Shanagarry is a Village in the county of County Cork.
Shanagarry postcode: P25 HX82
There are great places to visit near Shanagarry including some great cities.
Places near Shanagarry feature a number of interesting cities including City of Cork.
Shanagarry History
There are some historic monuments around Shanagarry:
- Churchtown (Barrymore By.) Graveyard CO10933
- Dooneenmacotter Ringfort - rath CO12407
- Aghavine Enclosure CO11176
- Drominane Designed landscape - belvedere CO09743
- Ballyedekin Enclosure CO11132
- Ballybutler Ringfort - rath CO11090
- Mogeely Church CO09719
- Lisquinlan Ringfort - rath CO11095
- Deer Park (Imokilly By.) Enclosure CO09750
- Ballyvorisheen (Imokilly By.) Barrow - mound barrow CO11049
- Townparks (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Graveyard CO12222
- Townparks (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Castle - tower house CO19442
- Ballymaloe More Country house CO12350
- Inchiquin Castle - Anglo-Norman masonry castle CO09795
- Rathhaha Ringfort - rath CO11087
- Commons East (Imokilly By.) Burial ground CO12232
- Castlerichard Church CO11061
- Ballylanders Burial ground CO12400
- Sculleen Ringfort - rath CO10968
- Ballycrenane (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Fulacht fia CO12432
- Garranejames Fulacht fia CO09759
- Garranejames Enclosure CO09765
- Ballylanders Ringfort - rath CO12399
- Kilboy (Imokilly By.) Church CO12283
- Ballycatoo Enclosure CO12433
- Ballycrenane (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Enclosure CO12383
- Lissacrue Fulacht fia CO11056
- Killamucky Milestone CO11103
- Ballygeany Building CO12415
- Knocknamadderee (Imokilly By.) Mill - corn CO10992
- Knockmonalea West House - vernacular house CO09824
- Kilcraheen Ringfort - rath CO11094
- Kilmacahill Fulacht fia CO12370
- Knockane (Imokilly By.) Country house CO11138
- Young-Grove Mill - threshing CO09660
- Castlemartyr (Imokilly By., Ballyoughtera Par.) Church CO11045
- Ballybraher (Imokilly By., Kilmahon Par.) Ringfort - rath CO12390
- Ballycrenane (Imokilly By., Kilcredan Par.) Enclosure CO11120
- Killeagh Gardens Ecclesiastical site CO09730
- Garranejames Fulacht fia CO09762
- Lickane Ringfort - rath CO12376
- Barnabrow Country house CO11139
- Kilboy (Imokilly By.) Country house CO12275
- Spital (Imokilly By.) Leper hospital CO12217
- Ballycroneen West Prehistoric site - lithic scatter CO13471
- Townparks (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Round tower CO12221
- Castlemartyr (Imokilly By., Ballyoughtera Par.) Country house CO11040
- Gortnahomna Beg Excavation - miscellaneous CO19106
- Ballymaloe More Bawn CO18695
- Ballyroe (Imokilly By.) Ringfort - rath CO12379
- Townparks (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Cathedral CO12223
- Mogeely Graveyard CO09718
- Castlemartyr (Imokilly By., Ballyoughtera Par.) Graveyard CO11038
- Castlemartyr (Imokilly By., Ballyoughtera Par.) Castle - tower house CO11042
- Ballydavid Standing stone CO12380
- Castlemartyr (Imokilly By., Mogeely Par.) Market-house CO11105
- Dower Kiln - lime CO11108
- Mogeely Enclosure CO09751
- Bridgefield Country house CO11109
- Ightermurragh Fulacht fia CO11136
- Kilmacahill Ringfort - rath CO12363
- Knockmonalea West Ringfort - rath CO09794
- Dooneenmacotter Prehistoric site - lithic scatter CO12416
- Ballybraher (Imokilly By., Kilmahon Par.) Ringfort - rath CO12389
- Dower Country house CO11141
- Young-Grove Designed landscape feature CO09652
- Ballyrobin South Ringfort - rath CO12394
- Ballytrasna (Imokilly By.) Promontory fort - coastal CO12409
- Garranejames Enclosure CO09754
- Stumphill Country house CO11097
- Ballyroe (Imokilly By.) Ringfort - rath CO12378
- Kilmacahill Fulacht fia CO12361
- Kilcredan Graveyard CO11091
- Knockmonalea West House - vernacular house CO09823
- Lisquinlan Fulacht fia CO11126
- Townparks (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Warehouse CO12224
- Ballyfin (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Redundant record CO12230
- Garryvoe Lower Prehistoric site - lithic scatter CO12434
- Shanagarry South Church CO12357
- Drominane Enclosure CO09755
- Ballyedekin Mound CO11035
- Lissacrue Ringfort - rath CO11127
- Barnabrow Ringfort - rath CO11075
- Ballinvoher (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Ringfort - rath CO12269
- Ballymaloe More Castle - tower house CO12349
- Ballybranagan Prehistoric site - lithic scatter CO13486
- Carrigagour Fulacht fia CO10966
- Kilbarraree Fulacht fia CO12348
- Killamucky Burnt spread CO11140
- Kilcraheen Enclosure CO11144
- Knockadoon (Warren) Promontory fort - coastal CO11179
- Garranejames Enclosure CO09766
- Dooneenmacotter Promontory fort - coastal CO12408
- Carrignashinny Country house CO11046
- Lickane Burnt mound CO12424
- Farrantrenchard House - vernacular house CO11037
- Ballyvorisheen (Imokilly By.) Cist CO11050
- Shanahee Ringfort - rath CO12270
- Maytown Ringfort - rath CO12405
- Ightermurragh Fulacht fia CO11134
- Ballymakeagh More Enclosure CO09733
- Shanagarry South Castle - tower house CO12355
- Barnabrow Ringfort - rath CO11074
- Garranejames Fulacht fia CO09761
- Ballyrobin South Promontory fort - coastal CO13502
- Ballydaniel (Imokilly By., Kilmacdonogh Par.) House - vernacular house CO11163
- Churchtown (Barrymore By.) Church CO10934
- Ballymacotter Ringfort - rath CO12404
- Ballynona South Gate lodge CO09741
- Kilmacahill Fulacht fia CO12369
- Castlerichard Pit-burial CO11062
- Dromaddamore Redundant record CO11081
- Lisquinlan Country house CO11112
- Gortnahomna Beg Excavation - miscellaneous CO19402
- Ballynona South House - vernacular house CO09712
- Ballybane (Imokilly By.) Country house CO12412
- Ballycroneen West Standing stone CO13497
- Lagile Ritual site - holy well CO09728
- Ballybranagh Enclosure CO12429
- Carrigagour Cave CO19780
- Butlerstown (Imokilly By.) Country house CO10990
- Mogeely Enclosure CO09752
- Townparks (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Structure CO12228
- Ballyhimikin Ringfort - rath CO12358
- Young-Grove Designed landscape feature CO09650
- Castlemartyr (Imokilly By., Ballyoughtera Par.) Church CO11039
- Ballyrobin South Prehistoric site - lithic scatter CO13501
- Shanagarry South Country house CO12354
- Stumphill House - vernacular house CO11098
- Ballindinis (Imokilly By., Mogeely Par.) Country house CO11110
- Garranejames Fulacht fia CO09758
- Castlemartyr (Imokilly By., Ballyoughtera Par.) Icehouse CO11102
- Loughaderry House - vernacular house CO11100
- Ballymakeagh More Enclosure CO09732
- Ballymakeagh More Redundant record CO09770
- Monagoul House - vernacular house CO11167
- Ballybraher (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Ringfort - rath CO12388
- Garryoughtragh North Ringfort - rath CO09717
- Ballyedekin Country house CO11099
- Lagile Burnt mound CO19108
- Kilbarraree Burial ground CO12381
- Ballynona South Mill - corn CO09742
- Garryvoe Lower Enclosure CO12359
- Ballylanders Ringfort - rath CO12402
- Castlerichard Castle - tower house CO11065
- Lisquinlan Fulacht fia CO11124
- Ballyvorisheen (Imokilly By.) Cist CO11048
- Kilcredan Wall monument CO11093
- Lickane Ringfort - rath CO12375
- Lisquinlan Earthwork CO11115
- Ballyonane Fulacht fia CO12435
- Ballymaloe More Enclosure CO12428
- Maytown Enclosure CO12427
- Kilmacahill Fulacht fia CO12365
- Castlerichard Enclosure CO11067
- Kilmacahill Enclosure CO12371
- Whiterock Fulacht fia CO19507
- Ballymacooly More Redundant record CO09714
- Shanagarry South Graveyard CO12356
- Deer Park (Imokilly By.) Enclosure CO09749
- Ballindinis (Imokilly By., Mogeely Par.) Redundant record CO11054
- Ballylongane House - vernacular house CO12414
- Rathcallan Country house CO11111
- Knockane (Imokilly By.) Burial CO11130
- Killeagh Gardens Church CO09731
- Lissacrue Kiln - lime CO11057
- Castlemartyr (Imokilly By., Mogeely Par.) Church CO11106
- Kilmacahill Fulacht fia CO12368
- Ballybane (Imokilly By.) Enclosure CO12352
- Parknahyla Ringfort - rath CO11080
- Townparks (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Architectural fragment CO12220
- Gortnahomna Beg Kiln - corn-drying CO19190
- Ballyfin (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Kiln - lime CO12231
- Carrigagour Cave CO10993
- Sleveen (Imokilly By.) Fulacht fia CO12351
- Knockane (Imokilly By.) Cave CO19777
- Kilderrig Redundant record CO12410
- Ballybraher (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Redundant record CO12387
- Townparks (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Cross - Market cross CO12229
- Castlerichard Redundant record CO11064
- Castlemartyr (Imokilly By., Ballyoughtera Par.) Bawn CO18690
- Castlerichard Country house CO11066
- Castlemartyr (Imokilly By., Mogeely Par.) Bridge CO11107
- Lickane Redundant record CO12374
- Ballindinis (Imokilly By., Mogeely Par.) Barrow - mound barrow CO11053
- Lisglasheen Enclosure CO19670
- Ballyhimikin Ringfort - rath CO11083
- Ballymacoda House - vernacular house CO11164
- Ballingarrane (Imokilly By., Kilmahon Par.) Ringfort - rath CO12373
- Ballycrenane (Imokilly By., Kilcredan Par.) House - vernacular house CO11089
- Ballycotton Church CO12393
- Dromadda Beg Ringfort - rath CO11079
- Garryvoe Lower Graveyard CO11084
- Ballybraher (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Enclosure CO12385
- Ballybranagan Enclosure CO13470
- Ightermurragh Kiln - lime CO11069
- Ballyhimikin Ringfort - rath CO11082
- Ballyhonock (Imokilly By., Ightermurragh Par.) Kiln - lime CO11058
- Ballyroe (Imokilly By.) Ringfort - rath CO12377
- Young-Grove Standing stone CO09655
- Ballyvorisheen (Imokilly By.) Barrow - mound barrow CO11051
- Castlemartyr (Imokilly By., Mogeely Par.) House - 18th/19th century CO11104
- Ballynacole Fulacht fia CO19491
- Dromdihy Country house CO09727
- Ightermurragh Fulacht fia CO11121
- Demesne (Imokilly By.) House - fortified house CO12226
- Ballydaniel (Imokilly By., Kilmacdonogh Par.) House - vernacular house CO11162
- Castlemartyr (Imokilly By., Ballyoughtera Par.) House - 16th/17th century CO11041
- Garrananassig Graveyard CO11077
- Mogeely Road - road/trackway CO09768
- Castlemartyr (Imokilly By., Mogeely Par.) Historic town CO19409
- Castlemartyr (Imokilly By., Ballyoughtera Par.) Graveyard CO11044
- Carrignashinny Enclosure CO09753
- Ballymacotter Signal tower CO12403
- Deer Park (Imokilly By.) Road - road/trackway CO09767
- Ightermurragh Fulacht fia CO11068
- Crowbally Enclosure CO09757
- Kilmacahill Fulacht fia CO12362
- Ballynona South Fulacht fia CO09673
- Churchtown (Imokilly By.) Church CO12398
- Lagile Burnt spread CO19319
- Bilberry Ritual site - holy well CO09713
- Castlerichard Ringfort - rath CO11059
- Lisquinlan Fulacht fia CO11123
- Sunville Country house CO12384
- Ballyvorisheen (Imokilly By.) Barrow - mound barrow CO11047
- Clasharinka Barrow - mound barrow CO11052
- Kilmacahill Fulacht fia CO12366
- Barnabrow Ringfort - rath CO11073
- Garryvoe Upper Fulacht fia CO11128
- Ballycotton Enclosure CO12426
- Ballybane (Imokilly By.) Ringfort - rath CO12353
- Lisquinlan Fulacht fia CO11071
- Crowbally Castle - unclassified CO09715
- Knocknamadderee (Imokilly By.) Designed landscape - tree-ring CO10970
- Deer Park (Imokilly By.) Ringfort - rath CO09720
- Kilmacahill Burial ground CO12364
- Ballycrenane (Imokilly By., Kilcredan Par.) Enclosure CO11119
- Carrignashinny Enclosure CO19544
- Ballycotton Small Island Promontory fort - coastal CO19805
- Garryvoe Lower Castle - tower house CO11086
- Knockane (Imokilly By.) Barrow - mound barrow CO11055
- Sleveen (Imokilly By.) Fulacht fia CO11096
- Ballybutler Ringfort - rath CO11088
- Ballingarrane (Imokilly By., Kilmahon Par.) Ringfort - rath CO12372
- Aghadoe Bridge CO09740
- Kilbarraree Fulacht fia CO12347
- Ballykilty Kiln - lime CO09793
- Ightermurragh Graveyard CO11072
- Lisquinlan Fulacht fia CO11125
- Ballyfin (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Kiln - lime CO12281
- Maytown Ringfort - rath CO12406
- Drominane Enclosure CO09756
- Demesne (Imokilly By.) Designed landscape - belvedere CO11076
- Ightermurragh Fulacht fia CO11135
- Kilbarraree Fulacht fia CO12346
- Ballyregan (Imokilly By.) Redundant record CO12396
- Kilderrig Redundant record CO12401
- Demesne (Imokilly By.) Country house CO12227
- Young-Grove Designed landscape feature CO09654
- Ballycrenane (Imokilly By., Kilcredan Par.) Castle - tower house CO11159
- Kilcredan Church CO11092
- Ightermurragh House - fortified house CO11070
- Churchtown (Imokilly By.) Graveyard CO12397
- Ballybranagh Burnt mound CO19205
- Mogeely Quarry CO09716
- Killeagh Gardens Barracks CO09745
- Garryvoe Lower Enclosure CO12360
- Townparks (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) House - 16th/17th century CO12225
- Garryvoe Upper Fulacht fia CO11129
- Rooskagh Fulacht fia CO12431
- Demesne (Imokilly By.),Townparks (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Historic town CO12218
- Townparks (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Church CO12219
- Garranejames Fulacht fia CO09760
- Garrananassig Church CO11078
- Lisquinlan Fulacht fia CO11122
- Tead More Ringfort - rath CO10967
- Ballybraher (Imokilly By., Ballyoughtera Par.) Enclosure CO12386
- Ballycotton Ringfort - rath CO12392
- Lickane Burnt mound CO12425
- Kilmacahill Fulacht fia CO12367
- Kilcredan Wall monument - effigial CO11118
- Aghadoe Mill - corn CO09744
- Ballycotton Promontory fort - coastal CO19804
- Killeagh Gardens Graveyard CO09729
- Castlerichard Redundant record CO11063
- Ballybraher (Imokilly By., Kilmahon Par.) House - vernacular house CO12413
- Garranejames Burnt mound CO09769
- Farrantrenchard Church CO11101
- Ballybranagh Kiln - lime CO12345
- Castlerichard Graveyard CO11060
- Garryvoe Lower Church CO11085
- Deer Park (Imokilly By.) Enclosure CO09748
- Ballycotton Ringfort - rath CO12391
- Ballywilliam (Imokilly By.) Enclosure CO12395
- Ballycrenane (Imokilly By., Cloyne Par.) Ringfort - rath CO12382
- Ballykilty Enclosure CO09861
- Kilderrig Enclosure CO12411
- Ballintotis Castle - tower house CO11036