Letterkenny is a Town in the county of County Donegal.
Letterkenny postcode: F92 NF
There are great places to visit near Letterkenny including some great towns.
Places near Letterkenny feature a number of interesting towns including Donegal.
Letterkenny History
There are some historic monuments around Letterkenny:
- Mullagheep Souterrain DG01186
- Knockybrin Cairn - unclassified DG01337
- Magheraboy (Magheraboy Ed) Cairn - unclassified DG01378
- Calhame Or Montgomery'S Fort Ringfort - unclassified DG01657
- Rathdonnell Ringfort - rath DG01299
- Trimragh Redundant record DG03241
- Edenacarnan South Standing stone DG01330
- Aughagault Big Clochan DG01663
- Carnamogagh Lower Standing stone DG03396
- Doon Ritual site - holy well DG01135
- Sallaghagrane Enclosure DG03076
- Glen Lower Graveyard DG02822
- Dooballagh Bullaun stone DG03109
- Conwal Graveyard DG02827
- Drumanaught Standing stone DG01480
- Carnamogagh Lower Bullaun stone DG01349
- Ballyarr Ringfort - cashel DG01191
- Kilmacrenan (Kilmacrenan Ed) Religious house - Franciscan Third Order Regular DG01177
- Claragh Standing stone DG01192
- Conwal Cross-slab DG03104
- Doon Inauguration stone DG01134
- Ballymaleel Standing stone DG01341
- Doon Glebe Standing stone DG01326
- Massreagh Bullaun stone DG01175
- Doon Promontory fort - inland DG01132
- Greenfield House - 16th/17th century DG01670
- Rathmelton Architectural feature DG01220
- Skerry Ringfort - rath DG00982
- Breen Ringfort - rath DG01504
- Edenacarnan South Enclosure DG03206
- Calhaem (Tc Conmhaigh) Standing stone DG01488
- Trimragh Church DG01358
- Conwal Cross-slab DG03090
- Ballymacool Ringfort - unclassified DG01351
- Prieststown Ringfort - unclassified DG01658
- Trimragh Graveyard DG02799
- Conwal Cross-slab DG03099
- Drumnahough Ritual site - holy well DG01371
- Conwal Cross-slab DG01363
- Rossbrackan Standing stone DG01421
- Glen Lower Standing stone DG01168
- Bunnagee Bullaun stone DG01374
- Trimragh Rock art DG03074
- Rareagh Ringfort - cashel DG01483
- Garrowcarry Ringfort - rath DG01334
- Drumabodan Standing stone DG01184
- Kilmacrenan (Kilmacrenan Ed) Graveyard DG01178
- Conwal Cross-slab DG03092
- Sockar Standing stone DG01304
- Doon Glebe Ringfort - cashel DG01325
- Curraghlea Ringfort - rath DG01335
- Rathmelton Meeting-house DG01221
- Killyclug Standing stone DG01342
- Conwal Ritual site - holy well DG01361
- Kilconnell 0R Glebe Church DG01172
- Letterkenny Graveslab DG03356
- Tawny Upper Enclosure DG01165
- Dromore (Templedouglas Ed) Ringfort - cashel DG01151
- Castletorrison Ritual site - holy well DG01503
- Tullygay Standing stone DG01328
- Doon Glebe Ringfort - rath DG01327
- Rathmelton Historic town DG01216
- Ballyraine Ringfort - unclassified DG01355
- Massreagh Bullaun stone DG01174
- Kilconnell 0R Glebe Architectural fragment DG01173
- Mullagheep Cist DG01187
- Sallaghagrane Standing stone DG01354
- Killydesert Ecclesiastical enclosure DG01202
- Oldtown Standing stone DG01368
- Garrowcarry Standing stone DG01329
- Kilconnell 0R Glebe Graveyard DG02823
- Trimragh Rock art DG01357
- Dooballagh Ringfort - rath DG01498
- Convoy Demesne Megalithic tomb - unclassified DG01664
- Letterkenny Graveyard DG01383
- Bellanascaddan Standing stone DG01332
- Tullydonnell Lower Standing stone DG01669
- Oldtown Church DG01370
- Rathmelton Castle - unclassified DG01217
- Bellanascaddan Cist DG01206
- Conwal Cross-slab DG03096
- Magheraboy (Magheraboy Ed) Standing stone DG01376
- Kiltoy Graveyard DG03072
- Edenacarnan South Cairn - unclassified DG01331
- Ballaghderg Enclosure DG01336
- Kilmacrenan (Kilmacrenan Ed) Church DG01179
- Bellanascaddan Ringfort - unclassified DG01208
- Rann Enclosure DG01492
- Skerry Ringfort - rath DG01164
- Clonkilly More Burial ground DG01125
- Legnahoory Bullaun stone DG01188
- Killydesert Burial ground DG01203
- Drumnahough Bullaun stone DG01372
- Conwal Cross-slab DG03094
- Rann Standing stone DG01487
- Glenmaquin Lower Standing stone DG01500
- Bellanascaddan Ringfort - unclassified DG01207
- Aghlehard Enclosure DG03108
- Conwal Architectural fragment DG03105
- Tully (Kincraigy Ed),Glenmaquin Lower,Roosky (Castleforward Ed) Battlefield DG03729
- Aghawoney Ringfort - rath DG01166
- Glencar Scotch Megalithic tomb - unclassified DG01348
- Glen Lower Ritual site - holy well DG01170
- Gortnavern (Gortnavern Ed) Souterrain DG01196
- Lisnanees Upper Megalithic tomb - unclassified DG01338
- Ballymacool Souterrain DG01366
- Castlebane (Castlewray Ed) Rock art DG03595
- Tullydonnell Upper Souterrain DG01656
- Letterkenny Bawn DG03349
- Kirkneedy Souterrain DG01484
- Trimragh Rock art DG01356
- Tully More (Ballyarr Ed) Church DG01167
- Bellanascaddan Standing stone DG01333
- Killydesert Souterrain DG01204
- Doon Inauguration site DG01133
- Killydesert Church DG01201
- Casheleenan Ringfort - cashel DG00981
- Lurgybrack Souterrain DG01489
- Letterkenny Historic town DG01381
- Magheraboy (Magheraboy Ed) Ritual site - holy well DG01375
- Conwal Graveslab DG03101
- Letterkenny Well DG03351
- Conwal Cross-slab DG03097
- Kilmacrenan (Kilmacrenan Ed) Stone head DG01180
- Drumnacross Ringfort - unclassified DG01660
- Ballymacool Ringfort - unclassified DG01353
- Scribly Enclosure DG01373
- Ballymacool Designed landscape - tree-ring DG03112
- Conwal Cross-slab DG03100
- Magheraboy (Magheraboy Ed) Standing stone DG01377
- Ardahee Castle - unclassified DG01485
- Conwal Cross-slab DG01364
- Ballyarr Barrow - unclassified DG01194
- Kincraigy Castle - unclassified DG01514
- Rathmelton Church DG01218
- Kiltoy Church DG01347
- Tullydonnell Lower Standing stone DG01668
- Drumnahough Graveyard DG02828
- Lettermore (Lettermore Ed) Standing stone DG01659
- Convoy Townparks Standing stone DG01666
- Letterkenny,Oldtown Bridge DG03352
- Ballymacool Ringfort - cashel DG01350
- Drumbrick Burial ground DG01122
- Rossbrackan Standing stone DG01420
- Drumkeen Burial ground DG01661
- Aghangaddy Glebe Rock art DG03210
- Ballymacool Souterrain DG01367
- Rann Standing stone DG01495
- Kilconnell 0R Glebe Architectural fragment DG03066
- Rathdonnell Well DG01300
- Rann Standing stone DG01491
- Kilmacrenan (Kilmacrenan Ed) Graveyard DG02824
- Greenfield House - 18th/19th century DG02911
- Ballymacool Designed landscape feature DG03113
- Leitir (Tc Cill Mhic R?®An?Íin) Megalithic tomb - court tomb DG01189
- Ballyboe Lisenan,Ballyraine,Farsetmore,Gortlee,Kiltoy,Magheranan,Glebe (Castlewray Ed) Battlefield DG03728
- Drumnaskea (Castlewray Ed) Standing stone DG03596
- Lisnenan Ritual site - holy well DG01345
- Rann Ringfort - rath DG01493
- Glen Lower Bullaun stone DG01171
- Castlebane (Castlewray Ed) Ringfort - cashel DG01343
- Conwal Mound DG01365
- Kiltoy Bullaun stone DG01346
- Woodland Souterrain DG01340
- Lissinisk Ringfort - rath DG01655
- Baile Na B?Ô Ringfort - cashel DG01494
- Cottian Burial ground DG01144
- Conwal Cross-slab DG03098
- Letterkenny Graveslab DG03348
- Ballyboe Glencar Souterrain DG03852
- Drumanaught Standing stone DG01481
- Milltown (Killymasny Ed) Mill - corn DG03410
- Lisnenan Souterrain DG02882
- Ballyboe Glencar Burnt mound DG03400
- Drumkeen Ritual site - holy well DG01662
- Glenmaquin Lower Standing stone DG01502
- R?Üith (Tc Baile ?Üir) Bullaun stone DG01185
- Doon Glebe Bullaun stone DG01475
- Conwal Graveslab DG03102
- Leitir (Tc Cill Mhic R?®An?Íin) Ringfort - rath DG01183
- Drumbrick Ringfort - rath DG01119
- Glenmaquin Lower Standing stone DG01501
- Dooballagh Souterrain DG01499
- Race End Standing stone DG01199
- Aghlehard House - medieval DG03107
- Kilmacrenan (Kilmacrenan Ed) Inauguration stone DG01181
- Letterkenny House - fortified house DG03350
- Conwal Cross-slab DG03095
- Rathmelton Architectural fragment DG01222
- Convoy Townparks Standing stone DG01665
- Corkey Standing stone DG01506
- Woodland Souterrain DG01339
- Conwal Cross-slab DG03103
- Conwal Cross-slab DG03091
- Ardaganny Souterrain DG01496
- Doon Glebe Rock art DG03246
- Aghlehard Ringfort - rath DG01490
- Drumbrick Megalithic tomb - unclassified DG01123
- Glen Lower Church DG01169
- Rockhill (Ballymacool Ed) Ringfort - rath DG01486
- Gortnavern (Gortnavern Ed) Standing stone DG01190
- Ardahee,Ballyconnelly (Ballymacool Ed),Bomany,Doon Glebe Battlefield DG03730
- Convoy Townparks Standing stone DG01667
- Corkey Souterrain DG01505
- Rathmelton Bawn DG02879
- Greenfield Architectural fragment DG02912
- Legland (Lettermore Ed) Ringfort - rath DG01654
- Letterkenny,Sallaghagrane Water mill - unclassified DG01384
- Kilmacrenan (Kilmacrenan Ed) Building DG03067
- Bellanascaddan Cist DG01205
- Convoy Townparks Enclosure DG03399
- Doon Glebe Bullaun stone DG01318
- Gortnavern (Gortnavern Ed) Ringfort - cashel DG01195
- Gortnalaragh Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb DG01118
- Trimragh Rock art DG03073
- Ballymacool Souterrain DG01352
- Coolboy Big Rock art DG01197
- Loughagannon Cairn - unclassified DG01210
- Kilmacrenan (Kilmacrenan Ed) Castle - unclassified DG01182
- Pluck Standing stone DG01422
- Conwal Cross-slab DG03093
- Rareagh Ringfort - rath DG01497
- Glasly Ringfort - rath DG01672
- Lisnenan Souterrain DG03632
- Letterkenny Church DG01382
- Rathmelton Graveyard DG02880
- Conwal Church DG01360
- Oldtown Cross-inscribed stone DG03355
- Conwal Cross DG01362
- Ballymacool Mass-rock DG02890