Westport is a Town in the county of County Mayo.
Westport, County Mayo is a beautiful place to visit. It’s a small town in the west of Ireland which has much to offer visitors with its fascinating history and wildlife. The town also provides many walks where you can experience nature at its best. If you are looking for somewhere new to explore this year, Westport should be on your list!
Things to do in Westport
One of the best things about Westport is its location. It’s surrounded by mountains and bordered by Ireland’s wild Atlantic Ocean. This means you can take advantage of some picturesque walks right from your hotel, or along the coast if that takes your fancy! Whether it’s a stroll round Lough Carra to visit an ancient ring fort, a hike up Croagh Patrick to see the famous holy mountain or a ramble along the beach that you’re after, Westport County Mayo has it all.
Westport is steeped in history and culture with many buildings of architectural interest still standing today. The town also holds regular events such as art exhibitions, plays and concerts which are definitely not to be missed. And because it’s situated on Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way, you can easily take off for your next adventure whenever the mood takes you! Westport County Mayo is also home to two of our favourite Irish wildlife attractions; The Sea Life Centre and Kelly’s Yard Dog Rescue Shelter .
Westport postcode: F28 P3
There are great places to visit near Westport.
Westport History
There are some historic monuments around Westport:
- Raigh (Murrisk By.) Ringfort - rath MA06286
- Carrowbeg (Burrishoole By., Kilmeena Par.) Enclosure MA04554
- Aghadooey Glebe Ritual site - holy well MA03542
- Drummindoo (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA05283
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Children's burial ground MA06247
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Cross-inscribed stone MA06248
- Knappagh More Enclosure MA06256
- Gortnaclassagh Church MA04576
- Knappagh Beg Enclosure MA05344
- Liscarney Standing stone MA06295
- Clogher (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - rath MA04577
- Kilbride (Burrishoole By.) Ritual site - holy well MA03596
- Crott Mountain Sweathouse MA06254
- Killadangan Enclosure MA05198
- Fahburren Graveyard MA05211
- Cloonskill Ringfort - rath MA06270
- Derrynaraw Barrow - ring-barrow MA04564
- Knappagh More Metalworking site MA05331
- Cushinsheeaun Enclosure MA05323
- Killadangan Standing stone MA08500
- Cloonmonad Enclosure MA05299
- Oughty Enclosure MA06233
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Crannog MA06274
- Carrowrevagh Ecclesiastical enclosure MA06232
- Aghagower Bullaun stone MA08952
- Knockboy (Burrishoole By., Burrishoole Par.) Ringfort - rath MA03533
- Cushinsheeaun Ritual site - holy well MA05321
- Rusheen (Burrishoole By.) Standing stone - pair MA08067
- Aghadooey Glebe Cross-inscribed stone MA03541
- Ballygolman Enclosure MA05346
- Rostoohy Souterrain MA08451
- Killadangan Standing stone - pair MA05165
- Carrowkennedy Penitential station MA06237
- Lankill Inscribed stone MA06266
- Lisduff (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - rath MA03546
- Dooncastle Enclosure MA05318
- Derryribbeen Enclosure MA04603
- Rossbeg Salt works MA05172
- Lankill Enclosure MA06267
- Inishdaff Island Church MA04512
- Knockroosky Boulder-burial MA05380
- Rossbeg Salt works MA05173
- Ardogommon Souterrain MA05311
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Enclosure MA06283
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA05157
- Milcum Enclosure MA03548
- Rassakeeran Enclosure MA04549
- Moyna Ringfort - cashel MA04523
- Brackloon (Murrisk By.) Souterrain MA05229
- Kilbree Lower Bullaun stone MA09014
- Carrowkennedy Bullaun stone MA08597
- Cloonagh (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA05208
- Rossbeg Enclosure MA05171
- Shanagh Souterrain MA05329
- Drummindoo (Murrisk By.) Ringfort - rath MA05281
- Churchfield (Murrisk By.) Graveyard MA05180
- Claggan (Burrishoole By., Kilmeena Par.) Ringfort - rath MA04526
- Carrowbeg (Murrisk By.) Burial ground MA05280
- Rosclave Church MA04506
- Knocknatinnyweel Enclosure MA03608
- Rosbeg Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA04514
- Aghagower Penitential station MA05352
- Knocknaboley Enclosure MA04606
- Killadangan Mound MA05166
- Killadangan Ringfort - cashel MA05194
- Keeloges (Burrishoole By., Burrishoole Par.) Enclosure MA03565
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Cross-inscribed stone MA08605
- Rosmore Enclosure MA03570
- Knockychottaun Fulacht fia MA09206
- Ardkeen Ringfort - rath MA04519
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Mound MA06241
- Carrowkennedy Enclosure MA06299
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA05264
- Aghadooey Glebe Burial ground MA03540
- Knockglass (Burrishoole By., Burrishoole Par.) Ringfort - rath MA03531
- Keeloges (Burrishoole By., Burrishoole Par.) Hut site MA08949
- Lanmore Standing stone MA06257
- Rossbeg Souterrain MA08501
- Money Enclosure MA04534
- Belclare Castle - unclassified MA05202
- Carrowrevagh Ringfort - unclassified MA06242
- Liscarney Stone row MA06294
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - rath MA05261
- Moyour Enclosure MA04531
- Westport Demesne (Murrisk By.) Castle - unclassified MA05272
- Sraheen (Burrishoole By.) Redundant record MA06288
- Aghadooey Glebe Church MA03538
- Rosbeg House - 16th/17th century MA04515
- Kilbree Upper Enclosure MA05292
- Churchfield (Murrisk By.) Church MA05204
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA09290
- Lankill Mound MA06269
- Drumneen (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA04592
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Castle - unclassified MA05155
- Knappaghmanagh Enclosure MA05336
- Lankill Burial ground MA06262
- Knockfin Enclosure MA05377
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Sweathouse MA06251
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Enclosure MA06282
- Farnaght Standing stone MA05387
- Rosclave Ritual site - holy well MA04509
- Carrowbeg (Burrishoole By., Kilmeena Par.) Mound MA04524
- Rockfleet Settlement deserted - medieval MA03528
- Fahburren Enclosure MA05212
- Killeencoff Enclosure MA05326
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Cross-inscribed stone MA08603
- Aghagower Ecclesiastical enclosure MA05355
- Rosgibbileen Fulacht fia MA08951
- Westport Demesne (Murrisk By.) Settlement cluster MA05275
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA05266
- Lankill Cross-inscribed stone MA06264
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - unclassified MA04552
- Knockroosky Redundant record MA05381
- Aghagower Church MA05357
- Killadangan Children's burial ground MA05196
- Knockbrack (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - rath MA05288
- Lanmore Fulacht fia MA06301
- Cogaula (Burrishoole By.) Burnt mound MA04605
- Inishnakillew Earthwork MA04551
- Rossbeg Midden MA05260
- Aghadooey Glebe Leacht MA03543
- Carrowkennedy Enclosure MA06298
- Carrowkennedy Ringfort - rath MA06287
- Carrowkeel (Burrishoole By., Burrishoole Par.) Metalworking site MA03507
- Rosclave Children's burial ground MA04505
- Rosdooaun Enclosure MA04518
- Brockagh Castle - tower house MA04559
- Deerpark East Enclosure MA05279
- Roekilmeena Bullaun stone MA08456
- Carrickaneady Castle - unclassified MA08054
- Rushbrook Church MA04581
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA05158
- Cordarragh South Burial ground MA06280
- Oughty Children's burial ground MA06234
- Clogher (Burrishoole By.) Crannog MA04579
- Killadangan Enclosure MA05170
- Carrickaneady Souterrain MA03597
- Killadangan Standing stone MA08499
- Knockaveely Glebe Church MA03590
- Mountbrown Ringfort - rath MA05345
- Dooncastle Earthwork MA05371
- Knappagh More Standing stone (present location) MA05333
- Lanmore Ringfort - cashel MA06276
- Carrowrevagh Redundant record MA06243
- Mucklagh Ringfort - rath MA04537
- Cahernamart Monumental structure MA05304
- Carrowkennedy Souterrain MA06239
- Brackloon (Murrisk By.) Ringfort - cashel MA05228
- Atticlea Island Redundant record MA04520
- Glinsk (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA06224
- Rushbrook Graveyard MA04582
- Killadangan Midden MA05201
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Redundant record MA05265
- Kilbride (Burrishoole By.) Graveyard MA03595
- Knocknageeha (Burrishoole By.) Monumental structure MA03586
- Knockeeragh Enclosure MA03549
- Knockeeragh Earthwork MA03571
- Carrowkennedy Children's burial ground MA06238
- Aghagower,Ballyballinaun,Cloondacon,Gorteen (Burrishoole By., Aghagower Par.),Knockadrum,Tawnagh (Burrishoole By.) Road - road/trackway MA05347
- Letterbrock Ringfort - rath MA06228
- Cahernamart Ritual site - holy well MA05303
- Knappaghmanagh Standing stone MA05335
- Aghagower Graveyard MA05350
- Lecarrow (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - rath MA04557
- Moyhastin Ringfort - cashel MA05327
- St. Marcan'S Lough Crannog MA03552
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Leacht MA06249
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Cross-inscribed stone MA08604
- Liscarney Enclosure MA06292
- Cloghan Enclosure MA05376
- Churchfield (Murrisk By.) Church MA05179
- Raigh (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA06284
- Carrowcally Ringfort - rath MA09374
- Cloonmonad Ringfort - rath MA05302
- Knappagh More Ringfort - unclassified MA05332
- Knappaghmanagh Ecclesiastical enclosure MA05339
- Killadangan Standing stone MA08498
- Knockbrack (Burrishoole By.) Souterrain MA08490
- Aghagower Ritual site - holy well MA05353
- Cushalogurt Redundant record MA04517
- Cloonmonad Ringfort - rath MA05300
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Burial MA08601
- Kilbree Lower Enclosure MA05291
- Sandymount,Teevmore Enclosure MA03550
- Fahburren Ecclesiastical enclosure MA05210
- Westport Demesne (Murrisk By.) House - 16th/17th century MA05273
- Dooncastle Enclosure MA05320
- Ardkeen Souterrain MA08453
- Clerhaun Ringfort - rath MA05362
- Ballintleva (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - rath MA04566
- Newport Enclosure MA03588
- Murrisknaboll Barrow - unclassified MA05240
- Killaghoor Redundant record MA05385
- Gorteen (Burrishoole By., Kilmaclasser Par.) Ringfort - rath MA04565
- Carrowkeel (Burrishoole By., Burrishoole Par.) Earthwork MA03506
- Killadangan Stone row MA05164
- Kilbree Lower Burial MA05290
- Rossbeg Mound MA05259
- Dooncastle Ringfort - rath MA05287
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA09289
- Knappagh Beg Crannog MA08055
- Westport Demesne (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA05276
- Aghagower Sheela-na-gig MA08284
- Rossow Enclosure MA04547
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Road - road/trackway MA06220
- Keelkill (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA08606
- Doon Enclosure MA05370
- Barrackhill Earthwork MA03607
- Raigh (Murrisk By.) Fulacht fia MA08889
- Roscahill Souterrain MA08454
- Derrygorman Barrow - ring-barrow MA05386
- Ardogommon Enclosure MA05310
- Mountbrown House - 17th century MA05330
- Roscahill Ringfort - rath MA04527
- Teevmore Earthwork MA03551
- Ballinvoy Church MA05315
- Drumgarve Enclosure MA04530
- Derryloughan More Ringfort - cashel MA03583
- Ballinvoy Ritual site - holy well MA05314
- Aghagower Religious house - unclassified MA05349
- Carrowrevagh Burial ground MA06231
- Knocknaboley Redundant record MA04607
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Mound MA08061
- Rassakeeran Enclosure MA04550
- Meneen Enclosure MA05316
- Drumneen (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA04593
- Drumgoney Ringfort - rath MA04560
- Lecarrow (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - rath MA03598
- Sheeroe Ringfort - rath MA05284
- Slaugar Standing stone MA08058
- Drumilra Enclosure MA04602
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Burial ground MA06250
- Kilbride (Burrishoole By.) Redundant record MA03592
- Ballinlough (Burrishoole By.) Children's burial ground MA04573
- Letterbrock Field boundary MA08600
- Knockalegan (Burrishoole By.) Standing stone MA03534
- Ardagh (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - rath MA03530
- Kiltarnaght Building MA03557
- Carrowrevagh House - indeterminate date MA06244
- Moyour Enclosure MA04532
- Cordarragh South Church MA06281
- Knockfin Enclosure MA05378
- Westport Demesne (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA05278
- Knappaghmanagh Altar MA05343
- Cogaula (Burrishoole By.) Burnt mound MA04604
- Clooncanavan Enclosure MA04578
- Dooncastle Souterrain MA05319
- Rossbeg Hut site MA08502
- Gorteen (Burrishoole By., Aghagower Par.) Monumental structure MA05358
- Rossbeg Ringfort - rath MA05176
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Burial ground MA05262
- Carrowkennedy Enclosure MA06240
- Knockglass (Burrishoole By., Burrishoole Par.) Souterrain MA03532
- Deerpark East Enclosure MA05269
- Ballygolman Ringfort - cashel MA06272
- Deerpark (Burrishoole By.) Crannog MA05372
- Rockfleet Castle - tower house MA03527
- Knockysprickaun Enclosure MA04563
- Rosgibbileen House - indeterminate date MA03535
- Fahburren Bullaun stone MA08506
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA09286
- Churchfield (Murrisk By.) Graveyard MA05205
- Gortawarla Enclosure MA04556
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Barrow - unclassified MA08062
- Carrowkeel (Burrishoole By., Burrishoole Par.) Graveyard MA03505
- Ardkeen Ringfort - rath MA04521
- Knockalegan (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - cashel MA03500
- Cushinsheeaun Children's burial ground MA05322
- Drumminaweelaun Designed landscape - belvedere MA05174
- Drumbrastle West Earthwork MA03544
- Carrowkennedy Bullaun stone MA06236
- Raigh (Murrisk By.) Ringfort - rath MA06277
- Derrygorman Enclosure MA05373
- Knappaghmanagh Fulacht fia MA08947
- Carrowkeel (Burrishoole By., Burrishoole Par.) Religious house - Dominican friars MA03504
- Kilmeena Graveyard MA04570
- Clogher (Burrishoole By.) Souterrain MA08457
- Killadangan Enclosure MA05163
- Rusheen (Burrishoole By.) Church MA05150
- Moyna Ritual site - holy well MA04525
- Cahergal Ringfort - cashel MA03545
- Rosbeg Bullaun stone MA08452
- Lankill Enclosure MA06268
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Rock art MA06221
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Building MA06275
- Killadangan Field boundary MA05168
- Rusheen (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA05151
- Bocullin Crannog MA04571
- Rosclave Altar MA04507
- Killadangan House - indeterminate date MA05200
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Designed landscape - tree-ring MA04539
- Ardkeen Ringfort - rath MA04522
- Inishdaff Island Graveyard MA04513
- Ardoley Ritual site - holy well MA05207
- Carrowrevagh Leacht MA06230
- Knockbrack (Burrishoole By.) Crannog MA04590
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - rath MA04538
- Lanmore Standing stone MA06300
- Dooncastle Castle - unclassified MA05317
- Killaghoor Standing stone MA05383
- Knappaghmanagh Earthwork MA05342
- Knockroosky Redundant record MA05382
- Cloonmonad Standing stone MA05301
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Cross MA06222
- Corveagh Upper Ringfort - cashel MA06273
- Derrygorman Enclosure MA05308
- Moyhastin Enclosure MA05328
- Rosclave Church MA04504
- Gortnaclassagh Ritual site - holy well MA04575
- Killadangan Ringfort - cashel MA05195
- Lankill Enclosure MA06261
- Killadangan Ringfort - cashel MA05197
- Rusheen (Burrishoole By.) Windmill MA05153
- Fahburren Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA08727
- Rushbrook Enclosure MA04583
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Redundant record MA06223
- Westport Demesne (Murrisk By.) Souterrain MA05271
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Redundant record MA05268
- Killadangan Fulacht fia MA05169
- Derryloughan More Souterrain MA03584
- Castleaffy Castle - tower house MA04528
- Kiltyroe Enclosure MA04561
- Carrow More (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - unclassified MA04555
- Streamstown (Murrisk By.) Building MA05177
- Killaghoor Children's burial ground MA05306
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Cross-inscribed stone MA08602
- Cordarragh South Redundant record MA06278
- Streamstown (Murrisk By.) Mound MA08063
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA05156
- Liscarney Redundant record MA06291
- Owenwee Enclosure MA06252
- Lankill Ritual site - holy well MA06260
- Lanmore Earthwork MA06290
- Drumneen (Burrishoole By.) Children's burial ground MA04594
- Cahernamart Redundant record MA05305
- Moyour Ringfort - unclassified MA04553
- Liscarney Redundant record MA06303
- Derryloughan More Monumental structure MA03585
- Ardoley Church MA05181
- Knappaghmanagh Cross-inscribed stone MA05341
- Knocknaboley Enclosure MA04562
- Cross (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - rath MA04567
- Keelkill (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA06297
- Aghagower Ritual site - holy well MA05354
- Carrowcally Burial ground MA09375
- Lankill Building MA06265
- Drummindoo (Murrisk By.) Children's burial ground MA05282
- Fahburren Children's burial ground MA05213
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Enclosure MA06296
- Roekilmeena Bullaun stone MA04572
- Knockaveely Glebe Graveyard MA03591
- Kilmeena Church MA04569
- Lanmore Standing stone MA06302
- Letterbrock Enclosure MA06225
- Rusheen (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA05152
- Cuilmore (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - cashel MA03603
- Tawnyemon Crannog MA04584
- Rossanrubble Enclosure MA04510
- Carrownalurgan Ringfort - rath MA05374
- Sheean (Burrishoole By.) Cairn - unclassified MA05286
- Lankill Leacht MA06263
- Raigh (Murrisk By.) Redundant record MA06285
- Rusheen (Burrishoole By.) Graveyard MA05149
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA05154
- Rostoohy Ringfort - rath MA04516
- Corraunboy Castle - unclassified MA03537
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Redundant record MA05267
- Knappagh Beg Fulacht fia MA05388
- Aghagower Round tower MA05351
- Doon Ringfort - rath MA05289
- Buckwaria Enclosure MA05307
- Westport Demesne (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA05277
- Knappaghmanagh Children's burial ground MA05340
- Letterbrock Hut site MA08598
- Letterbrock Hut site MA08595
- Dooncastle Burnt mound MA09037
- Moyour Channel Enclosure MA04535
- Knappagh More Ringfort - cashel MA05334
- Drumneen (Burrishoole By.) Crannog MA04591
- Churchfield (Murrisk By.) Bullaun stone MA08503
- Cloonskill Bullaun stone MA08607
- Carrowrevagh Cross-slab MA08596
- Rosclave,St. Marcan'S Lough Penitential station MA04508
- Rosgibbileen Ringfort - rath MA03536
- Fahburren Church MA08505
- Carrownalurgan Enclosure MA05375
- Liscarney Barrow - ring-barrow MA06293
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Designed landscape - tree-ring MA04540
- Ballinvoy Enclosure MA05313
- Westport Demesne (Murrisk By.) Architectural fragment MA05274
- Money Souterrain MA04533
- Lanmore Standing stone MA08612
- Knockfin Enclosure MA05379
- Drumminaweelaun Enclosure MA05175
- Knockalegan (Burrishoole By.) Standing stone - pair MA03499
- Kilbride (Burrishoole By.) Church MA03594
- Mucklagh Ringfort - rath MA04536
- Letterbrock Enclosure MA08599
- Lanmore Enclosure MA06258
- Cogaula (Burrishoole By.) Redundant record MA05369
- Lisduff (Burrishoole By.) Hut site MA03547
- Ardoley Enclosure MA05325
- Cloonskill Souterrain MA06271
- Gorteen (Burrishoole By., Kilmaclasser Par.) Souterrain MA08455
- Killadangan Enclosure MA05167
- Killadangan Enclosure MA05199
- Rosmindle Enclosure MA04529
- Sheean (Burrishoole By.) Barrow - pond barrow MA05285
- Rusheen (Burrishoole By.) Barrow - unclassified MA05241
- Dooncastle Enclosure MA05309
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA05263
- Knappaghmanagh Souterrain MA05337
- Churchfield (Murrisk By.) Cursing stone MA05206
- Westport Demesne (Murrisk By.) Redundant record MA05270
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Enclosure MA06246
- Derryloughan More Crannog MA03587