Attymass is a Village in the county of County Mayo.
Attymass postcode: F26 YP
There are great places to visit near Attymass.
Attymass History
There are some historic monuments around Attymass:
- Carrowcrom Enclosure MA01916
- Carrownlabaun Standing stone MA08139
- Sraheen (Tirawley By.) Children's burial ground MA02360
- Corrower Ringfort - unclassified MA01946
- Rathmeel Souterrain MA08138
- Abbeyhalfquarter,Ballina (Tirawley By.) Gatehouse MA01365
- Treanrevagh (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA02536
- Drumrevagh Barrow - unclassified MA01876
- Carrowconeen Enclosure MA01926
- Ballyholan Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA01368
- Kildermot Church MA01982
- Coollagagh Ringfort - cashel MA02496
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA01430
- Boyhollagh Standing stone MA08268
- Carrowcrom Enclosure MA01907
- Drummin Enclosure MA02359
- Corrower Ritual site - holy well MA01978
- Moorbrook Ringfort - rath MA02415
- Coollagagh Enclosure MA02504
- Drumrevagh Ringfort - rath MA01846
- Corrower Enclosure MA01976
- Mullaghawny Ringfort - rath MA01979
- Abbeyhalfquarter Redundant record MA01407
- Rinnananny Earthwork MA08269
- Corrower Enclosure MA01975
- Cullin Church MA02517
- Coollagagh Ringfort - cashel MA02492
- Callow Building MA02898
- Carrowcrom Souterrain MA01913
- Attimachugh Enclosure MA02438
- Behy More Souterrain MA08144
- Mullaghawny Enclosure MA01995
- Shanclogh Castle - unclassified MA01870
- Larganmore House - indeterminate date MA02425
- Coolcashla Ringfort - cashel MA02925
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Ringfort - rath MA01903
- Cloonta Mass-rock MA09292
- Kilgellia Enclosure MA01999
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA01435
- Carrowdoogan Enclosure MA02002
- Askillaun (Gallen By.) Ringfort - cashel MA02434
- Cloongee Enclosure MA02827
- Carrowneden (Gallen By.) Church MA02572
- Cullin Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb MA02527
- Ardvally Moated site MA01312
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Earthwork MA01904
- Carrowcrom Standing stone MA01909
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Hut site MA08248
- Cuillonaghtan Ringfort - cashel MA02870
- Carrowcrom Ringfort - rath MA01910
- Glendaduff Church MA02394
- Roosky (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA02391
- Belleek Fulacht fia MA09325
- Rinnananny Cairn - unclassified MA02417
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA01459
- Coollagagh Enclosure MA02493
- Corimla South Moated site MA01452
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Ringfort - rath MA01783
- Belleek Fulacht fia MA09326
- Corimla South Ringfort - rath MA01455
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Fulacht fia MA08252
- Corroy Ringfort - unclassified MA01839
- Creggagh Fulacht fia MA02473
- Boherhallagh Enclosure MA02421
- Quignalecka Enclosure MA01334
- Coollagagh Enclosure MA02485
- Corrower Enclosure MA01947
- Lough Cullin Crannog MA02866
- Doonty,Prebaun Field boundary MA02439
- Pollsharvoge Bullaun stone MA03023
- Rinbrack Ringfort - rath MA03050
- Cashel (Gallen By.) Ringfort - cashel MA02980
- Lismoran Enclosure MA02917
- Bellass Field boundary MA02824
- Behy More Ringfort - rath MA01467
- Callow Burnt mound MA09213
- Cuillonaghtan Souterrain MA02988
- Carrowcrom Standing stone MA02006
- Croftonpark Enclosure MA01328
- Kilgarvan Ogham stone MA08957
- Carrowntreila Ringfort - rath MA01816
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Ringfort - rath MA01944
- Tonybaun Redundant record MA08314
- Rathbaun (Tirawley By., Ballynahaglish Par.) Ringfort - rath MA02306
- Cuildoo House - indeterminate date MA02941
- Creggaun (Tirawley By.) Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA01773
- Laghtadawannagh Burial MA01331
- Coolcashla Souterrain MA02926
- Pollsharvoge Enclosure MA03026
- Callow House - indeterminate date MA02913
- Carrownlabaun Enclosure MA01475
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Children's burial ground MA08141
- Treanlaur (Gallen By., Attymass Par.) Redundant record MA01992
- Coolcronaun Standing stone MA08312
- Corrower Fulacht fia MA08249
- Rathbaun (Tirawley By., Ballynahaglish Par.) Ringfort - rath MA02308
- Kilgarvan Graveyard MA01934
- Corraveggaun East Children's burial ground MA02298
- Kilmoremoy Bullaun stone MA01353
- Callow House - indeterminate date MA02887
- Tonybaun Metalworking site MA09354
- Glendaduff Children's burial ground MA02395
- Sraheen (Tirawley By.) Enclosure MA02377
- Lismoran Ringfort - cashel MA02995
- Quignamanger Ringfort - rath MA01366
- Carrowneden (Gallen By.) Bullaun stone MA02576
- Rathkip Ringfort - rath MA01392
- Lismoran House - indeterminate date MA02914
- Cuillonaghtan Mill - unclassified MA02880
- Ballyholan Ringfort - rath MA01371
- Gorteen (Tirawley By.) Megalithic structure MA01383
- Rinagry Enclosure MA02331
- Lissaniska West Ritual site - holy well MA02299
- Lismoran Burnt mound MA09237
- Gortaskibbole Ringfort - rath MA01860
- Callow Children's burial ground MA02889
- Cuildoo House - indeterminate date MA02936
- Coollagagh Ritual site - holy well MA02488
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA01438
- Glendaduff Cross MA02396
- Lissard More Megalithic structure MA01969
- Carrowkeribly Enclosure MA01849
- Graffy (Gallen By., Killasser Par.) Ringfort - cashel MA02943
- Lissaniska West Redundant record MA02300
- Corrower Cist MA01949
- Callow,Coollagagh Field boundary MA02503
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Souterrain MA08242
- Cuillonaghtan Souterrain MA02878
- Mullaghawny Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA01851
- Belgarrow Enclosure MA02476
- Kilgarvan Enclosure MA01935
- Ballybeg (Tirawley By., Ballynahaglish Par.) Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA01807
- Lismoran Enclosure MA02994
- Farrannoo Fulacht fia MA08882
- Coollagagh Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA02494
- Gorteen (Tirawley By.) Enclosure MA01346
- Corimla South Souterrain MA08964
- Ballyderg Ringfort - rath MA01804
- Carrick (Gallen By., Attymass Par.) Ringfort - rath MA01998
- Creggagh Earthwork MA02481
- Kildermot Crannog MA09252
- Ballynahaglish Graveyard MA01814
- Cuildoo Enclosure MA02940
- Callow Ringfort - cashel MA02505
- Carrowneden (Gallen By.) Barrow - ring-barrow MA02565
- Corroy Ringfort - rath MA01837
- Boherhallagh Earthwork MA02490
- Corlee Souterrain MA02399
- Ballina (Tirawley By.) Ritual site - holy well MA01358
- Callow Boulder-burial MA02516
- Ballymacredmond (Tirawley By., Ballynahaglish Par.) Ringfort - rath MA01844
- Ellagh More Ringfort - rath MA01966
- Corroy Souterrain MA01840
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb MA02007
- Rathreedaun Ringfort - rath MA01457
- Callow Crannog MA02884
- Creggagh Church MA02483
- Lough Cullin Redundant record MA02788
- Drumsheen Mound MA08963
- Carrowleagh Burial ground MA01414
- Corrower Ringfort - rath MA01950
- Boherhallagh Ringfort - rath MA02422
- Coolcashla Fulacht fia MA03154
- Cuildoo Souterrain MA03016
- Rathdonnell Ringfort - rath MA01339
- Treanrevagh (Gallen By.) Standing stone MA02537
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Earthwork MA01820
- Tonybaun Burial ground MA09353
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Burnt mound MA08253
- Lissaniska East Ringfort - rath MA02301
- Graffy (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Enclosure MA01988
- Pollsharvoge Enclosure MA03059
- Boherhallagh Ringfort - rath MA02423
- Callow Souterrain MA08270
- Cloonygowan Standing stone MA03013
- Corroy Earthwork MA01843
- Cuillonaghtan Fulacht fia MA08325
- Corroy Inscribed stone MA01842
- Callow Fulacht fia MA02919
- Carrowcrom House - indeterminate date MA09359
- Carrowreagh (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Ringfort - rath MA01925
- Ellagh Beg Ritual site - holy well MA01936
- Corrower Ogham stone MA01952
- Cullin Field boundary MA02528
- Gortnadrehy Ringfort - rath MA02336
- Farrannoo Excavation - miscellaneous MA09327
- Rinakilleen Church MA02348
- Callow Structure MA02921
- Rathdonnell Souterrain MA08961
- Ardrass Enclosure MA01996
- Ellagh More Enclosure MA01965
- Kildermot Bullaun stone MA01984
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA01443
- Carrowcrom Ringfort - rath MA01911
- Coollagagh Redundant record MA02499
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Ringfort - rath MA01782
- Ballina (Tirawley By.) Ritual site - holy/saint's stone MA08136
- Cuillonaghtan Children's burial ground MA02984
- Corradrishy Barrow - embanked barrow MA02385
- Carha (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA01421
- Callow,Cuillonaghtan Crannog MA02881
- Cloonygowan Enclosure MA03002
- Lough Conn Crannog MA02350
- Foxford Mass-rock MA02835
- Foxford Barracks MA02821
- Leckee Enclosure MA02837
- Creggagh Graveslab MA02484
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Enclosure MA01956
- Lissaniska East Hut site MA02345
- Cuildoo Enclosure MA03018
- Drumsheen Ringfort - rath MA01461
- Rinbrack Souterrain MA08324
- Moorbrook Cairn - unclassified MA02414
- Moorbrook Ringfort - rath MA02416
- Graffy (Gallen By., Killasser Par.) Ringfort - cashel MA02944
- Lough Conn Crannog MA02358
- Corradrishy Ringfort - rath MA02386
- Bunnafinglas Enclosure MA02313
- Corradrishy Enclosure MA02384
- Carrowkeribly Children's burial ground MA08240
- Callow Ringfort - cashel MA02883
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Barrow - ring-barrow MA01426
- Graffy (Gallen By., Killasser Par.) Mass-rock MA02950
- Cuildoo Ringfort - cashel MA02931
- Cullin Ringfort - cashel MA02529
- Cartron (Gallen By., Attymass Par.) Enclosure MA01987
- Rathreedaun Ringfort - rath MA01462
- Ellagh More Enclosure MA01964
- Lismoran Ringfort - rath MA02997
- Leckee Mound MA02838
- Callow Ringfort - cashel MA02900
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Souterrain MA01902
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) House - indeterminate date MA01941
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Enclosure MA01905
- Behy Beg Souterrain MA09357
- Coollagagh Cairn - unclassified MA02502
- Graffy (Gallen By., Killasser Par.) Ringfort - cashel MA02946
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Enclosure MA01954
- Carrowreagh (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Ringfort - rath MA01922
- Boyhollagh Enclosure MA02380
- Knockmore Earthwork MA02371
- Prebaun Megalithic tomb - portal tomb MA02441
- Kilgellia Ringfort - rath MA02001
- Lissaniska East Ringfort - rath MA02343
- Carrowcrom Ringfort - rath MA01906
- Graffy (Gallen By., Killasser Par.) Church MA02568
- Lissard More Crannog MA01972
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA01446
- Carrowkeribly Souterrain MA08241
- Ballyholan Enclosure MA01369
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA01437
- Roosky (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA02389
- Callow Ringfort - cashel MA02905
- Boyhollagh Enclosure MA02381
- Attimachugh House - indeterminate date MA02429
- Carraun (Tireragh By.) Barrow - unclassified SL07331
- Cuildoo Enclosure MA02930
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Hut site MA08142
- Carrowneden (Gallen By.) Graveyard MA02573
- Cuillonaghtan Bullaun stone MA02986
- Cloonygowan Enclosure MA03010
- Ardoughan Fulacht fia MA09317
- Pollsharvoge Sundial MA03022
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Earthwork MA01959
- Tonybaun Children's burial ground MA01878
- Carrowcrom Standing stone MA01908
- Lismoran Ringfort - cashel MA02915
- Rinnananny Enclosure MA02474
- Cuillonaghtan Crannog MA02875
- Cashel (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA02981
- Drumsheen Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA01463
- Coolcronaun Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA02346
- Ballybeg (Tirawley By., Ballynahaglish Par.) Children's burial ground MA01808
- Ballycong Ringfort - rath MA01880
- Ellagh More Ringfort - rath MA01963
- Carrownlabaun Ringfort - rath MA01476
- Graffy (Gallen By., Killasser Par.) Souterrain MA02945
- Culleens Enclosure MA01306
- Behy Beg Ringfort - rath MA01898
- Cuillonaghtan Ringfort - cashel MA02985
- Bunnafinglas Religious house - unclassified MA09090
- Kilmore (Gallen By.) Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb MA02978
- Abbeyhalfquarter Building MA01387
- Callow Ringfort - cashel MA02911
- Corrower Ringfort - rath MA01977
- Coollagagh Bullaun stone MA02498
- Craggera Ringfort - rath MA01967
- Carrowntreila Ringfort - rath MA01817
- Knockmore Fulacht fia MA02370
- Knockfadda Megalithic structure MA02401
- Callow Cairn - unclassified MA02904
- Coollagagh Redundant record MA02500
- Cuildoo Ringfort - cashel MA02948
- Ballybeg (Tirawley By., Ballynahaglish Par.) Crannog MA01836
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Children's burial ground MA01785
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) House - indeterminate date MA01428
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA01448
- Carrowneden (Gallen By.) Mound MA02580
- Mullaghawny Ringfort - rath MA01994
- Coolcashla,Graffy (Gallen By., Killasser Par.) Ringfort - cashel MA02928
- Carrowreagh (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Ringfort - rath MA01920
- Coolcashla Ringfort - rath MA02532
- Bunnyconnellan West Enclosure MA01478
- Lough Cullin Redundant record MA02797
- Cloonta Souterrain MA09291
- Rahans Ringfort - rath MA01778
- Pollsharvoge Ringfort - cashel MA03021
- Rinbrack Standing stone MA03149
- Kilgellia Burial ground MA02000
- Culleens Ringfort - rath MA01330
- Ballyderg Enclosure MA01805
- Carrowcrom Enclosure MA01918
- Kilgellia Enclosure MA02378
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Fulacht fia MA08237
- Raish Ringfort - rath MA01381
- Bunnyconnellan East Cairn - unclassified MA02013
- Drumsheen Standing stone MA01480
- Cloonta Enclosure MA01420
- Coollagagh,Larganmore Ringfort - cashel MA02427
- Corimla South Building MA01471
- Ballynaraha Souterrain MA01811
- Callow House - indeterminate date MA02895
- Graffy (Gallen By., Killasser Par.) Graveyard MA02569
- Cullin Ringfort - rath MA02526
- Cloongee Fulacht fia MA02865
- Coolcashla Souterrain MA02533
- Cuillonaghtan Crannog MA02874
- Callow Ringfort - cashel MA02897
- Coolcashla House - indeterminate date MA02924
- Corrower Souterrain MA09363
- Carha (Gallen By.) Mound MA01422
- Prebaun Enclosure MA02445
- Carrowkeribly Ringfort - rath MA01879
- Callow Crannog MA02908
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Redundant record MA01948
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA01444
- Derrynabaunshy Anomalous stone group MA02382
- Lissaniska East Souterrain MA02344
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA01442
- Corraveggaun West Enclosure MA02296
- Ballintemple Ringfort - rath MA03053
- Shanwar Ringfort - cashel MA02868
- Shanwar Enclosure MA02869
- Lough Cullin Redundant record MA02787
- Cullin Ringfort - rath MA02524
- Derrygaury Enclosure MA02818
- Callow House - indeterminate date MA02894
- Carrownlabaun Ritual site - holy well MA01474
- Cuildoo Ringfort - cashel MA03015
- Lissaniska West Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA02342
- Rinbrack Souterrain MA08321
- Cuildoo House - indeterminate date MA02934
- Belleek Megalithic structure MA01360
- Rathreedaun Ritual site - holy well MA01458
- Rathmeel Ringfort - rath MA01337
- Coolcashla Fulacht fia MA02922
- Cullin Megalithic structure MA08056
- Askillaun (Gallen By.),Attimachugh Ringfort - cashel MA02430
- Cloonygowan Enclosure MA03011
- Carrowneden (Gallen By.) Ringfort - cashel MA02570
- Lismoran Burnt mound MA09235
- Boherhallagh Enclosure MA02419
- Cloongee Enclosure MA02864
- Ballina (Tirawley By.) Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA01384
- Ballina (Tirawley By.) Fulacht fia MA09323
- Gortnadrehy Ringfort - rath MA02337
- Lismoran Bullaun stone MA03000
- Larganmore House - indeterminate date MA02426
- Quignashee Redundant record MA01370
- Kilmore (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA02979
- Kildermot Architectural fragment MA01985
- Coollagagh Ringfort - cashel MA02491
- Rathbaun (Tirawley By., Ballynahaglish Par.),Shanclogh Ringfort - rath MA02303
- Ballina (Tirawley By.) Castle - unclassified MA01363
- Bellass Children's burial ground MA02834
- Corrower Souterrain MA08246
- Farrannoo Fulacht fia MA08883
- Belgarrow Enclosure MA02477
- Belgarrow House - indeterminate date MA02475
- Lismoran House - indeterminate date MA02918
- Callow Souterrain MA02912
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Ringfort - rath MA01955
- Corrower Standing stone - pair MA08250
- Cuillonaghtan Enclosure MA02983
- Croftonpark Ringfort - rath MA01329
- Cloonta Ringfort - rath MA01419
- Lissaniska West Ringfort - rath MA02339
- Shanwar Enclosure MA02478
- Carha (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA01423
- Carrowcrom Enclosure MA01961
- Corlee Stone row MA02398
- Kilgarvan Church MA01933
- Creggagh Enclosure MA02519
- Behy Beg Barrow - ring-barrow MA01468
- Creggagh Enclosure MA02471
- Cuildoo Enclosure MA02937
- Carrowneden (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA02581
- Garrankeel Ringfort - rath MA01332
- Quignashee Ringfort - rath MA01367
- Rathroeen Mound MA01310
- Cullin,Graffy (Gallen By., Killasser Par.) Enclosure MA02566
- Cuildoo Ringfort - rath MA02933
- Bellass,Foxford Weir - fish MA02819
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA01432
- Cloonygowan Enclosure MA03003
- Bunnafinglas Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb MA02362
- Cloonygowan Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA03012
- Cuillonaghtan Ringfort - cashel MA02871
- Rathroeen Ringfort - rath MA01307
- Bunnafinglas Burial ground MA02314
- Lismoran House - indeterminate date MA02996
- Kilgarvan Ringfort - rath MA01929
- Corrower Mound MA08251
- Mullaghawny Souterrain MA01881
- Glendaduff Cross-inscribed stone MA02397
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA01441
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Ringfort - rath MA01938
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA01460
- Cashel (Gallen By.) House - indeterminate date MA02982
- Ballina (Tirawley By.) Burial ground MA08770
- Lismoran Ringfort - cashel MA03156
- Creggagh Standing stone MA02470
- Attimachugh Ringfort - rath MA02428
- Kilgarvan Ringfort - rath MA01928
- Carrowleagh Ringfort - rath MA01425
- Cuildoo Enclosure MA02942
- Corrower Children's burial ground MA09362
- Carrowcrom Standing stone MA02003
- Ellagh More Bullaun stone MA08247
- Ballyhiernaun Ringfort - rath MA01819
- Gortaskibbole Enclosure MA01862
- Coolcronaun Standing stone MA08311
- Kilmoremoy Church MA01350
- Cloonygowan Ringfort - cashel MA03014
- Callow Fulacht fia MA02909
- Drumsheen Souterrain MA08962
- Coolcashla Enclosure MA02927
- Cuildoo Ringfort - unclassified MA03155
- Mullaghawny Enclosure MA01980
- Cuildoo Ringfort - rath MA02935
- Carrowcrom Enclosure MA01962
- Bellass Redundant record MA02833
- Pollsharvoge Enclosure MA08323
- Roosky (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA02387
- Rathbaun (Tirawley By., Ballynahaglish Par.) Souterrain MA02307
- Tonybaun Metalworking site MA08960
- Cloonturk (Tirawley By.) Enclosure MA01806
- Tonybaun Redundant record MA01893
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Enclosure MA01781
- Coolcronaun Enclosure MA02310
- Ardoughan Fulacht fia MA09316
- Corimla South Ringfort - rath MA01453
- Callow Bullaun stone MA02510
- Lismoran Enclosure MA02991
- Garrankeel Monumental structure MA01333
- Creggagh Souterrain MA02480
- Corrower Fulacht fia MA09300
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Ringfort - rath MA01784
- Creggagh Enclosure MA02479
- Carrowcushlaun Ringfort - rath MA01780
- Callow Ringfort - unclassified MA02886
- Callow House - indeterminate date MA02901
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Ringfort - rath MA01821
- Drummin Enclosure MA02817
- Foxford Metalworking site MA02820
- Glendaduff Crannog MA02392
- Corroy Ringfort - rath MA01838
- Boherhallagh Ringfort - unclassified MA02489
- Rathreedaun Penitential station MA09203
- Bellass Enclosure MA02861
- Lismoran Ringfort - rath MA02999
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA01436
- Shanwar Crannog MA02872
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA01445
- Cuildoo Enclosure MA02947
- Cloongee Standing stone MA02826
- Corimla North Children's burial ground MA01450
- Shanwar Ringfort - rath MA02867
- Coolcashla Ringfort - cashel MA02525
- Gorteen (Tirawley By.) Ringfort - rath MA01382
- Cuildoo House - indeterminate date MA02938
- Tonybaun Leacht MA08959
- Pollsharvoge Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA03024
- Coolcashla Ringfort - cashel MA02923
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Ringfort - rath MA01960
- Lissard More Holed stone MA01968
- Ballynahaglish Church MA01813
- Ballymacredmond (Tirawley By., Ballynahaglish Par.) Enclosure MA01867
- Cuildoo Enclosure MA03019
- Ballybeg (Tirawley By., Ballynahaglish Par.) Ringfort - rath MA01809
- Lissard More Ringfort - rath MA01971
- Carrowcrom Ringfort - rath MA01915
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA01431
- Rinbrack Standing stone MA03048
- Behy More Souterrain MA08143
- Drumrevagh Ringfort - rath MA01847
- Prebaun Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA02446
- Treanlaur (Gallen By., Attymass Par.) Enclosure MA01991
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Souterrain MA01958
- Callow,Cuillonaghtan Causeway MA02882
- Lissaniska West Enclosure MA02340
- Cullin Souterrain MA02530
- Carrowcrom Stone row MA02004
- Derrynabaunshy Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb MA02383
- Ellagh Beg Penitential station MA08243
- Bunnafinglas Standing stone MA08313
- Lough Cullin Crannog MA02863
- Tonybaun Cultivation ridges MA09355
- Cuillonaghtan Stone row MA02876
- Bellass Castle - unclassified MA02823
- Ardvally Ringfort - rath MA01313
- Cuillonaghtan Souterrain MA02990
- Culdaly Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb SL05104
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Ringfort - rath MA01901
- Rathbaun (Tirawley By., Ballynahaglish Par.) Enclosure MA02309
- Coolcronaun Children's burial ground MA02311
- Callow House - indeterminate date MA02906
- Cullin Souterrain MA02521
- Ballina (Tirawley By.) Cross MA01359
- Coolcashla Enclosure MA02531
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA01434
- Carrowcrom Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA01917
- Carrowneden (Gallen By.) Ringfort - cashel MA02574
- Carrowcrom Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb MA01919
- Pollsharvoge Mound MA03027
- Lissaniska West Ringfort - rath MA02341
- Kilmoremoy Burial ground MA01351
- Coollagagh Souterrain MA02497
- Cuillonaghtan Ringfort - cashel MA02987
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Enclosure MA01899
- Cloonygowan Souterrain MA03004
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Standing stone MA02014
- Doonty Cairn - unclassified MA02448
- Rathkip Ringfort - rath MA01391
- Shanwar Souterrain MA08326
- Callow Enclosure MA02907
- Prebaun Enclosure MA02447
- Rinnananny Cairn - unclassified MA02418
- Callow Ringfort - cashel MA02902
- Carha (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA01411
- Abbeyhalfquarter,Ballina (Tirawley By.) Bridge MA01364
- Quignalecka,Quignamanger Enclosure MA01335
- Drumrevagh Enclosure MA01872
- Corimla South Barrow - ring-barrow MA01486
- Ballynahaglish Cross MA01815
- Kilmoremoy Excavation - miscellaneous MA09088
- Callow House - indeterminate date MA02508
- Corroy Cairn - unclassified MA01841
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA01433
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Ringfort - rath MA01939
- Kilgarvan Ringfort - rath MA01927
- Callow House - indeterminate date MA02893
- Carrowcrom Standing stone MA09364
- Corimla South Earthwork MA01470
- Drumrevagh Enclosure MA01877
- Knockmore Enclosure MA02297
- Cuildoo House - indeterminate date MA03020
- Larganmore Ringfort - cashel MA02424
- Lismoran Ringfort - cashel MA02916
- Prebaun Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA02442
- Kilmoremoy Cross-inscribed stone MA01354
- Cloongee Ringfort - cashel MA02825
- Behy More Ringfort - rath MA01466
- Pollsharvoge House - indeterminate date MA03025
- Callow Ringfort - cashel MA02509
- Abbeyhalfquarter Enclosure MA01390
- Treanlaur (Gallen By., Attymass Par.) Ringfort - unclassified MA01990
- Drumrevagh Burial ground MA01874
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA01429
- Lissard More Standing stone MA01970
- Gortnadrehy Souterrain MA02338
- Foxford Redundant record MA02836
- Foxford Mass-rock MA09222
- Prebaun Megalithic structure MA02444
- Glendaduff Fulacht fia MA08265
- Kilgellia Crannog MA01986
- Askillaun (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA02435
- Lismoran Standing stone MA02992
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Souterrain MA08244
- Boyhollagh Enclosure MA02379
- Kilmoremoy Graveyard MA01349
- Callow Standing stone MA02514
- Corrower Ringfort - rath MA01953
- Ballymacredmond (Tirawley By., Ballynahaglish Par.) Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA01866
- Abbeyhalfquarter Religious house - Augustinian friars MA01386
- Rahans Enclosure MA01777
- Lismoran Bullaun stone MA03001
- Tawnaghmore (Tirawley By.) House - indeterminate date MA08946
- Askillaun (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA02433
- Coolcronaun Bullaun stone MA02312
- Cuildoo Enclosure MA02939
- Rathmeel Earthwork MA01338
- Carrowntreila Ringfort - rath MA01818
- Kilmoremoy Enclosure MA01352
- Callow Ringfort - cashel MA02507
- Gortaskibbole Ringfort - rath MA01859
- Behybaun Ringfort - rath MA01775
- Corrower Barrow - mound barrow MA01945
- Bunnyconnellan West Enclosure MA01479
- Rathbaun (Tirawley By., Ballynahaglish Par.) Ringfort - rath MA02305
- Askillaun (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA02431
- Callow Enclosure MA02892
- Cartron (Gallen By., Attymass Par.) Ritual site - holy well MA01989
- Cuillonaghtan Redundant record MA02879
- Kildermot Children's burial ground MA01983
- Callow Ringfort - rath MA02890
- Cuildoo Enclosure MA02929
- Ballymore Ringfort - cashel MA01993
- Graffy (Gallen By., Killasser Par.) Souterrain MA08322
- Gorteen (Tirawley By.) Souterrain MA01394
- Rathnaconeen Ringfort - rath MA01779
- Kilgarvan Mound MA01931
- Callow Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb MA02899
- Callow Bullaun stone MA02896
- Cloonygowan Bullaun stone MA03008
- Cloonta Enclosure MA08140
- Bellass Settlement deserted - medieval MA02822
- Corrower Burial mound MA01951
- Bunnyconnellan West Mound MA09179
- Cloonygowan Church MA03006
- Carrownlabaun Ringfort - rath MA01477
- Cullin Ringfort - rath MA02520
- Ellagh Beg Ringfort - rath MA01923
- Lough Cullin Crannog MA02786
- Abbeyhalfquarter Graveyard MA01388
- Belleek Cairn - unclassified MA01362
- Ballymacredmond (Tirawley By., Ballynahaglish Par.) Children's burial ground MA01868
- Carrowneden (Gallen By.) Souterrain MA02575
- Callow Enclosure MA02891
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA01439
- Gortaskibbole Enclosure MA01863
- Callow Stone circle MA02515
- Ballina (Tirawley By.) Burnt mound MA09347
- Ballymacredmond (Tirawley By., Ballynahaglish Par.) Redundant record MA01869
- Belleek Mound MA01361
- Graffy (Gallen By., Killasser Par.) Souterrain MA02535
- Lough Cullin Redundant record MA02795
- Lismoran Burnt mound MA09236
- Cloonygowan Children's burial ground MA03007
- Coollagagh Burial ground MA02487
- Gortaskibbole Enclosure MA01864
- Askillaun (Gallen By.) House - indeterminate date MA02432
- Ardrass Crannog MA01997
- Drumrevagh Standing stone MA08259
- Gortaskibbole Enclosure MA01865
- Carrowleagh Souterrain MA01415
- Cuillonaghtan Ringfort - cashel MA02877
- Quignalecka Barrow - mound barrow MA08287
- Kildermot Crannog MA09251
- Carrowreagh (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Megalithic tomb - passage tomb MA01473
- Graffy (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Ringfort - unclassified MA01973
- Drumrevagh Enclosure MA01848
- Corimla South Barrow - mound barrow MA01485
- Ballina (Tirawley By.) Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA01356
- Ballina (Tirawley By.) Mound MA01357
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Souterrain MA08245
- Knockmore Souterrain MA08264
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Enclosure MA01440
- Roosky (Gallen By.) Burial mound MA09346
- Coollagagh Earthwork MA02495
- Corroy Enclosure MA01895
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Barrow - embanked barrow MA01427
- Cuildoo House - indeterminate date MA03017
- Doonty Enclosure MA02440
- Rathreedaun Standing stone MA01456
- Carrowreagh (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Souterrain MA01921
- Graffy (Gallen By., Killasser Par.) Cross (present location) MA02949
- Behy Beg Enclosure MA01469
- Ballynaraha Ringfort - rath MA01810
- Drumrevagh Ringfort - rath MA01873
- Carrowkeribly Enclosure MA01850
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Ringfort - rath MA01942
- Rathkip Ringfort - rath MA01393
- Coollagagh Field boundary MA02501
- Farrangarode Ringfort - rath MA01311
- Ballina (Tirawley By.) Fulacht fia MA09322
- Drumrevagh Megalithic tomb - court tomb MA01875
- Carrowleagh Souterrain MA01416
- Callow Fulacht fia MA02910
- Lough Cullin Crannog MA02798
- Corimla South Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA01472
- Creggagh Enclosure MA02472
- Callow Fulacht fia MA02920
- Carrownaglogh (Gallen By.) Ringfort - rath MA01447
- Carha (Gallen By.) Standing stone MA01424
- Illanee Island Fortification MA02793
- Cullin House - indeterminate date MA02523
- Lismoran Souterrain MA02998
- Drumrevagh Burial MA01892
- Carrowcrom Standing stone MA01914
- Creggaun (Tirawley By.) Children's burial ground MA01774
- Callow House - indeterminate date MA02506
- Carrowcrom Cairn - unclassified MA02005
- Cuillonaghtan Ringfort - unclassified MA02989
- Gortaskibbole Enclosure MA01861
- Prebaun Field boundary MA02443
- Corimla South Souterrain MA01454
- Callow Fulacht fia MA03153
- Cloonturk (Tirawley By.) Ringfort - rath MA01776
- Askillaun (Gallen By.) Children's burial ground MA02437
- Askillaun (Gallen By.) House - indeterminate date MA02436
- Lough Cullin Redundant record MA02785
- Quignalegan Standing stone MA01340
- Gortaskibbole Fulacht fia MA08236
- Colladussaun Enclosure MA02369
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Earthwork MA01900
- Farrangarode Enclosure MA01336
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Ringfort - rath MA01943
- Ballymacredmond (Tirawley By., Ballynahaglish Par.) Ringfort - rath MA01845
- Quignashee Fulacht fia MA09351
- Boherhallagh Enclosure MA02420
- Quignalegan Ringfort - rath MA01418
- Cullin House - indeterminate date MA02522
- Breaghwy (Tirawley By.) Ringfort - rath MA01940
- Quignalegan Redundant record MA01484
- Shanwar Crannog MA02873
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Enclosure MA02012
- Callow Standing stone MA02513
- Pollsharvoge Enclosure MA03060
- Callow Causeway MA02885
- Graffy (Gallen By., Killasser Par.) Ringfort - cashel MA02534
- Callow Enclosure MA08316
- Muckanagh (Carra By., Turlough Par.) Redundant record MA02794
- Cloongee Castle - tower house MA02800
- Ellagh Beg Ringfort - rath MA01937
- Lismoran Redundant record MA02993
- Callow House - indeterminate date MA02903
- Knockmore Redundant record MA02334
- Shanclogh Enclosure MA01871
- Cuildoo Ringfort - cashel MA02932
- Callow Ringfort - unclassified MA02888
- Rinakilleen Children's burial ground MA02349
- Rinbrack Tomb - unclassified MA03148
- Kilmoremoy Church MA01348
- Rinbrack Ringfort - rath MA03047
- Graffy (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Enclosure MA01974
- Cullin Ringfort - rath MA02518
- Rinbrack Enclosure MA03009
- Kilgarvan Redundant record MA01930
- Lough Cullin Crannog MA02796
- Shanclogh Enclosure MA02302
- Knockmore Ringfort - rath MA02335
- Callow Field boundary MA02512
- Carrowconeen Ringfort - rath MA01924
- Corimla North Enclosure MA01451
- Roosky (Gallen By.) Field boundary MA02390
- Carrowcrom Ringfort - rath MA01912
- Ballyhiernaun Hut site MA08239
- Corlee Megalithic tomb - unclassified MA02400
- Carrowcastle (Gallen By., Kilgarvan Par.) Ringfort - rath MA01957