Carrigallen is a Village in the county of County Leitrim.
Carrigallen postcode: H12 CH52
There are great places to visit near Carrigallen.
Carrigallen History
There are some historic monuments around Carrigallen:
- Ballymagauran Stone head CV00270
- Aghaleague (Carrigallen By., Newtowngore Ed) Redundant record LE01399
- Agharann Ringfort - rath LE01696
- Kilnamarve Barrow - stepped barrow LE01732
- Carn (Tullyhunco By.) Enclosure CV02517
- Aghavas Redundant record LE02006
- Boeeshil (Carrigallen By.) Moated site LE01296
- Drumshinny Ringfort - rath CV01360
- Glebe (Carrigallen By.) Redundant record LE01270
- Cornacullew Ringfort - rath LF00012
- Aghabane Castle - unclassified CV00682
- Ardunsaghan Ringfort - unclassified LE01341
- Ballymagauran Ringfort - rath CV00268
- Cornacullew Mound LF00010
- Corratober (Tullyhunco By.) Ringfort - rath CV01356
- Derrycassan Bullaun stone CV00348
- Toberlyan Standing stone (present location) CV02474
- Aghawillin (Carrigallen By., Garadice Ed) Ringfort - rath LE01268
- Aghavore Megalithic structure LE01751
- Drumsillagh Redundant record LE01729
- Fihoragh Ringfort - rath LF02077
- Aghawillin (Carrigallen By., Gortermone Ed) Ringfort - rath LE01753
- Killyfea Ringfort - rath LE01695
- Mullaghmore (Carrigallen By.) Ringfort - rath LE01710
- Tully North Ringfort - rath LE01411
- Lisgruddy Ringfort - rath LE01267
- Cornacullew Ritual site - holy well LF00009
- Aghawillin (Carrigallen By., Garadice Ed) Earthwork LE01269
- Cully Stone sculpture LE01310
- Woodford Demesne Ringfort - rath LE01400
- Carrickavoher Kiln - corn-drying LE02002
- Carrickavoher Burnt mound LE02547
- Cully Cross LE01313
- Clooncorick Mound LE01745
- Drumerkeane Megalithic structure LE02049
- Beagh More Bullaun stone LE02397
- Cully Ringfort - rath LE01315
- Cully Redundant record LE01304
- Drumhart Megalithic tomb - court tomb CV01049
- Aghavas Megalithic tomb - portal tomb LE02005
- Lavareen Crannog LE01680
- Carrickateane Ringfort - rath LE01405
- Laheen (Carrigallen By.) Crannog LE01724
- Farrangarve Ringfort - rath CV01361
- Corraneary (Tullyhunco By.) Ringfort - rath CV01036
- Longfield Megalithic tomb - unclassified LE01720
- Aghavilla,Doochorran,Drumcanon,Druminshin Glebe Road - road/trackway LE01727
- Aghalough (Carrigallen By., Aghavas Ed) Crannog LE01709
- Aghavas Habitation site LE02586
- Woodford Demesne House - 18th/19th century LE01392
- Errew (Carrigallen By.) Burial ground LE02056
- Ballymagauran Castle - tower house CV00269
- Derrycassan Crannog CV00289
- Drumeela Ringfort - rath LE01716
- Lisraherty Ringfort - rath LF00032
- Drumcullion Redundant record LE01266
- Corraneary Megalithic structure LE02001
- Garadice (Carrigallen By.) Enclosure LE01301
- Carrickateane Redundant record LE01401
- Moyne Ringfort - rath LF00027
- Corglass Crannog LF00024
- Druminshingore Ringfort - rath LE01416
- Toberlyan Duffin Bullaun stone (present location) CV00339
- Carrickmakeegan Ringfort - rath LE01340
- Corglass Crannog LF00025
- Calloughs,Druminshin Glebe,Killahurk Road - road/trackway LE01739
- Keilagh Ringfort - rath CV00389
- Corlisbrattan Ringfort - rath CV01026
- Woodford Demesne Ringfort - rath LE01395
- Kildallan Graveyard CV00390
- Drumbreanlis Crannog LE02057
- Killaphort Ringfort - rath LE01302
- Drumhart Ringfort - rath CV01050
- Garadice (Carrigallen By.) House - 17th century LE01300
- Cully Graveyard LE01309
- Boeeshil (Carrigallen By.) Redundant record LE01295
- Corradarren Mill - corn CV02232
- Garadice Lough Crannog LE01387
- Woodford Demesne Crannog LE02197
- Lugganammer Redundant record LE02019
- Gartylough Enclosure - large enclosure CV01064
- Sruhagh Ringfort - rath CV00329
- Beagh More Ringfort - rath LE02054
- Gartylough Ringfort - rath CV01063
- Fihoragh Ringfort - rath LF01726
- Newtowngore Church LE01409
- Killahurk Ringfort - rath LE01738
- Enaghan Ringfort - rath LF00031
- Killydrum Ringfort - rath LE01412
- Killameen Ringfort - rath LE01682
- Sruhagh Crannog CV00328
- Aghavilla,Doochorran Road - road/trackway LE01714
- Carn (Tullyhunco By.) Megalithic tomb - passage tomb CV00355
- Clooncorick Redundant record LE01742
- Corfree Crannog CV01376
- Killyfea Burial ground LE01693
- Killahurk Redundant record LE01760
- Garadice Lough Crannog LE01389
- Drumyouth Crannog CV02236
- Rassaun Redundant record LE02035
- Enaghan Redundant record LF00037
- Mullyaster Ringfort - rath LE01414
- Rosduff Bawn LF01748
- Kilbrackan Ringfort - rath LE01736
- Aghavilla Redundant record LE01715
- Cherry Island Kiln LE01323
- Errew (Carrigallen By.) Crannog LE02058
- Toome Ringfort - rath LE01712
- Aghaleague (Carrigallen By., Newtowngore Ed) Architectural fragment LE01420
- Aghawillin (Carrigallen By., Gortermone Ed) Ritual site - holy well LE01752
- Kiltycreevagh Ringfort - rath LF00007
- Clontygrigny Crannog CV00361
- Cornaferst Ringfort - rath LE02061
- Aghamore Lower Ringfort - rath LF00014
- Drumyouth Crannog CV02235
- Newtowngore Redundant record LE01406
- Farmullagh Enclosure LF02092
- Corlisbrattan Redundant record CV02230
- Longfield House - 17th century LE01718
- Garadice Lough Redundant record LE01306
- Cloonboygher Ringfort - rath LE01417
- Corglass Redundant record LF02395
- Drumbreanlis,Gulladoo Crannog LE02059
- Woodford Demesne Redundant record LE01393
- Drumergoole Redundant record LE01735
- Ardunsaghan Church LE01379
- Drumergoole Ringfort - rath LE01733
- Toberlyan Duffin Ritual site - holy well CV00337
- Dromore (Carrigallen By., Lisgillock Ed) Ringfort - rath LE01681
- Drumanure (Carrigallen By.) Redundant record LE01721
- Toberlyan Standing stone CV00332
- Church Island Graveyard LE01318
- Carrickavoher Redundant record LE02003
- Glebe (Carrigallen By.) Redundant record LE01271
- Corraneary Ringfort - rath LE02004
- Gulladoo Ringfort - rath LE02063
- Derrycassan Ringfort - rath CV00290
- Tully South Field system LE02052
- Kiltycreevagh Crannog LF00006
- Drumlarney Ringfort - rath CV01055
- Corfree Redundant record CV02274
- Aghabane,Derrindrehid Crannog CV00683
- Enaghan Ringfort - rath LF00035
- Ardunsaghan Graveyard LE01380
- Longfield Ringfort - rath LE01719
- Coologe Ringfort - rath CV00280
- Drumsillagh Designed landscape - tree-ring LE01731
- Boeeshil (Carrigallen By.) Redundant record LE01297
- Toberlyan Duffin Bullaun stone CV00338
- Corran (Tullyhunco By.) Crannog CV01031
- Mullyaster Ringfort - rath LE01413
- Ballymagauran Bridge CV02478
- Garadice (Carrigallen By.) Ringfort - rath LE02191
- Corfree Ringfort - rath CV01353
- Laheen (Carrigallen By.) Crannog LE01725
- Woodford Demesne Bridge LE01394
- Corradownan Ringfort - rath CV01030
- Ballyduffy Ritual site - holy well LF02391
- Drumderglin Ringfort - rath LE02051
- Moyne House - indeterminate date LF01730
- Cornacullew Cross LF01744
- Enaghan Burnt spread LF00038
- Derryniggin Redundant record LE01397
- Carn (Tullyhunco By.) Ringfort - rath CV00356
- Sunnaghconner Ringfort - rath LE01702
- Cherry Island Castle - unclassified LE01321
- Cloghlough Ringfort - rath LE01749
- Aghavas Crannog LE02046
- Killygar Crannog LE01726
- Rosduff Ringfort - rath LF00029
- Derryniggin Ringfort - rath LE01396
- Gulladoo Redundant record LE02062
- Clooncorick House - 16th/17th century LE01743
- Sessiagh Ringfort - rath LE02060
- Farrangarve Ringfort - rath CV01362
- Clooncorick Redundant record LE01759
- Ticosker Ringfort - rath CV01070
- Beagh Beg Ringfort - rath LE02055
- Drumanure (Carrigallen By.) Redundant record LE01723
- Lavareen Crannog LE02517
- Toome Redundant record LE01713
- Gortachoosh Crannog LE01679
- Woodford Demesne Castle - ringwork LE01391
- Derrycassan Ringfort - rath CV00288
- Cully Enclosure LE01305
- Bredagh Church LE01747
- Corfree Crannog CV01352
- Aghaleague (Carrigallen By., Newtowngore Ed) Crannog LE01403
- Burren (Tullyhaw By., Lissanover Ed) Ringfort - rath CV00273
- Enaghan Standing stone LF00040
- Coologe Crannog CV00279
- Garadice Lough Redundant record LE01299
- Clooncorick Souterrain LE01744
- Toberlyan Barrow - unclassified CV00334
- Crott Ringfort - rath LF00033
- Forthill Ringfort - rath CV01363
- Tully South Bullaun stone LE02366
- Keelrin Ringfort - rath LE01344
- Drumalt,Ticosker Redundant record CV02276
- Derrycassan Ringfort - rath CV00287
- Church Island Church LE01317
- Toberlyan Standing stone CV00333
- Newtowngore Redundant record LE01404
- Garadice Lough Crannog LE01388
- Corracar Church LE02403
- Enaghan Ringfort - rath LF00030
- Aghaleague (Carrigallen By., Newtowngore Ed) Redundant record LE01402
- Dunaweel Ringfort - unclassified CV02192
- Carrickmakeegan Enclosure LE01298
- Corfree Crannog CV01377
- Toberlyan Duffin Penitential station CV00340
- Burren (Tullyhaw By., Lissanover Ed) Ringfort - rath CV00274
- Beagh More Ritual site - holy well LE02053
- Drumyouth Ringfort - rath CV01058
- Killaphort Ringfort - rath LE01303
- Clooncorick Crannog LE01741
- Cully Hospital LE01314
- Drumhalry Enclosure LE01717
- Newtowngore Graveyard LE01410
- Corradarren Ringfort - rath CV01029
- Rosduff Redundant record LF00034
- Bredagh Graveyard LE01748
- Birrinagh Megalithic tomb - portal tomb LF01749
- Sonnagh Redundant record LE01756
- Cully Graveslab LE01311
- Newtowngore Enclosure LE01407
- Drumeela Mass-rock (present location) LE02404
- Cully Architectural fragment LE01312
- Drumsillagh Designed landscape - tree-ring LE01730
- Garadice Lough Crannog LE01342
- Kiltycon Ringfort - rath LF02392
- Druminshingore Redundant record LE01415
- Cherry Island Bawn LE01322
- Clooncorick Standing stone - pair LE01740
- Miltron Glebe Stone row LE01737
- Errew (Carrigallen By.) Enclosure - large enclosure LE02633
- Gortermone (Carrigallen By.) Crannog LE02065
- Cornacullew Crannog LF01745
- Carrickmaguirk Ringfort - rath LF00013
- Cornacullew Ritual site - holy tree/bush LF01741
- Mullaghboy (Carrigallen By.) Ringfort - rath LE01343
- Corfree Ringfort - rath CV01354
- Crane Island Bawn LE01398
- Gulladoo Ringfort - rath LE02064
- Derrycassan Crannog CV00347
- Drumanure (Carrigallen By.) Redundant record LE01722
- Dunaweel Enclosure CV02191
- Cornacullew Burial ground LF00011
- Ticosker Enclosure CV02242
- Toberlyan Standing stone (present location) CV02473
- Kiltycreevagh Stone sculpture LF01724
- Cloonboygher Ringfort - rath LE01418
- Church Island Bullaun stone LE01319
- Drumergoole Crannog LE01734
- Corglass (Carrigallen By.) Ringfort - rath LE01728
- Errew (Carrigallen By.) Stone row LE01755
- Church Island Building LE01320
- Cappagh Crannog CV00688
- Drumbreanlis Ringfort - rath LE01754
- Lisgruddy Ringfort - rath LE01265
- Birrinagh Ringfort - rath LF00028
- Enaghan Redundant record LF00039
- Killyfea Ritual site - holy well LE01694
- Cully Church LE01308
- Mullaghmore (Carrigallen By.) Redundant record LE01711
- Drumlea Redundant record LE01678
- Aghawillin (Carrigallen By., Gortermone Ed) Stone trough LE02625