Porthall is a Town in the county of County Donegal.
There are great places to visit near Porthall including some great towns.
Donegal is one of Porthall's best, nearby towns to visit in Porthall.
Porthall History
There are some historic monuments around Porthall:
- Wedge tomb
- Lifford Fortification DG03149
- Edenmore (Clonleigh North Ed) Cross-slab DG01795
- Ballindrait,Millseesiagh Bridge DG03695
- Counterscarp rath
- Listicall Lower Ringfort - unclassified DG01439
- Listannagh Souterrain DG01529
- Saintjohnstown (St. Johnstown Ed) Graveyard DG02829
- Listicall Upper Ringfort - rath DG01445
- Croaghan (Clonleigh South Ed),Glensmoil Hillfort DG01781
- Aghawee Ringfort - unclassified DG01991
- Drumenan Enclosure DG01547
- Edenmore (Clonleigh North Ed) Graveyard DG02834
- Cloghfin (Castlefin Ed) Enclosure DG02012
- Saintjohnstown (St. Johnstown Ed) Souterrain DG01544
- Strabane Canal. REACH 2
- Portal tomb
- Tober (Killea Ed) Ritual site - holy well DG01413
- Drummucklagh Enclosure DG01531
- Ryelands Ritual site - holy well DG03630
- Listicall Lower Megalithic tomb - unclassified DG01441
- Garshooey Ringfort - unclassified DG01443
- Cloghfin (Killen Ed) Standing stone DG01458
- Drumenan Ringfort - unclassified DG01546
- Lifford House - 16th/17th century DG03147
- Clashygowan Enclosure DG01464
- Wedge Tomb
- Lifford Standing stone DG01800
- Lifford Graveyard DG02835
- Edenmore (Clonleigh North Ed) Ecclesiastical enclosure DG01792
- Edenmore (Clonleigh North Ed) Architectural fragment DG01794
- Creaghadoos Souterrain DG01530
- Cloghfin (Killen Ed) Standing stone DG01459
- Murlough (Clonleigh South Ed) Standing stone DG01746
- Glensmoil Enclosure DG01783
- Tonagh Standing stone DG01455
- Corncamble Enclosure DG01438
- Haw (Killea Ed) Ritual site - holy well DG01449
- Churchtown (Clonleigh South Ed) Church DG03633
- Clashygowan Standing stone DG01466
- Druminaw Ringfort - rath DG01790
- Murlough (Clonleigh South Ed) Standing stone DG01745
- Dooish Souterrain DG01432
- Castleblaugh Standing stone DG01404
- Altaghaderry Fulacht fia DG03641
- Dooish,Listicall Upper Standing stone DG01408
- Rossgeir Standing stone DG01730
- Clashygowan Standing stone DG01429
- Haw (Killea Ed) Church DG03027
- Lifford Town Wall monument - effigial DG03345
- Carrickmore Bullaun stone DG01551
- Droim Na H?Ütha (Tc Cluain Lao Theas) Megalithic tomb - unclassified DG01742
- Ardnamoghill Enclosure DG01446
- Lismoghry Ringfort - unclassified DG01511
- Townparks (Clonleigh South Ed) Redundant record DG03921
- Dunmore (Killea Ed) Ringfort - rath DG01454
- Townparks (Clonleigh South Ed) Standing stone DG01801
- Drumenan Souterrain DG01548
- Ballylennan Souterrain DG01524
- Shannon Lower Enclosure DG01741
- Kinnacally Souterrain DG01540
- Clashygowan Standing stone DG01430
- Listicall Lower Ringfort - unclassified DG01440
- Lifford Bullaun stone (present location) DG03676
- Drumboy (Clonleigh South Ed) Standing stone DG01798
- Ardnamoghill Standing stone DG01448
- Woodlands Ringfort - unclassified DG01526
- Gortree Standing stone DG01399
- Dooros Megalithic tomb - unclassified DG01780
- Dooish Souterrain DG01431
- Stone Circle
- Ardnamoghill Cist DG01447
- Townparks (Clonleigh South Ed) Standing stone DG01805
- Baile Na B?Ô Ringfort - cashel DG01527
- Gortree Megalithic tomb - unclassified DG01398
- Tober (Killea Ed) Standing stone DG01414
- Gortin North Standing stone DG01729
- Cloghfin (Castlefin Ed) Battlefield DG03731
- Drumboy (Clonleigh South Ed) Standing stone DG01797
- Drumboy (Clonleigh South Ed) Standing stone DG01796
- Ryelands Standing stone DG01412
- Clashygowan Inscribed stone DG01463
- Carrigans,Cloghfin (Killen Ed) Castle - unclassified DG01457
- Upper Maymore Burial ground DG01545
- Mongavlin House - fortified house DG01549
- Lifford Standing stone DG01799
- Saintjohnstown (St. Johnstown Ed) Enclosure DG01543
- Rossgeir Standing stone DG01743
- Lifford Town defences DG03148
- Saintjohnstown (St. Johnstown Ed) Church DG01542
- Edenmore (Clonleigh North Ed) Church DG01793
- Gortinreagh Standing stone DG01727
- Glensmoil,Croaghan (Clonleigh South Ed) Megalithic tomb - passage tomb DG01782
- Ecclesiastical site and cross carved stone
- Treantagh Standing stone DG03740
- Tober (Killea Ed) Standing stone DG03207
- Dunmore (Killea Ed) Standing stone DG01452
- Ardnaglass (Clonleigh South Ed) Ringfort - unclassified DG01990
- Gortin North Standing stone DG01728
- Treantagh Souterrain DG03739
- Lifford,Townparks (Clonleigh South Ed) Historic town DG01802
- Churchtown (Clonleigh South Ed) Stone head DG01995
- Edenmore (Clonleigh North Ed) Ecclesiastical site DG03150
- Croaghan (Clonleigh South Ed) Standing stone DG01779
- Clashygowan Souterrain DG01462
- Haw (Killea Ed) Graveyard DG03028
- Clashygowan Enclosure DG01460
- Lifford Church DG01803
- Rockfield Standing stone DG01541
- Dooish Megalithic tomb - unclassified DG01407
- Curraghalane Souterrain DG03930
- Saintjohnstown (St. Johnstown Ed) Historic town DG01467
- Carnshannagh Enclosure DG01528
- Strabane Canal. REACH 1
- Cloghfin (Castlefin Ed),Tonagh Standing stone DG01456
- Churchtown (Clonleigh South Ed) Graveyard DG01994
- Dooish Enclosure DG01402
- Murlough (Clonleigh South Ed) Standing stone DG01744
- Kildrum Lower Megalithic tomb - unclassified DG03222
- Fortified town: Dunnalong fort
- Strabane Canal. REACH 3
- Cloon Ringfort - unclassified DG01442
- Altaghaderry Ringfort - unclassified DG01444
- Castlethird Ringfort - cashel DG01453
- Creatland,Gillystown Ringfort - unclassified DG01550