Ballinalee is a Village in the county of County Longford.
There are great places to visit near Ballinalee.
Ballinalee History
There are some historic monuments around Ballinalee:
- Drummeel Crannog LF00223
- Bracklon Ringfort - rath LF00715
- Coolcor Ringfort - rath LF00254
- Cooleeny Ringfort - rath LF00616
- Bohermore Ringfort - rath LF01040
- Tully (Granard By.) Castle - motte and bailey LF02518
- Ballygarve Ringfort - rath LF00589
- Cooleeny Ringfort - rath LF00617
- Lisnanagh Enclosure LF03056
- Aghnacliff Megalithic tomb - portal tomb LF00081
- Shantum Enclosure LF01149
- Edgeworthstown Graveyard LF02041
- Ballymacwilliam Ringfort - rath LF00573
- Lisfarrell Ringfort - rath LF00629
- Moatfarrell Ringfort - cashel LF00666
- Inchmore Island Redundant record LF01999
- Freehalman Ringfort - rath LF00623
- Lisfarrell Barrow - pond barrow LF00648
- Ballinalee Or Saintjohnstown Excavation - miscellaneous LF02846
- Cranalagh More Ringfort - rath LF00720
- Cooleeshil Or Richfort Ringfort - rath LF01033
- Coolcor Bawn LF02001
- Cartronreagh Enclosure LF00702
- Bracklon Enclosure LF03012
- Newtownbond Redundant record LF02550
- Bundoon Ringfort - rath LF00200
- Bohermore Ringfort - rath LF01039
- Tully (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00677
- Glannagh Ringfort - rath LF00665
- Roos Ringfort - rath LF00326
- Cartron Big,Cartron Little Ringfort - rath LF00580
- Oghil Enclosure LF00189
- Bunlahy Ringfort - rath LF00234
- Cooleeshil Or Richfort Ringfort - rath LF01031
- Lettergonnell Stone row LF00054
- Cooleeny Ringfort - rath LF00619
- Rhine Ringfort - rath LF00216
- Ballyreaghan Ringfort - rath LF00338
- Aghnashannagh,Ballinalee Or Saintjohnstown,Currycahill,Gorteenrevagh Historic town LF00209
- Lisnanagh Barrow - unclassified LF03057
- Cartronamarkey Ringfort - rath LF00229
- Kilsallagh Ringfort - rath LF01162
- Lissard Ringfort - rath LF00707
- Bracklon Ringfort - rath LF00714
- Tinnynarr Fulacht fia LF02472
- Cooleeshil Or Richfort Ringfort - rath LF01035
- Moatfarrell Bawn LF02998
- Edgeworthstown House - 18th/19th century LF00734
- Kilsallagh Ringfort - rath LF01160
- Cooleeny Ringfort - rath LF00579
- Aghacordrinan Ringfort - rath LF00093
- Cleenrah Enclosure LF00066
- Cartronamarkey Ringfort - rath LF00233
- Ballygarve Ringfort - rath LF00561
- Moatfarrell House - 18th/19th century LF00606
- Corboy Kiln - lime LF02014
- Twentyacres Ringfort - rath LF00650
- Lissard Castle - unclassified LF02401
- Rathmore (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00069
- Killeenatruan Ringfort - rath LF00202
- Bracklon Ringfort - rath LF00716
- Cloonahard Ringfort - rath LF00624
- Drumbaun Ringfort - rath LF01038
- France Ringfort - rath LF00212
- Ballygarve Ringfort - rath LF00588
- Abbey Land Ritual site - holy well LF00728
- Moatfarrell Ecclesiastical enclosure LF02840
- Lissardowlan Castle - Anglo-Norman masonry castle LF02366
- Ballyhoolivan Ringfort - rath LF00595
- Carrickglass Demesne (Longford By.) Ringfort - rath LF00558
- Leitrim (Granard By., Ballinalee Ed) Ringfort - rath LF00199
- Edenmore Ringfort - rath LF00047
- Cooleeny,Whiterock Enclosure LF00578
- Knockanbaun Or Whitehill Barrow - ring-barrow LF00692
- Ballyhoolivan Ringfort - rath LF00594
- Ballinalee Or Saintjohnstown Burial ground LF00210
- Cleenrah Megalithic tomb - portal tomb LF00068
- Prucklishtown Ringfort - rath LF00327
- Killoe Glebe Church LF00214
- Corrinagh Crannog LF01746
- Cam Ringfort - rath LF02074
- Drumnacross Ringfort - rath LF00564
- Killinlastra Castle - unclassified LF01030
- Ballynagoshen Ringfort - rath LF00636
- Muckerstaff Barrow - ring-barrow LF00330
- Edgeworthstown House - 17th century LF00733
- Aghakine Ringfort - rath LF00083
- Cranalagh More Ringfort - rath LF00722
- Tully (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00680
- Knockanbaun Or Whitehill Redundant record LF02400
- Gorteenrevagh Graveyard LF02379
- Corrinagh Ringfort - rath LF00021
- Ballinalee Or Saintjohnstown Redundant record LF00211
- Cranalagh More Ringfort - rath LF00719
- Drumbaun House - indeterminate date LF01822
- Lisnanagh Ringfort - rath LF00634
- Aghaboy (Longford By.) House - indeterminate date LF01760
- Cloonahard Ringfort - rath LF00625
- Aghagreagh,Gelshagh Ringfort - rath LF00226
- Newtownbond Castle - unclassified LF02872
- Tully (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00679
- Firmount Church LF00745
- Leitrim (Granard By., Ballinalee Ed) Ringfort - rath LF00198
- Lisnageeragh Ringfort - rath LF00708
- Aghagreagh Ringfort - rath LF00249
- Cavan Ringfort - rath LF00206
- Rinvanny Ringfort - rath LF00709
- Lislea (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00193
- Ballinalee Or Saintjohnstown Excavation - miscellaneous LF02444
- Cloonahard Ringfort - rath LF00654
- Dooroc,Corneddan Megalithic tomb - passage tomb LF00059
- Corboy Ringfort - rath LF00626
- Edgeworthstown,Tinnynarr Redundant record LF00731
- Listraghee Ringfort - rath LF00285
- Kilsallagh Ringfort - rath LF01161
- Camlisk More,Lackan Ringfort - rath LF00660
- Shanmullagh Burial LF00019
- Cartronamarkey Ringfort - rath LF00230
- Aghakilmore,Gelshagh Ringfort - rath LF00227
- Moatfarrell Church LF00607
- Aghagreagh Ringfort - rath LF00251
- Carrickadorrish Ringfort - rath LF00092
- Rathmore (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00070
- Clontumpher Ringfort - rath LF00195
- Cartron Big Ringfort - rath LF00587
- Lackan Ringfort - rath LF00658
- Newtownbond Redundant record LF00593
- Cartron Big Ringfort - rath LF00581
- Ballyreaghan Ringfort - rath LF00343
- Lissavaddy Ringfort - rath LF00582
- Graffoge (Moydow By.) Ringfort - rath LF01028
- Moatfarrell Enclosure LF00566
- Moatfarrell Barrow - ring-barrow LF00598
- Ballinree And Ballymoat Ringfort - rath LF01043
- Lisduff (Ardagh By., Ardagh East Ed) Ringfort - rath LF00663
- Aghintemple Ecclesiastical enclosure LF00642
- Currygrane Crannog LF00224
- Cam,Lisnagrish Redundant record LF01157
- Aghakeeran Ringfort - rath LF00121
- Cloonahard Ringfort - rath LF00653
- Creelaghta Ringfort - rath LF00045
- Cartronreagh Ringfort - rath LF00705
- Willsbrook Ringfort - rath LF00291
- Aghakilmore Ringfort - rath LF00228
- Ballinlough Ringfort - rath LF00252
- Tinnynarr Burnt spread LF02573
- Moatfarrell Enclosure LF02958
- Cleenrah Ringfort - rath LF00065
- Aghaward Ringfort - rath LF00192
- Edgeworthstown Church LF00732
- Aghamore (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00318
- Barneygole Ringfort - rath LF01075
- Aghadowry Ringfort - rath LF00055
- Lissard Designed landscape - tree-ring LF00701
- Lissanisky (Ardagh By.) Enclosure LF01140
- Bracklon Ringfort - rath LF00725
- Cartrongolan Ringfort - rath LF00190
- Kilsallagh Ringfort - rath LF01159
- Roos Ringfort - rath LF00323
- Cartrongolan,Greagh Ringfort - rath LF00057
- Lissavaddy Ringfort - rath LF00583
- Graffoge (Moydow By.) Ringfort - rath LF01027
- Ballinalee Or Saintjohnstown Field boundary LF02542
- Ballyreaghan Ringfort - rath LF00282
- Barneygole Ringfort - rath LF01045
- Moatfarrell Field system LF02999
- Moatfarrell Moated site LF00600
- Lisnagrish Enclosure LF03014
- Newtownbond Castle - motte LF00592
- Cloonahard Ringfort - rath LF00646
- Graffoge (Moydow By.) Ringfort - rath LF01026
- Cloonfin Ringfort - rath LF00290
- Ballinalee Or Saintjohnstown Cultivation ridges LF02541
- Corboy Ringfort - rath LF00628
- Firmount Designed landscape - tree-ring LF00697
- Kilnasavoge Ringfort - rath LF00577
- Feraghfad Ritual site - holy well LF00668
- Lackan Barrow - ring-barrow LF00659
- Inchmore Island Graveyard LF00097
- Kilderreen Ringfort - rath LF00670
- Barneygole Ringfort - rath LF01044
- Moatfarrell Barrow - ring-barrow LF00597
- Lisfarrell House - indeterminate date LF01874
- Lissardowlan Castle - motte and bailey LF00621
- Lissameen Ringfort - rath LF00562
- Tully (Granard By.) Enclosure LF03069
- Edgeworthstown House - 18th/19th century LF00746
- Ballynascraw,Prucklishtown Ringfort - rath LF00321
- Cavan Ringfort - rath LF00207
- Clontumpher Structure LF02943
- Tinnynarr Burnt mound LF02471
- Ballindagny And Cullyvore Ringfort - rath LF00727
- Kilshruley,Knockmoody Ringfort - rath LF00250
- Inchmore Island Ritual site - holy/saint's stone LF00100
- Killyfad,Creeve Moated site LF00557
- Abbey Land Religious house - Franciscan Third Order Regular LF00729
- Lisnanagh Ringfort - rath LF00638
- Keelogenasause Ringfort - rath LF00717
- Lisfarrell Ringfort - rath LF00631
- Culray Ringfort - rath LF00123
- Edgeworthstown,Tinnynarr Historic town LF00730
- Corboy Church LF02398
- Newtownbond Graveyard LF02038
- Lisnanagh Ringfort - rath LF00635
- Lough Gowna Crannog LF00074
- Corboy Ringfort - rath LF00632
- Rathmore (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00071
- Aghaboy (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00331
- Moatfarrell Ringfort - rath LF00604
- Shanmullagh Ringfort - rath LF00020
- Ballindagny And Cullyvore Enclosure LF01152
- Garvagh (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00217
- Shanmullagh,Kiltycreevagh,Creelaghta Battlefield LF00017
- Currycahill Bawn LF02889
- Cranalagh Beg Barrow - ring-barrow LF00710
- Kilshruley Memorial stone (present location) LF02974
- Moatfarrell Enclosure LF00596
- Breaghy,Drummeel Ringfort - rath LF00325
- Molly Ringfort - rath LF00120
- Ballyreaghan Ringfort - rath LF00283
- Aghnacliff Ringfort - rath LF00080
- Lissardowlan Bawn LF02920
- Treel (Ardagh By., Corboy Ed) Enclosure LF00657
- Lisnagrish Castle - motte and bailey LF01155
- Kilmahon Structure LF00052
- Clontumpher Bullaun stone (present location) LF02860
- Lettergullion Ringfort - rath LF00050
- Nappagh Barrow - embanked barrow LF01143
- Corboy Ringfort - rath LF00590
- Shanmullagh Burial LF02436
- Garryandrew Barrow - mound barrow LF01151
- Castlebrock Ringfort - rath LF00672
- Listraghee Ringfort - rath LF00286
- Inchmore Island Religious house - Augustinian canons LF00098
- Tinnynarr Barrow - bowl-barrow LF01150
- Ballinree And Ballymoat Ringfort - rath LF01153
- Rathmore (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00073
- Tinnynarr Excavation - miscellaneous LF02473
- Lissard Designed landscape - tree-ring LF00706
- Melkagh Megalithic tomb - portal tomb LF00049
- Drumnahara Enclosure LF00248
- Edenmore Ringfort - rath LF00048
- Aghanageeragh,Lissaghanedan Ringfort - rath LF00662
- Culloge Ringfort - rath LF00737
- Oghil House - 17th century LF01756
- Rhine Ringfort - rath LF00213
- Drumroe Ringfort - rath LF01036
- Coolagherty Ringfort - rath LF00329
- Treel (Ardagh By., Corboy Ed) Ringfort - rath LF00652
- Lisnageeragh Ringfort - rath LF00718
- Aghnacliff Ringfort - rath LF00139
- Keeloges Ringfort - rath LF01041
- Allenagh,Carrickglass Demesne (Longford By.) Ringfort - rath LF00556
- Esker South Ringfort - rath LF00197
- Cartroncar Redundant record LF00678
- Clonbroney Religious house - unclassified LF01857
- Cooleeshil Or Richfort Ringfort - rath LF01034
- Lisduff (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00671
- Camlisk More Ringfort - rath LF00639
- Cartronawar (Ardagh By.) Ringfort - rath LF00644
- Lisraghtigan Ringfort - rath LF00673
- Cartron Little Ringfort - rath LF00586
- Corneddan,Dooroc Cairn - unclassified LF00060
- Feraghfad Ringfort - rath LF00615
- Ballygarve Barrow - ring-barrow LF00664
- Newtownbond Graveslab LF02488
- Carrickglass Demesne (Longford By.) Designed landscape - tree-ring LF02433
- Gaigue Ringfort - cashel LF00051
- Bracklon Castle - ringwork LF00712
- Corboy Ringfort - rath LF00630
- Coolcor Castle - unclassified LF00253
- Tinnynarr Ringfort - rath LF01147
- Breaghy Moated site LF00324
- Knockanbaun Or Whitehill Enclosure LF00695
- Killinawas Ringfort - rath LF00675
- Bracklon Ringfort - rath LF00637
- Cartronawar (Ardagh By.) Ringfort - rath LF00645
- Clonbroney Enclosure LF00284
- Lisfarrell Ringfort - rath LF00647
- Annagh (Longford By.) Road - unclassified togher LF00026
- Currygrane Redundant record LF00222
- Cranalagh More Enclosure LF00721
- Drumbaun Ringfort - rath LF01037
- Barneygole Ringfort - rath LF01042
- Longfield,Monadarragh Ringfort - rath LF00738
- Ballinree And Ballymoat Redundant record LF02443
- Drummeel Ringfort - rath LF00219
- Keeloges Enclosure LF03035
- Drumnahara House - indeterminate date LF01796
- Cartronreagh Barrow - embanked barrow LF00703
- Tully (Granard By.) Bawn LF02982
- Shantum Barrow - mound barrow LF01148
- Ballymore,Coolcor Ringfort - rath LF02438
- Tinnynarr Excavation - miscellaneous LF02572
- Lissard Designed landscape - tree-ring LF00699
- Corneddan Enclosure LF00191
- Cloonahard Souterrain LF02387
- Knockanbaun Or Whitehill Ringfort - rath LF00696
- Ballynagoshen Ringfort - rath LF00633
- Kilmahon Ringfort - rath LF00053
- Clonbroney Cross LF01860
- Knockanbaun Or Whitehill Ringfort - rath LF00693
- Moatfarrell Castle - unclassified LF02935
- Lissavaddy Ringfort - rath LF00584
- Oldtown Enclosure LF01146
- Lisnagrish Enclosure LF01927
- Cleenrah Ringfort - rath LF00067
- Ballinrooey Ringfort - rath LF00122
- Currycahill House - fortified house LF00208
- Lisfarrell Ringfort - rath LF00649
- Sonnagh Ringfort - rath LF00095
- Lissard Castle - motte and bailey LF00698
- Camlisk More Ringfort - rath LF00661
- Soran Ringfort - rath LF00196
- Lissameen Ringfort - rath LF00220
- Kilmahon Graveyard LF01735
- Rathmore (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00072
- Castlebaun Ringfort - rath LF00061
- Whiterock Ringfort - rath LF00585
- Smear Ringfort - rath LF00036
- Shanmullagh Souterrain LF01719
- Creeve Moated site LF00560
- Moatfarrell Designed landscape - tree-ring LF00603
- Garvagh (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00218
- Garryandrew Enclosure LF01156
- Cartrongolan Ritual site - holy well LF00058
- Lissardowlan Field boundary LF02454
- Knockanbaun Or Whitehill Enclosure LF03060
- Clonbroney Graveyard LF01858
- Drumbad Ringfort - rath LF00046
- Carrickglass Demesne (Longford By.) Ringfort - rath LF00559
- Cooleeny Ringfort - rath LF00609
- Moatfarrell Ringfort - rath LF00605
- Aghaboy (Longford By.) Ringfort - rath LF00203
- Moatfarrell Graveyard LF02039
- Oldtown Ringfort - rath LF00655
- Whiterock Ringfort - rath LF00570
- Clonbroney Redundant record LF01861
- Currygrane Ringfort - rath LF00221
- Aghintemple Church LF01875
- Edgeworthstown Designed landscape feature LF00744
- Tully (Granard By.) Castle - unclassified LF00685
- Cartrongolan Anomalous stone group LF01762
- Lisnagrish Redundant record LF02385
- Knockanbaun Or Whitehill Ringfort - rath LF00694
- Drumnacross Ringfort - rath LF00563
- Cranally Ringfort - rath LF00231
- Barne Ringfort - rath LF01158
- Ballinalee Or Saintjohnstown,Soran Bridge LF02558
- Ballymore Barrow - ring-barrow LF00263
- Aghaboy (Longford By.) Enclosure LF00205
- Moatfarrell Ringfort - rath LF00669
- Cam Ringfort - rath LF00740
- Kiltycreevagh Ringfort - rath LF00015
- Corboy Ringfort - rath LF00591
- Drummeel Ringfort - rath LF00322
- Killinawas Ringfort - rath LF00676
- Inchmore Island Fortification LF00101
- Aghamore (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00319
- Cartronamarkey Ringfort - rath LF00232
- Ballynascraw Ringfort - rath LF00320
- Inchmore Island Church LF00099
- Monadarragh Ringfort - rath LF00739
- Cranalagh More Mound LF02960
- Whiterock Ringfort - rath LF00571
- Aghakine Ringfort - rath LF00082
- Creelaghta Barrow - ring-barrow LF00044
- Camlisk Beg Ringfort - rath LF00726
- Shanmullagh Burial LF02437
- Edgeworthstown Metalworking site LF02785
- Rabbitpark Ringfort - rath LF01029
- Ballymacwilliam Ringfort - rath LF00572
- Cloonahard Enclosure LF03034
- Killeen (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00288
- Lissameen Enclosure LF00565
- Corboy Moated site LF00627
- Laughil (Ardagh By.) Ringfort - rath LF01032
- Annagh (Longford By.) Ringfort - rath LF00022
- Killeen (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00289
- Graffoge (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00328
- Lissard Designed landscape feature LF00700
- Corboy Barrow - unclassified LF01876
- Lissaghanedan Barrow - ring-barrow LF00651
- Moatfarrell Inauguration site LF02526
- Knockanbaun Or Whitehill Designed landscape - tree-ring LF02399
- Cartronreagh Barrow - stepped barrow LF00704
- Shanmullagh Burial LF00018
- Oldtown Ringfort - rath LF00656
- Drummeel Ringfort - rath LF00225
- Clonbroney Redundant record LF01859
- Cooleeshil Or Richfort Ringfort - rath LF01142
- Cloonback Ringfort - rath LF00023
- Killoe Glebe Graveyard LF00215
- Sonnagh Ringfort - rath LF00094
- Bracklon Ringfort - rath LF00713
- Newtownbond Church LF00601
- Aghintemple Redundant record LF00643
- Ballymacwilliam Ringfort - rath LF00574
- Liscahill Ringfort - rath LF01154
- Ballymacwilliam Ringfort - rath LF00555
- Creelaghta Redundant record LF00043
- Gorteenrevagh Church LF02378
- Ballyhoolivan Ringfort - rath LF00602
- Moatfarrell Castle - motte and bailey LF00599
- Bundoon Souterrain LF01758
- Cooleeny Barrow - mound barrow LF00618
- Culloge,Rinnenny Ringfort - rath LF00735
- Graffoge (Moydow By.) Ringfort - rath LF01025
- Bracklon Excavation - miscellaneous LF02470
- Lisraghtigan Ringfort - rath LF00674
- Bracklon Ringfort - unclassified LF03013