04435
- Drumrane Ringfort - rath LE00740
- Mullaghmore (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03765
- Kingsborough Ringfort - rath SL04852
- Cloonagh (Corran By.) Barrow - mound barrow SL05554
- Cuilsheeghary More Enclosure SL05864
- Ballydawley Barrow - mound barrow SL03065
- Tobernaglashy Ritual site - holy well SL04617
- Rusheen (Tirerrill By., Riverstown Ed) Souterrain SL06464
- Cams Souterrain SL04720
- Carrownagark Ritual site - holy well SL04602
- Lissycoyne Ringfort - rath SL04742
- Cartrontaylor Enclosure SL07504
- Cuilsheeghary More Ringfort - cashel SL07429
- Drumraine (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04706
- Lisdoogan Ringfort - rath SL04784
- Abbeyville Or Ardlaherty Ritual site - holy well SL05485
- Tully More Enclosure SL02880
- Cuiltydangan Ringfort - rath SL03884
- Toberanania Ringfort - rath SL03118
- Carrigans Lower Well SL04573
- Carrownspurraun Redundant record SL03743
- Kingsfort (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL05489
- Carrickglass Megalithic tomb - portal tomb SL04775
- Drumcolumb Ecclesiastical enclosure SL03817
- Newpark Graveyard SL04548
- Emlagh (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03814
- Springfield Ringfort - rath SL04698
- Castledargan Redundant record SL06983
- Greenan Ritual site - holy well SL05821
- Greenan,Treanmore (Corran By.) Field system SL03850
- Kilross Ringfort - cashel SL03139
- Lissycoyne Ringfort - rath SL04737
- Ardneeskan Ringfort - rath SL03772
- Bellanascarva Ringfort - rath SL04614
- Knockatober Road - road/trackway SL03154
- Aghanagh Ford SL05881
- Ballynakill Architectural fragment SL03760
- Tawnagh (Tirerrill By.) Enclosure SL04703
- Knockbreenagher Ringfort - rath SL03889
- Heapstown Megalithic structure SL07067
- Arnasbrack Field system SL03137
- Treanmacmurtagh Field system SL05930
- Drumcormick Ringfort - rath SL04788
- Cloonmacduff Enclosure SL02852
- Lissaneeny Ringfort - rath SL03710
- Tully (Corran By.) Ringfort - cashel SL07423
- Ballydawley Church SL02952
- Newpark Souterrain SL04354
- Carricknahorna East Hut site SL06485
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Mill - unclassified SL05806
- Killeenduff (Tirerrill By.) Crannog SL03092
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Enclosure SL05723
- Mullaghcor Enclosure SL04527
- Castleore Ringfort - cashel SL03109
- Kingsbrook Ringfort - rath SL06486
- Barroe Upper Redundant record SL04860
- Carnaweeleen Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL05655
- Carricknahorna West Enclosure SL07373
- Lissaneeny,Drumederalena Ringfort - rath SL03720
- Cuilsheeghary More Ringfort - cashel SL05855
- Drumraine (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04707
- Carrowreagh (Corran By., Toomour Ed) Ringfort - rath SL05836
- Roscrib East Ringfort - rath SL04490
- Drumcondra Cairn - unclassified SL03221
- Ballynakill Ringfort - rath SL03737
- Cloonmacduff Redundant record SL07358
- Drumee Stone head SL03904
- Carrigans Upper Ringfort - rath SL04458
- Kinkillew Ringfort - rath SL03726
- Ardrea Fulacht fia SL04576
- Doonmeegin Ringfort - rath SL04493
- Aghanagh Building SL05876
- Ballynary Ringfort - rath SL05714
- Cleavry Crannog SL04806
- Aghanagh Redundant record SL05900
- Carrickcoola Ringfort - rath SL03756
- Falnashammer Souterrain SL03157
- Carricknagat (Tirerrill By.) Souterrain SL03163
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Ballynakill Ed) Souterrain SL03701
- Aghanagh Church SL05884
- Drumshinnagh Ringfort - rath SL04652
- Ardcumber Ringfort - rath SL03774
- Collooney Walled garden SL03650
- Ardcumber Ringfort - rath SL03775
- Tawnagh (Tirerrill By.) Enclosure SL04695
- Graniaroe Ringfort - rath SL04783
- Ballydawley Ecclesiastical enclosure SL02954
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Megalithic structure SL05767
- Srananagh Ringfort - rath SL03704
- Killerry Enclosure SL03088
- Toberbride Ritual site - holy well SL03510
- Ballydawley Ringfort - rath SL03024
- Cams Ritual site - holy well SL04716
- Whitehill (Tirerrill By., Aghanagh Ed) Ringfort - rath SL05707
- Carnaweeleen Ringfort - rath SL05652
- Carrickcoola Ritual site - holy well SL03755
- Ballynary Sweathouse SL03843
- Tunnagh (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03718
- Rockbrook Enclosure SL07513
- Tully (Corran By.) Ringfort - cashel SL05754
- Cloghoge Lower Ringfort - rath SL05682
- Markree Demesne House - 16th/17th century SL03516
- Rathmoney Ringfort - rath SL03176
- Drumdoney (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Architectural fragment SL05953
- Rathmulpatrick Ringfort - rath SL03896
- Heapstown Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL04748
- Barroe North Redundant record SL04833
- Ardsallagh Redundant record SL04570
- Ummeryroe Ringfort - rath SL04660
- Lough Arrow Crannog SL04855
- Carnaweeleen House - 18th/19th century SL05936
- Carrowreagh (Corran By., Toomour Ed) Redundant record SL05835
- Cloongad Ringfort - rath SL04736
- Barroe South Ringfort - rath SL04870
- Drumrane Ringfort - rath LE00741
- Rusheen (Tirerrill By., Ballynakill Ed) Souterrain SL03779
- Carrowcashel (Tirerrill By., Riverstown Ed) Promontory fort - inland SL03797
- Rooghan Ringfort - rath SL03740
- Cartronhugh Graveyard SL03103
- Bellanagarrigeeny Or Castlebaldwin House - 16th/17th century SL04811
- Tawnagh (Tirerrill By.) Redundant record SL04694
- Carrickcoola Redundant record SL03749
- Mount Town Barrow - mound barrow SL04661
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Hut site SL05726
- Union Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL06612
- Cappagh (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL04722
- Clooskirt Ringfort - rath SL03712
- Ardcumber Ringfort - rath SL03794
- Drumcondra Ringfort - cashel SL03171
- Tiratick Souterrain SL03179
- Templevanny Burnt mound SL07430
- Greenan Barrow - ring-barrow SL05810
- Kilross Pillar stone SL03211
- Carrickglass Ringfort - rath SL04777
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Ringfort - cashel SL05664
- Cams Enclosure SL07473
- Knocklough Ringfort - rath SL05494
- Cams Ringfort - rath SL04713
- Drumrane Ringfort - rath LE00758
- Aghanagh Children's burial ground SL06524
- Knockgrania (Corran By., Drumrat Ed) Ringfort - rath SL05484
- Heapstown Redundant record SL04750
- Ardagh Architectural fragment SL04645
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL05945
- Drumshinnagh Sweathouse SL06564
- Knockbreenagher Cliff-edge fort SL03888
- Bricklieve,Drumcormick,Tiraree Road - road/trackway SL04782
- Cooperhill Enclosure SL03790
- Rooghan Ringfort - rath SL03766
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Cairn - unclassified SL05668
- Killerry Ringfort - rath SL03079
- Lugacaha Ringfort - rath SL04723
- Doomore (Corran By.) Barrow - bowl-barrow SL04465
- Srananagh Ringfort - rath SL03706
- Cuilsheeghary More Ringfort - cashel SL05854
- Drumaskibbole Ringfort - cashel SL02843
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Cursing stone SL03197
- Cloonamahan Enclosure SL03556
- Templevanny Ringfort - cashel SL05669
- Cloghoge Upper Ritual site - holy well SL04814
- Treanmacmurtagh Hut site SL05747
- Srananagh Ringfort - rath SL03708
- Ardagh Cross-slab SL06614
- Coollemoneen Ringfort - rath SL04667
- Drumederalena Ringfort - rath SL03721
- Greenan Ritual site - holy well SL05813
- Treanscrabbagh Enclosure SL05757
- Cloghoge Lower Enclosure SL05688
- Drumduff Ringfort - rath LE00736
- Carrigans Upper Ringfort - rath SL04422
- Sheerevagh Ringfort - rath SL04802
- Knockroe (Tirerrill By., Aghanagh Ed) Hut site SL05921
- Carricknagat (Tirerrill By.) Enclosure SL03167
- Cappagh (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL04724
- Aghanagh Cross-inscribed stone SL06553
- Knocknacross Ringfort - rath SL04649
- Drumee Ringfort - rath SL03695
- Carrowcrin Ringfort - rath LE00761
- Ballydawley Field boundary SL02960
- Cloonagh (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL05552
- Mullaghcor Hilltop enclosure SL04525
- Rusheen (Tirerrill By., Riverstown Ed) Ringfort - rath SL03746
- Drumcondra Ringfort - cashel SL03169
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03719
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03205
- Cooperhill Ringfort - rath SL03788
- Drumrane Ringfort - rath LE00737
- Ardagh Cross-slab SL06615
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Barrow - mound barrow SL05539
- Drumcormick Ringfort - rath SL04785
- Kilsallagh Ringfort - rath SL05584
- Carrigans Upper Ritual site - holy well SL04410
- Kilross Sweathouse SL03212
- Bellanagarrigeeny Or Castlebaldwin Ringfort - rath SL04807
- Mullaghmore (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03763
- Knockbreenagher Enclosure SL03912
- Tully (Corran By.) Kiln - lime SL05941
- Cloghoge Lower Redundant record SL07125
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL05658
- Toberbride Ringfort - rath SL03508
- Toomour Barrow - mound barrow SL06565
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Redundant record SL05546
- Cooperhill Ringfort - rath SL03773
- Drumcondra Ringfort - cashel SL03170
- Carrowreagh (Corran By., Toomour Ed) Barrow - mound barrow SL05843
- Ardsallagh Redundant record SL04569
- Kingsfort (Tirerrill By.) Castle - unclassified SL03183
- Drumaskibbole Mound SL02834
- Cleighran Ringfort - cashel LE00753
- Aghanagh Graveslab SL05886
- Derrybrisk Ringfort - rath LE00732
- Ballysumaghan Souterrain SL03690
- Tully (Tirerrill By.) Sweathouse SL04680
- Cappagh (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL04721
- Ballynary Quarry SL05716
- Mullaghdoo Ringfort - rath LE00744
- Cloonamahan Designed landscape feature SL07215
- Murhy Quarry SL05735
- Rosmore Ringfort - rath SL03913
- Ballinvoher (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL04534
- Drumshinnagh Sweathouse SL04653
- Greenan Cross-slab SL05816
- Carrownamaddoo (Carbury By., Ballysadare West Ed,Castledargan Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL02845
- Carrownamaddoo (Carbury By., Ballysadare West Ed Redundant record SL02844
- Treanmacmurtagh Structure SL05741
- Ardkeeran (Tirerrill By.) Ritual site - holy well SL06470
- Treanmacmurtagh Souterrain SL05931
- Lurgan (Corran By.) Crannog SL05626
- Templevanny Redundant record SL06647
- Carrickbanagher Hilltop enclosure SL03618
- Carricknahorna West Enclosure SL07426
- Lough Arrow Crannog SL05898
- Ballydawley Redundant record SL03027
- Cross Platform SL07293
- Cuiltydangan Ringfort - rath SL03883
- Ardloy Redundant record SL04729
- Carricknahorna West Enclosure SL06483
- Carrickcoola Enclosure SL03754
- Treanmacmurtagh House - 18th/19th century SL05744
- Bleachgreen,Collooney,Rinn (Leyny By.) Bridge SL03041
- Cloghoge Lower Ringfort - rath SL05677
- Newpark Ecclesiastical enclosure SL07410
- Killadoon Church SL04752
- Kilross Bullaun stone SL03148
- Ballinvoher (Corran By.) Souterrain SL04536
- Toomour Barrow - unclassified SL05819
- Tully (Corran By.) Quarry SL05751
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Ringfort - cashel SL05725
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Enclosure SL05696
- Drumduff Ringfort - rath LE00751
- Drumcolumb Ritual site - holy well SL04627
- Bellanascarrow East Ringfort - rath SL04487
- Carnaweeleen Enclosure SL04793
- Falnashammer Ringfort - rath SL03156
- Barroe Lower Barrow - unclassified SL04838
- Cross Platform SL07292
- Mount Town Cairn - unclassified SL04662
- Lough Arrow Crannog SL04829
- Cloghoge Lower Ringfort - rath SL04820
- Ballindoon Ecclesiastical enclosure SL04849
- Drumaskibbole Ringfort - rath SL02841
- Bellanagarrigeeny Or Castlebaldwin Fulacht fia SL04894
- Knockroe (Tirerrill By., Aghanagh Ed) Hut site SL05802
- Drumcolumb Ringfort - rath SL03877
- Cuilsheeghary More Enclosure SL05803
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Burnt mound SL05947
- Drumahaire House - fortified house LE00725
- Aghanagh Ritual site - holy well SL05880
- Kingsbrook Ritual site - holy well SL04688
- Drumnasoohy Well SL03894
- Bullaun Barrow - stepped barrow SL04762
- Ardagh Headstone SL06641
- Cartronroe (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04756
- Barroe Upper Ringfort - rath SL04859
- Ballydawley Ringfort - cashel SL02957
- Mullanaskeagh Enclosure LE00729
- Carrownacreevy (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL04540
- Cloonmacduff Church SL03014
- Cartronhugh Ringfort - cashel SL03099
- Drumcolumb Cross - High cross SL03820
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL05763
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Ringfort - cashel SL05695
- Drumdoney (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Designed landscape - tree-ring SL05908
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Cross-slab SL05548
- Drumraine (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04618
- Carrownagark Enclosure SL04599
- Rusheen (Tirerrill By., Ballynakill Ed) Ringfort - rath SL03778
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL05762
- Arnasbrack Designed landscape - tree-ring SL03134
- Kilmorgan Field system SL04684
- Spotfield Ringfort - rath SL03619
- Cuilsheeghary More Ringfort - cashel SL05860
- Cuilsheeghary More Souterrain SL03865
- Coollemoneen Souterrain SL04668
- Brickeen Hut site SL04825
- Arnasbrack House - indeterminate date SL06510
- Knockbreenagher Ringfort - rath SL03887
- Tully (Corran By.) Hut site SL05684
- Carrowreagh (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04651
- Ardrea Ringfort - rath SL04460
- Knockadoo (Leyny By.) Fulacht fia SL04891
- Treanmacmurtagh Kiln - lime SL05943
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Field system SL05691
- Kilmorgan Graveyard SL04683
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Fulacht fia SL06550
- Cloghoge Upper Quarry SL05675
- Treanscrabbagh Cist SL05774
- Drumrane Ringfort - rath LE00738
- Murillyroe Enclosure SL03910
- Cloonlurg Barrow - ditch barrow SL04597
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ritual site - holy well SL03203
- Greenan Church SL05815
- Ballindoon Religious house - Dominican friars SL04846
- Drumduff Ringfort - rath LE00749
- Lissergloon Ringfort - rath SL03658
- Drumraine (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04623
- Kiltycloghan Quarry SL03184
- Ballinphull (Tirerrill By.) Enclosure SL04678
- Coollemoneen Souterrain SL04665
- Mullaghmore (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03764
- Tawnagh (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04606
- Ballindoon Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL04836
- Drummacool Ringfort - rath SL03897
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Settlement cluster SL05721
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Enclosure SL05588
- Lough Arrow Crannog SL05709
- Turlaghyraun Ringfort - rath SL04466
- Cloghoge Upper Ringfort - rath SL04818
- Aghanagh Church SL06522
- Carrowreagh (Corran By., Toomour Ed) Ringfort - rath SL05833
- Srananagh House - early medieval SL03703
- Treanmacmurtagh Cultivation ridges SL05932
- Inishmore Island Castle - motte and bailey SL06676
- Bullaun Ringfort - rath SL04759
- Knockaun Ringfort - rath SL04632
- Coolskeagh Hut site SL05858
- Lough Arrow Crannog SL05899
- Cloonmacduff Souterrain SL03022
- Greaghnafarna (Drumahaire By., Killanummery Ed) Ringfort - rath LE00767
- Killerry Ritual site - holy/saint's stone SL03085
- Carrigans Upper Enclosure SL04424
- Falnashammer Ringfort - rath SL03158
- Ballygrania Castle - motte and bailey SL06675
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Hut site SL05665
- Carricknagat (Leyny By.) Redundant record SL03001
- Greyfield (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL05582
- Bricklieve Redundant record SL04790
- Knockbreenagher Ringfort - rath SL04628
- Bellanascarrow East Ringfort - rath SL04522
- Annaghgowla Island Redundant record SL04876
- Carrickbanagher Ringfort - rath SL02887
- Cuilsheeghary More Ringfort - rath SL05794
- Ballydawley Standing stone SL02955
- Coollemoneen Ringfort - rath SL04671
- Doomore (Corran By.) Cairn - unclassified SL04470
- Barroe Lower House - 18th/19th century SL04856
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Hut site SL03852
- Cloghoge Upper Barrow - mound barrow SL04816
- Cloonmacduff Redundant record SL02850
- Cuilsheeghary More Ringfort - cashel SL03862
- Coollemoneen Penitential station SL04670
- Barroe Lower Cliff-edge fort SL04866
- Lough Arrow Crannog SL04886
- Carricknagat (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - cashel SL03162
- Aghanagh Font SL05887
- Carrigans Lower Ringfort - rath SL04349
- Castledargan Ringfort - rath SL03129
- Lissycoyne Ringfort - rath SL04740
- Carrickcoola Souterrain SL03751
- Ballindoon Enclosure SL04835
- Knockroe (Tirerrill By., Aghanagh Ed) Souterrain SL05793
- Lisconny Ringfort - rath SL03586
- Cloonmacduff Ecclesiastical enclosure SL03015
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Field boundary SL05766
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Cross-inscribed pillar SL06606
- Doonsheheen Ringfort - rath SL04655
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Burnt mound SL07468
- Killala Ringfort - rath SL03683
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Fulacht fia SL06532
- Rathrippin Souterrain SL03512
- Lahardan Ringfort - rath SL04884
- Kingsfort (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03180
- Knockmoynagh Crannog SL04469
- Drumcondra Ringfort - cashel SL03173
- Cloonagh (Corran By.) Cross-slab (present location) SL07136
- Mullaghfarna Ringfort - rath SL05701
- Carrigeenblike Ringfort - cashel SL05718
- Doorly Ringfort - rath SL03585
- Cuilsheeghary Beg Hut site SL05867
- Rathgeean Ringfort - rath SL03190
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Ecclesiastical enclosure SL06590
- Drumaskibbole Enclosure SL02833
- Killadoon Graveyard SL04753
- Emlagh (Tirerrill By.) (Detached Portion) Souterrain SL04616
- Ballinvoher (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL04535
- Derry Beg Ringfort - rath SL04834
- Tawnagh (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04690
- Knockoconor Ringfort - rath SL05805
- Castledargan Country house SL03215
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Fulacht fia SL06533
- Tully (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL05822
- Tully Beg Hut site SL03224
- Lissergloon Souterrain SL03656
- Barroe North Enclosure SL04779
- Cloghoge Upper Ritual site - holy well SL04812
- Gaddan Bridge SL03907
- Mount Town Enclosure SL04889
- Carnaweeleen Hut site SL06472
- Daghloonagh Barrow - mound barrow SL05556
- Murhy,Treanmore (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL05724
- Cloghfin Redundant record SL02897
- Greyfield (Corran By.) (Detached Portion) Ringfort - rath SL05495
- Ardrea Crannog SL04574
- Killerry Redundant record SL03081
- Roscrib East Ringfort - rath SL04488
- Rathgeean Ringfort - rath SL03187
- Cleighran Ringfort - rath LE00756
- Ballygrania Castle - motte SL02877
- Knockbreenagher Ringfort - rath SL04629
- Cloonlurg,Kilmorgan Ringfort - rath SL04601
- Kilmorgan Ritual site - holy well SL04687
- Drumcormick Ringfort - rath SL04786
- Bellarush Enclosure SL04828
- Cloonagashel Ringfort - rath SL04433
- Sheerevagh Ringfort - rath SL04746
- Annaghcor Enclosure SL04808
- Crossboy Barrow - bowl-barrow SL03089
- Drumcolumb Church SL03818
- Cuiltydangan Ringfort - rath SL03880
- Treanmacmurtagh House - 18th/19th century SL05739
- Bellanascarrow West Ringfort - rath SL04457
- Bricklieve Enclosure SL04789
- Treanmacmurtagh Redundant record SL05942
- Rosmore Enclosure SL03807
- Carrowcashel (Tirerrill By., Riverstown Ed) Castle - unclassified SL03796
- Cloonacaltry Barrow - ditch barrow SL05533
- Kiltycloghan Redundant record SL03669
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03674
- Lough Arrow Hut site SL04862
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03192
- Greenan Earthwork SL05817
- Carrowcashel (Tirerrill By., Riverstown Ed) Enclosure SL03799
- Ardloy Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL04727
- Kilross Graveyard SL03151
- Aghanagh Kiln SL05873
- Ballysumaghan Ringfort - rath SL02891
- Cloonlurg Ringfort - rath SL04596
- Corlisheen Ringfort - rath SL04658
- Cloonagh (Corran By.) Enclosure SL05498
- Ballinphull (Tirerrill By.) Redundant record SL04676
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Cross-slab SL06607
- Carrigeensallagh Ringfort - rath SL03550
- Aghanagh Graveslab SL05889
- Spotfield Ringfort - rath SL03620
- Tully (Corran By.) Hut site SL05940
- Cloghoge Upper Enclosure SL04819
- Mullaghfarna Settlement cluster SL05785
- Coolbock Barrow - ring-barrow SL03911
- Ballynakill Ritual site - holy well SL03761
- Cuilsheeghary More Souterrain SL05857
- Lissergloon Ringfort - rath SL03660
- Knockbreenagher Ringfort - rath SL03885
- Lahardan Ringfort - rath SL04771
- Knocknacroy Ringfort - rath SL05493
- Ballynakill Ringfort - rath SL03736
- Ballygrania Ringfort - rath SL02879
- Tiratick Ringfort - cashel SL03178
- Drumduff Ringfort - unclassified LE00735
- Cuilsheeghary More Sweathouse SL05863
- Treanmacmurtagh House - 18th/19th century SL05934
- Rathmulpatrick Ringfort - rath SL04659
- Carricknahorna East Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL05779
- Cuilsheeghary More Ringfort - cashel SL05856
- Lahardan Ringfort - rath SL04768
- Turnalaydan Ringfort - rath SL03588
- Carrownamaddoo (Carbury By., Ballysadare West Ed,Castledargan Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL02846
- Arnasbrack,Carrownagh,Correagh,Aghamore Far Linear earthwork SL03217
- Drummacool Souterrain SL03898
- Cloghoge Upper Mound SL04817
- Treanscrabbagh Field system SL05753
- Rooghan Enclosure SL03767
- Toomour Cross-slab SL06617
- Castledargan Ringfort - rath SL03128
- Barroe South Castle - unclassified SL04863
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03696
- Ballindoon Graveyard SL04847
- Ardrea Ringfort - rath SL04462
- Cloonagashel Ringfort - rath SL04431
- Barroe Upper Kiln - lime SL04895
- Rusheen (Tirerrill By., Ballynakill Ed) Ringfort - rath SL03748
- Tiratick Souterrain SL03116
- Cartronroe (Tirerrill By.) Hut site SL06567
- Cloonagashel Enclosure SL04428
- Treanmacmurtagh Kiln - lime SL06481
- Cartronhugh House - early medieval SL03098
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Redundant record SL05587
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Souterrain SL03199
- Daghloonagh Ringfort - rath SL05589
- Kingsbrook Fulacht fia SL04892
- Lahardan Ringfort - rath SL04765
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03202
- Kinkillew Enclosure SL03725
- Carricknagat (Leyny By.),Rinn (Leyny By.),Bleachgreen,Collooney,Ardcotten Battlefield SL07305
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Settlement cluster SL05720
- Rosmore Souterrain SL03812
- Lisdoogan Ringfort - rath SL04780
- Cartronhugh Souterrain SL03097
- Kingsbrook Earthwork SL04689
- Treanmacmurtagh Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL05671
- Ballinvoher (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL04532
- Killerry Graveyard SL03084
- Carrickhawna Kiln - lime SL05917
- Lisdoogan Ringfort - rath SL04781
- Whitehill (Tirerrill By., Lakeview Ed) Ringfort - rath SL04620
- Knockroe (Tirerrill By., Aghanagh Ed) Souterrain SL05790
- Cuilsheeghary More Redundant record SL05862
- Drumdoney (Tirerrill By., Killadoon Ed) Ringfort - rath SL04640
- Killeenduff (Tirerrill By.) Souterrain SL03125
- Barroe Lower House - 18th/19th century SL04857
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Souterrain SL03675
- Coolskeagh Ringfort - rath SL04734
- Lissergloon Crannog SL03901
- Tunnagh (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03716
- Drumcondra Field system SL03220
- Cloonmacduff Ringfort - cashel SL02857
- Kilmorgan Mill - unclassified SL04686
- Kiltycloghan Church SL03664
- Rosmore Ringfort - rath SL03811
- Knockbeg East Ringfort - rath SL03540
- Cloonagh (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL05553
- Brickeen Ringfort - rath SL04881
- Srananagh Ringfort - rath SL03707
- Carrowreagh (Corran By., Toomour Ed) Burial SL05905
- Knockbrack (Corran By.) Redundant record SL05547
- Killeenduff (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03123
- Toomour Redundant record SL05826
- Coolbock Hut site SL03768
- Tawnagh (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04730
- Lough Arrow Redundant record SL03844
- Ardcumber Ringfort - rath SL03795
- Mullaghdoo Ringfort - rath LE00734
- Deerpark Ringfort - rath SL04350
- Doonsheheen Ringfort - rath SL04747
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Cairn - unclassified SL05661
- Lavally (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL04464
- Collooney House - 16th/17th century SL03045
- Drumcondra Bawn SL06674
- Treanmacmurtagh Cist SL06541
- Cloonagh (Corran By.) Barrow - embanked barrow SL05646
- Aghanagh Structure SL05874
- Drumcondra Redundant record SL03219
- Binganagh Ringfort - rath SL05541
- Drumnagranshy,Murhy Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL05659
- Brickeen Enclosure SL04824
- Killeenduff (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03124
- Drumraine (Tirerrill By.) Enclosure SL07509
- Mullaghnabreena Enclosure SL03543
- Treanscrabbagh House - 18th/19th century SL05937
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03191
- Drumaskibbole Ringfort - rath SL02830
- Deerpark Souterrain SL04351
- Coollemoneen Sweathouse SL04666
- Doonamurray Castle - motte SL03142
- Cloghoge Lower Enclosure SL05676
- Emlagh (Tirerrill By.) Souterrain SL03805
- Ballydawley Ringfort - rath SL03025
- Belladrihid Earthwork SL02828
- Cuilsheeghary More Souterrain SL03864
- Cleighran Ringfort - cashel LE00752
- Ardagh Bullaun stone SL04644
- Carrowcashel (Tirerrill By., Riverstown Ed) Ringfort - rath SL03798
- Roscrib East Redundant record SL04524
- Cams Ringfort - rath SL04711
- Ardvarney Ringfort - rath SL04610
- Carrowmaclenany Ringfort - rath SL05488
- Carrowcrin Ringfort - rath LE00760
- Knocknacross Hut site SL06452
- Treanmacmurtagh Settlement cluster SL05738
- Brickeen Ringfort - rath SL04823
- Knockroe (Tirerrill By., Aghanagh Ed) House - 18th/19th century SL05922
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Ballynakill Ed) Ringfort - rath SL03700
- Carricknagat (Tirerrill By.) Enclosure SL03164
- Carricknahorna West Cairn - unclassified SL05782
- Killerry Sweathouse SL03213
- Cloonmacduff Building SL03066
- Carrownacreevy (Corran By.) Enclosure SL07472
- Carrickbanagher Ringfort - rath SL02889
- Cloonmacduff Field system SL03012
- Ballinvoher (Corran By.) Ringfort - rath SL04533
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Hut site SL03856
- Cuilsheeghary Beg Ringfort - cashel SL05865
- Ballynakill Church SL03758
- Kilcreevin Quarry SL04434
- Srananagh Ringfort - rath SL02890
- Carrowmaclenany Ringfort - rath SL05490
- Drumcolumb Ringfort - rath SL03876
- Knockroe (Tirerrill By., Aghanagh Ed) Hut site SL07438
- Rathrippin Ringfort - rath SL03511
- Ballysumaghan Ringfort - rath SL02896
- Ardsallagh,Corhober,Keenaghan,Mullaghcor Road - road/trackway SL04521
- Carrownagark Enclosure SL04600
- Ballygrania Cist SL02876
- Cuilsheeghary More Ringfort - cashel SL03866
- Tully (Corran By.) Souterrain SL05823
- Woodfield (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03182
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03673
- Carnaweeleen Redundant record SL05649
- Collooney Graveyard SL03006
- Toberbride Souterrain SL03509
- Knocknawhishoge Barrow - bowl-barrow SL05491
- Murhy Cairn - unclassified SL05909
- Knockmoynagh Standing stone SL04468
- Knockroe (Tirerrill By., Aghanagh Ed) Hut site SL05920
- Barroe Lower Barrow - ring-barrow SL04837
- Castledargan Building SL03131
- Cloongad Ringfort - rath SL04735
- Ballyhealy Or Hollybrook Demesne Ringfort - rath SL05706
- Cams Ringfort - rath SL04719
- Rathrippin Souterrain SL03514
- Bearlough Ringfort - rath SL05534
- Bellanascarva Ringfort - rath SL04615
- Abbeyville Or Ardlaherty Ringfort - rath SL05487
- Cuilsheeghary More Enclosure SL05861
- Cloonagashel Enclosure - large enclosure SL04430
- Cloonmacduff Souterrain SL02853
- Aghanagh Fulacht fia SL05918
- Tawnagh (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04702
- Bunnamuck Ringfort - rath SL05537
- Carnaweeleen Enclosure SL05651
- Cuilsheeghary More Ringfort - cashel SL03863
- Rusheen (Tirerrill By., Riverstown Ed) Souterrain SL03747
- Ballyhealy Or Hollybrook Demesne Ringfort - rath SL05705
- Ardcurley Ringfort - rath SL03558
- Aghanagh Redundant record SL05890
- Lissergloon Redundant record SL03902
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL05772
- Toberbride Enclosure SL03644
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Hut site SL03855
- Clooskirt Souterrain SL03713
- Cloonmacduff Redundant record SL03017
- Newpark Church SL04547
- Kilross Pillar stone SL03210
- Drumaskibbole Enclosure SL02837
- Treanscrabbagh House - 18th/19th century SL05939
- Ardkeeran (Tirerrill By.) Barrow - embanked barrow SL04607
- Lavally (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL03671
- Aghamore Far Cairn - unclassified SL03077
- Rathmoney Enclosure SL07441
- Drumdoney (Tirerrill By., Killadoon Ed) Ringfort - rath SL04633
- Mountgaffeny Redundant record SL05952
- Ballinphull (Tirerrill By.) Ringfort - rath SL04677
- Ardlee Ringfort - rath SL04718
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Ballynakill Ed),Cloghoge Lower Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL05761
- Treanscrabbagh Kiln - lime SL05938
- Inishmore Island Church SL05712
- Drumcormick Ringfort - rath SL04787
- Greenan Barrow - ring-barrow SL05808
- Ardloy Ringfort - rath SL04725
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Enclosure SL06578
- Collooney Church SL03005
- Carrowreagh (Corran By., Toomour Ed) Barrow - mound barrow SL05844
- Roscrib West Ringfort - rath SL04587
- Carrowkeel (Tirerrill By., Templevanny Ed) Ringfort - rath SL05697
- Carricknahorna West Ringfort - cashel SL05850
- Toberanania Ringfort - rath SL03120
- Lough Arrow Crannog SL05795
- Drumaskibbole Ringfort - cashel SL02839
- Ballysumaghan Ringfort - rath SL02893
- Drumcolumb Ringfort - rath SL04625
- Markree Demesne Ringfort - rath SL03554
- Ardagh Enclosure SL04636
- Kilross Redundant record SL03152
- Treanmacmurtagh Ritual site - holy well SL05674
- Doonmeegin Earthwork SL04544
- Drumraine (Tirerrill By.) Enclosure SL04624
- Lissergloon Ringfort - rath SL03655
- Lough Arrow Redundant record SL05896
- Gortlownan Ringfort - rath SL03090
- Kiltylough Ringfort - rath SL04673
- Cuilsheeghary Beg Enclosure SL06536
- Treanmore (Corran By.) Ringfort - cashel SL03853
- Aghanagh Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL05804
- Carrigans Upper Enclosure SL04379
- Murhy Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL05955
- Cloonagashel Souterrain SL04432
- Ballindoon Graveslab SL06642
- Killadoon Bullaun stone SL06523
- Kingsbrook Redundant record SL07061
- Castledargan Enclosure SL06582
- Clooskirt Enclosure SL03711