Cliffoney is a Village in the county of County Sligo.
There are great places to visit near Cliffoney including some great towns.
Sligo is a great place to visit close to Cliffoney if you like towns.
Cliffoney History
There are some historic monuments around Cliffoney:
- Keeloges Redundant record SL00434
- Derry Ringfort - cashel SL00221
- Aghagad Bullaun stone SL07376
- Ballinphull (Carbury By., Cliffony North Ed) Ritual site - holy well SL00115
- Gortarowey Ringfort - cashel SL00591
- Barnaderg Enclosure SL00319
- Tawly Bullaun stone LE02255
- Bunduff Ringfort - cashel SL00160
- Mullaghmore (Carbury By.) Redundant record SL00101
- Drinaghan (Carbury By., Rossinver East Ed) Souterrain SL00455
- Bunduff Standing stone SL07252
- Moneygold Structure SL00392
- Barnarobin Structure SL00372
- Cashelgarran Ringfort - cashel SL00324
- Shancrock Hut site SL00476
- Creaghadoo Souterrain SL06729
- Creevykeel Ringfort - cashel SL00188
- Ballynagalliagh Ringfort - rath SL00631
- Formoyle Crannog LE00266
- Streedagh Enclosure SL00244
- Bunduff Enclosure SL00152
- Derry Ringfort - cashel SL00268
- Moneylahan Ringfort - cashel SL00460
- Urlar Ritual site - holy well SL00594
- Castlegowan Ringfort - cashel SL00227
- Ardnaglass Upper Megalithic tomb - passage tomb SL00329
- Grange Megalithic structure SL00385
- Bunduff Ringfort - cashel SL00161
- Gortnaleck Enclosure SL00327
- Moneygold Enclosure SL00220
- Cashelgarran Ringfort - cashel SL00361
- Bunduff Redundant record SL00170
- Cashelgarran Enclosure SL00416
- Corglass (Rosclogher By.) Cairn - boundary cairn LE00181
- Mount Temple Ringfort - rath SL00125
- Ardnaglass Lower Redundant record SL07090
- Gortaderry Ringfort - rath SL00282
- Drinaghan (Carbury By., Rossinver East Ed) Souterrain SL00458
- Kilkilloge Midden SL07518
- Gortnagrelly Ringfort - rath SL00808
- Derrylehan Cross-slab SL00293
- Moneygold Enclosure SL00387
- Grange Souterrain SL00262
- Moneylahan Field boundary SL00464
- Moneygold Souterrain SL00213
- Moneygold Cairn - unclassified SL00390
- Barnaderg Standing stone - pair SL06706
- Cloonty Ringfort - cashel LE00057
- Creevykeel Hut site SL06700
- Tawly Ringfort - rath LE02221
- Slievemore Or Kingsmountain,Creaghadoo Boundary mound SL06738
- Conor'S Island Mound SL00133
- Castlegowan Mound SL00401
- Conor'S Island Midden SL07403
- Bunduff Ringfort - cashel SL00175
- Mullaghnaneane Ringfort - cashel SL00345
- Moneylahan Ringfort - cashel SL00465
- Bunduff Ringfort - unclassified SL00180
- Dernish Island Burial SL00147
- Cooldrumman Upper Ringfort - rath SL00581
- Wardhouse Standing stone LE02413
- Castlegal (Carbury By., Cliffony North Ed) Ringfort - cashel SL00155
- Wardhouse Redundant record LE00015
- Conor'S Island Enclosure SL00132
- Keeloges Bullaun stone SL00431
- Creevykeel Ringfort - cashel SL00179
- Castlegowan Hut site SL00394
- Moneygold Church SL00211
- Keeloges Bullaun stone SL00432
- Drinaghan (Carbury By., Rossinver East Ed) Ringfort - cashel SL00456
- Shancrock Cairn - boundary cairn SL00481
- Lisgool House - indeterminate date LE02252
- Barnaderg Sweathouse SL00409
- Cartronkillerdoo Ringfort - cashel SL00120
- Bunduff Anomalous stone group SL00149
- Bunduff Cist SL00150
- Keelty Enclosure SL00606
- Barnaderg Ringfort - cashel SL00326
- Glen Upper Ringfort - rath SL00776
- Tawly Redundant record LE00066
- Moneylahan Structure SL00495
- Clogh Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL00474
- Shancrock Ringfort - cashel SL00475
- Cashelgarran Ringfort - rath SL00350
- Cooldrumman Lower Ringfort - rath SL00576
- Cooldrumman Upper Souterrain SL00377
- Keeloges Graveyard SL00429
- Cartronplank Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL00122
- Mullaghnaneane Ringfort - rath SL00315
- Moneylahan Ringfort - cashel SL00461
- Mount Temple Souterrain SL00223
- Grange Hut site SL06699
- Conor'S Island Midden SL07404
- Newtown (Carbury By.) Ringfort - rath SL00267
- Gorteen (Carbury By.) Cross SL00442
- Barnaderg Ringfort - cashel SL00313
- Ballygilgan Barrow - ring-barrow SL00568
- Cleighragh,Cloontyprughlish Cairn - boundary cairn LE00177
- Redbrae Standing stone LE00012
- Rahelly Fulacht fia SL00419
- Urlar Souterrain SL07431
- Moneygold Ringfort - cashel SL00217
- Lyle Ringfort - cashel SL00288
- Grange Hut site SL06698
- Creevykeel Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL00184
- Ballynagalliagh Ringfort - rath SL00633
- Ballynagalliagh Enclosure SL00635
- Gortaderry Ringfort - cashel SL00286
- Derrylehan Enclosure SL00482
- Ballygilgan Enclosure SL00574
- Ardnaglass Lower Ringfort - cashel SL00320
- Conor'S Island Sea wall SL00140
- Gleniff Cave SL00483
- Barnaderg Ringfort - cashel SL00323
- Ardnaglass Upper Hut site SL00410
- Cartronmore Earthwork SL00602
- Conor'S Island Enclosure SL00144
- Ardnaglass Upper Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL00330
- Cleighragh Cairn - boundary cairn LE00175
- Derrylehan Graveyard SL00291
- Barnarobin Ringfort - rath SL00371
- Gortarowey Ringfort - cashel SL00370
- Mullaghnaneane Redundant record SL00312
- Ardnaglass Lower Ritual site - holy well SL00265
- Gortnahoula Ringfort - cashel SL00447
- Keeloges Ritual site - holy well SL00435
- Creevykeel Field boundary SL00173
- Bunduff Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL00153
- Gorteen (Carbury By.) Ringfort - cashel SL00445
- Gortnagrelly Ringfort - rath SL00782
- Mullaghmore (Carbury By.) Midden SL07109
- Derryduff Ringfort - rath LE00046
- Ballynagalliagh Redundant record SL00636
- Castlegowan Ringfort - cashel SL00228
- Grogagh Enclosure SL00321
- Moneygold Cross SL00215
- Derrylehan Ringfort - cashel SL00299
- Wardhouse Standing stone LE00017
- Shesknan Cairn - boundary cairn LE00161
- Creevymore Ringfort - rath SL00107
- Wardhouse Standing stone LE02414
- Clogh Cairn - boundary cairn SL00486
- Grange Hut site SL00256
- Creevykeel Souterrain SL00182
- Gortarowey Ringfort - rath SL00368
- Kilkilloge Ringfort - rath SL00098
- Grange Ringfort - cashel SL00261
- Curraghmore Ringfort - cashel SL00422
- Kilcat Hut site SL00408
- Kiltykere Kiln - lime SL06709
- Mullaghnaneane Ringfort - rath SL00351
- Conor'S Island Redundant record SL00143
- Ballinphull (Carbury By., Cliffony North Ed) Bullaun stone SL07447
- Curraghmore Enclosure SL00425
- Glen Upper Redundant record SL00845
- Drangan Or Mountedward Enclosure SL00308
- Gortnahoula Ringfort - cashel SL00450
- Finned (Carbury By.) Souterrain SL00727
- Mullanfad Cairn - boundary cairn SL07381
- Gortarowey Ringfort - rath SL00365
- Gortarowey House - indeterminate date SL00414
- Urlar Ringfort - rath SL00585
- Tormore Field boundary SL00765
- Cartronplank Bullaun stone SL07374
- Creevymore Hut site SL00109
- Grange Mound SL06710
- Aghagad Enclosure SL00309
- Castlegowan Mound SL00399
- Cashelgarran Barrow - ring-barrow SL00352
- Creaghadoo Ringfort - rath SL00773
- Barnarobin Hut site SL06712
- Keeloges Ringfort - cashel SL00472
- Bunduff Ringfort - cashel SL00168
- Cashelgarran Souterrain SL00348
- Grogagh Ringfort - unclassified SL00277
- Donegal Bay Redundant record LE00011
- Doonowney Ringfort - cashel SL00565
- Ardnaglass Upper Megalithic structure SL07081
- Bunduff Ringfort - cashel SL00172
- Largandoon Ringfort - unclassified LE00265
- Derrylehan Ringfort - cashel SL00296
- Donegal Bay Redundant record LE00008
- Mount Temple Ringfort - cashel SL00127
- Moneygold Enclosure SL00393
- Carrownamaddoo (Carbury By., Rossinver West Ed) Structure SL07093
- Moneygold Midden SL00206
- Urlar Enclosure SL00725
- Keelty Church SL00604
- Glen Lower Ringfort - cashel SL00848
- Ardnaglass Upper Megalithic structure SL07082
- Ardnaglass Lower Ringfort - rath SL00316
- Shancrock Hut site SL00479
- Gortarowey Enclosure SL06722
- Finned (Carbury By.) Midden SL07521
- Mullaghmore West Midden SL07106
- Gortnahoula Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL00451
- Mullaghmore (Carbury By.) Midden SL07110
- Mullaghnaneane Enclosure SL00310
- Cashelgarran Ringfort - cashel SL00357
- Gortarowey Redundant record SL07205
- Knockbrack Ringfort - rath LE00007
- Ballygilgan House - early medieval SL06720
- Tormore Booley hut SL00844
- Mullaghmore (Carbury By.) Midden SL07113
- Drinaghan (Carbury By., Rossinver East Ed) Cairn - unclassified SL00452
- Glen Lower,Slievemore Or Kingsmountain Boundary mound SL06745
- Glencarbury Booley hut SL06749
- Castlegal (Carbury By., Cliffony North Ed) Ringfort - cashel SL00154
- Newtowncliffony Ringfort - rath SL00112
- Mullaghmore (Carbury By.) Midden SL07112
- Gortarowey Ringfort - cashel SL00589
- Castlegowan Mound SL00402
- Cartronwilliamoge Ringfort - rath SL06761
- Cooldrumman Lower Ringfort - unclassified SL00578
- Gortnadrung Enclosure SL00421
- Cullagh More Ringfort - rath SL00616
- Drumfad Earthwork SL00225
- Glencarbury Building SL06750
- Creevymore Ecclesiastical enclosure SL00106
- Creevykeel Enclosure SL00178
- Cullagh Beg Ringfort - rath SL00623
- Keelty Ringfort - rath SL00607
- Creevymore Children's burial ground SL00105
- Mullaghnaneane Barrow - unclassified SL00382
- Ardnaglass Upper Barrow - ring-barrow SL00411
- Mullaghnaneane Bullaun stone SL07375
- Tormore Redundant record SL00769
- Barnarobin Redundant record SL00596
- Doonowney Ringfort - cashel SL00344
- Gortarowey Souterrain SL00590
- Glen Upper,Slievemore Or Kingsmountain Boundary mound SL00763
- Bunduff Ringfort - cashel SL00167
- Dernish Island Ritual site - holy well SL00123
- Glencarbury Field boundary SL00767
- Redbrae Standing stone LE00013
- Gortnahoula Bullaun stone (present location) SL00490
- Glen Lower,Slievemore Or Kingsmountain Boundary mound SL06737
- Kilkilloge Promontory fort - coastal SL00099
- Keeloges Church SL00428
- Drinaghan (Carbury By., Rossinver East Ed) Ringfort - cashel SL00453
- Creaghadoo,Slievemore Or Kingsmountain Boundary mound SL06742
- Derry Ringfort - cashel SL00273
- Streedagh Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL00243
- Derrylehan Ringfort - cashel SL00298
- Moneylahan Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL00463
- Mullaghmore (Carbury By.) Midden SL07108
- Ballygilgan Ringfort - rath SL00572
- Conor'S Island Standing stone - pair SL00141
- Derrylehan Church SL00290
- Cooldrumman Lower Ringfort - rath SL00577
- Lyle Ringfort - cashel SL00332
- Gorteen (Carbury By.) Redundant record SL00443
- Tormore Prehistoric site - lithic scatter SL07480
- Derryduff Ringfort - rath LE00045
- Barnaderg Enclosure SL00318
- Cashelgarran Ringfort - rath SL00347
- Keeloges Ringfort - cashel SL00471
- Conor'S Island Enclosure SL07219
- Mount Temple Bullaun stone SL07449
- Rahelly Fulacht fia SL00418
- Creevykeel Redundant record SL00190
- Glen Upper Booley hut SL00846
- Rahelly Ringfort - rath SL00573
- Keelty Graveyard SL00605
- Gortnadrung Ringfort - unclassified SL00467
- Keeloges Stone head SL00430
- Castlegowan Enclosure SL00396
- Ardnaglass Upper Sweathouse SL00381
- Gortaderry Ringfort - cashel SL00287
- Kiltykere Ringfort - rath SL00278
- Grogagh Ringfort - cashel SL00276
- Tormore Booley hut SL00766
- Finned (Carbury By.) Midden SL07520
- Mount Temple Barrow - bowl-barrow SL00218
- Cleighragh Cairn - boundary cairn LE00176
- Ardnaglass Lower Ringfort - rath SL00263
- Cashelgarran Souterrain SL00358
- Gorteen (Carbury By.) Field boundary SL00497
- Aghagad Fulacht fia SL07377
- Cashelgarran Ringfort - cashel SL00359
- Gortnaleck Ringfort - cashel SL00284
- Moneygold Cross-slab SL00214
- Drinaghan (Carbury By., Rossinver East Ed) Ringfort - cashel SL00454
- Grogagh Standing stone SL07114
- Carney (O'Beirne) Ringfort - rath SL00612
- Mullaghnaneane Ringfort - rath SL00311
- Treanakillew Ringfort - rath LE00263
- Tormore Ringfort - rath SL00768
- Bunduff Enclosure SL00159
- Creaghadoo,Slievemore Or Kingsmountain Boundary mound SL06740
- Cartronwilliamoge Ringfort - cashel SL00600
- Gortaderry Ringfort - cashel SL00283
- Mullaghnaneane Redundant record SL07083
- Glencarbury Booley hut SL06748
- Cartronmore Castle - unclassified SL00601
- Knockbrack Ringfort - unclassified LE02592
- Bunduff Ritual site - holy well LE00006
- Derrylehan Kiln - lime SL00407
- Newtowncliffony Ringfort - rath SL00111
- Cartronmore Ringfort - rath SL00630
- Glen Lower Redundant record SL00847
- Barnarobin Sweathouse SL06714
- Bunduff Ritual site - holy well LE00071
- Mullaghnaneane Redundant record SL07179
- Gortarowey Enclosure SL00753
- Ballynagalliagh Enclosure SL00632
- Gortarowey Ringfort - rath SL00586
- Carrownamaddoo (Carbury By., Rossinver West Ed) Ringfort - cashel SL00301
- Mullaghnaneane Redundant record SL07210
- Clogh Ringfort - cashel SL00477
- Derry Souterrain SL00269
- Gortarowey Earthwork SL00366
- Lislahelly Ringfort - cashel SL00770
- Carney (O'Beirne) Barrow - ring-barrow SL00611
- Lisgool Ringfort - rath LE00004
- Curraghmore Ringfort - rath SL00468
- Cooldrumman Upper Ringfort - unclassified SL00360
- Slievemore Or Kingsmountain,Creaghadoo Boundary mound SL06739
- Derrylehan Burnt mound SL07456
- Cashelgarran Ringfort - rath SL00355
- Ballygilgan Barrow - ring-barrow SL00567
- Bunduff House - indeterminate date LE02411
- Derrylehan Earthwork SL00294
- Gorteen (Carbury By.) Megalithic tomb - portal tomb SL00444
- Creevykeel Redundant record SL00174
- Mullaghnaneane Fulacht fia SL07378
- Glen Lower,Slievemore Or Kingsmountain Boundary mound SL06744
- Grange Ringfort - cashel SL00250
- Mullaghmore (Carbury By.) Promontory fort - coastal SL07343
- Edenreagh Cairn - ring-cairn SL00135
- Bunduff Souterrain SL00176
- Tormore Crannog SL00781
- Mullaghnaneane Ringfort - unclassified SL00346
- Ardnaglass Upper Redundant record SL00380
- Tawly Enclosure LE00067
- Cashelgarran Souterrain SL00362
- Shancrock Ringfort - cashel SL00478
- Rahelly Ringfort - cashel SL00571
- Tawly Mass-rock LE00073
- Creevykeel Megalithic structure SL00191
- Cashelgarran Ringfort - rath SL00354
- Glen Upper Moated site SL00779
- Gortarowey Ringfort - rath SL00587
- Cooldrumman Upper Ringfort - cashel SL00364
- Moneygold Graveyard SL00212
- Ardnaglass Lower Burnt mound SL07501
- Cartronmore Souterrain SL00628
- Creevymore Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL00110
- Mount Temple Ringfort - rath SL00222
- Derry Ringfort - cashel SL00270
- Creevymore Souterrain SL00108
- Creevykeel Ringfort - cashel SL00181
- Keeloges Ringfort - cashel SL00470
- Tawly Enclosure LE00056
- Creevykeel Ringfort - cashel SL00183
- Gortarowey Ringfort - rath SL00367
- Lisgool Hut site LE00005
- Sracreeghan Ringfort - rath LE00268
- Keeloges Redundant record SL00433
- Clogh Cairn - boundary cairn SL00484
- Keeloges Ringfort - rath SL00473
- Derrylehan Ringfort - cashel SL00297
- Dernish Island Cist SL00148
- Grange Ringfort - unclassified SL00249
- Mullaghmore (Carbury By.) Children's burial ground SL00136
- Ardnaglass Upper Enclosure SL00412
- Carrownamaddoo (Carbury By., Rossinver West Ed) Ringfort - cashel SL00334
- Moneylahan Ringfort - cashel SL00466
- Lislahelly Ringfort - cashel SL00637
- Drumfad Ringfort - cashel SL00224
- Grange Castle - unclassified SL00259
- Curraghmore Enclosure SL00469
- Creevykeel Redundant record SL00192
- Derry Redundant record SL07178
- Mullaghmore (Carbury By.) Midden SL07107
- Slievemore Or Kingsmountain,Creaghadoo Boundary mound SL06736
- Carney (O'Beirne) Enclosure SL00610
- Moneygold Cairn - unclassified SL00391
- Cashelgarran Ringfort - cashel SL00363
- Moneygold Cross-slab SL00216
- Barnarobin Ringfort - rath SL00598
- Grange Ringfort - unclassified SL00251
- Cloontyprocklis Enclosure SL00248
- Derryduff Field boundary LE00047
- Drangan Or Mountedward Barrow - bowl-barrow SL00307
- Creevykeel Bullaun stone SL00189
- Drumfad Ringfort - cashel SL00226
- Moneygold Enclosure SL06686
- Gortnagrelly Ringfort - unclassified SL00807
- Rahelly Enclosure SL00356
- Tormore Ringfort - rath SL00778
- Cooldrumman Upper Ringfort - unclassified SL00583
- Moneygold Barrow - bowl-barrow SL00207
- Glen Lower,Slievemore Or Kingsmountain Boundary mound SL06735
- Bunduff Ringfort - cashel SL00177
- Derrylehan Fulacht fia SL07455
- Bunduff House - indeterminate date LE00002
- Rahelly Ringfort - rath SL00569
- Derrylehan Bullaun stone SL00295
- Cooldrumman Upper Sweathouse SL06721
- Cooldrumman Upper Ringfort - rath SL00580
- Cartronmore Ringfort - rath SL00626
- Bunduff Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL00165
- Kilkilloge Promontory fort - coastal SL00100
- Conor'S Island Seaweed stand SL00138
- Meenaphuill Ringfort - rath LE00264
- Moodoge Cairn - boundary cairn SL00487
- Ballinphull (Carbury By., Cliffony North Ed) Cross-inscribed pillar SL00117
- Rathhugh Kiln - lime SL06711
- Dernish Island Hut site SL07406
- Derrylehan Ringfort - cashel SL00406
- Glen Lower,Slievemore Or Kingsmountain Boundary mound SL06743
- Rahelly Ringfort - rath SL00575
- Barnarobin Ringfort - cashel SL06819
- Kilkilloge Midden SL07516
- Castlegal (Carbury By., Cliffony North Ed) Ringfort - cashel SL00157
- Grange Ringfort - cashel SL00252
- Moneygold Redundant record SL00205
- Curraghmore Enclosure SL00423
- Barnaderg Enclosure SL00322
- Carrownamaddoo (Carbury By., Rossinver West Ed) Ringfort - cashel SL00333
- Derrylehan Burnt mound SL07453
- Urlar Redundant record SL00593
- Redbrae Ringfort - cashel LE00010
- Gortnadrung Ringfort - cashel SL00420
- Cashelgarran Hut site SL06703
- Gorteen (Carbury By.) Ringfort - cashel SL00437
- Clogh Cairn - boundary cairn SL00485
- Castlegowan Mound SL00398
- Creaghadoo Ringfort - rath SL00774
- Bunduff House - indeterminate date LE00001
- Ballinphull (Carbury By., Cliffony North Ed) Enclosure SL00118
- Dernish Island Midden SL07407
- Creevykeel Standing stone SL07302
- Mullaghmore (Carbury By.) Enclosure SL00102
- Carrownamaddoo (Carbury By., Rossinver West Ed) Souterrain SL06760
- Tormore Booley hut SL07080
- Moodoge Cairn - boundary cairn SL00488
- Conor'S Island Kiln - kelp drying SL00142
- Coolbeg Ringfort - unclassified SL00619
- Moneylahan Souterrain SL00462
- Gorteen (Carbury By.) Altar SL00441
- Gortnaleck Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL00328
- Creevykeel Hut site SL06702
- Tormore Ringfort - rath SL00777
- Castlegowan Mound SL00400
- Kiltykere Ringfort - cashel SL00275
- Largandoon Cairn - boundary cairn LE00182
- Shesknan Cairn - boundary cairn LE00186
- Gortarowey Barrow - bowl-barrow SL00369
- Gortnaleck Sweathouse SL06708
- Mount Temple Cairn - unclassified SL00124
- Rahelly Ringfort - rath SL00570
- Conor'S Island Hut site SL07217
- Tormore Booley hut SL07079
- Urlar Ringfort - unclassified SL00595
- Bunduff House - indeterminate date LE00003
- Derry Ringfort - cashel SL00272
- Kiltykere Ringfort - rath SL00279
- Cullagh Beg Burnt mound SL07502
- Aghagad Mound SL00245
- Cooldrumman Upper Ringfort - unclassified SL00579
- Corglass (Rosclogher By.) Cairn - boundary cairn LE00178
- Largandoon,Treanakillew Cairn - boundary cairn LE00183
- Gorteen (Carbury By.) Ringfort - cashel SL06682
- Grange Ritual site - holy well SL00258
- Moneygold Cairn - unclassified SL00389
- Gorteen (Carbury By.) Ringfort - cashel SL00440
- Bunduff Souterrain SL00169
- Finned (Carbury By.) Fulacht fia SL00615
- Carrownamaddoo (Carbury By., Rossinver West Ed) Ringfort - cashel SL00302
- Castlegowan Souterrain SL06695
- Barnarobin Fulacht fia SL00760
- Grange Kiln SL00257
- Ballynagalliagh Ringfort - rath SL00634
- Carrownamaddoo (Carbury By., Rossinver West Ed) House - 18th/19th century SL07091
- Gorteen (Carbury By.) Barrow - unclassified SL00438
- Gorteen (Carbury By.) Ringfort - cashel SL00436
- Cartronkillerdoo Ringfort - cashel SL00134
- Ballinphull (Carbury By., Cliffony North Ed) Ringfort - rath SL00119
- Ardnaglass Lower Ringfort - rath SL00317
- Finned (Carbury By.) Ringfort - rath SL00614
- Barnaderg Ringfort - cashel SL00325
- Ardnaglass Lower Souterrain SL00264
- Conor'S Island Cairn - unclassified SL07220
- Mullaghnaneane Ringfort - rath SL00349
- Lugnagall Ringfort - rath SL00775
- Castlegowan Field system SL00395
- Creevymore Church SL00104
- Mount Temple Ringfort - cashel SL00219
- Newtowncliffony Ringfort - rath SL00113
- Derrylehan Redundant record SL00405
- Cartronmore Ringfort - rath SL00627
- Grange Burnt mound SL07303
- Rahelly Ringfort - rath SL00566
- Moneygold Enclosure SL00388
- Cartronmore Ringfort - rath SL00629
- Mount Temple Souterrain SL00126
- Dernish Island Ringfort - cashel SL00146
- Castlegal (Carbury By., Cliffony North Ed) Ringfort - cashel SL00156
- Keelty Ringfort - rath SL00608
- Curraghmore Ringfort - rath SL00424
- Glen Lower,Glen Upper,Slievemore Or Kingsmountain Boundary mound SL07268
- Tormore Booley hut SL00843
- Grange Ringfort - rath SL00260
- Cloontyprocklis Ringfort - rath SL00247
- Dernish Island Fulacht fia SL07405
- Grange Settlement cluster SL00253
- Tormore Booley hut SL07078
- Barnarobin Fulacht fia SL00761
- Mullaghmore (Carbury By.) Midden SL07111
- Ballinphull (Carbury By., Cliffony North Ed) Ringfort - rath SL00121
- Kilkilloge Promontory fort - coastal SL00097
- Moneygold Bullaun stone SL00209
- Carney (Jones) Ringfort - rath SL00613
- Cartronwilliamoge Structure SL06723
- Conor'S Island Seaweed stand SL00139
- Castlegal (Carbury By., Cliffony North Ed) Ringfort - cashel SL00163
- Cashelgarran Ringfort - cashel SL00353
- Rathhugh Ringfort - rath SL00280
- Ardnaglass Lower Children's burial ground SL07089
- Derry Souterrain SL00271
- Kilcat Enclosure SL00281
- Grange Hut site SL00255
- Bunduff Ringfort - cashel SL00166
- Tormore House - indeterminate date SL07077
- Grange Enclosure SL00246
- Coolbeg Ringfort - unclassified SL00617
- Cullagh More Ringfort - rath SL00584
- Edencullentragh Or Hollyfield Bullaun stone SL00426
- Gortnahoula Kiln - lime SL00449
- Shesknan Cairn - boundary cairn LE00162
- Barnaderg Redundant record SL06707
- Castlegowan Fulacht fia SL07457
- Cooldrumman Upper Ritual site - holy well SL00582
- Moneygold Ritual site - holy well SL00208
- Castlegowan Cairn - unclassified SL07095
- Moodoge Cairn - boundary cairn SL07141
- Lislahelly,Slievemore Or Kingsmountain Boundary mound SL06734
- Derrylehan Enclosure SL00292
- Creevykeel Ringfort - cashel SL00185
- Bunduff Souterrain SL00162
- Mullanfad Ringfort - cashel SL00446
- Glencarbury,Oughtagorey Boundary mound SL00489
- Gortarowey Ringfort - unclassified SL00588
- Ardnaglass Lower Ringfort - rath SL00266
- Lecklasser,Coolagraffy Cairn - unclassified SL00480
- Barnarobin Ringfort - cashel SL00597
- Redbrae Hut site LE00009
- Grogagh Ringfort - rath SL00274
- Lislahelly Enclosure SL07434
- Bunduff Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL00171
- Castlegowan Stone row SL00403
- Creaghadoo Hut site SL00772
- Barnarobin Barrow - ditch barrow SL06715
- Derrylehan Souterrain SL00300
- Grogagh Standing stone SL07115
- Castlegal (Carbury By., Cliffony North Ed) Enclosure SL00164
- Coolbeg Ringfort - rath SL00618
- Moneygold Penitential station SL06771
- Tawly Mass-rock LE02181
- Glen Upper Crannog SL00780
- Cashelgarran House - 18th/19th century SL00415
- Bunduff Ringfort - cashel SL00158
- Creevykeel Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL00186
- Grange Field system SL00254
- Moneygold Ringfort - cashel SL00204
- Drinaghan (Carbury By., Rossinver East Ed) Megalithic tomb - court tomb SL00457
- Wardhouse Barrow - ring-barrow LE00014
- Barnaderg Ringfort - cashel SL00314
- Creevymore Megalithic tomb - unclassified SL00187
- Creaghadoo Ringfort - rath SL00771
- Rathfrask Enclosure SL00285
- Bunduff Ringfort - unclassified SL00151
- Gortnahoula Ringfort - cashel SL00448