Easky is a Village in the county of County Sligo.
There are great places to visit near Easky including some great towns.
Don't miss Sligo's towns if visiting the area around Easky.
Easky History
There are some historic monuments around Easky:
- Cloonascoffagh Building SL01191
- Cabragh (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - unclassified SL00964
- Cloonagleavragh Ringfort - unclassified SL00978
- Magherabrack Ringfort - rath SL02170
- Carrownabinna Or Ballymeeny (Hillas) Field system SL01040
- Ballynahowna Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL01006
- Rathlee Midden SL00854
- Curraghnagap Graveyard SL07241
- Knockaculleen Enclosure SL01073
- Doonaltan Altar SL06784
- Ballyglass (Tireragh By., Kilglass Ed) Structure SL02174
- Finned (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00904
- Rathlee Enclosure SL07285
- Culleens Ringfort - rath SL02148
- Culleens Ringfort - rath SL02176
- Buncrowey Enclosure SL02162
- Drinaghan Beg Hut site SL07050
- Ballynahowna Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL01003
- Carrownurlar (Tireragh By., Castleconor West Ed) Ringfort - rath SL02094
- Carrowpadeen Barrow - embanked barrow SL01043
- Buncrowey Cairn - unclassified SL02208
- Carrowmacbryan Ringfort - rath SL00894
- Bellafarney Structure SL07351
- Rathgoonaun Enclosure SL02328
- Ballymeeny (Jones) Ringfort - rath SL00987
- Bookaun (Tottenham) Mound SL07280
- Belville Ringfort - rath SL02332
- Leaffony Souterrain SL02132
- Dunneill Church SL01082
- Rathlee Ringfort - rath SL00970
- Camcuill Hut site SL02157
- Dunneill Graveyard SL01083
- Farranmacfarrell Ringfort - unclassified SL01076
- Farranmacfarrell Moated site SL02252
- Tawnatruffaun Field boundary SL02234
- Cloonagleavragh Ringfort - unclassified SL00981
- Ballinteane Fulacht fia SL02219
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL02196
- Cabragh (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - unclassified SL00966
- Belville Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL02330
- Ballymeeny (Jones) Hut site SL06887
- Drinaghan More Enclosure SL02140
- Doonaltan Cairn - unclassified SL00963
- Fortland Enclosure SL00939
- Cooga Ringfort - cashel SL00996
- Ballinteane Enclosure SL02116
- Knockaculleen Ringfort - rath SL01072
- Drinaghan More Ringfort - rath SL02135
- Fortland Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL00942
- Bunowna Field system SL07311
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Hut site SL01002
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky East Ed) Promontory fort - coastal SL00786
- Doonaltan Promontory fort - coastal SL07350
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Field system SL06789
- Cabragh (Tireragh By.) Souterrain SL07036
- Culleens Ringfort - rath SL02146
- Ballynahowna House - early medieval SL07040
- Drinaghan More Enclosure SL02138
- Fortland Ringfort - rath SL00941
- Farranmacfarrell Enclosure SL02251
- Camcuill Ringfort - rath SL02159
- Alternan Park Ritual site - holy well SL00962
- Carrowneden (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL02075
- Leaffony Ringfort - rath SL00994
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Redundant record SL02216
- Castletown Ringfort - rath SL00919
- Alternan Park Enclosure SL00961
- Ballymeeny (Armstrong) Ringfort - rath SL00991
- Carrowneden (Tireragh By.) Designed landscape feature SL02051
- Bellafarney Cairn - unclassified SL07356
- Buncrowey Building SL02166
- Carrowneden (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL02074
- Carrowneden (Tireragh By.) Standing stone SL02122
- Cabragh (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00965
- Culleens Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL02184
- Owenbeg Crannog SL02188
- Parke Ringfort - rath SL02043
- Ballycummin Souterrain SL00976
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky East Ed) Signal tower SL00790
- Bellafarney Field boundary SL07352
- Kilglass Tomb - unclassified SL02050
- Drinaghan More Ringfort - rath SL02139
- Carrowcor Hut site SL01086
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky East Ed),Carrowmably Enclosure SL00789
- Culleens House - indeterminate date SL02182
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Souterrain SL07069
- Leaffony Ringfort - rath SL00971
- Oghil Ringfort - rath SL02152
- Tullylin Or Ballyfeenaun Hut site SL02194
- Castletown Ringfort - rath SL00911
- Leaffony Enclosure SL06884
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Enclosure SL00952
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky West Ed) Enclosure SL00898
- Bunowna Midden SL01014
- Ballybeg (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00975
- Fartannan Enclosure SL02199
- Ballygilcash Redundant record SL06798
- Carrowmably Ringfort - rath SL00791
- Culleens Hut site SL02180
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00949
- Carrowneden (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL02077
- Dunneill Enclosure SL02257
- Castletown Cairn - unclassified SL00916
- Rathlee Enclosure SL00852
- Tullylin Or Ballyfeenaun Souterrain SL02195
- Bunowna Enclosure SL07282
- Sraheens Midden SL01039
- Carrowneden (Tireragh By.) Enclosure SL06875
- Belville Redundant record SL02380
- Carrowmably Ringfort - rath SL00794
- Alternan Park Hut site SL00989
- Owenbeg Field boundary SL02222
- Camcuill Building SL02158
- Knockanbaun Mound SL02245
- Ballymeeny (Jones) Ringfort - rath SL06886
- Castletown Earthwork SL00895
- Owenbeg Redundant record SL02217
- Fortland Ringfort - rath SL00937
- Oldgrange House - indeterminate date SL00908
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Hut site SL06786
- Tullylin Or Ballyfeenaun Ringfort - rath SL02193
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Souterrain SL00950
- Dromore (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - unclassified SL01074
- Kilglass Church SL02047
- Bellafarney Ringfort - cashel SL02189
- Carrownabinna Or Ballymeeny (Hillas) Enclosure SL00959
- Farranmacfarrell House - 17th century SL06883
- Kilglass Graveyard SL02048
- Fortland Ringfort - rath SL00940
- Rathlee Mound SL00889
- Carrowneden (Tireragh By.) Earthwork SL02078
- Castletown Midden SL00914
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00983
- Doonaltan Enclosure SL00785
- Carrownabinna Or Ballymeeny (Hillas) Ringfort - rath SL00958
- Dunneill Barrow - unclassified SL01192
- Quigaboy Ringfort - rath SL00883
- Cabraghkeel Souterrain SL00858
- Ballynahowna Souterrain SL00998
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Hut site SL06785
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky West Ed) Barrow - mound barrow SL00901
- Ballyogan Enclosure SL02185
- Buncrowey House - indeterminate date SL02165
- Carrowmably Souterrain SL00793
- Leaffony Ringfort - rath SL02144
- Carrowpadeen Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL00932
- Culleens Barrow - unclassified SL02177
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Souterrain SL01021
- Ballynahowna Structure SL06793
- Castletown Field system SL01044
- Camcuill Ringfort - rath SL02156
- Culleens Ringfort - rath SL02181
- Rathlee Enclosure SL00855
- Oldgrange Castle - ringwork SL00907
- Castletown House - 18th/19th century SL07056
- Ballygilcash House - indeterminate date SL01078
- Curraghnagap Cross SL01032
- Cooga Enclosure SL00995
- Tawnatruffaun Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL02201
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Fulacht fia SL07312
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Ringfort - rath SL00974
- Doonaltan Ringfort - rath SL01051
- Cannaghanally Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL02167
- Patch Ringfort - unclassified SL01007
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky West Ed) Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL00931
- Rathlee Enclosure SL00887
- Carrowmacbryan Church SL00885
- Culleens Ringfort - rath SL02179
- Castletown Ringfort - rath SL00913
- Tawnalaghta Redundant record SL07262
- Ballymeeny (Armstrong) Redundant record SL00993
- Crowagh Or Dunneill Mountain Hut site SL02379
- Cabraghkeel Ringfort - rath SL00857
- Quigabar Souterrain SL00881
- Tawnatruffaun Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL02200
- Castletown Souterrain SL06778
- Cloonagleavragh Ringfort - unclassified SL00946
- Doonaltan Enclosure SL01034
- Carrownabinna Or Ballymeeny (Hillas) Enclosure SL06792
- Tawnatruffaun Mound SL02218
- Lecarrow (Tireragh By., Buncrowey Ed) Enclosure SL02248
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Field boundary SL06790
- Lecarrow (Tireragh By., Buncrowey Ed) Moated site SL01008
- Finned (Tireragh By.) Megalithic structure SL01024
- Castletown Field boundary SL06780
- Camcuill Cairn - burial cairn SL07310
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL01001
- Alternan Park Hut site SL01038
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky West Ed) Midden SL00900
- Ballynahowna Ringfort - cashel SL00997
- Kilmacurkan Ringfort - unclassified SL00977
- Farranmacfarrell Designed landscape - tree-ring SL02254
- Cooga Ringfort - rath SL02149
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Burial SL07068
- Finned (Tireragh By.) Souterrain SL00905
- Lecarrow (Tireragh By., Buncrowey Ed) Hut site SL01009
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Enclosure SL00925
- Monereagh Structure SL01020
- Alternan Park Ringfort - rath SL00988
- Bookaun (Tottenham) Field system SL07297
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Redundant record SL02154
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Field boundary SL02247
- Carrowmably Midden SL01210
- Drinaghan More Earthwork SL02141
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00953
- Cabragh (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00867
- Leaffony Souterrain SL02145
- Tawnatruffaun Field system SL02232
- Drinaghan Beg Enclosure SL02133
- Castletown Souterrain SL06779
- Cloonascoffagh Ringfort - rath SL01190
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Burnt mound SL07286
- Ballyogan Ringfort - rath SL02150
- Belville Enclosure SL02331
- Cabraghkeel Moated site SL00866
- Ballyogan Crannog SL02186
- Rathgoonaun Ringfort - rath SL02249
- Dunneill Castle - unclassified SL01075
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Hut site SL06787
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky West Ed) Ringfort - rath SL00896
- Lackanatlieve Ringfort - rath SL02093
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL00986
- Doonaltan Hut site SL01054
- Rathlee Redundant record SL00856
- Drinaghan Beg Hut site SL02134
- Drinaghan More Enclosure SL02136
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00948
- Carrowcor Structure SL01087
- Cloonagleavragh Park Enclosure SL00938
- Bunowna Ringfort - rath SL00923
- Castletown Ringfort - rath SL00910
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Children's burial ground SL00954
- Ballinteane Souterrain SL02053
- Lecarrow (Corran By., Cloonoghill Ed) Enclosure SL01041
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky West Ed) Enclosure SL00897
- Castletown Structure SL07163
- Cloonagleavragh Ringfort - rath SL00979
- Bunowna Enclosure SL07281
- Tawnatruffaun Redundant record SL02204
- Ballynahowna Bawn SL07383
- Quigabar Enclosure SL00878
- Buncrowey Habitation site SL02191
- Tawnatruffaun Field boundary SL02231
- Carrowcor Ringfort - unclassified SL01085
- Rathlee Burnt mound SL07284
- Carrownabinna Or Ballymeeny (Hillas) Barrow - ring-barrow SL00960
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Redundant record SL00956
- Culleens Enclosure SL02175
- Cloonagleavragh Souterrain SL00944
- Lecarrow (Corran By., Cloonoghill Ed) Hut site SL01042
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Enclosure SL00924
- Drinaghan More Hut site SL02137
- Cloonascoffagh Ringfort - rath SL01080
- Doonaltan Field system SL01052
- Alternan Park Hut site SL01037
- Castletown Stone row SL01018
- Ballygilcash Ringfort - rath SL01077
- Carrowpadeen Fulacht fia SL07367
- Aughris (Tireragh By.) Hut site SL06965
- Lackanatlieve Ringfort - rath SL02076
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Moated site SL00973
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Mound SL00947
- Farranmacfarrell Ringfort - unclassified SL02250
- Castletown Bawn SL06781
- Kilglass Cross SL02049
- Buncrowey Hut site SL02164
- Fartannan,Rathgoonaun Redundant record SL06882
- Tawnatruffaun Megalithic tomb - portal tomb SL02203
- Alternan Park Field system SL07267
- Castletown Ringfort - rath SL00918
- Carrowcoller Souterrain SL02172
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00951
- Cabragh (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00865
- Farranmacfarrell Enclosure SL02329
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Enclosure SL00972
- Bunowna Castle - tower house SL00921
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Mound SL01046
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Fulacht fia SL07313
- Magherabrack Souterrain SL02171
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Souterrain SL06783
- Doonaltan Hut site SL01035
- Bellafarney Enclosure SL07355
- Tawnatruffaun Cist SL02202
- Cabraghkeel Mound SL00864
- Farranmacfarrell Designed landscape - tree-ring SL02255
- Quigaboy Ringfort - rath SL00882
- Dunneill Enclosure SL02256
- Ballymeeny (Armstrong) Ringfort - rath SL00990
- Rathlee Souterrain SL01010
- Buncrowey Enclosure SL02163
- Cloonagleavragh Ringfort - unclassified SL00982
- Cloonagleavragh Souterrain SL00945
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky West Ed) Standing stone SL00930
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL02197
- Rathlee Enclosure SL00928
- Cabragh (Tireragh By.) House - indeterminate date SL07246
- Ballygilcash Ringfort - rath SL01079
- Carrowmacbryan Burial ground SL06753
- Rathlee Ringfort - rath SL00969
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Burial ground SL07070
- Rathlee Souterrain SL00929
- Crowagh Or Dunneill Mountain Burnt mound SL07318
- Culleens Megalithic structure SL02147
- Castletown Ritual site - holy well SL00915
- Buncrowey Field boundary SL02244
- Drinaghan More Hut site SL02143
- Finned (Tireragh By.) Structure SL06776
- Drinaghan More Hut site SL02142
- Bellafarney Structure SL07353
- Ballymeeny (Jones) Enclosure SL06888
- Farranmacfarrell Ringfort - rath SL02253
- Camcuill Megalithic tomb - portal tomb SL02160
- Tullylin Or Ballyfeenaun Ringfort - rath SL02192
- Leaffony Ringfort - rath SL02131
- Alternan Park Enclosure SL01036
- Fortland Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL00936
- Belville Earthwork SL01089
- Quigabar Ringfort - rath SL00880
- Lecarrow (Tireragh By., Buncrowey Ed) Ringfort - rath SL02168
- Rathlee Enclosure SL00853
- Crowagh Or Dunneill Mountain Megalithic tomb - portal tomb SL02354
- Doonaltan Barrow - ring-barrow SL00784
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Enclosure SL07245
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Enclosure SL02153
- Quigabar House - indeterminate date SL00879
- Quigabar Enclosure SL00877
- Ballynahowna Hut site SL00999
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL01045
- Sraheens Souterrain SL01048
- Lenadoon Redundant record SL07084
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Souterrain SL01047
- Doonaltan Ritual site - holy well SL07165
- Bookaun (Tottenham) Enclosure SL00934
- Rathlee Souterrain SL07247
- Cabragh (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00967
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - unclassified SL00984
- Quigaboy Souterrain SL07086
- Leaffony Ringfort - rath SL02130
- Culleens Standing stone SL02220
- Frankford Souterrain SL02119
- Castletown Ringfort - rath SL00912
- Crowagh Or Dunneill Mountain Hut site SL02357
- Tawnamore Field system SL02233
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00955
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00957
- Lecarrow (Tireragh By., Buncrowey Ed) Hut site SL02169
- Lenadoon Signal tower SL00851
- Finned (Tireragh By.) House - indeterminate date SL06775
- Ballynahowna Ringfort - rath SL01000
- Crowagh Or Dunneill Mountain Ritual site - holy well SL02378
- Cooga Fulacht fia SL06889
- Lackanatlieve Ringfort - rath SL02092
- Crowagh Or Dunneill Mountain Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL02355
- Belville Enclosure SL02258
- Castletown Fortification SL00920
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky West Ed) Ringfort - rath SL00902
- Finned (Tireragh By.) Field system SL06791
- Curraghnagap Church SL00922
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Hut site SL06788
- Carrowpadeen Redundant record SL01019
- Doonaltan Hut site SL01053
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky East Ed) Promontory fort - coastal SL00787
- Bunowna Field boundary SL06782
- Rathlee Midden SL00927
- Cabragh (Tireragh By.) Souterrain SL00968
- Culleens Enclosure SL02183
- Cloonagleavragh Souterrain SL00980
- Camcuill Redundant record SL02155
- Knockanbaun Megalithic tomb - portal tomb SL02190
- Castletown House - indeterminate date SL00917
- Fortland Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL00935
- Ballynahowna Castle - tower house SL01005
- Leaffony Enclosure SL01017
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky East Ed),Carrowmably Hilltop enclosure SL00788
- Monereagh Ringfort - rath SL00933
- Rathlee Signal tower SL00926
- Cloonagleavragh Enclosure SL00943
- Cabraghkeel Souterrain SL06751
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky West Ed) House - early medieval SL00899
- Ballyogan Souterrain SL02151
- Ballynahowna Castle - motte SL00985
- Ballinteane Ringfort - rath SL02052
- Leaffony Souterrain SL06885
- Owenykeevan Or Tawnamaddoo Redundant record SL02198
- Carrowcoller Ringfort - rath SL06879
- Alternan Park,Carrownabinna Or Ballymeeny (Hillas),Doonaltan Bridge SL01033
- Culleens Ringfort - rath SL02178
- Ballyglass (Tireragh By., Kilglass Ed) Ringfort - rath SL02173
- Tawnatruffaun Rock art SL02214
- Bellafarney Enclosure SL07354
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Enclosure SL02187
- Doonaltan Earthwork SL00783
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky West Ed) Souterrain SL00903
- Culleens Cist SL02215