Keel is a Village in the county of County Mayo.
There are great places to visit near Keel.
Keel History
There are some historic monuments around Keel:
- Dubhoile?Ün M?Ôr Ritual site - holy well MA01497
- Keel East Mound MA02066
- Bellanasally Enclosure MA02108
- Dumha ?Ëige Hut site MA02725
- Keel East Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA02701
- Slievemore Structure MA02029
- Keel West Settlement cluster MA02017
- Keel East Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA02059
- Bellanasally House - 18th/19th century MA02113
- Slievemore Enclosure MA02039
- Dubhoile?Ün M?Ôr Clochan MA01505
- Slievemore Structure MA02047
- Bal Of Dookinelly (Calvy) Field boundary MA02112
- Doogort East Redundant record MA02020
- Doogort West Souterrain MA02031
- Keel East Cist MA02072
- Keel East Road - road/trackway MA02696
- Doogort West House - 18th/19th century MA02077
- Slievemore Hut site MA09255
- Doogort West House - 18th/19th century MA02079
- Keel East Children's burial ground MA02697
- Doogort West House - 18th/19th century MA02076
- Slievemore Enclosure MA09257
- Keel West House - indeterminate date MA08308
- Doogort West Redundant record MA02018
- Keel East Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA02703
- Doogort East Children's burial ground MA02019
- Doogort West Settlement cluster MA02032
- Bellanasally Enclosure MA02114
- Dubhoile?Ün M?Ôr Clochan MA08279
- Doogort West House - 18th/19th century MA02075
- Slievemore Cross MA02057
- Keel East Structure MA02708
- Slievemore Children's burial ground MA02058
- Keel West Settlement cluster MA02016
- Doogort House - indeterminate date MA02095
- Bellanasally Enclosure MA02109
- Slievemore Road - road/trackway MA02048
- Keel West Structure MA02685
- Keel East Cist MA02071
- Slievemore Cross MA02056
- Slievemore Settlement cluster MA02025
- Bal Of Dookinelly (Calvy) Ringfort - cashel MA02084
- Doogort East Field system MA02024
- Keel East Enclosure MA02065
- Doogort House - indeterminate date MA02096
- Bellanasally House - indeterminate date MA02092
- Doogort West House - 18th/19th century MA02074
- Doogort West Megalithic tomb - portal tomb MA02081
- Keel East Redundant record MA02695
- Keel East Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA02064
- Slievemore Children's burial ground MA02689
- Dubhoile?Ün M?Ôr Clochan MA01504
- Bellanasally Enclosure MA02107
- Slievemore Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA02027
- Dubhoile?Ün M?Ôr Promontory fort - coastal MA01498
- Slievemore Cross MA02054
- Doogort East Promontory fort - coastal MA02021
- Slievemore Structure MA09254
- Slievemore House - indeterminate date MA02038
- Dumha ?Ëige Children's burial ground MA02724
- Slievemore Church MA02052
- Slievemore Field boundary MA02036
- Keel East Megalithic structure MA02062
- Dookinelly (Calvy) Midden MA02709
- Dookinelly (Thulis) Children's burial ground MA02713
- Bal Of Dookinelly (Calvy) Enclosure MA02088
- Slievemore Enclosure MA02690
- Dumha ?Ëige Promontory fort - coastal MA02721
- Doogort West,Keel East Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA02070
- Doogort East House - 18th/19th century MA02118
- Keel East House - indeterminate date MA02707
- Dubhoile?Ün M?Ôr Anomalous stone group MA08282
- Slievemore Building MA02691
- Dumha ?Ëige House - indeterminate date MA02723
- Bellanasally Cist MA02090
- Doogort East Cist MA02023
- Dumha ?Ëige Field system MA03422
- Dubhoile?Ün M?Ôr Clochan MA08278
- Slievemore Standing stone MA02035
- Keel East Cist MA02068
- Dumha ?Ëige Hut site MA02720
- Keel East Enclosure MA02694
- Slievemore Graveyard MA02053
- Keel East Stone circle MA02067
- Slievemore Structure MA02104
- Dubhoile?Ün M?Ôr Ritual site - holy well MA01506
- Doogort East Settlement cluster MA02097
- Slievemore Standing stone MA02033
- Keel East Standing stone MA02706
- Slievemore Field system MA02102
- Slievemore House - indeterminate date MA02045
- Bellanasally Field boundary MA02111
- Doogort House - 18th/19th century MA02093
- Keel West House - indeterminate date MA02683
- Slievemore Settlement cluster MA02050
- Dookinelly (Thulis) Ecclesiastical site MA02712
- Bal Of Dookinelly (Calvy) Field boundary MA02083
- Keel East Field system MA02699
- Slievemore Cairn - unclassified MA09256
- Dumha ?Ëige Promontory fort - coastal MA02719
- Mweelin (Burrishoole By.) Ringfort - cashel MA02717
- Keel East Standing stone MA02105
- Slievemore Structure MA02042
- Slievemore Souterrain MA02049
- Slievemore Redundant record MA02026
- Dumha ?Ëige Promontory fort - coastal MA03420
- Slievemore Stone circle MA02028
- Doogort House - indeterminate date MA02094
- Keel East Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA02061
- Keel East Earthwork MA02063
- Dookinelly (Thulis) Road - road/trackway MA02716
- Slievemore Fulacht fia MA02015
- Doogort West Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA02082
- Bal Of Dookinelly (Calvy) Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA02086
- Doogort East Redundant record MA02022
- Keel West House - indeterminate date MA08309
- Dumha ?Ëige Hut site MA02726
- Bellanasally House - indeterminate date MA02110
- Doogort West House - 18th/19th century MA02073
- Slievemore Settlement cluster MA02043
- Dumha ?Ëige Enclosure MA03423
- Keel East Cairn - unclassified MA02704
- Slievemore House - indeterminate date MA02037
- Slievemore Field boundary MA02103
- Slievemore Hut site MA09258
- Doogort West House - 18th/19th century MA02078
- Slievemore Field system MA02040
- Slievemore Souterrain MA02100
- Dookinelly (Calvy),Dookinelly (Thulis),M?Üm Na Mban Road - road/trackway MA02714
- Keel East Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA02702
- Dumha ?Ëige Promontory fort - coastal MA02718
- Keel East Cairn - unclassified MA02692
- Dubhoile?Ün M?Ôr Structure MA08280
- Keel East Cairn - unclassified MA02705
- Slievemore Ritual site - holy well MA02055
- Keel East Midden MA02698
- Slievemore Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA02046
- Dumha ?Ëige House - indeterminate date MA02722
- Keel West House - 18th/19th century MA02686
- Doogort East Promontory fort - coastal MA02117
- Dookinelly (Thulis) Ritual site - holy well MA02715
- Keel West House - 18th/19th century MA02684
- Doogort East Weir - fish MA09190
- Slievemore Souterrain MA02101
- Slievemore Field system MA02687
- Slievemore Settlement cluster MA02041
- Dookinelly (Thulis) Settlement cluster MA02711
- Bal Of Dookinelly (Calvy) Field system MA02089
- Dumha ?Ëige Hut site MA03421
- Doogort West Enclosure MA02080
- Dookinelly (Calvy) Crannog MA02710
- Bellanasally Enclosure MA02091
- Keel East Cist MA02069
- Doogort Field boundary MA02098
- Slievemore Structure MA02688
- Slievemore Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA02030
- Slievemore Ecclesiastical site MA02106
- Bal Of Dookinelly (Calvy) Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA02087