Dromore West
Dromore West is a Village in the county of County Sligo.
There are great places to visit near Dromore West including some great towns.
Places near Dromore West feature a number of interesting towns including Sligo.
Dromore West History
There are some historic monuments around Dromore West:
- Barnacoghil Enclosure SL02338
- Cloonascoffagh Ringfort - rath SL01080
- Carrowmacrory Designed landscape - tree-ring SL01195
- Barnacoghil Stone row SL02337
- Doonaltan Altar SL06784
- Crowagh Or Dunneill Mountain Hut site SL02357
- Ballymeeny (Armstrong) Redundant record SL00993
- Belville Earthwork SL01089
- Ballynahowna Castle - motte SL00985
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Hut site SL06787
- Castletown Cairn - unclassified SL00916
- Trasgarve Burial SL03271
- Ballymeeny (Jones) Ringfort - rath SL00987
- Castletown Midden SL00914
- Carrowmoran Promontory fort - coastal SL06795
- Knockaculleen Enclosure SL01073
- Buncrowey Field boundary SL02244
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Hut site SL01002
- Kilmacurkan Ringfort - unclassified SL00977
- Ballygreighan Enclosure SL02296
- Ballybeg (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00975
- Alternan Park Hut site SL01038
- Carrownabinna Or Ballymeeny (Hillas) Ringfort - rath SL00958
- Dunowla Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL02359
- Bellafarney Enclosure SL07355
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00953
- Buncrowey Building SL02166
- Doonaltan Hut site SL01053
- Ballymeeny (Jones) Enclosure SL06888
- Bellafarney Structure SL07353
- Cartron (Tireragh By., Templeboy North Ed) Souterrain SL01116
- Ballygreighan Ritual site - holy well SL01126
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Enclosure SL00924
- Farranmacfarrell House - 17th century SL06883
- Carrowmoran Burnt mound SL01201
- Ballynahowna House - early medieval SL07040
- Lugdoon Fulacht fia SL02372
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Burial ground SL07070
- Dunneill Barrow - unclassified SL01192
- Barnacoghil Stone circle SL02336
- Alternan Park Ringfort - rath SL00988
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Hut site SL06788
- Cashelboy Standing stone SL02287
- Carrowmoran Promontory fort - coastal SL01102
- Bunowna Field boundary SL06782
- Carrowcor Enclosure SL01094
- Ballymeeny (Jones) Ringfort - rath SL06886
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Souterrain SL00950
- Lecarrow (Tireragh By., Buncrowey Ed) Moated site SL01008
- Donaghintraine Ringfort - rath SL01092
- Castletown Bawn SL06781
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Redundant record SL02216
- Alternan Park Enclosure SL01036
- Cloonagleavragh Ringfort - unclassified SL00978
- Kilrusheighter Hut site SL00803
- Aughris (Tireragh By.) Enclosure SL06829
- Dromore (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - unclassified SL01074
- Doonaltan Hut site SL01035
- Cloonascoffagh Ringfort - rath SL01190
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Enclosure SL00925
- Doonaltan Field system SL01052
- Castletown Fortification SL00920
- Barnacoghil Souterrain SL02278
- Ballygreighan Ringfort - rath SL02298
- Cloonagleavragh Ringfort - unclassified SL00946
- Cloonascoffagh Building SL01191
- Doonbeakin Ringfort - rath SL02263
- Grange More Ringfort - rath SL02343
- Ballynahowna Bawn SL07383
- Donaghintraine Ringfort - rath SL01088
- Lecarrow (Tireragh By., Buncrowey Ed) Enclosure SL02248
- Ballygilcash Redundant record SL06798
- Cashelboy Barrow - mound barrow SL02280
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00983
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky East Ed),Carrowmably Hilltop enclosure SL00788
- Ballyeeskeen Mound SL01096
- Owenbeg Crannog SL02188
- Donaghintraine Promontory fort - coastal SL00795
- Doonbeakin Souterrain SL02381
- Ballyeeskeen Barrow - unclassified SL01106
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Fulacht fia SL07313
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - unclassified SL00984
- Ballyeeskeen Cist SL01107
- Ballyeeskeen Cist SL01100
- Cashelboy Ringfort - rath SL02281
- Tawnatruffaun Megalithic tomb - portal tomb SL02203
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Redundant record SL02154
- Ballynahowna Ringfort - rath SL01000
- Carrownabinna Or Ballymeeny (Hillas) Barrow - ring-barrow SL00960
- Doonbeakin Souterrain SL02267
- Farranmacfarrell Ringfort - unclassified SL02250
- Camcuill Megalithic tomb - portal tomb SL02160
- Tawnatruffaun Redundant record SL02204
- Bunowna Castle - tower house SL00921
- Rathgoonaun Ringfort - rath SL02249
- Carrowmoran Fulacht fia SL01200
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Enclosure SL02153
- Ballygreighan Ringfort - rath SL02347
- Doonbeakin Ringfort - rath SL02262
- Fartannan Enclosure SL02199
- Ballyeeskeen Souterrain SL01105
- Fortland Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL00935
- Barnacoghil Enclosure SL02335
- Tawnatruffaun Field boundary SL02234
- Carrowcor Structure SL01087
- Carrownabinna Or Ballymeeny (Hillas) Field system SL01040
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Souterrain SL06783
- Donaghintraine House - indeterminate date SL00797
- Cooga Fulacht fia SL06889
- Dunneill Enclosure SL02256
- Barnacoghil Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL02333
- Ballynahowna Souterrain SL00998
- Ballygreighan Souterrain SL02299
- Ballyeeskeen Ringfort - rath SL01110
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky East Ed),Carrowmably Enclosure SL00789
- Bookaun (Tottenham) Mound SL07280
- Alternan Park Ritual site - holy well SL00962
- Camcuill Building SL02158
- Monereagh Structure SL01020
- Dunneill Enclosure SL02257
- Dunneill Graveyard SL01083
- Doonaltan Enclosure SL01034
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Mound SL01046
- Aughris (Tireragh By.) Mound SL06828
- Crowagh Or Dunneill Mountain Burnt mound SL07318
- Curraghnagap Cross SL01032
- Ballynahowna Structure SL06793
- Alternan Park Hut site SL01037
- Ballygilcash Ringfort - rath SL01079
- Bellafarney Ringfort - cashel SL02189
- Doonaltan Barrow - ring-barrow SL00784
- Carrowmoran Ringfort - unclassified SL01103
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00957
- Rathglass (Tireragh By., Templeboy North Ed) Enclosure SL01123
- Cartron (Tireragh By., Templeboy North Ed) Hut site SL06800
- Kilrusheighter Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL07156
- Buncrowey Enclosure SL02163
- Bunowna Ringfort - rath SL00923
- Donaghintraine Cliff-edge fort SL00796
- Buncrowey House - indeterminate date SL02165
- Ballygreighan Ringfort - rath SL01128
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Burial SL07068
- Doonaltan Promontory fort - coastal SL07350
- Rathurlisk Ringfort - rath SL01117
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL01001
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00948
- Fortland Ringfort - rath SL00941
- Tawnalaghta Redundant record SL07262
- Dunowla Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL02360
- Farranmacfarrell Moated site SL02252
- Doonmadden Ringfort - rath SL01119
- Doonaltan Hut site SL01054
- Carrowcor Ringfort - unclassified SL01085
- Buncrowey Hut site SL02164
- Dunneill Church SL01082
- Dunowla Cliff-edge fort SL02276
- Grange More Enclosure SL02342
- Lugdoon Burnt mound SL07347
- Fortland Ringfort - rath SL00937
- Alternan Park,Carrownabinna Or Ballymeeny (Hillas),Doonaltan Bridge SL01033
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky East Ed) Promontory fort - coastal SL00786
- Crowagh Or Dunneill Mountain Ritual site - holy well SL02378
- Fortland Enclosure SL00939
- Knockanbaun Mound SL02245
- Tawnamore Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL03259
- Dunowla Hut site SL02272
- Carrowmacrory Designed landscape - tree-ring SL01198
- Castletown Ringfort - rath SL00911
- Doonaltan Enclosure SL00785
- Lugdoon Ringfort - rath SL02289
- Ballycummin Souterrain SL00976
- Lecarrow (Tireragh By., Buncrowey Ed) Hut site SL02169
- Carrownabinna Or Ballymeeny (Hillas) Enclosure SL00959
- Bellafarney Field boundary SL07352
- Cashelboy Souterrain SL02282
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Hut site SL06785
- Belville Ringfort - rath SL02332
- Camcuill Hut site SL02157
- Cloonagleavragh Enclosure SL00943
- Buncrowey Enclosure SL02162
- Donaghintraine Enclosure SL07250
- Carrowmoran Souterrain SL06799
- Lecarrow (Tireragh By., Buncrowey Ed) Ringfort - rath SL02168
- Bunowna Enclosure SL07282
- Ballymeeny (Jones) Hut site SL06887
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Souterrain SL01047
- Ballymeeny (Armstrong) Ringfort - rath SL00991
- Castletown Ritual site - holy well SL00915
- Fortland Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL00936
- Aughris (Tireragh By.) Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL00804
- Ardkill Designed landscape - tree-ring SL01113
- Belville Enclosure SL02258
- Ballyglass (Tireragh By., Dromore Ed) Ringfort - rath SL01098
- Rathurlisk Souterrain SL01122
- Carrowcor Ringfort - rath SL01093
- Lecarrow (Tireragh By., Buncrowey Ed) Hut site SL01009
- Carrownabinna Or Ballymeeny (Hillas) Enclosure SL06792
- Ballynahowna Hut site SL00999
- Doonaltan Cairn - unclassified SL00963
- Cashelboy Castle - tower house SL02284
- Bellafarney Structure SL07351
- Lugdoon Enclosure SL02290
- Ballyglass (Tireragh By., Dromore Ed) Ringfort - rath SL02259
- Owenykeevan Or Tawnamaddoo Redundant record SL02198
- Barnacoghil Fulacht fia SL02366
- Dunneill Castle - unclassified SL01075
- Castletown Souterrain SL06778
- Owenbeg Redundant record SL02217
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Moated site SL00973
- Lugdoon Ringfort - cashel SL02294
- Altans Ringfort - rath SL02273
- Carrowmacrory Church SL01184
- Bunowna Field system SL07311
- Doonbeakin Enclosure SL07319
- Bookaun (Tottenham) Enclosure SL00934
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL00986
- Ballyglass (Tireragh By., Dromore Ed) Ringfort - rath SL02261
- Ballyeeskeen Designed landscape - folly SL01111
- Dunowla Ringfort - rath SL02274
- Tawnatruffaun Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL02201
- Fortland Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL00942
- Rathglass (Tireragh By., Templeboy North Ed) Souterrain SL01125
- Doonbeakin Ringfort - rath SL02264
- Farranmacfarrell Enclosure SL02251
- Ballyeeskeen Pit-burial SL01108
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00955
- Crowagh Or Dunneill Mountain Megalithic tomb - portal tomb SL02354
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Hut site SL06786
- Ballinphull (Tireragh By., Templeboy South Ed) Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL02346
- Cashelboy Graveyard SL02286
- Ballygilcash House - indeterminate date SL01078
- Knockanbaun Megalithic tomb - portal tomb SL02190
- Kilrusheighter Barrow - stepped barrow SL00806
- Kingsmountain Ringfort - rath SL02344
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Redundant record SL00956
- Carrowmably Midden SL01210
- Cloonagleavragh Ringfort - unclassified SL00982
- Oghil Ringfort - rath SL02152
- Tawnatruffaun Rock art SL02214
- Ballygreighan,Lugdoon Ringfort - rath SL02293
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Field system SL06789
- Doonmadden Ringfort - rath SL01118
- Alternan Park Enclosure SL00961
- Doonycoy Ringfort - rath SL01114
- Camcuill Cairn - burial cairn SL07310
- Barnacoghil Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL02334
- Ballyeeskeen Cist SL01099
- Ballyglass (Carbury By.) Fulacht fia SL02370
- Carrowmably Ringfort - rath SL00791
- Clooneen (Tireragh By.) Enclosure SL07245
- Buncrowey Habitation site SL02191
- Farranmacfarrell Designed landscape - tree-ring SL02254
- Rathgoonaun Enclosure SL02328
- Carrowmably Ringfort - rath SL00794
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Children's burial ground SL00954
- Fartannan,Rathgoonaun Redundant record SL06882
- Meenamaddo Standing stone SL07325
- Dunowla House - indeterminate date SL02271
- Carrowmacrory Designed landscape - tree-ring SL01197
- Ballygreighan Cross SL01127
- Dunowla Ringfort - rath SL02268
- Tawnatruffaun Field system SL02232
- Carrowcor Hut site SL01086
- Patch Ringfort - unclassified SL01007
- Ballyglass (Tireragh By., Dromore Ed) Ringfort - rath SL01097
- Donaghintraine Barrow - unclassified SL01211
- Doonaltan Ritual site - holy well SL07165
- Bunowna Enclosure SL07281
- Aughris (Tireragh By.) Hut site SL06965
- Ballynahowna Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL01006
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL01045
- Belville Enclosure SL02331
- Belville Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL02330
- Farranmacfarrell Enclosure SL02329
- Crowagh Or Dunneill Mountain,Tawnadremira Crannog SL02358
- Carrowmoran Burnt mound SL01202
- Bunowna Midden SL01014
- Altans Ringfort - rath SL01101
- Lecarrow (Corran By., Cloonoghill Ed) Hut site SL01042
- Tawnatruffaun Field boundary SL02231
- Castletown Structure SL07163
- Cloonagleavragh Ringfort - rath SL00979
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Fulacht fia SL07312
- Kilrusheighter Enclosure SL01056
- Cashelboy Church SL02285
- Castletown Souterrain SL06779
- Ballygreighan House - early medieval SL01129
- Dunowla Fulacht fia SL02368
- Cloonagleavragh Souterrain SL00980
- Lugdoon Barrow - ring-barrow SL02291
- Farranmacfarrell Designed landscape - tree-ring SL02255
- Ballyogan Enclosure SL02185
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Burnt mound SL07286
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00949
- Ballymeeny (Armstrong) Ringfort - rath SL00990
- Curraghnagap Church SL00922
- Belville Redundant record SL02380
- Ballyeeskeen Ringfort - rath SL01104
- Dunowla House - indeterminate date SL02270
- Aughris (Tireragh By.) Enclosure SL06830
- Lugdoon Souterrain SL02295
- Barnacoghil Enclosure SL02279
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky East Ed) Signal tower SL00790
- Castletown Ringfort - rath SL00918
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Souterrain SL07069
- Sraheens Souterrain SL01048
- Carrowmacrory Designed landscape - tree-ring SL01196
- Cannaghanally Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL02167
- Tawnadremira Redundant record SL03273
- Castletown Ringfort - rath SL00919
- Cartron (Tireragh By., Templeboy North Ed) Ringfort - rath SL01115
- Doonmadden Ringfort - rath SL01120
- Ballyglass (Tireragh By., Dromore Ed) Ringfort - rath SL02260
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Ringfort - rath SL00974
- Castletown Ringfort - rath SL00912
- Bellanaboy Settlement cluster SL03260
- Fortland Ringfort - rath SL00940
- Lugdoon Enclosure SL02288
- Donaghintraine House - indeterminate date SL00798
- Tawnadremira Redundant record SL03272
- Aughris (Tireragh By.) Barrow - unclassified SL06964
- Cloonagleavragh Park Enclosure SL00938
- Farranmacfarrell Ringfort - unclassified SL01076
- Castletown Ringfort - rath SL00910
- Bellafarney Enclosure SL07354
- Camcuill Redundant record SL02155
- Camcuill Ringfort - rath SL02156
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Ringfort - rath SL00951
- Castletown Field boundary SL06780
- Tawnatruffaun Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL02200
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Mound SL00947
- Rathglass (Tireragh By., Templeboy North Ed) Cairn - unclassified SL00801
- Alternan Park Hut site SL00989
- Farranmacfarrell Ringfort - rath SL02253
- Ballyeeskeen Ringfort - rath SL01095
- Castletown House - indeterminate date SL00917
- Ballygreighan Ringfort - rath SL02297
- Bellafarney Cairn - unclassified SL07356
- Sraheens Midden SL01039
- Dunowla House - indeterminate date SL02275
- Doonycoy Ringfort - rath SL01112
- Barnacoghil Ringfort - rath SL02277
- Ballyeeskeen Fulacht fia SL01199
- Barnacoghil Fulacht fia SL02367
- Dunowla Ringfort - rath SL02269
- Tawnatruffaun Mound SL02218
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL02197
- Lugdoon Fulacht fia SL02371
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Field boundary SL02247
- Cloonagleavragh Souterrain SL00944
- Carrowmacrory Designed landscape - tree-ring SL01194
- Carrowmoran Kiln - lime SL06796
- Knockaculleen Ringfort - rath SL01072
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Enclosure SL00952
- Rathurlisk Ringfort - rath SL01121
- Aughris (Tireragh By.) Redundant record SL00805
- Ballynahowna Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL01003
- Ballynahowna Ringfort - cashel SL00997
- Dunowla Redundant record SL02339
- Castletown Ringfort - rath SL00913
- Crowagh Or Dunneill Mountain Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL02355
- Carrownrush (Tireragh By., Easky East Ed) Promontory fort - coastal SL00787
- Ballyogan Crannog SL02186
- Kilrusheighter Ringfort - rath SL00802
- Tawnatruffaun Cist SL02202
- Curraghnagap Graveyard SL07241
- Doonaltan Earthwork SL00783
- Carrowmably Souterrain SL00793
- Doonbeakin Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL02265
- Carrowmacrory Ringfort - rath SL01109
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Enclosure SL02187
- Cloonagleavragh Souterrain SL00945
- Rathglass (Tireragh By., Templeboy North Ed) Ringfort - rath SL01124
- Altans Ringfort - rath SL02266
- Rathglass (Tireragh By., Templeboy North Ed) Enclosure SL00800
- Grange More Ringfort - rath SL02341
- Cloonagleavragh Ringfort - unclassified SL00981
- Doonaltan Ringfort - rath SL01051
- Castletown Stone row SL01018
- Lugdoon Enclosure SL02292
- Camcuill Ringfort - rath SL02159
- Ballynahowna Castle - tower house SL01005
- Buncrowey Cairn - unclassified SL02208
- Bookaun (Tottenham) Field system SL07297
- Tawnamore Burial SL03261
- Lecarrow (Corran By., Cloonoghill Ed) Enclosure SL01041
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Souterrain SL01021
- Ballygilcash Ringfort - rath SL01077
- Dunowla Burnt mound SL02369
- Donaghintraine Ringfort - rath SL01090
- Owenbeg Field boundary SL02222
- Caltragh (Tireragh By., Rathmacurkey Ed) Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL02196
- Monereagh Ringfort - rath SL00933
- Tawnamore Field system SL02233
- Crowagh Or Dunneill Mountain Hut site SL02379
- Lugdoon Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL02345
- Killeenduff (Tireragh By.) Field boundary SL06790
- Donaghintraine Ringfort - rath SL01091
- Ballygreighan House - early medieval SL01130
- Alternan Park Field system SL07267
- Tawnamore Field boundary SL03269