Murrisk is a Village in the county of County Mayo.
There are great places to visit near Murrisk.
Murrisk History
There are some historic monuments around Murrisk:
- Inishcottle Island Midden MA08944
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Oughaval Par.) Hut site MA06200
- Cregganroe Redundant record MA06192
- Carrowkeel (Murrisk By.) Ringfort - cashel MA05161
- Carrowmacloughlin (Murrisk By.) Penitential station MA05219
- Durless Ringfort - cashel MA06197
- Carrowkeel (Murrisk By.) Graveyard MA05193
- Leckanvy Mill - unclassified MA05252
- Furgill Bullaun stone MA08592
- Murrisk Demesne Standing stone MA05237
- Killadangan Enclosure MA05199
- Atticlea Island Redundant record MA04520
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Burial ground MA06250
- Ardkeen Ringfort - rath MA04521
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Enclosure MA06296
- Owenwee Enclosure MA06252
- Glenbaun Metalworking site MA06210
- Rusheen (Burrishoole By.) Church MA05150
- Rossbeg Midden MA05260
- Inishnakillew Earthwork MA04551
- Killadangan Field boundary MA05168
- Cartoor Ringfort - cashel MA06194
- Carrowkennedy Enclosure MA06240
- Letterbrock Enclosure MA06225
- Glaspatrick Ringfort - rath MA05184
- Thornhill Enclosure MA08497
- Letterbrock Hut site MA08598
- Carrowkennedy Ringfort - rath MA06287
- Carrowkennedy Enclosure MA06298
- Drumminaweelaun Designed landscape - belvedere MA05174
- Barraglanna Enclosure MA08891
- Thornhill Mound MA05159
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09341
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Designed landscape - tree-ring MA04540
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Mound MA06241
- Killadangan Ringfort - cashel MA05195
- Shanvallybeg (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA08655
- Carrowmacloughlin (Murrisk By.) Building MA05249
- Glinsk (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA06224
- Cuilmore (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA06833
- Streamstown (Murrisk By.) Building MA05177
- Oughty Children's burial ground MA06234
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Redundant record MA05268
- Durless Hut site MA06201
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Oughaval Par.) Enclosure MA06196
- Rosbeg Bullaun stone MA08452
- Cuilleen Enclosure MA06182
- Crott Mountain Sweathouse MA06254
- Leckanvy Redundant record MA05244
- Rosclave Church MA04506
- Letterbrock Ringfort - rath MA06228
- Ardoley Enclosure MA05325
- Knockychottaun Fulacht fia MA09206
- Rossbeg Souterrain MA08501
- Bellataleen Ringfort - cashel MA05245
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Castle - unclassified MA05155
- Money Enclosure MA04534
- Carrowkennedy Souterrain MA06239
- Carrowkeel (Murrisk By.) Mound MA05238
- Bellataleen Building MA08890
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Oughaval Par.) Enclosure MA06195
- Churchfield (Murrisk By.) Graveyard MA05205
- Furgill Ritual site - holy well MA06188
- Durless Souterrain MA06198
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA09290
- Churchfield (Murrisk By.) Cursing stone MA05206
- Cuilmore (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA06836
- Knappagh More Standing stone (present location) MA05333
- Kilsallagh Upper Field boundary MA05136
- Carrowmacloughlin (Murrisk By.),Glencally,Teevenacroaghy Enclosure MA05215
- Glencally Enclosure MA08611
- Teevmore Earthwork MA03551
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Crannog MA06274
- Killadangan Standing stone MA08499
- Cartoor Enclosure MA06181
- Churchfield (Murrisk By.) Church MA05179
- Murrisk Demesne Standing stone MA05236
- Kilsallagh Lower Megalithic structure MA05138
- Glaspatrick Church MA08507
- Pollanoughty Ringfort - cashel MA06226
- Drumminaweelaun Enclosure MA05175
- Carrowrevagh Leacht MA06230
- Killadangan Standing stone - pair MA05165
- Glaspatrick Ritual site - holy well MA05188
- Rossbeg Ringfort - rath MA05176
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA05266
- Rossbeg Mound MA05259
- Killadangan Fulacht fia MA05169
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Sweathouse MA06251
- Killadangan Standing stone MA08500
- Shanvallybeg (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA06832
- Leckanvy Redundant record MA05242
- Belclare Castle - unclassified MA05202
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA05157
- Cloonmonad Enclosure MA05299
- Carrowkennedy Penitential station MA06237
- Carrowkennedy Children's burial ground MA06238
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - rath MA04538
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09338
- Knappagh More Ringfort - unclassified MA05332
- Rossbeg Salt works MA05172
- Rosclave Children's burial ground MA04505
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Burial MA08601
- Glaspatrick Hut site MA08512
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Oughaval Par.),Durless Field boundary MA06202
- Rosclave,St. Marcan'S Lough Penitential station MA04508
- Bellataleen Field boundary MA05247
- Rostoohy Ringfort - rath MA04516
- Rosclave Ritual site - holy well MA04509
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Enclosure MA06246
- Bellataleen Hut site MA05246
- Leckanvy Enclosure MA05182
- Killadangan Enclosure MA05170
- Glaspatrick Ringfort - rath MA05190
- Glencally Ringfort - unclassified MA06218
- Teevenacroaghy Church MA05221
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA05158
- Carrowkeel (Murrisk By.) Ringfort - cashel MA05160
- Cushalogurt Redundant record MA04517
- Carrowkeel (Murrisk By.) Souterrain MA05234
- Cregganroe Enclosure MA09342
- Fahburren Graveyard MA05211
- Drummin East (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA06831
- Churchfield (Murrisk By.) Church MA05204
- Rosmindle Enclosure MA04529
- Murrisk Demesne Standing stone MA05235
- Claggan (Burrishoole By., Kilmeena Par.) Ringfort - rath MA04526
- Fahburren Enclosure MA05212
- Teevenacroaghy Penitential station MA05224
- Churchfield (Murrisk By.) Graveyard MA05180
- Rossbeg Enclosure MA05171
- Leckanvy Ringfort - cashel MA05183
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Leacht MA06249
- Roscahill Souterrain MA08454
- Killadangan Enclosure MA05163
- Glaspatrick Ringfort - unclassified MA05189
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - rath MA05261
- Cross (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - rath MA04567
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Cross-inscribed stone MA06248
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Redundant record MA05267
- Inishdaff Island Graveyard MA04513
- Castleaffy Castle - tower house MA04528
- Rostoohy Souterrain MA08451
- Glaspatrick,Teevenacroaghy Enclosure MA08508
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09343
- Mucklagh Ringfort - rath MA04536
- Carrowkennedy Enclosure MA06299
- Carrowmacloughlin (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA05250
- Furgill Redundant record MA06191
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Cross-inscribed stone MA08605
- Cuilleen Enclosure MA06183
- Drummin East (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA06830
- Carrowmacloughlin (Murrisk By.) Sweathouse MA05248
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Cross-inscribed stone MA08602
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09336
- Furgill Children's burial ground MA06190
- Lenanadurtaun (Murrisk By.) Redundant record MA06255
- Mullagh Enclosure MA06180
- Oughty Enclosure MA06233
- Ardkeen Ringfort - rath MA04522
- Cloghan Enclosure MA05376
- Brackloon (Murrisk By.) Souterrain MA05229
- Teevenacroaghy Penitential station MA05225
- Westport Bay Enclosure MA05147
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Children's burial ground MA06247
- Killeencoff Enclosure MA05326
- Knockfin Enclosure MA05379
- Bellataleen Hut site MA08511
- Furgill Altar MA06189
- Carrowbeg (Burrishoole By., Kilmeena Par.) Mound MA04524
- Fahburren Ecclesiastical enclosure MA05210
- Knockfin Enclosure MA05378
- Cregganroe Field system MA09332
- Fahburren Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA08727
- Leckanvy Redundant record MA05243
- Fahburren Children's burial ground MA05213
- Rusheen (Burrishoole By.) Standing stone - pair MA08067
- Cuilmore (Murrisk By.) Ringfort - cashel MA06835
- Teevenacroaghy Cairn - unclassified MA05227
- Ardoley Church MA05181
- Cloonagh (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA05208
- Carrowkeel (Murrisk By.) Religious house - Augustinian friars MA05192
- Knockfin Enclosure MA05377
- Kilsallagh Lower Children's burial ground MA09142
- Moyour Ringfort - unclassified MA04553
- Kilsallagh Lower Enclosure MA05137
- Carrowkeel (Murrisk By.) Mound MA05251
- Carrowbeg (Burrishoole By., Kilmeena Par.) Enclosure MA04554
- Rosbeg House - 16th/17th century MA04515
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA05154
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA09286
- Ardkeen Ringfort - rath MA04519
- Glaspatrick Church MA05186
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Road - road/trackway MA06220
- Carrowrevagh Redundant record MA06243
- Ardkeen Souterrain MA08453
- Glencally Hut site MA08594
- Killadangan Stone row MA05164
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Designed landscape - tree-ring MA04539
- Rossbeg Salt works MA05173
- Inishlaughil Island Earthwork MA04548
- Carrowcally Ringfort - rath MA09374
- Rossow Enclosure MA04547
- Killadangan Mound MA05166
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Enclosure MA06282
- Carrowrevagh House - indeterminate date MA06244
- Moyna Ritual site - holy well MA04525
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09339
- Killadangan Enclosure MA05167
- Rassakeeran Enclosure MA04550
- Carrowrevagh Burial ground MA06231
- Knappagh More Metalworking site MA05331
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Redundant record MA05265
- Rusheen (Burrishoole By.) Graveyard MA05149
- Barraglanna Redundant record MA06253
- Rosdooaun Enclosure MA04518
- Fahburren Bullaun stone MA08506
- Kilsallagh Upper Enclosure MA08496
- Moyour Enclosure MA04531
- Glenbaun Ringfort - cashel MA06216
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA05264
- Glaspatrick Hut site MA08509
- Knockeeragh Earthwork MA03571
- Letterbrock Enclosure MA08599
- Rossanrubble Enclosure MA04510
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Oughaval Par.) Hut site MA08593
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09334
- Glenbaun Hut site MA08610
- Glencally Enclosure MA06217
- Knockeeragh Enclosure MA03549
- Rosclave Altar MA04507
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Cross MA06222
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Cross-inscribed stone MA08603
- Rosbeg Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA04514
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Cross-inscribed stone MA08604
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Rock art MA06221
- Furgill Burial ground MA06187
- Rusheen (Burrishoole By.) Windmill MA05153
- Carrowrevagh Ecclesiastical enclosure MA06232
- Cuilmore (Murrisk By.) House - indeterminate date MA06837
- Carrowrevagh Ringfort - unclassified MA06242
- Glaspatrick Hut site MA08510
- Streamstown (Murrisk By.) Mound MA08063
- Moyour Enclosure MA04532
- Rusheen (Burrishoole By.) Barrow - unclassified MA05241
- Carrow More (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - unclassified MA04555
- Ardoley Ritual site - holy well MA05207
- Moyour Channel Enclosure MA04535
- Drumgarve Enclosure MA04530
- Boheh (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Redundant record MA06223
- Teevenacroaghy,Glaspatrick Redundant record MA05222
- Kilsallagh Upper Ringfort - cashel MA05135
- Durless Ringfort - cashel MA06199
- Bellataleen,Crott Mountain,Teevenacroaghy Redundant record MA05226
- Rassakeeran Enclosure MA04549
- Roscahill Ringfort - rath MA04527
- Bellataleen Enclosure MA05239
- Carrowkennedy Bullaun stone MA08597
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Aghagower. Par.) Building MA06275
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Barrow - unclassified MA08062
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09335
- Money Souterrain MA04533
- Carrowmacloughlin (Murrisk By.) Redundant record MA05216
- Killadangan Children's burial ground MA05196
- Furgill Field system MA06193
- Killadangan Ringfort - cashel MA05194
- Killadangan Ringfort - cashel MA05197
- Inishdaff Island Church MA04512
- Letterbrock Field boundary MA08600
- Letterbrock Hut site MA08595
- Rusheen (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA05151
- Bellataleen Hut site MA08504
- Killadangan Standing stone MA08498
- Killadangan Enclosure MA05198
- Killadangan House - indeterminate date MA05200
- Glencally Ringfort - cashel MA06219
- Carrowcally Burial ground MA09375
- Knockysprickaun Enclosure MA04563
- Carrowrevagh Cross-slab MA08596
- Glencally,Carrowmacloughlin (Murrisk By.) Penitential station MA05217
- Churchfield (Murrisk By.) Bullaun stone MA08503
- Rosclave Church MA04504
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09333
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - unclassified MA04552
- Teevenacroaghy,Glaspatrick Enclosure MA05223
- Rusheen (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA05152
- Fahburren Church MA08505
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA05156
- Westport Demesne (Burrishoole By.) Enclosure MA09289
- Carrowmacloughlin (Murrisk By.) Penitential station MA05218
- Kinknock Ringfort - rath MA06211
- Murrisknaboll Barrow - unclassified MA05240
- Rossbeg Hut site MA08502
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09337
- Brackloon (Murrisk By.) Ringfort - cashel MA05228
- Carrowkennedy Bullaun stone MA06236
- Pollanoughty Ringfort - cashel MA06227
- St. Marcan'S Lough Crannog MA03552
- Derryherbert Fulacht fia MA09315
- Glaspatrick Graveyard MA05187
- Mucklagh Ringfort - rath MA04537
- Carrownalurgan Ringfort - rath MA05374
- Moyna Ringfort - cashel MA04523
- Killadangan Midden MA05201