Roosky is a Village in the county of County Roscommon.
There are great places to visit near Roosky.
Roosky History
There are some historic monuments around Roosky:
- Kilbarry Cross-slab RO06708
- Cloonmore (Ballintober North By.) Ecclesiastical enclosure RO03627
- Tooloscan Ringfort - rath RO01273
- Edercloon Structure - peatland LF02820
- Castleforbes Demesne Ringfort - rath LF00154
- Lough Boderg Redundant record LE02080
- Creenagh (Mohill By.) Crannog LE02025
- Brianstown Ringfort - rath LF00417
- Edercloon Platform - peatland LF02810
- Ballytoohey Ringfort - rath RO03633
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07126
- Edercloon Structure - peatland LF02827
- Northyard Road - class 1 togher RO07095
- Bunkilleen Crannog LE01969
- Edercloon Road - class 3 togher LF02823
- Kilgarve (Ballintober North By.) Millstone quarry RO01978
- Kilbarry Holed stone RO07223
- Aghamore (Mohill By., Roosky Ed) Excavation - miscellaneous LE02672
- Castleforbes Demesne Dovecote LF02523
- Fearnaght Standing stone LE02082
- Clooncoe,Rinn Kiln - lime LE02113
- Mohill Tomb - unclassified LE01952
- Ballymoylin Cross-inscribed stone RO06789
- Clooniher Enclosure LF03039
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07110
- Ballymoylin Earthwork RO02847
- Edercloon Road - class 3 togher LF02830
- Grange Lough Crannog RO01970
- Drumcleavry Ringfort - rath RO01261
- Annaduff Architectural fragment LE01932
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07120
- Cartron (King) Redundant record RO07181
- Rinn Crannog LE02109
- Aghnahunshin Fulacht fia LE02681
- Brianstown Country house LF00490
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07518
- Tully (Ballintober North By., Kilmore Ed) Crannog RO01938
- Roo Crannog RO01831
- Mohill Religious house - Augustinian canons LE01949
- Rinn Hut site LE02651
- Edercloon Road - class 3 togher LF02809
- Annaduff Graveyard LE01931
- Bunny Beg Ringfort - rath LE01918
- Kilbarry Ritual site - holy well RO03623
- Edercloon Structure - peatland LF02796
- Clooncarreen Ringfort - rath LE02154
- Moher (Mohill By., Roosky Ed) Burnt mound LE02669
- Furnace Or Bleankillew Metalworking site LE02097
- Cuilbeg Platform - peatland RO07125
- Cartrons (Longford By.) Ringfort - rath LF00425
- Edercloon Structure - peatland LF02811
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07524
- Lismore Enclosure LF01868
- Aghamore (Mohill By., Roosky Ed) Burnt mound LE02676
- Derrycarne Demesne Cairn - clearance cairn LE02094
- Cloonmore (Ballintober North By.) Penitential station RO00343
- Moher (Mohill By., Roosky Ed) Burnt pit LE02668
- Castleforbes Demesne Ringfort - rath LF00166
- Drumgilra (Leitrim By.) Ringfort - rath LE01962
- Castleforbes Demesne House - 17th century LF00161
- Lissagernal Ringfort - rath LF00153
- Annaduff Church LE01930
- Fearnaght Bullaun stone LE02083
- Ardanaffrin Ringfort - rath RO01145
- Boeeshil (Mohill By.),Treanmore Ringfort - rath LE01973
- Gortnalamph Ringfort - rath LE02072
- Edercloon Structure - peatland LF02837
- Clooncolry Fulacht fia LE02662
- Edercloon Platform - peatland LF02805
- Carrickmoyragh Ringfort - rath LF00165
- Glebe (Ballintober North By., Kilglass North Ed) Church RO06475
- Rinn Burnt mound LE02641
- Killeen (Longford By.) Bullaun stone LF02859
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Structure - peatland RO07521
- Ballytoohey Enclosure RO03637
- Corry (Longford By.) Ringfort - rath LF00172
- Drumsna Ringfort - rath LE02537
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Road - class 1 togher RO07104
- Edercloon Structure - peatland LF02800
- Aghamore (Mohill By., Drumod Ed) Ringfort - rath LE02577
- Edercloon Structure - peatland LF02834
- Charlestown Ringfort - rath RO01260
- Ballymoylin Children's burial ground RO02860
- Carrigeen (Ballintober North By.) Ringfort - rath RO02834
- Kilbeg Ringfort - rath RO02845
- Moher (Mohill By., Roosky Ed) Earthwork LE02153
- Mohill House - 17th century LE01946
- Edercloon Road - class 2 togher LF02799
- Kilbarry Round tower RO02855
- Cleggill Ringfort - rath LF00421
- Drumsna Ringfort - rath LE01836
- Moyglass (Ballintober North By., Cloonteem Ed) Redundant record RO01271
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07117
- Deerpark (Longford By.) Ringfort - rath LF00155
- Drumgilra (Leitrim By.) Ringfort - rath LE01961
- Gortnalug Ringfort - rath LE01925
- Tully (Longford By.) Enclosure LF00418
- Edercloon Road - class 1 togher LF02793
- Roo Ringfort - rath RO01966
- Edercloon Platform - peatland LF02801
- Creenagh (Mohill By.),Roosky (Mohill By.) Redundant record LE02023
- Drumcleavry Ring-ditch RO06968
- Kilbarry Bullaun stone RO02858
- Rinn Post row - peatland LE02655
- Carrowcuill Earthwork RO01778
- Minard Ringfort - rath LF00178
- Castleforbes Demesne Armorial plaque LF02520
- Drumcleavry Ringfort - rath RO07210
- Kilbarry Building RO02853
- Clogher (Ballintober North By.) Ringfort - rath RO01278
- Aghamore (Mohill By., Roosky Ed) Ringfort - unclassified LE02155
- Kilgarve (Ballintober North By.) Ringfort - rath RO01972
- Edercloon Road - class 3 togher LF02808
- Clooncommon More Ringfort - rath RO01955
- Derrybrack Ringfort - rath LE02066
- Cloonavery Enclosure RO07499
- Caul Road - class 3 togher RO07102
- Clooncahir Ritual site - holy well LE02075
- Lough Boderg Redundant record RO01969
- Liscloonadea Crannog LE02088
- Carrigeen (Ballintober North By.) Ringfort - rath RO02833
- Fearagh (Caddell) Crannog RO01828
- Kildoo Ringfort - rath LE01943
- Cloonteem Ringfort - rath RO07213
- Creenagh (Mohill By.),Lurga,Trean Bridge LE02028
- Edercloon Structure - peatland LF02818
- Gortaggle,Mucklaghan Glebe Crannog LE01982
- Kilbarry Cross-slab RO06772
- Corry (Longford By.) Ringfort - rath LF00170
- Tullyoran Megalithic tomb - unclassified LE02021
- Clooncommon More Ringfort - rath RO01957
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07527
- Roo Ringfort - rath RO01965
- Drumsna Ringfort - rath LE01861
- Carrick (Leitrim By., Annaduff Ed) Redundant record LE01959
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07509
- Mohill Church LE01950
- Cloonmorris Church LE02157
- Edercloon Platform - peatland LF02822
- Clooneen (Kennedy) Ringfort - rath LF00149
- Edercloon Road - class 3 togher LF02816
- Georgia Or Gorteenoran Fulacht fia LE02671
- Lisnabo Ringfort - rath LF00177
- Clooncommon Beg Ringfort - rath RO01953
- Corry (Ballintober North By.) Ringfort - rath RO01263
- Ballytoohey Ringfort - rath RO03636
- Castleforbes Demesne Castle - unclassified LF02460
- Laheen South Ringfort - rath LE01942
- Caul,Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07532
- Gorttoose Settlement cluster RO06369
- Newtown (Ballintober North By.) Ritual site - holy/saint's stone (present location) RO03632
- Legan Mass-rock RO02844
- Drumlara Crannog LE01921
- Gortinty Crannog LE01958
- Rinn Pit circle LE02647
- Cloonmorris Bullaun stone LE02302
- Aghamore (Mohill By., Roosky Ed) Fulacht fia LE02674
- Drumsna Fulacht fia LE02179
- Cartron (Hartland) Redundant record RO01835
- Moyglass (Ballintober North By., Cloonteem Ed) Ringfort - rath RO07216
- Caul,Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07530
- Caul Road - class 3 togher RO07526
- Edercloon Road - class 1 togher LF02802
- Edercloon Platform - peatland LF02831
- Bunny Beg Ringfort - rath LE01888
- Kilgarve (Ballintober North By.) Ringfort - rath RO01971
- Farnaght Crannog LE02127
- Carrigeen (Mohill By.) Crannog LE01939
- Lough Forbes Crannog LF00151
- Kilglass Lough Crannog RO02645
- Cloonmorris House - 18th/19th century LE02165
- Rinn Burnt mound LE02644
- Cloonbo Redundant record LE01966
- Roo Ringfort - rath RO01964
- Edercloon Road - class 2 togher LF02824
- Kilglass Lough Crannog RO02642
- Tooloscan Standing stone RO01275
- Breanross North Redundant record LE02147
- Cloontagh,Currygranny Ringfort - rath LF00150
- Drumdart Crannog LE01922
- Aghamore (Mohill By., Roosky Ed) Fulacht fia LE02675
- Drumsna Enclosure LE02567
- Edercloon Structure - peatland LF02812
- Cloonfinnan Megalithic tomb - portal tomb LE01970
- Tomisky Structure - peatland LF02848
- Clarashinnagh Ringfort - rath LE01940
- Skeagh Barrow - unclassified RO01950
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07533
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07109
- Kilglass Lough Redundant record RO02643
- Tullybradan Ritual site - holy well LE01945
- Drumsna Enclosure LE01874
- Roosky (Ballintober North By.) Redundant record RO02841
- Tully (Ballintober North By., Kilmore Ed) Ringfort - rath RO01951
- Aghamore (Mohill By., Roosky Ed) Burnt mound LE02677
- Corry (Ballintober North By.) Ringfort - rath RO01177
- Edercloon Road - class 3 togher LF02829
- Castleforbes Demesne Bullaun stone LF00160
- Edercloon Road - class 2 togher LF02836
- Tooloscan Ringfort - rath RO07179
- Ballykilcline Ringfort - rath RO02836
- Esker South Crannog LE01971
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07132
- Castleforbes Demesne,Townparks (Longford By.) Historic town LF02058
- Cloonbo,Cloonfinnan Crannog LE01979
- Drumsna Ringfort - rath LE01835
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07516
- Drumsna Ringfort - rath LE01858
- Aghamore (Mohill By., Roosky Ed) Fulacht fia LE02673
- Caul,Cloonmore (Ballintober North By.) Road - class 1 togher RO07097
- Drumard (Jones) Ringfort - rath LE02087
- Caul Road - class 2 togher RO07096
- Corduff (Mohill By., Drumod Ed) Barrow - ring-barrow LE02576
- Kilmore (Ballintober North By.) Graveslab RO01944
- Cloonmorris Graveyard LE02158
- Cloonmorris Ogham stone LE02159
- Corralara Ringfort - rath RO01178
- Cloonavery Ringfort - rath RO01141
- Clooncommon More Ringfort - rath RO01958
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07106
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07511
- Lismore Ringfort - rath LF00422
- Castleforbes Demesne Well LF02914
- Clooncoe Crannog LE02116
- Kilbarry Architectural fragment RO02859
- Kilcock Church RO01960
- Lisbrack (Longford By., Newtownforbes Ed) Ringfort - rath LF00164
- Gortconnellan Ringfort - rath LE01837
- Edercloon Road - class 3 togher LF02835
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Road - class 3 togher RO07536
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07123
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07528
- Derryoughter Crannog LE01955
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07507
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07519
- Drumkeilvy Ringfort - rath LE02007
- Moyglass (Ballintober North By., Cloonteem Ed) Ringfort - rath RO01266
- Aghamore (Mohill By., Drumod Ed) Ringfort - rath LE02067
- Kilbarry Church RO02852
- Annaduff Enclosure LE01927
- Farnaght Ringfort - rath LE02133
- Lisdadanan Ringfort - rath LE01974
- Edercloon Road - class 1 togher LF02814
- Killyfad Earthwork LE02081
- Lurga,Trean Weir - regulating LE02026
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07113
- Rinn Burnt mound LE02645
- Caul,Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Road - class 1 togher RO07103
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07099
- Drinagh Ringfort - rath RO03639
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07122
- Rinn Crannog LE02114
- Lisbrack (Longford By., Newtownforbes Ed) Graveyard LF02035
- Lavagh Ringfort - rath RO01973
- Clooncoe,Rinn Weir - regulating LE02112
- Creenagh (Mohill By.) Redundant record LE02024
- Edercloon Road - class 3 togher LF02826
- Furnace Or Bleankillew Ringfort - rath LE02085
- Aghnacross Ringfort - rath LE01954
- Tomisky Structure - peatland LF02852
- Dangan (Nugent) Ringfort - rath RO01268
- Corralara Ringfort - rath RO06361
- Castleforbes Demesne Ringfort - rath LF00162
- Mucklaghan Glebe Crannog LE01980
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Redundant record RO07520
- Cornee Ringfort - rath LE01944
- Clooncoe Standing stone LE02145
- Drumsna Ringfort - rath LE01860
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07100
- Cartron (King),Corry (Ballintober North By.) Burial RO07083
- Edercloon Structure - peatland LF02828
- Kilbarry Graveyard RO02857
- Caul Redundant record RO07127
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Redundant record RO07510
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07119
- Tomisky Structure - peatland LF02847
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07116
- Carrick (Leitrim By., Annaduff Ed) Ringfort - rath LE02573
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07108
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Redundant record RO07529
- Roo Redundant record RO01837
- Rinn Redundant record LE02078
- Farnaght Castle - tower house LE02131
- Moher (Mohill By., Roosky Ed) Burnt mound LE02670
- Kilmore (Ballintober North By.) House - 18th/19th century RO01942
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07118
- Lough Bofin Redundant record LE02093
- Drumsna Ringfort - rath LE02546
- Derrywillow Ringfort - rath LE02084
- Creenagh (Mohill By.) Megalithic tomb - court tomb LE02037
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07124
- Scrabbagh Ringfort - rath RO01832
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07107
- Drumard (Jones) Ringfort - rath LE02073
- Corry (Ballintober North By.) Ringfort - rath RO07212
- Cloonmore (Ballintober North By.) Church RO03628
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07114
- Corry (Longford By.) Ringfort - rath LF00171
- Edercloon Structure - peatland LF02821
- Lisbrack (Longford By., Newtownforbes Ed) Church LF00163
- Grange Lough Redundant record RO01968
- Clogher (Ballintober North By.) Ringfort - rath RO01276
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07101
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07523
- Rinn Burnt mound LE02640
- Clogher (Ballintober North By.),Kilmore (Ballintober North By.) Ringfort - rath RO01277
- Edercloon Road - class 2 togher LF02832
- Cloonmore (Ballintober North By.) Ringfort - rath RO03634
- Esker North Redundant record LE01976
- Cloonteem Redundant record RO01265
- Drumsna Burial ground LE01859
- Castleforbes Demesne Bawn LF02521
- Glebe (Ballintober North By., Kilglass North Ed) Graveyard RO02837
- Gortaggle Crannog LE01983
- Mohill Graveyard LE01951
- Kilbarry Penitential station RO06009
- Clooncommon More Mass-rock RO01956
- Edercloon Road - class 1 togher LF02804
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07134
- Ballykilcline Road - road/trackway RO06565
- Aghamore (Mohill By., Roosky Ed) Kiln LE02678
- Gortconnellan Crannog LE01926
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Redundant record RO07135
- Cloonteem Enclosure RO06416
- Rinn Megalithic structure LE02106
- Mullagh [Mohill By.) Ringfort - unclassified LE02069
- Fearnaght Ritual site - holy well LE02634
- Legan Ringfort - rath RO02842
- Drumlara Ringfort - unclassified LE01920
- Charlestown Redundant record RO07211
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07111
- Edercloon Road - class 2 togher LF02825
- Edercloon Road - class 3 togher LF02803
- Legan Ringfort - rath RO02843
- Kilbarry Font RO03223
- Roosky (Ballintober North By.) Redundant record RO02840
- Creenagh (Mohill By.) Crannog LE02022
- Annagh (Ballintober North By.) Kiln - corn-drying RO01963
- Cleggill Ringfort - rath LF00420
- Tawnagh More Crannog LE02089
- Aughry House - fortified house LE02095
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07137
- Tully (Ballintober North By., Kilmore Ed) Crannog RO01829
- Finnalaghta Crannog LE02071
- Kilmore (Ballintober North By.) Memorial stone RO01945
- Annaduff Glebe Barrow - mound barrow LE01928
- Dangan (King) Enclosure RO01241
- Roo Ringfort - rath RO01836
- Tullyoran Ringfort - rath LE02020
- Clooncoe,Drumbad (Mohill By.) Redundant record LE02121
- Kilbarry Graveslab RO02856
- Errew (Mohill By.) Burnt mound LE02657
- Edercloon Road - class 2 togher LF02819
- Castleforbes Demesne Armorial plaque LF02522
- Tooloscan Ringfort - rath RO01272
- Kilbarry Building RO02854
- Ballykilcline Settlement cluster RO06000
- Cloonbo Redundant record LE01967
- Derryoughter Crannog LE01956
- Edercloon Structure - peatland LF02833
- Newtown (Ballintober North By.) Ringfort - rath RO03625
- Edercloon Structure - peatland LF02807
- Cartron (King) Redundant record RO01252
- Moher (Mohill By., Roosky Ed) Fulacht fia LE02666
- Drumdoo Ringfort - rath LE01941
- Clooneen (Beirne) Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb LF00185
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07133
- Cloonbo Ringfort - unclassified LE01965
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07517
- Ballykenny Ringfort - rath LF00419
- Castleforbes Demesne Church LF00159
- Tully (Ballintober North By., Kilmore Ed) Ringfort - rath RO01952
- Rinn Souterrain LE02654
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Road - class 3 togher RO07534
- Cloonturk Burnt mound LE02660
- Kilmore (Ballintober North By.) Religious house - Augustinian canons RO01946
- Ummera (Mohill By.) Ringfort - rath LE01963
- Castleforbes Demesne Graveyard LF02034
- Lough Bofin Redundant record LE02092
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07515
- Clooncahir Crannog LE02074
- Carrowcuill Redundant record RO01779
- Creenagh (Mohill By.) Megalithic tomb - court tomb LE02036
- Carrigeen (Mohill By.) Ringfort - rath LE01937
- Drumcoora (Mohill By.) Ringfort - rath LE02575
- Tomisky Road - class 3 togher LF02849
- Rinn Burnt mound LE02646
- Mucklougher Redundant record LE01938
- Edercloon Road - class 3 togher LF02813
- Aghnahunshin Fulacht fia LE02680
- Gortaggle Crannog LE02585
- Knockadrinan House - 17th/18th century LE02162
- Kilbarry Road - gravel/stone trackway - peatland RO02861
- Drumsna Redundant record LE01857
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Redundant record RO07136
- Clooncumber,Tooman Weir - regulating LE02167
- Mohill Stone head (present location) LE02621
- Cartron (Hartland),Scrabbagh Ringfort - rath RO01833
- Clooncommon More Ritual site - holy well RO01948
- Lackagh Ringfort - rath RO01262
- Clooncoe Megalithic structure LE02115
- Dangan (Nugent) Ringfort - rath RO01267
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07131
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07522
- Aghnahunshin Fulacht fia LE02682
- Caul Road - class 3 togher RO07525
- Lowfield House - 18th/19th century RO01274
- Carrick (Leitrim By., Annaduff Ed) Redundant record LE01960
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07130
- Annaduff Mound LE01981
- Corraun Ringfort - rath RO03631
- Kilbarry Crannog RO03624
- Carrigeen (Mohill By.) Ringfort - rath LE01936
- Drumhany Enclosure LE01935
- Gortconnellan Ringfort - rath LE01838
- Kilbarry Redundant record RO02851
- Rinn Castle - tower house LE02077
- Clooncoe Redundant record LE02126
- Cloonturk Excavation - miscellaneous LE02661
- Tawnagh More Crannog LE02076
- Doora Ringfort - unclassified LE02079
- Edercloon Platform - peatland LF02794
- Cartron (Hartland) Ringfort - rath RO01834
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07098
- Ballykenny Ford LF02565
- Cloonmore (Ballintober North By.) Ritual site - holy well RO03629
- Edercloon Structure - peatland LF02806
- Derrycashel (Roscommon By.) Redundant record RO03638
- Castleforbes Demesne Castle - unclassified LF00152
- Cloonteem Ringfort - rath RO07215
- Tawnagh More Crannog LE02105
- Corry (Longford By.) Ringfort - rath LF00176
- Kilbeg Ritual site - holy well RO02846
- Clooncolry Burnt mound LE02664
- Lowfield Crannog RO01269
- Mucklaghan Glebe Ringfort - rath LE01934
- Rinn Burnt mound LE02650
- Carrick (Leitrim By., Annaduff Ed) Ringfort - rath LE02574
- Lecarrow (Ballintober North By.) Monumental structure RO02838
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07112
- Kilcock Ritual site - holy well RO01962
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07506
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07128
- Moher (Mohill By., Roosky Ed) Fulacht fia LE02665
- Cloonteem Ringfort - rath RO07214
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07512
- Annaduff Ecclesiastical enclosure LE02619
- Bunkilleen Ringfort - rath LE01968
- Ballytoohey Weir - fish RO07017
- Lough Bofin Redundant record LE02091
- Aghintass,Antfield Enclosure LE02070
- Errew (Mohill By.) Burnt mound LE02658
- Townparks (Longford By.) Graveyard LF02516
- Moyglass (Ballintober North By., Cloonteem Ed) Ringfort - rath RO01270
- Clooncolry Burnt mound LE02663
- Cloonboniagh South Crannog LE02086
- Castleforbes Demesne Memorial stone LF02524
- Edercloon Road - class 1 togher LF02797
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07115
- Knockhall Crannog RO02839
- Rinn Burnt mound LE02643
- Clooncommon Beg Ringfort - rath RO01954
- Rinn Crannog LE02107
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07513
- Rinn Burnt mound LE02653
- Kilmore (Ballintober North By.) Graveyard RO01947
- Ballykilcline Ritual site - holy well RO02644
- Rinn Ringfort - rath LE02108
- Cloonavery,Drumcleavry,Lackagh,Ardanaffrin Linear earthwork RO01143
- Rinn Country house LE02111
- Killamaun Ringfort - rath LE01972
- Roo Enclosure RO01830
- Aghamore (Mohill By., Drumod Ed) Ringfort - rath LE02068
- Errew (Mohill By.) Burnt mound LE02656
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07121
- Cartron (Hartland) Ringfort - rath RO01967
- Tomisky Road - class 3 togher LF02850
- Edercloon Road - class 3 togher LF02798
- Tomisky Structure - peatland LF02851
- Cloonmore (Ballintober North By.) Bullaun stone RO03630
- Ballykenny Ringfort - rath LF00416
- Rinn Burnt mound LE02648
- Townparks (Longford By.) Church LF02397
- Drumcleavry Enclosure RO01142
- Caul,Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Road - class 3 togher RO07105
- Charlestown Ringfort - rath RO07180
- Clooncoe Crannog LE02119
- Tulcon (Mohill By.) Crannog LE02090
- Skeagh Ringfort - rath RO01949
- Rinn Hut site LE02652
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07129
- Gortinty Redundant record LE01957
- Grange Lough Crannog RO01874
- Clooncumber,Tooman Bridge LE02166
- Breanross North Ringfort - rath LE02110
- Ballytoohey Ringfort - rath RO03635
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Platform - peatland RO07531
- Edercloon Structure - peatland LF02795
- Errew (Mohill By.) Burnt mound LE02659
- Townparks (Longford By.) Headstone LF02517
- Clooncoe,Drumbad (Mohill By.) Redundant record LE02120
- Drumsna Ringfort - rath LE01862
- Lurga,Trean Ford LE02027
- Boeeshil (Mohill By.) Ringfort - rath LE01953
- Tully (Ballintober North By., Kilmore Ed) Redundant record RO06841
- Cloonavery Ringfort - rath RO01140
- Drumsna Ringfort - rath LE02568
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07508
- Mohill Bawn LE01947
- Cartron (Hartland) Ringfort - rath RO01875
- Ballykilcline Ringfort - rath RO02835
- Drumcoora (Mohill By.) Ringfort - rath LE01964
- Caul Platform - peatland RO07514
- Aghamannan Ringfort - rath RO02848
- Cloonteem Ringfort - rath RO01264
- Clooncommon Beg Enclosure - large enclosure RO07218
- Kilbarry Church RO02850
- Cloonshannagh (Ballintober North By., Roosky Ed) Redundant record RO07535
- Edercloon Platform - peatland LF02815
- Aghamore (Mohill By., Roosky Ed) Kiln LE02679