Kilkelly is a Village in the county of County Mayo.
There are great places to visit near Kilkelly.
Kilkelly History
There are some historic monuments around Kilkelly:
- Faheens Fulacht fia MA04360
- Island Ogham stone MA05965
- Coolnaha North Ringfort - cashel MA05918
- Kilbride (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03248
- Castlebarnagh Redundant record MA04255
- Faheens Ringfort - rath MA04287
- Faheens Fulacht fia MA04358
- Annagh (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA05969
- Derryronan Enclosure MA04227
- Erriff (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA05839
- Killaturly,Stripe Ringfort - cashel MA03306
- Cloonturnaun Souterrain MA08557
- Cullentragh (Costello By.) Crannog MA05881
- Mannin Souterrain MA04918
- Esker (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) Ringfort - rath MA03206
- Cloghvoley Ritual site - holy well MA04882
- Coolnaha South Bullaun stone MA05929
- Coolnaha South Barrow - embanked barrow MA05923
- Carrowcanada Souterrain MA04204
- Brackloon (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA04258
- Treanacally Or Hagfield Ringfort - rath MA03359
- Kilgarriff (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Ringfort - rath MA05777
- Carrowcanada Cairn - unclassified MA08426
- Tawnyinah Lower Ritual site - holy well MA04371
- Castlesheenaghan Ringfort - rath MA04249
- Carrowmoremoy Souterrain MA03180
- Brackloon (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA04279
- Barnalyra Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb MA04304
- Newpark Enclosure MA03250
- Tooreen (Costello By.) Enclosure MA04967
- Killylea Ringfort - rath MA05838
- Killeen (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Ringfort - rath MA03322
- Barnacahoge Souterrain MA08424
- Killaturly Cairn - unclassified MA03294
- Derryronan Penitential station MA04327
- Cullentragh (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA05809
- Derryronan Habitation site MA04316
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Barrow - bowl-barrow MA03267
- Carrownaculla Ringfort - cashel MA04213
- Derryronan Souterrain MA09028
- Killeen (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Structure MA03323
- Barnacahoge Barrow - ring-barrow MA04337
- Mullenmadoge Ringfort - rath MA03309
- Killeen (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) House - indeterminate date MA03319
- Arderry (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Redundant record MA04997
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Mound MA05944
- Castlecrunnoge Fulacht fia MA04336
- Mullenmadoge Souterrain MA03310
- Lagcurragh Ringfort - rath MA03336
- Coolnaha North Hut site MA08580
- Falleighter Ringfort - rath MA04885
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Ritual site - holy well MA05800
- Killaturly Ringfort - rath MA03291
- Kilmannin Barrow - unclassified MA05974
- Ballyhowly Bawn MA08555
- Rath Ringfort - rath MA04886
- Kilkelly Church MA04301
- Killaturly Ringfort - cashel MA03300
- Brackloon (Gallen By.) Fulacht fia MA04353
- Boleyboy (Costello By.) Ringfort - cashel MA04961
- Barnacahoge Fulacht fia MA04340
- Cloonaghboy Enclosure MA03228
- Cloonaghboy Children's burial ground MA03233
- Aghamore (Costello By.) Cross MA04902
- Lowpark Ringfort - rath MA03342
- Aghtaboy Enclosure MA04913
- Lismeegaun Ringfort - rath MA04894
- Laralae Ringfort - rath MA04973
- Barnacahoge Ringfort - cashel MA04273
- Ballydrum Enclosure MA03197
- Laralae Souterrain MA04974
- Treanacally Or Hagfield Enclosure MA03404
- Killaturly,Stripe Road - road/trackway MA03307
- Killoveeny Ringfort - rath MA05831
- Falleighter Souterrain MA04940
- Cornaveagh (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA04271
- Ballyglass West Fulacht fia MA03400
- Treanlaur (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) Ringfort - unclassified MA04261
- Cloonaghboy Ringfort - rath MA03230
- Shanvaghera Souterrain MA08487
- Castlecrunnoge Ringfort - cashel MA04262
- Aghtaboy Enclosure MA04912
- Derryronan Ringfort - cashel MA04226
- Rabaun Ringfort - rath MA04211
- Castlebarnagh Ringfort - cashel MA04252
- Kilmannin Burial MA08474
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03276
- Faheens Fulacht fia MA04354
- Carrowcanada Ringfort - rath MA04206
- Esker (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) Ringfort - rath MA09228
- Lurga Lower Souterrain MA09035
- Kilbride (Gallen By.) Ritual site - holy well MA03254
- Lispatrick Ringfort - rath MA05834
- Cloonacurry Anomalous stone group MA09175
- Kilbride (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03262
- Island Fulacht fia MA06032
- Aghamore (Costello By.) Barrow - unclassified MA04998
- Barnacahoge Redundant record MA04326
- Kilbride (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03255
- Carrowbaun (Costello By.) Enclosure MA04995
- Tullynahoo Crannog MA04313
- Cloonlara (Gallen By.) Ringfort - unclassified MA03224
- Treanlaur (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) Souterrain MA04290
- Coogue North Barrow - ring-barrow MA04914
- Carrowcanada Ringfort - cashel MA04203
- Cashel (Costello By.) Enclosure MA03392
- Swineford Enclosure MA03246
- Larganboy East Enclosure MA05819
- Lisbaun West Burial MA08558
- Killaturly Ringfort - cashel MA03299
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Graveyard MA05799
- Treanacally Or Hagfield Ringfort - cashel MA03382
- Kilmannin Ogham stone MA05978
- Bulcaun Children's burial ground MA09366
- Tawnaglass Redundant record MA04351
- Kilgarriff West Ringfort - rath MA04237
- Aghamore (Costello By.) Graveyard MA04900
- Puntabeg Ringfort - rath MA03361
- Tooreen (Costello By.) Enclosure MA04966
- Cappagh (Costello By.) Standing stone MA05016
- Coolnaha South Mound MA05924
- Tavraun Ringfort - rath MA04396
- Coogue South Enclosure MA05784
- Knockroe (Clanmorris By., Knock Par.) Enclosure MA05801
- Castleroyan Ringfort - cashel MA04298
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Ringfort - cashel MA03278
- Derryronan Enclosure MA04224
- Island Crannog MA05942
- Cappagh (Costello By.) Structure MA05018
- Rath Earthwork MA04891
- Derryronan Souterrain MA04220
- Castlebarnagh Fulacht fia MA04333
- Cloonaghboy Souterrain MA08334
- Rath Castle - tower house MA04890
- Crossbeg Church MA04985
- Barnacahoge Redundant record MA04325
- Coolnaha North Ringfort - cashel MA05908
- Carrowmoremoy Ringfort - rath MA03179
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Souterrain MA05904
- Cullentragh (Costello By.) Burnt mound MA08565
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Field boundary MA05915
- Mannin Promontory fort - inland MA05794
- Darhanagh Souterrain MA03187
- Coolnaha South Road - road/trackway MA05920
- Barnacahoge Fulacht fia MA04332
- Castlebarnagh Standing stone MA04335
- Carn (Costello By.) Enclosure MA04232
- Island Barrow - unclassified MA05966
- Doogary (Costello By.) Souterrain MA04880
- Rathscanlan Ringfort - rath MA03219
- Cartron North Souterrain MA04959
- Aghamore (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA04906
- Coolnaha South Cross-inscribed stone MA05922
- Coolnaha South Souterrain MA05951
- Barnalyra Ringfort - rath MA04236
- Bracklaghboy Mound MA05967
- Carrowbaun (Costello By.) Field boundary MA04996
- Scregg (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Enclosure MA04991
- Cashel (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA03390
- Treanacally Or Hagfield Redundant record MA03393
- Casheltourly Ringfort - rath MA04897
- Castlebarnagh Souterrain MA04254
- Cartron (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Crannog MA05947
- Turlough (Costello By.) Fulacht fia MA05898
- Faheens Ringfort - rath MA04283
- Treanacally Or Hagfield Enclosure MA03383
- Ballyhine Burial MA05015
- Treanacally Or Hagfield Fulacht fia MA03402
- Carrowbaun (Costello By.) Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb MA08494
- Larganboy West Souterrain MA08561
- Lurga Upper Enclosure MA08442
- Sonnagh Fulacht fia MA09030
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Barrow - ring-barrow MA03286
- Killaturly Souterrain MA03298
- Darhanagh Ringfort - rath MA03186
- Tavraun Ringfort - rath MA04398
- Mountaincommon Ringfort - rath MA04920
- Killeen (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA03315
- Mannin Lake Crannog MA05795
- Annagh (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA05970
- Scregg (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Barrow - unclassified MA05001
- Trouthill Or Knockbrack Enclosure MA03330
- Glentavraun Ringfort - rath MA04375
- Kilgarriff West Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA04346
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA03282
- Cuilmore (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03240
- Lowpark Burnt mound MA08353
- Ballynacloy (Costello By.) Children's burial ground MA08493
- Cuilmore (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03241
- Ballinacostello Ringfort - rath MA04893
- Derryronan House - early medieval MA09389
- Barnacahoge Enclosure MA04312
- Cloonfeaghra Mill - unclassified MA04942
- Barnacahoge Ringfort - rath MA04330
- Doogary (Costello By.) Burnt mound MA04934
- Island Moated site MA05941
- Ballyhine Ringfort - cashel MA04957
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Enclosure MA05905
- Coogue South Children's burial ground MA05787
- Ballyhowly Mill - unclassified MA05884
- Lurga Lower Ringfort - rath MA03388
- Rathscanlan Graveyard MA03217
- Coolnaha South Ringfort - cashel MA05950
- Castlesheenaghan Ringfort - cashel MA04216
- Tooreen (Costello By.) Souterrain MA08492
- Kilgarriff West Ringfort - rath MA04239
- Liscosker Ringfort - rath MA04873
- Cullentragh (Costello By.) Water mill - horizontal-wheeled MA05895
- Killeen (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Children's burial ground MA03313
- Curryaun Enclosure MA04272
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03258
- Brackloon (Gallen By.) Fulacht fia MA04352
- Cloonturnaun Ringfort - rath MA05827
- Cartron (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Crannog MA05943
- Sonnagh Fulacht fia MA09029
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Souterrain MA05945
- Lavy More Ringfort - rath MA03346
- Stripe Field system MA03303
- Cloonaghboy Ringfort - rath MA03231
- Killoveeny Boulder-burial MA05829
- Treanacally Or Hagfield Burnt mound MA08355
- Treanlaur (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) House - indeterminate date MA08414
- Island Building MA05939
- Glentavraun Ringfort - rath MA04374
- Kilgarriff (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Ringfort - rath MA05812
- Coolnaha South Ringfort - unclassified MA05931
- Barcull House - indeterminate date MA04345
- Lugbrack Barrow - ring-barrow MA04932
- Brackloon (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA04280
- Cashels Ringfort - cashel MA04999
- Tooraree Mound MA05972
- Coolnaha North Redundant record MA05907
- Treanlaur (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) Redundant record MA04349
- Killeen (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Bullaun stone MA03314
- Falleighter Ringfort - rath MA05004
- Churchfield (Costello By.) Church MA05805
- Cuilmore (Gallen By.) House - indeterminate date MA03237
- Castlebarnagh Ringfort - cashel MA04253
- Cartron North Ringfort - rath MA04958
- Carrowbaun (Gallen By.),Rabaun Ringfort - cashel MA04208
- Bracklaghboy Burial mound MA06028
- Cloonlumney Souterrain MA03182
- Faheens Fulacht fia MA04357
- Cuilmore (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03239
- Lurga Upper Children's burial ground MA08443
- Annagh (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA05968
- Derryronan Burial MA04317
- Killeen (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Ringfort - rath MA03320
- Ballynacloy (Costello By.) Ringfort - cashel MA04953
- Scardaun (Costello By.) Crannog MA04941
- Larganboy West Enclosure MA05815
- Bruff,Mountaincommon Cist MA04896
- Crossbeg Standing stone MA04989
- Crossbeg Bullaun stone MA04988
- Curryaun Ringfort - rath MA04269
- Carrowbeg (Costello By.) Children's burial ground MA04937
- Treanlaur (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) Ringfort - unclassified MA04291
- Rabaun Ringfort - unclassified MA04308
- Coolnaha South Enclosure MA05921
- Woods (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) Fulacht fia MA04361
- Treanlaur (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) Ringfort - unclassified MA04259
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Structure MA03287
- Cashel (Costello By.) Souterrain MA03391
- Ballyfarnagh Ringfort - rath MA05822
- Killeen (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Ringfort - rath MA03324
- Trouthill Or Knockbrack Enclosure MA03245
- Stripe Mound MA03305
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Cairn - unclassified MA03271
- Mullenmadoge Ringfort - rath MA03308
- Faheens Fulacht fia MA04356
- Rathscanlan Enclosure MA03220
- Cloonalison Ringfort - rath MA04367
- Larganboy East Enclosure MA05821
- Reask Mound MA08576
- Aghamore (Costello By.) Souterrain MA04904
- Cartron North Ringfort - rath MA04979
- Kilgarriff West Children's burial ground MA04238
- Barcull Burial ground MA04343
- Carrowcanada Ringfort - rath MA04201
- Knockranny (Gallen By.) Standing stone MA04266
- Mannin House - 16th/17th century MA05792
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.),Killaturly Crannog MA03288
- Barnalyra,Carn (Costello By.) Fulacht fia MA08795
- Cashels Ringfort - rath MA04975
- Kilbride (Gallen By.),Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Barrow - bowl-barrow MA03268
- Brackloon (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA04276
- Cuilmore (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA03238
- Coolnaha South Ecclesiastical enclosure MA05927
- Lurga Lower Ritual site - holy well MA03386
- Lowpark Children's burial ground MA08346
- Carrowmore (Costello By.) Barrow - embanked barrow MA05803
- Carrowbaun (Gallen By.) Ringfort - cashel MA04209
- Coogue North Enclosure MA04915
- Kilkelly Graveyard MA04302
- Rath Barrow - ring-barrow MA04889
- Carrowcanada Souterrain MA09003
- Mountaincommon Ringfort - rath MA04972
- Cappagh (Costello By.) House - indeterminate date MA05011
- Killeen (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Redundant record MA03326
- Cloonacurry Burnt mound MA09177
- Crossbeg Mound MA04982
- Stripe Ringfort - rath MA03301
- Tooraree Fulacht fia MA05971
- Mannin Earthwork MA05791
- Ballyhine Barrow - ring-barrow MA05014
- Cloonlara (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03225
- Puntabeg Ringfort - rath MA03360
- Killaturly Mill - unclassified MA04320
- Rabaun Souterrain MA08406
- Lowpark Ringfort - rath MA03341
- Treanacally Or Hagfield Burnt mound MA08358
- Killaturly Cairn - unclassified MA03295
- Mullenmadoge Ringfort - rath MA03244
- Cartron North Ringfort - rath MA04980
- Ballyroe Ringfort - rath MA05832
- Cloonlyon Enclosure MA03334
- Rath Burnt mound MA08553
- Derryronan Souterrain MA04219
- Tawnamullagh Ringfort - rath MA03205
- Scregg (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Barrow - ring-barrow MA04976
- Kilgarriff (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Mill - unclassified MA05814
- Carrownaculla Souterrain MA04241
- Rathscanlan Church MA03216
- Tawnagh (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Children's burial ground MA04876
- Rathscanlan Enclosure MA03221
- Barnacahoge Fulacht fia MA08425
- Annagh (Costello By.),Island Road - unclassified togher MA06003
- Lurga Lower Ringfort - rath MA03389
- Rathscanlan Souterrain MA03223
- Carrowbeg (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA04936
- Island Earthwork MA06018
- Darhanagh House - indeterminate date MA03185
- Castlebarnagh Ringfort - rath MA04250
- Cappagh (Costello By.) Hut site MA05013
- Lowpark Burnt spread MA08354
- Boleyboy (Costello By.) Children's burial ground MA04962
- Sonnagh Ringfort - rath MA03201
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA03277
- Shanvaghera Fulacht fia MA08955
- Tooraree Burnt mound MA08589
- Carrowcanada Ringfort - rath MA03251
- Cappagh (Costello By.) Barrow - ring-barrow MA05012
- Kilbride (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA03274
- Curryaun Enclosure MA04270
- Brackloon (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA04257
- Bracklaghboy Fulacht fia MA08588
- Lurga Lower Enclosure MA03399
- Carn Beg Souterrain MA06004
- Barcull Children's burial ground MA04344
- Barnacahoge Burnt mound MA04323
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Souterrain MA05912
- Derryronan Crannog MA04315
- Shanaghmoyle Children's burial ground MA08486
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA03259
- Stripe Enclosure MA03318
- Carn More Ringfort - rath MA04978
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Enclosure MA05914
- Killoveeny Ringfort - rath MA05835
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Mound MA03266
- Falleighter Enclosure MA04928
- Tooreen (Costello By.) Enclosure MA04993
- Cappagh (Costello By.) Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA04963
- Annagh (Costello By.) Burnt mound MA09231
- Derryronan Crannog MA03289
- Cloonacurry Burnt mound MA09178
- Kilgarriff (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Ringfort - rath MA05776
- Cartron (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Crannog MA05949
- Coogue South Enclosure MA05786
- Barnalyra Fulacht fia MA03327
- Rath Ringfort - rath MA04888
- Barnacahoge Ringfort - rath MA04311
- Lowpark Ringfort - rath MA03344
- Treanlaur (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) Ringfort - rath MA04292
- Curryaun Ringfort - rath MA04268
- Barnalyra Fulacht fia MA03328
- Falleighter Earthwork MA04929
- Kilmore (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA04303
- Tomboholla Ringfort - rath MA03331
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Ringfort - cashel MA03275
- Carrownaculla Ringfort - rath MA04245
- Mountaincommon Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA04919
- Carn More,Cashels Ringfort - cashel MA05000
- Crossard Barrow - ring-barrow MA05925
- Sonnagh Enclosure MA03203
- Tullynahoo Ringfort - cashel MA04295
- Scardaun (Costello By.) Burial MA05007
- Bracklaghboy Standing stone MA06036
- Lurga Lower Enclosure MA03385
- Cuilmore (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03234
- Caldragh Ritual site - holy well MA05833
- Rathscanlan Enclosure MA03218
- Killaturly Ringfort - rath MA03297
- Kilbride (Gallen By.) Ringfort - cashel MA03273
- Coolnaha North Ringfort - cashel MA05916
- Barnacahoge Fulacht fia MA04324
- Cappagh (Costello By.) Hut site MA05010
- Doogary (Costello By.) Enclosure MA04878
- Barnacahoge House - indeterminate date MA04274
- Lurga Lower Ringfort - rath MA03384
- Brackloon (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA08417
- Kilgarriff West Burial mound MA04307
- Cappagh (Costello By.) Standing stone MA05017
- Carrownaculla Souterrain MA08411
- Cloonalison Souterrain MA04368
- Churchfield (Costello By.) Earthwork MA05888
- Tomboholla Enclosure MA08339
- Kilbride (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA03264
- Ballyhowly Castle - tower house MA05823
- Turlough (Costello By.) Enclosure MA05899
- Killeen (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Enclosure MA03312
- Derryronan Ringfort - rath MA04221
- Cullentragh (Costello By.) Crannog MA05810
- Churchfield (Costello By.) Burial ground MA05806
- Tooreen (Costello By.) Ringfort - cashel MA04994
- Brackloon (Gallen By.) Ringfort - cashel MA04278
- Mannin Dovecote MA05790
- Tomboholla Ringfort - rath MA03332
- Mannin Ringfort - rath MA04917
- Shanvaghera Enclosure MA04910
- Shammerdoo Fulacht fia MA04347
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Enclosure MA06015
- Scregg (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Barrow - embanked barrow MA04956
- Cuilmore (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03281
- Doogary (Costello By.) Cairn - unclassified MA04881
- Treanlaur (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) Souterrain MA09391
- Island Castle - unclassified MA05938
- Cloonacurry Enclosure MA08860
- Cloonturnaun Ringfort - rath MA05828
- Tawnaglass Ringfort - rath MA04288
- Barnacahoge Cairn - unclassified MA04365
- Falleighter Ringfort - rath MA04939
- Kilmannin Church MA05976
- Coolnaha North Field boundary MA05910
- Kilmannin Children's burial ground MA05977
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Redundant record MA03269
- Ballyhine Standing stone MA05002
- Knockranny (Gallen By.) Ringfort - unclassified MA04265
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Redundant record MA03283
- Liscat Ringfort - rath MA05775
- Lagcurragh Earthwork MA03210
- Treanlaur (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) Children's burial ground MA04263
- Treanacally Or Hagfield Burnt mound MA08356
- Faheens Fulacht fia MA04359
- Coogue Middle Ringfort - rath MA05782
- Eden Earthwork MA04925
- Coolnaha North Souterrain MA05919
- Tawnamullagh Ringfort - rath MA03208
- Faheens Ringfort - rath MA04285
- Lowpark Children's burial ground MA03343
- Lagcurragh Enclosure MA03207
- Puntabeg Souterrain MA03362
- Mountaincommon Ringfort - rath MA04921
- Tavraun Mass-rock MA04432
- Addergoole Earthwork MA04922
- Carrowcanada Burnt mound MA08427
- Carrowcanada Souterrain MA03253
- Sonnagh Ringfort - rath MA03202
- Coolnaha North Souterrain MA05909
- Carrowcanada Ringfort - rath MA03257
- Rath Ringfort - rath MA04883
- Cartron (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Ringfort - rath MA03242
- Coogue North Ringfort - rath MA05781
- Barnacahoge Barrow - ring-barrow MA04322
- Cave Ringfort - rath MA06039
- Doogary (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA04879
- Lowpark Ringfort - rath MA03345
- Barnalyra Fulacht fia MA04328
- Bruff Ringfort - rath MA04924
- Derrycashel Souterrain MA08420
- Lurga Lower Structure MA03387
- Drum (Costello By., Knock Par.) Ringfort - rath MA05807
- Carrowbeg (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) Ringfort - rath MA03213
- Bracklaghboy Fulacht fia MA08585
- Cloonacannana Ringfort - rath MA03195
- Lagcurragh,Tawnamullagh Ringfort - rath MA03204
- Curryaun,Derryronan,Knockranny (Gallen By.) Road - road/trackway MA08404
- Barnacahoge Souterrain MA08422
- Bellahy Bastioned fort SL06076
- Coogue North Barrow - embanked barrow MA05778
- Clooncah Children's burial ground MA04931
- Temple Church MA03396
- Rabaun Ringfort - rath MA04214
- Temple Graveyard MA03397
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb MA03284
- Larganboy East Enclosure MA05820
- Shanaghmoyle Earthwork MA04923
- Carrowcanada Ringfort - rath MA04205
- Ballyglass West,Treanacally Or Hagfield Fulacht fia MA08360
- Tooraree Bridge MA05973
- Tavraun Enclosure MA04395
- Brackloon (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA04281
- Killaturly Crannog MA03290
- Cartron (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Ringfort - rath MA03243
- Coogue South Earthwork MA05783
- Shanaghmoyle Ringfort - rath MA04908
- Treanacally Or Hagfield Ringfort - unclassified MA03358
- Brackloon (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA08418
- Mannin Armorial plaque (present location) MA05788
- Derryronan Ringfort - rath MA04223
- Woodfield Burnt mound MA04935
- Cartron (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Burnt mound MA09230
- Island Castle - unclassified MA05937
- Carrowbaun (Costello By.) Ringfort - cashel MA04945
- Barnalyra Ringfort - cashel MA04234
- Eden Enclosure MA05774
- Larganboy East Enclosure MA05935
- Cartron North Enclosure MA04968
- Aghamore (Costello By.) Ringfort - cashel MA04901
- Kilbride (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA03263
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Barrow - ring-barrow MA03285
- Mountain Common Ringfort - rath MA05796
- Ballyhowly Ringfort - rath MA05802
- Cloonacannana Ringfort - rath MA03196
- Treanlaur (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) Ringfort - cashel MA04260
- Stripe Fulacht fia MA03329
- Faheens Fulacht fia MA04355
- Curryaun Standing stone - pair MA04366
- Lisbaun West Ringfort - rath MA05837
- Ballyhine Ringfort - cashel MA04977
- Killeen (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb MA03321
- Cloontarriff (Costello By., Knock Par.) Ringfort - rath MA05808
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03261
- Island Ringfort - unclassified MA06017
- Treanacally Or Hagfield Water mill - horizontal-wheeled MA03394
- Barnacahoge Souterrain MA04331
- Rath Fulacht fia MA08554
- Kilbride (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03272
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA03260
- Larganboy East,Larganboy West Ringfort - cashel MA05894
- Faheens Ringfort - rath MA04284
- Carrowcanada Ringfort - rath MA04200
- Coolnaha South Ritual site - holy well MA05932
- Barnacahoge Cairn - unclassified MA04309
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Ringfort - cashel MA05911
- Cuilmore (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA03235
- Cave Souterrain MA06040
- Killaturly Ringfort - rath MA03292
- Churchfield (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA05825
- Bellahy Church SL06077
- Coolnaha South Church MA05930
- Larganboy West Enclosure MA05816
- Lismeegaun Children's burial ground MA04895
- Tawnaglass Mill - unclassified MA04350
- Carrowbaun (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA04210
- Carrownaculla Ringfort - rath MA04244
- Cloonlaughil Ringfort - rath SL06072
- Cloonalison Children's burial ground MA04370
- Brackloon (Gallen By.) Redundant record MA04282
- Aghamore (Costello By.) Chapel MA04905
- Ballydrum Enclosure MA03198
- Bracklaghboy Standing stone MA06035
- Carrowcanada Ringfort - rath MA03252
- Barnacahoge Ringfort - cashel MA04306
- Ballyhowly Earthwork MA05824
- Coolnaha South Water mill - horizontal-wheeled MA06010
- Rabaun Souterrain MA08423
- Killaturly Fulacht fia MA04319
- Crossbeg Church MA04984
- Kilbride (Gallen By.) Field boundary MA03280
- Derryronan Cross-inscribed stone MA04225
- Tomboholla Fulacht fia MA08338
- Kilmannin Earthwork MA06019
- Aghamore (Costello By.) Church MA04899
- Derryronan Souterrain MA04222
- Derryronan Ringfort - unclassified MA04218
- Derryronan House - indeterminate date MA09027
- Cornaveagh (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA08416
- Tooreen (Costello By.) Redundant record MA04990
- Cullentragh (Costello By.) Burnt mound MA08564
- Addergoole Enclosure MA04907
- Carrowbaun (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA04207
- Crossbeg Mound MA05003
- Coogue North Barrow - ring-barrow MA05779
- Crossbeg Burial ground MA04986
- Kilgarriff (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Ringfort - rath MA05811
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) House - indeterminate date MA06026
- Stripe House - indeterminate date MA03304
- Coogue North Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA04916
- Newpark Ringfort - rath MA03249
- Cloonlumney Ringfort - rath MA03181
- Barnacahoge Ringfort - cashel MA04275
- Lisnagross Enclosure MA04877
- Cloonaghboy Ringfort - rath MA03229
- Cuillaun (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA03270
- Castleroyan Souterrain MA08419
- Coolnaha South Children's burial ground MA05928
- Island Building MA05940
- Knockranny (Gallen By.) Fulacht fia MA04267
- Barnacahoge Ringfort - rath MA04230
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Ringfort - cashel MA05903
- Carrowbaun (Costello By.) House - indeterminate date MA08491
- Larganboy East Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb MA05840
- Carrowbaun (Costello By.),Rath Ringfort - rath MA04943
- Churchfield (Costello By.) Souterrain MA08556
- Killeen (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Enclosure MA03317
- Coogue North Mound MA08563
- Carrowbeg (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) Ringfort - rath MA03214
- Treanlaur (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) Souterrain MA08415
- Cartron (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Metalworking site MA09086
- Cloonaghboy Enclosure MA03232
- Meeltran Enclosure MA04892
- Ballydrum Ringfort - rath MA03199
- Treanlaur (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) Ringfort - rath MA04289
- Lavy More Children's burial ground MA08340
- Lowpark Souterrain MA08345
- Cloonacannana Souterrain MA08330
- Cappagh (Costello By.) Redundant record MA04965
- Tullynahoo Field boundary MA04296
- Cornaglaghta Enclosure MA04992
- Island Barrow - ring-barrow MA06037
- Scregg (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Cairn - unclassified MA08495
- Drumshinnagh (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03200
- Barnalyra Souterrain MA04235
- Barnacahoge Fulacht fia MA04339
- Coolnaha North Ringfort - unclassified MA06016
- Temple Ritual site - holy/saint's stone MA09371
- Carrownaculla Ringfort - rath MA04240
- Barnacahoge Cairn - unclassified MA04338
- Ballydrum Souterrain MA08331
- Kilgarriff (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Ringfort - rath MA05813
- Aghamore (Costello By.) Earthwork MA04903
- Castlebarnagh Ringfort - cashel MA04251
- Rath Ringfort - unclassified MA04884
- Faheens Ringfort - rath MA04286
- Larganboy West Crannog MA05818
- Mountaincommon Barrow - ring-barrow MA04933
- Killaturly Enclosure MA03293
- Barnacahoge Field system MA04364
- Cloonalison Ringfort - cashel MA04369
- Treanacally Or Hagfield Fulacht fia MA08357
- Derryronan Field boundary MA04318
- Coogue North Cist MA08489
- Kilgarriff West Souterrain MA08409
- Killaturly Enclosure MA03296
- Mannin Castle - unclassified MA05789
- Kilbride (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03247
- Cappagh (Costello By.) Ringfort - cashel MA04964
- Clooncah Ringfort - rath MA04930
- Cappagh (Costello By.) Enclosure MA05009
- Tooreen (Costello By.) Megalithic structure MA05006
- Ballynacloy (Costello By.) House - indeterminate date MA05005
- Brackloon (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA04248
- Stripe Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb MA04229
- Liscosker Souterrain MA04874
- Mountaincommon Ringfort - rath MA04971
- Barnacahoge Enclosure MA04305
- Bracklaghboy Children's burial ground MA06033
- Brackloon (Gallen By.) Barrow - ring-barrow MA04348
- Barnalyra Cairn - unclassified MA04329
- Cloonacurry Burnt mound MA09174
- Derrycashel Ringfort - cashel MA04299
- Killeen (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Redundant record MA03325
- Derryronan Water mill - horizontal-wheeled MA04314
- Ballynacloy (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA04954
- Carrowbeg (Costello By.) Fulacht fia MA05019
- Tullynahoo Ringfort - rath MA04264
- Mountaincommon Ringfort - unclassified MA04970
- Killeen (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) House - indeterminate date MA08337
- Island Ringfort - rath MA05964
- Bulcaun Ringfort - rath MA03363
- Scregg (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Enclosure MA04955
- Tomboholla Ringfort - rath MA03333
- Churchfield (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA05826
- Rathscanlan Ringfort - rath MA03222
- Ranaranny Ringfort - rath MA03335
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Ringfort - rath MA05901
- Carn (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA04231
- Larganboy West Barrow - embanked barrow MA05817
- Lagcurragh Ringfort - rath MA03209
- Lagcurragh Earthwork MA03212
- Castlesheenaghan Ringfort - rath MA04217
- Tullynahoo Enclosure MA04294
- Barnalyra Fulacht fia MA04341
- Shanvaghera Ringfort - rath MA04911
- Brackloon (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA08413
- Tullynahoo Enclosure MA04293
- Carrowbeg (Gallen By., Killasser Par.) Ringfort - rath MA03183
- Castlebarnagh Standing stone MA04334
- Kilbride (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA08335
- Rabaun Ringfort - unclassified MA04215
- Tavraun Ringfort - rath MA04397
- Killaturly Road - road/trackway MA04321
- Killoveeny Ringfort - rath MA05830
- Kilbride (Gallen By.) Cairn - unclassified MA03279
- Coolnaha North Souterrain MA05917
- Cuilmore (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03236
- Shanaghmoyle Ringfort - rath MA04909
- Loughanboy (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA05836
- Brackloon (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA04256
- Rath Mound MA08488
- Cloonlumney Hut site MA09373
- Rath Cairn - unclassified MA04927
- Scardaun (Costello By.) Hut site MA05008
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Souterrain MA05902
- Rabaun House - indeterminate date MA08407
- Cloonlara (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03226
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Enclosure MA05906
- Ballyglass West Fulacht fia MA03401
- Greenwood Ringfort - rath MA08566
- Kilmore (Costello By.) Souterrain MA08421
- Barnacahoge Structure MA04310
- Treanacally Or Hagfield Burnt mound MA08359
- Brackloon (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA04277
- Island Earthwork MA05936
- Annagh (Costello By.) Road - unclassified togher MA09232
- Carrowcanada Cairn - unclassified MA03256
- Killeen (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) House - indeterminate date MA03316
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Children's burial ground MA08758
- Killeen (Costello By., Kilbeagh Par.) Souterrain MA08336
- Tullynahoo Enclosure MA04297
- Kilbride (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA03265
- Carrowbeg (Gallen By., Kilconduff Par.) Enclosure MA03211
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Church MA05798
- Cuilmore (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA03337
- Coogue South Mound MA05785
- Carrowcanada Enclosure MA04202
- Cuiltybo (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA04872
- Cartron (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Crannog MA05948
- Barnalyra Enclosure MA04233
- Tawnamullagh Souterrain MA08333
- Killaturly Ringfort - cashel MA04228
- Carrowbaun (Costello By.) Ringfort - rath MA04944
- Cloonlara (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA03227
- Carrowbaun (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA08408
- Johnsfort Enclosure MA04243
- Coogue North Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA05780
- Rath Children's burial ground MA04887
- Carrowneden (Costello By., Aghamore Par.) Earthwork MA05946
- Sonnagh Children's burial ground MA08332
- Coolnaha South Souterrain MA08581
- Crossbeg Ecclesiastical enclosure MA04987