Louisburgh is a Town in the county of County Mayo.
There are great places to visit near Louisburgh.
Louisburgh History
There are some historic monuments around Louisburgh:
- Feenune Standing stone MA06158
- Devlin North,Devlin South Field system MA06790
- Kinknock Enclosure MA09140
- Glenkeen Children's burial ground MA06820
- Aillemore Field boundary MA06155
- Oldhead Burnt mound MA05145
- Killadoon Enclosure MA06143
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Kilgeever Par.) Enclosure MA06177
- Glenkeen Ringfort - cashel MA06819
- Srahwee Crannog MA06208
- Killadoon Crannog MA06142
- Kilgeever Ritual site - holy well MA05134
- Killadoon Standing stone MA06147
- Furgill Field system MA06193
- Mullagh Enclosure MA06180
- Feenune Enclosure MA06156
- Aillemore Enclosure MA06152
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Kilgeever Par.) Fulacht fia MA05142
- Askillaun (Murrisk By.) Megalithic structure MA05112
- Sixnoggins Standing stone MA06814
- Cartoor Ringfort - cashel MA06194
- Derrygarve Beg Enclosure MA06205
- Buaile An Ghleanna Monumental structure MA04488
- Derryheeagh Standing stone MA06817
- Furgill Altar MA06189
- Cloonlaur Cross-slab MA06139
- Askillaun (Murrisk By.) Stone row MA05105
- Cloonlaur Burial ground MA06137
- Kilsallagh Upper Ringfort - cashel MA05135
- Killadoon Standing stone (present location) MA08616
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09334
- Askillaun (Murrisk By.) Stone row MA05124
- Devlin North Enclosure MA06151
- Srahwee Ritual site - holy well MA06204
- Feenune Children's burial ground MA06157
- Glenkeen Ringfort - cashel MA06821
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Kilgeever Par.) Enclosure MA06172
- Kilsallagh Upper Enclosure MA08496
- Fallduff Midden MA05141
- Aghany House - indeterminate date MA05102
- Bellakip Ringfort - cashel MA06179
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Kilgeever Par.) Field boundary MA05143
- Kinnadoohy Midden MA06800
- Buaile An Ghleanna House - indeterminate date MA04489
- Caher (Murrisk By.) Ringfort - rath MA05127
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09343
- Kinnadoohy Hut site MA06799
- Aillemore Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA06154
- Kilsallagh Lower Enclosure MA05137
- Glencullin (Murrisk By.) Redundant record MA06825
- Glenkeen House - indeterminate date MA06818
- Kilgeever Cross-inscribed pillar MA05133
- Dooghmakeon Ogham stone MA06162
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Kilgeever Par.) Enclosure MA06176
- Formoyle (Murrisk By.) Standing stone MA06212
- Devlin South Enclosure MA06793
- Claggan (Murrisk By.) Ritual site - holy well MA06811
- Aillemore Enclosure MA06153
- Cregganbaun Enclosure MA06209
- Caher (Murrisk By.) Field system MA06173
- Glencullin (Murrisk By.) Redundant record MA06824
- Glencullin (Murrisk By.) Crannog MA06826
- Devlin South Fulacht fia MA06796
- Callacoon Souterrain MA06178
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Kilgeever Par.) Field boundary MA08315
- Roonah Bridge MA06131
- Dooghmakeon Midden MA08786
- Cross (Murrisk By.) Standing stone MA06133
- Cloonlaur Enclosure MA06136
- Glenkeen Standing stone MA06829
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Kilgeever Par.) Ringfort - cashel MA05123
- Furgill Bullaun stone MA08592
- Roonah Earthwork MA06170
- Cregganroe Redundant record MA06192
- Oldhead Midden MA05146
- Dooghmakeon Redundant record MA06169
- Dooghmakeon Midden MA06129
- Furgill Redundant record MA06191
- Bunowen Slab-lined burial MA09205
- Kinnadoohy Enclosure MA06801
- Askillaun (Murrisk By.) Children's burial ground MA05126
- Dooghmakeon Midden MA09141
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Kilgeever Par.) Castle - unclassified MA06174
- Kinknock Ringfort - rath MA06211
- Furgill Burial ground MA06187
- Cloonlaur Cross-slab MA06138
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09333
- Devlin South Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb MA06797
- Srahwee Field boundary MA06213
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09338
- Kinknock Enclosure MA09139
- Devlin South Structure MA06794
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09341
- Killadoon Fulacht fia MA06171
- Formoyle (Murrisk By.) Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA06184
- Carrowclaggan Enclosure MA05128
- Devlin North Cairn - unclassified MA08060
- Sixnoggins Hut site MA06805
- Askillaun (Murrisk By.) Church MA05107
- Cartoor Enclosure MA06181
- Askillaun (Murrisk By.) Ritual site - holy well MA05109
- Cregganroe Field system MA09332
- Killadoon Enclosure MA06144
- Kilgeever Graveyard MA05131
- Askillaun (Murrisk By.) Cairn - unclassified MA05111
- Kilgeever Cross-slab MA05132
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09336
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09339
- Srahwee Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb MA06203
- Aghany,Emlagh Crannog MA05103
- Cross (Murrisk By.) Standing stone MA06132
- Feenune Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb MA06159
- Killadoon Enclosure MA06148
- Formoyle (Murrisk By.) Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA06185
- Feenune Enclosure MA06141
- Dooghmakeon Earthwork MA06168
- Askillaun (Murrisk By.) Inscribed stone MA05110
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09337
- Askillaun (Murrisk By.) Graveyard MA05108
- Kilsallagh Lower Children's burial ground MA09142
- Askillaun (Murrisk By.) Children's burial ground MA08524
- Cloonlaur Ringfort - rath MA06134
- Devlin South Enclosure MA08654
- Devlin South Fulacht fia MA06795
- Claggan (Murrisk By.) Ringfort - cashel MA06810
- Carrowmore (Murrisk By., Kilgeever Par.) Water mill - unclassified MA06175
- Tallavbaun Church MA06807
- Oldhead Midden MA05140
- Furgill Ritual site - holy well MA06188
- Askillaun (Murrisk By.) Enclosure MA05125
- Killadoon Enclosure MA06149
- Glenkeen Ringfort - cashel MA06822
- Legan Redundant record MA05144
- Kinnadoohy Promontory fort - coastal MA06798
- Kinnadoohy Redundant record MA06804
- Cregganroe Booley hut MA09335
- Devlin South Enclosure MA06788
- Feenune Enclosure MA06140
- Roonkeel Enclosure MA06802
- Kinnadoohy Enclosure MA06803
- Cuilleen Enclosure MA06182
- Tallavbaun Graveyard MA06808
- Feenune Cross-slab MA08591
- Killadoon Enclosure MA06146
- Killadoon Standing stone MA06150
- Cregganroe Enclosure MA09342
- Askillaun (Murrisk By.) Ringfort - rath MA05104
- Furgill Children's burial ground MA06190
- Kilgeever Church MA05130
- Formoyle (Murrisk By.) Field boundary MA06214
- Kilsallagh Upper Field boundary MA05136
- Tallavbaun Mound MA06809
- Dooghmakeon Burial MA08785
- Roonah Redundant record MA06130