Aughnacliffe is a Village in the county of County Longford.
There are great places to visit near Aughnacliffe.
Aughnacliffe History
There are some historic monuments around Aughnacliffe:
- Kiltycon Ringfort - rath LF02392
- Rathbrackan Enclosure LF00238
- Lough Gowna Redundant record LF00077
- Rhine Ringfort - rath LF00216
- Fihoragh Ringfort - rath LF02077
- Cloone Crannog CV01347
- Coolcor Ringfort - rath LF00256
- Aghaboy (Longford By.) House - indeterminate date LF01760
- Gulladoo Ringfort - rath LE02064
- Corfree Ringfort - rath CV01355
- Rosduff Ringfort - rath LF00029
- Edenmore Ringfort - rath LF00048
- Derrycassan Ringfort - rath LF00084
- Ballygilchrist Ringfort - rath LF00271
- Ballyreaghan Ringfort - rath LF00343
- Cloone Graveyard CV01350
- Ballynascraw,Prucklishtown Ringfort - rath LF00321
- Castlepoles Ringfort - rath CV01346
- Ballymore Barrow - ring-barrow LF00294
- Granardkill Settlement deserted - medieval LF00303
- Ballyduffy Ritual site - holy well LF02391
- Rathbrackan Ringfort - rath LF00236
- Cleenrah Ringfort - rath LF00065
- Corranea Glebe Mass-rock CV01033
- Farmullagh Enclosure LF02092
- Derrycassan Ringfort - rath LF00108
- Aghadowry Ringfort - rath LF00055
- Coolagherty Ringfort - rath LF00329
- Enaghan Burnt spread LF00038
- Castlebaun Ringfort - rath LF00061
- Ballinulty Upper Ringfort - rath LF00240
- Aghnacliff Ringfort - rath LF00139
- Aghagreagh Ringfort - rath LF00251
- Sonnagh Ringfort - rath LF00094
- Aghaknock Standing stone CV02475
- Ballymore Souterrain LF01799
- Ballinulty Lower Castle - motte LF00124
- Ballinulty Lower Ringfort - rath LF00127
- Gulladoo Ringfort - rath LE02063
- Inchmore Island Ritual site - holy/saint's stone LF00100
- Corradownan Ringfort - rath CV01030
- Rathcor Ringfort - rath LF00268
- Inchmore Island Church LF00099
- Cartron (Granard By.) Ritual site - holy well LF00313
- Cloonagh (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00109
- Aghaknock Standing stone CV01013
- Gortermone (Carrigallen By.) Crannog LE02065
- Gallid Ringfort - rath LF00245
- Aghaknock Ringfort - rath CV01014
- Corrinagh Crannog LF01746
- Tober Ringfort - rath LF00237
- Soran Ringfort - rath LF00196
- Ballymacroly Ringfort - rath LF00300
- Cartronamarkey Ringfort - rath LF00232
- Ballinalee Or Saintjohnstown Excavation - miscellaneous LF02846
- Corglass Crannog LF00025
- Rathbrackan Ringfort - rath LF00239
- Cloone Church CV01349
- Graffoge (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00328
- Lough Gowna Crannog LF02060
- Cartronamarkey Ringfort - rath LF00233
- Mullinroe Ringfort - rath LF00115
- Derrycassan Ringfort - rath LF00106
- Gartylough Enclosure - large enclosure CV01064
- Roos Ringfort - rath LF00323
- Inchmore Island Fortification LF00101
- Aghagreagh,Gelshagh Ringfort - rath LF00226
- Gallid Ringfort - rath LF00262
- Larkfield Ringfort - rath LF00086
- Tully South Bullaun stone LE02366
- Corfree Ringfort - rath CV01354
- Cleenrah Enclosure LF00066
- Corranea Glebe Ringfort - rath CV01035
- Rathcor Ringfort - rath LF00264
- Castlepoles Castle - unclassified CV01344
- Smear Ringfort - rath LF00036
- Annagh (Longford By.) Road - unclassified togher LF00026
- Cornacullew Mound LF00010
- Leitrim (Granard By., Ballinalee Ed) Ringfort - rath LF00198
- Gartylough Ringfort - rath CV01063
- Rathmore (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00070
- Rathcor Ringfort - rath LF00260
- France Ringfort - rath LF00212
- Derrycassan Redundant record LF00102
- Ballybrien Ringfort - rath LF00296
- Garvagh (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00218
- Clonbroney Enclosure LF00284
- Cornacullew Cross LF01744
- Dring Ringfort - rath LF00128
- Rathcor Ringfort - rath LF00259
- Rathcor Enclosure LF00258
- Cornacullew Ritual site - holy tree/bush LF01741
- Kilshruley Memorial stone (present location) LF02974
- Corfree Ringfort - rath CV01353
- Ballymore Ringfort - rath LF00293
- Breaghy Moated site LF00324
- Drummeel Ringfort - rath LF00225
- Drumshinny Ringfort - rath CV01360
- Rathmore (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00072
- Aghnashannagh,Ballinalee Or Saintjohnstown,Currycahill,Gorteenrevagh Historic town LF00209
- Coolcor Bawn LF02001
- Ballyreaghan Ringfort - rath LF00282
- Ballinalee Or Saintjohnstown Burial ground LF00210
- Granardkill Ringfort - rath LF00310
- Corglass Redundant record LF02395
- Clogh (Granard By.) Standing stone LF00244
- Mulrick Kiln CV02293
- Mullinroe Ringfort - rath LF00135
- Clonbroney Redundant record LF01859
- Aghnacliff Ringfort - rath LF00080
- Larkfield Ringfort - rath LF00104
- Castlepoles Bawn CV01345
- Lisraherty Ringfort - rath LF00032
- Ballymore Ringfort - rath LF00267
- Clonbroney Cross LF01860
- Bruse (Tullyhunco By.) Cairn - unclassified CV01020
- Corlisbrattan Ringfort - rath CV01026
- Derrycassan Ringfort - rath LF00138
- Corfree Crannog CV01376
- Cavan Ringfort - rath LF00207
- Ticosker Ringfort - rath CV01070
- Castlepoles Ringfort - unclassified CV01343
- Gorteenrevagh Graveyard LF02379
- Carrickduff Ringfort - rath LF00132
- Enaghan Redundant record LF00037
- Bruse (Tullyhunco By.) Cairn - unclassified CV01021
- Ballybrien Ringfort - rath LF00295
- Cloonagh (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00110
- Ballinulty Lower Ringfort - rath LF00129
- Loch Gowna Ringfort - rath CV01370
- Enaghan Redundant record LF00039
- Ballybrien Ringfort - rath LF00297
- Gulladoo Redundant record LE02062
- Tully South Field system LE02052
- Gorteenrevagh Church LF02378
- Aghakine Ringfort - rath LF00083
- Cloonagh (Granard By.) Enclosure LF00112
- Ballinalee Or Saintjohnstown Excavation - miscellaneous LF02444
- Rathbrackan Enclosure LF00235
- Ballinlough Ringfort - rath LF00252
- Lislea (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00193
- Ballinalee Or Saintjohnstown Field boundary LF02542
- Molly Ringfort - rath LF00120
- Drumnahara House - indeterminate date LF01796
- Granardkill Graveyard LF02449
- Cloonagh (Granard By.) Enclosure LF00111
- Killeen (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00288
- Listraghee Ringfort - rath LF00285
- Corranea Glebe Graveyard CV01034
- Aghaboy (Longford By.) Enclosure LF00205
- Corglass Crannog LF00024
- Ballymore Ringfort - rath LF00269
- Rathbrackan Ringfort - rath LF01790
- Dring Ringfort - rath LF00125
- Carrickduff Ringfort - rath LF00131
- Drummeel Ringfort - rath LF00219
- Cavan Ringfort - rath LF00206
- Aghakilmore,Gelshagh Ringfort - rath LF00227
- Ballymacroly Ringfort - rath LF00299
- Cloone Castle - unclassified CV01671
- Farrangarve Ringfort - rath CV01362
- Aghamore Lower Ringfort - rath LF00014
- Ballynascraw Ringfort - rath LF00320
- Rhine Ringfort - rath LF00213
- Drumalt,Ticosker Redundant record CV02276
- Sallaghan (Scrabby Ed) Ringfort - rath CV01375
- Garvagh (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00217
- Corfree Redundant record CV02274
- Aghakilmore Ringfort - rath LF00228
- Moyne House - indeterminate date LF01730
- Corrinagh Ringfort - rath LF00021
- Edenmore Ringfort - rath LF00047
- Ballymore,Coolcor Ringfort - rath LF02438
- Larkfield Ringfort - rath LF00085
- Enaghan Ringfort - rath LF00031
- Carrickadorrish Ringfort - rath LF00092
- Cartron (Granard By.),Ferskill Ringfort - rath LF00333
- Cartronamarkey Ringfort - rath LF00230
- Ticosker Enclosure CV02242
- Cartronamarkey Ringfort - rath LF00229
- Lough Gowna Crannog LF00076
- Ballymore Ringfort - rath LF00266
- Crott Ringfort - rath LF00033
- Cloonagh (Granard By.) Redundant record LF00140
- Lough Gowna Crannog LF02061
- Birrinagh Megalithic tomb - portal tomb LF01749
- Enaghan Ringfort - rath LF00030
- Ballinulty Lower House - indeterminate date LF01738
- Cleenrah Megalithic tomb - portal tomb LF00068
- Listraghee Ringfort - rath LF00286
- Dring,Cartronbore,Clogh (Granard By.),Dalystown,Tonymore North,Springtown,Toberfelim,Abbeylara,Aghnagarron,Ballinrud East,Ballinrud Glebe,Ballinrud West,Ballinulty Lower,Carragh,Tonymore South,Carrickduff,Tromra Linear earthwork LF00133
- Fihoragh Ringfort - rath LF01726
- Prucklishtown Ringfort - rath LF00327
- Mullinroe Ringfort - rath LF00134
- Bunlahy Ringfort - rath LF00234
- Clogh (Granard By.) Graveyard LF00242
- Farrangarve Ringfort - rath CV01361
- Aghakine Ringfort - rath LF00082
- Corraneary (Tullyhunco By.) Ringfort - rath CV01036
- Rathmore (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00073
- Clogh (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00241
- Granardkill Church LF00305
- Cornacullew Burial ground LF00011
- Sonnagh Ringfort - rath LF00095
- Bruse (Tullyhunco By.) Ringfort - rath CV01342
- Bruse (Tullyhunco By.) Well CV02229
- Cornagran (Tullyhunco By.) Crannog CV01674
- Granardkill Enclosure - large enclosure LF03023
- Coolcor Castle - unclassified LF00253
- Muckerstaff Barrow - ring-barrow LF00330
- Cranally Ringfort - rath LF00231
- Cornacullew Ringfort - rath LF00012
- Bruse (Tullyhunco By.) Cairn - unclassified CV01022
- Balnagall Ringfort - rath LF00276
- Ballygilchrist Ringfort - rath LF00275
- Aghakeeran Ringfort - rath LF00121
- Aghanoran Redundant record LF00087
- Moyne Ringfort - rath LF00027
- Birrinagh Ringfort - rath LF00028
- Drumyouth Ringfort - rath CV01058
- Balnagall Ringfort - rath LF00272
- Gorteen Or Gorteenaterriff Ringfort - rath CV01365
- Roos Ringfort - rath LF00326
- Cloonagh (Granard By.) Church LF00141
- Clonbroney Graveyard LF01858
- Cloone Enclosure CV01348
- Forthill Ringfort - rath CV01363
- Clonbroney Religious house - unclassified LF01857
- Aghanoran Enclosure LF03032
- Clonbroney Redundant record LF01861
- Rathmore (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00071
- Ballinrooey Ringfort - rath LF00122
- Carrickmaguirk Ringfort - rath LF00013
- Granardkill Castle - motte LF00307
- Enaghan Ringfort - rath LF00035
- Cloonback Ringfort - rath LF00023
- Ballinalee Or Saintjohnstown Redundant record LF00211
- Corduff Or Cormore Megalithic structure CV01351
- Aghagreagh Ringfort - rath LF00249
- Ardra Crannog CV01017
- Cornacullew Ritual site - holy well LF00009
- Ballymore,Rathcor Ringfort - rath LF00257
- Aghamore (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00318
- Killeen (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00289
- Ballyreaghan Ringfort - rath LF00283
- Granardkill Ringfort - rath LF00278
- Ballyreaghan Ringfort - rath LF00338
- Corfree Crannog CV01377
- Coolcor Ringfort - rath LF00254
- Larkfield Ringfort - rath LF00075
- Dring Ringfort - rath LF00126
- Currycahill Bawn LF02889
- Corratober (Tullyhunco By.) Ringfort - rath CV01356
- Cornaferst Ringfort - rath LE02061
- Cornagran (Tullyhunco By.) Crannog CV01672
- Shanmullagh Ringfort - rath LF00020
- Aghamore (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00319
- Corranea Glebe Church CV01032
- Clogh (Granard By.) Church LF01791
- Corfree Crannog CV01352
- Rathmore (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00069
- Bruse (Tullyhunco By.) Ringfort - rath CV01341
- Inchmore Island Redundant record LF01999
- Enaghan Standing stone LF00040
- Cornagran (Tullyhunco By.) Ringfort - rath CV01673
- Esker South Ringfort - rath LF00197
- Granardkill Ringfort - rath LF00302
- Cartron (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00334
- Leitrim (Granard By., Granard Rural Ed) Ringfort - rath LF00332
- Aghaward Ringfort - rath LF00192
- Granardkill Souterrain LF02458
- Granardkill House - indeterminate date LF02003
- Dalystown Enclosure LF02360
- Inchmore Island Graveyard LF00097
- Gorteen Or Gorteenaterriff Ringfort - rath CV01364
- Drumroe Ringfort - rath CV01057
- Clogh (Granard By.) Standing stone LF02354
- Gallid House - indeterminate date LF01794
- Aghacordrinan Ringfort - rath LF00093
- Killeen (Granard By.) Ringfort - rath LF00292
- Ballybrien Barrow - pond barrow LF00298
- Rathbrackan Ritual site - holy well LF00344
- Granardkill Ringfort - rath LF00277
- Larkfield Ringfort - rath LF00105
- Currygrane Redundant record LF00222
- Rosduff Bawn LF01748
- Ballinalee Or Saintjohnstown Cultivation ridges LF02541
- Currycahill House - fortified house LF00208
- Annagh (Longford By.) Ringfort - rath LF00022
- Kilmore Ringfort - rath LF00078
- Derrycassan Ringfort - rath LF00107
- Dalystown Standing stone LF00340
- Willsbrook Ringfort - rath LF00291
- Kilshruley,Knockmoody Ringfort - rath LF00250
- Aghnacliff Megalithic tomb - portal tomb LF00081
- Carrickduff Ringfort - rath LF00130
- Culray Ringfort - rath LF00123
- Drumnahara Enclosure LF00248
- Lough Gowna Crannog LF00074
- Inchmore Island Religious house - Augustinian canons LF00098
- Ballymore Barrow - ring-barrow LF00263
- Gallid Ringfort - rath LF00261
- Lettergonnell Stone row LF00054
- Ballinalee Or Saintjohnstown,Soran Bridge LF02558
- Ballygilchrist Ringfort - rath LF00270
- Ballybrien Ringfort - rath LF00301
- Cleenrah Ringfort - rath LF00067
- Rosduff Redundant record LF00034
- Leitrim (Granard By., Ballinalee Ed) Ringfort - rath LF00199
- Derrycassan Ringfort - rath LF00103
- Gaigue Ringfort - cashel LF00051
- Cloonfin Ringfort - rath LF00290