Ballylickey is a Village in the county of County Cork.
Ballylickey postcode: P75 TD90
There are great places to visit near Ballylickey including some great cities.
City of Cork is a great place to visit close to Ballylickey if you like cities.
Ballylickey History
There are some historic monuments around Ballylickey:
- Lackenafasoge Burial ground CO16153
- Lisheen (Bantry By.) Church CO13729
- Gearhanagoul Ritual site - holy tree/bush KE09986
- Dunnamark Cliff-edge fort CO15021
- Maulinward Redundant record CO16090
- Derroograne Hut site CO18372
- Cloonee (Carbery W. (W.D.) By., Durrus Par.) Ringfort - rath CO16083
- Derryclogher Field boundary CO11184
- Curramore Anomalous stone group CO12500
- Derryclogher Mine - copper CO12542
- Coumaclavlig Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb CO12513
- Dromgarriff (Bantry By.) Standing stone - pair CO13780
- Maulinward Church CO16088
- Maunvough Standing stone CO18894
- Ballycommane Ringfort - rath CO16086
- Coumaclavlig Field boundary CO12514
- Coorleagh Standing stone KE10075
- Gearhanagoul Fulacht fia KE10316
- Glandart Standing stone CO18294
- Shandrum Beg Cairn - radial-stone cairn CO13782
- Curramore Field boundary CO18397
- Derryclogher Enclosure CO11183
- Derryclogher Enclosure CO11186
- Lisheen (Bantry By.) Enclosure CO13722
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE10220
- Gortnascreeny Ringfort - rath CO15198
- Lisheen (Bantry By.) Standing stone CO13724
- Cloonygorman Souterrain CO13905
- Crottees Standing stone CO16145
- Gearhanagoul Field boundary KE10305
- Gortroe (Bantry By.) Ritual site - holy well CO13748
- Cullomane East Anomalous stone group CO15128
- Maulinward Graveyard CO16087
- Cullomane West Standing stone CO15114
- Letterlicky Middle Ringfort - rath CO16093
- Caherdaniel East Souterrain CO19661
- Dromdoneen Cliff-edge fort CO13763
- Lisheen (Bantry By.) Standing stone CO13723
- Cappanaboul Boulder-burial CO13750
- Derryclogher Enclosure CO11188
- Baurgorm Burial ground CO15083
- Derreenkealig Ritual site - holy well CO13909
- Gearhanagoul Field system KE10217
- Maularaha Standing stone CO19801
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE09794
- Mill Little Boulder-burial CO13714
- Shandrum More Ringfort - rath CO13743
- Reenavanny (Whiddy Island) Castle - tower house CO13754
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE10162
- Keilnascarta Standing stone CO15096
- Coonane Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb CO12509
- Derryclogher Enclosure CO18395
- Reenavanny (Whiddy Island) Battery CO15132
- Gortacloona Standing stone CO15091
- Newtown (Bantry By.) Souterrain CO15019
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE10229
- Gearhanagoul Field boundary KE10159
- Ards More (West) Burial ground CO13823
- Abbey Designed landscape feature CO15056
- Cullomane West Souterrain CO15109
- Drombrow Standing stone CO18368
- Dromore (Carbery W. (W.D.) By.) Souterrain CO15192
- Baurgorm Burial ground CO15082
- Coonane Standing stone CO18364
- Coonane Hut site CO12506
- Coonane Enclosure CO12508
- Inchiclogh Country house CO13765
- Breeny More Ringfort - rath CO13791
- Ardaturrish More Megalithic tomb - unclassified CO13781
- Gearhanagoul Fulacht fia KE10023
- Carriganass (Bantry By.) Bawn CO18706
- Rossnashunsoge Fulacht fia CO12479
- Dromgarriff (Bantry By.) Enclosure CO13778
- Gearhanagoul Fulacht fia KE09977
- Farranfadda Standing stone CO12531
- Cahermoanteen Enclosure CO12592
- Dromdoneen Ringfort - rath CO13761
- Gearhanagoul Enclosure KE10227
- Kilmore (Bantry By.) Graveyard CO15012
- Coorleagh Ringfort - rath KE10076
- Derryduff More Enclosure CO18907
- Glandarta Souterrain CO15273
- Cullomane East Stone row CO15130
- Cullomane West Stone row CO15112
- Gearhanagoul Enclosure KE09973
- Keilnascarta Standing stone - pair CO15095
- Ballycommane Souterrain CO16150
- Inchybegga Cairn - unclassified CO18759
- Gearhanagoul Enclosure KE09971
- Ardrah (Carbery West (W.D.) By.) Standing stone CO19472
- Cooleenlemane Mass-rock CO12493
- Dromnafinshin Souterrain CO13784
- Seafield (Bantry By.) Ringfort - rath CO15066
- Reenavanny (Whiddy Island) Battery CO13753
- Caher (Bantry By.) Redundant record CO13759
- Hollyhill (Bantry By.) Ringfort - rath CO15092
- Derryclogher Hut site CO12537
- Skahanagh Beg (Bantry By.) Ringfort - rath CO13766
- Dromore (Carbery W. (W.D.) By.) Anomalous stone group CO15186
- Ardrah (Carbery West (W.D.) By.) Castle - unclassified CO15105
- Gearhanagoul Fulacht fia KE10315
- Dromore (Carbery W. (W.D.) By.) Standing stone CO15195
- Derryclogher Hut site CO18394
- Maunvough Standing stone CO15283
- Coonane Redundant record CO12511
- Abbey Burial ground CO15058
- Carrigboy (Bantry By.) Ringfort - rath CO13760
- Breeny More Ringfort - rath CO13790
- Gearhanagoul Field boundary KE10314
- Dromclogh Promontory fort - coastal CO15041
- Coonane Enclosure CO18363
- Aghaville Ringfort - rath CO15237
- Dromore (Carbery W. (W.D.) By.) Mill - unclassified CO15194
- Maulinward Cairn - unclassified CO16091
- Cullomane East Standing stone CO15116
- Gouree More Ringfort - rath CO13741
- Newtown (Bantry By.) Settlement cluster CO15017
- Raheen (Bantry By.) Standing stone CO15031
- Trawlebane Burial ground CO15155
- Crottees Anomalous stone group CO15142
- Letterlicky East Cairn - unclassified CO16134
- Derreengreanagh,Scartbaun Anomalous stone group CO15074
- Gearhanagoul Field boundary KE09972
- Maunvough Standing stone CO15270
- Carriganass (Bantry By.) Fulacht fia CO12591
- Cappanaloha East Ringfort - rath CO15055
- Glanbannoo Upper Souterrain CO15152
- Maulikeeve Standing stone CO13819
- Ardrah (Carbery West (W.D.) By.) Souterrain CO15103
- Derrynafinchin Bullaun stone CO19591
- Derryginagh East Standing stone CO15037
- Rusheenaniska Ringfort - rath CO16080
- Mullagh (Bantry By.) Souterrain CO15050
- Dromore (Carbery W. (W.D.) By.) Redundant record CO15251
- Ards More (East) Ringfort - rath CO13824
- Glandarta Standing stone CO15161
- Parkana Standing stone - pair CO15098
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE10280
- Gurteenroe (Bantry By.) Souterrain CO13757
- Cloonygorman Souterrain CO13847
- Esk East Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb KE10030
- Kilnaruane Bullaun stone CO19640
- Gortroe (Bantry By.) Standing stone CO18832
- Maunvough Ringfort - rath CO15158
- Chapel Island Little Chapel CO19588
- Derrynakilla Bullaun stone CO19868
- Dunnamark Burial ground CO15024
- Coonane Field boundary CO12503
- Maunvough Burnt mound CO18296
- Coonane Children's burial ground CO12512
- Curramore Hut site CO12501
- Abbey Redundant record CO15060
- Trawlebane Standing stone CO15148
- Glanbannoo Lower Ringfort - rath CO13850
- Gortdromagh Ringfort - rath CO16157
- Gearhanagoul Fulacht fia KE10026
- Ahil More Standing stone CO12498
- Knockanecosduff Standing stone CO12547
- Coonane Hut site CO18365
- Breeny More Stone circle - multiple-stone CO13792
- Cullomane East Ringfort - rath CO15124
- Ardrah (Carbery West (W.D.) By.) Souterrain CO15104
- Drombrow Burial ground CO13786
- Dunnamark Mill-Lot Mill - corn CO15027
- Garranes (Glanarought By., Banawn Ed),Gearhanagoul Bridge KE10126
- Curramore Standing stone CO19517
- Glanatnaw Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb CO15278
- Newtown (Bantry By.) Bastioned fort CO15014
- Laharanshermeen Enclosure CO13825
- Ardnageehy More Standing stone CO15077
- Farranfadda Standing stone CO18671
- Cloonygorman Souterrain CO13904
- Rooska East Standing stone CO19372
- Coorleagh Hut site KE10282
- Maulikeeve Standing stone CO13818
- Abbey Religious house - Franciscan friars CO15059
- Beach Ringfort - rath CO15045
- Derryclogher Enclosure CO12536
- Kilnaruane Ecclesiastical enclosure CO15061
- Gortnascreeny Standing stone CO15197
- Dunnamark Souterrain CO15022
- Breeny Beg Enclosure CO13789
- Inchiclogh Church CO13785
- Beach Designed landscape feature CO15046
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE10317
- Keilnascarta Stone row CO15094
- Baurgorm Standing stone CO15084
- Gurteenroe (Bantry By.) Moated site CO13755
- Dromclogh West Burial ground CO13842
- Gearhanagoul Enclosure KE10218
- Letterlicky Middle Metalworking site CO16133
- Curramore Cist CO19520
- Cloonygorman Ringfort - rath CO13846
- Maulikeeve Standing stone CO13821
- Cullomane East Stone circle - five-stone CO15125
- Dromataniheen Burnt mound CO19934
- Mullagh (Bantry By.) Ringfort - rath CO15049
- Cooleenlemane Megalithic structure CO12495
- Trawlebane Souterrain CO15275
- Gearhanagoul Field system KE10020
- Mill Little Standing stone - pair CO13718
- Derryclogher Mine - copper CO12541
- Raheen More Standing stone CO15030
- Scartbaun Standing stone CO15073
- Erneen Hut site KE10213
- Skahanagh (Bantry By.) Enclosure CO13773
- Derryginagh East Ringfort - rath CO15033
- Dromore (Carbery W. (W.D.) By.) Bullaun stone CO19209
- Derrynakilla Burial ground CO19863
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE10228
- Deelis (Glanarought By., Banawn Ed) Hut site KE09961
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE10232
- Deelis (Glanarought By., Banawn Ed) Hut site KE09963
- Baurgorm Castle - unclassified CO15085
- Reenydonagan Burial ground CO13740
- Scartbaun Standing stone CO15070
- Milleens Souterrain KE09781
- Lisheen (Bantry By.) Graveyard CO13728
- Coorleagh Hut site KE10233
- Derroograne Burnt mound CO18376
- Kealkill Field boundary CO18519
- Gearhanagoul Enclosure KE09970
- Coorleagh,Gearhanagoul Bridge KE10127
- Cloonygorman Burial ground CO13844
- Drombrow Redundant record CO13767
- Dromkeal (Bantry By.) Boulder-burial CO13775
- Reenadisert Country house CO13739
- Curramore Fulacht fia CO12539
- Maulikeeve Redundant record CO13887
- Coorleagh,Garranes (Glanarought By., Banawn Ed) Bridge KE10130
- Esk East Redundant record KE10975
- Cloonygorman Standing stone CO13845
- Gortroe (Bantry By.) Cairn - unclassified CO13787
- Rossnashunsoge Fulacht fia CO12472
- Gearhanagoul Enclosure KE09790
- Dromore (Carbery W. (W.D.) By.) Enclosure CO15264
- Rooska East Ringfort - rath CO15038
- Glanatnaw Ringfort - rath CO15159
- Gortdromagh Souterrain CO16158
- Garranes (Glanarought By., Banawn Ed) Bullaun stone KE09968
- Boolteenagh Souterrain CO15134
- Lisheen (Bantry By.) Souterrain CO13774
- Ardyhoolihane Ringfort - rath CO15053
- Gearhanagoul Redundant record KE10226
- Inchiclogh Ringfort - rath CO13764
- Dromsullivan South Ringfort - rath CO13843
- Farranfadda Standing stone CO18672
- Lisheen (Bantry By.) Souterrain CO13727
- Derryclogher Field boundary CO18396
- Derroograne Fulacht fia CO12527
- Caherogullane Ringfort - rath CO15106
- Maunvough Standing stone CO15157
- Rossnashunsoge Fulacht fia CO12473
- Derroograne Fulacht fia CO18374
- Coonane Field boundary CO18367
- Ards More (West) Souterrain CO13822
- Newtown (Bantry By.) Country house CO15015
- Abbey Redundant record CO15057
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE10221
- Kilmore (Bantry By.) Church CO15013
- Coonane Hut site CO18366
- Derroograne Enclosure CO12518
- Derroograne Fulacht fia CO12522
- Dromore (Carbery W. (W.D.) By.) Fulacht fia CO15189
- Keilnascarta Standing stone - pair CO15093
- Maunvough Burial ground CO15156
- Derroograne Boulder-burial CO12521
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE10161
- Gearhanagoul Enclosure KE10318
- Scartbaun Stone row CO15071
- Dromkeal (Bantry By.) Stone circle - multiple-stone CO13713
- Gearhanagoul Cairn - unclassified KE10160
- Beach Standing stone CO15044
- Gurteenroe (Bantry By.) Souterrain CO13758
- Kilmore (Bantry By.) Ecclesiastical enclosure CO15140
- Cappanaboul Ringfort - rath CO13751
- Kealanine (Bantry By.) Standing stone CO18673
- Shandrum Beg Hut site CO19378
- Inchinagoum Enclosure CO12528
- Cappanaboul Stone circle - multiple-stone CO13749
- Ardrah (Carbery West (W.D.) By.) Standing stone CO15100
- Baurgorm Standing stone CO15144
- Baurgorm Stone circle - five-stone CO15081
- Erneen Field boundary KE10303
- Milleens Coffin-resting stone KE10137
- Erneen Enclosure KE10212
- Gearhanagoul Enclosure KE10025
- Trawnamaddree Standing stone - pair CO13721
- Cullomane East Burial ground CO15123
- Horse Island (Bantry By.) Battery CO13770
- Erneen Hut site KE10215
- Maulikeeve Souterrain CO13855
- Glanatnaw Mass-rock CO18295
- Gortdromagh Cupmarked stone CO16248
- Derryclogher Fulacht fia CO11185
- Seafield (Bantry By.) Settlement cluster CO18987
- Shandrum Beg Ringfort - rath CO13746
- Lousy (Castle Island) Structure CO19592
- Derroograne Fulacht fia CO19521
- Cullomane East Standing stone CO15126
- Erneen Field system KE10210
- Gearhanagoul Enclosure KE10158
- Glanareagh Burnt mound CO13903
- Trawlebane Ringfort - rath CO15153
- Inchinagoum Enclosure CO12529
- Cullomane East Ringfort - rath CO15127
- Dromgarriff (Bantry By.) Enclosure CO13777
- Seafield (Bantry By.) Country house CO15129
- Cloonygorman Souterrain CO13908
- Derryishal Standing stone CO20056
- Gearhanagoul Enclosure KE10024
- Trawlebane Standing stone CO15088
- Boolteenagh Ringfort - rath CO15040
- Mill Little Stone circle - five-stone CO13717
- Erneen Kiln - lime KE10125
- Derrynafinchin Boulder-burial CO12545
- Skahanagh More (Bantry By.) Ringfort - cashel CO13752
- Glanbannoo Lower Fulacht fia CO19554
- Derryduff More Hut site CO19508
- Curramore Enclosure CO19519
- Gortnascreeny Standing stone CO15196
- Dromclogh East Ringfort - rath CO13828
- Glanbannoo Upper Enclosure CO15271
- Carran Cairn - unclassified CO12496
- Maulikeeve Ringfort - rath CO13817
- Kealkill Standing stone - pair CO13798
- Coumaclavlig Enclosure CO12515
- Beach Ritual site - holy well CO15047
- Caherdaniel West Standing stone CO19662
- Coonane Hut site CO19416
- Cooleenlemane Ringfort - cashel CO12494
- Milleens Ringfort - rath KE10121
- Breeny More Boulder-burial CO13796
- Ards Beg Redundant record CO13889
- Kilmore (Bantry By.) Ritual site - holy well CO15139
- Shandrum Beg Standing stone CO13747
- Dromclogh Standing stone CO15042
- Shronagreehy Ringfort - cashel CO12571
- Clashadoo Burial ground CO16041
- Dromleigh North Burial ground CO15067
- Maunvough Children's burial ground CO18893
- Derryfadda Souterrain CO12611
- Milleens Bullaun stone KE09782
- Derroograne Hut site CO12517
- Derryarkane Standing stone CO13884
- Dromore (Carbery W. (W.D.) By.) Standing stone CO15190
- Cahernacrin Ringfort - cashel CO13768
- Newtown (Bantry By.) Enclosure CO15016
- Scartbaun Burial ground CO15072
- Dunnamark Mill-Lot Mill - unclassified CO15028
- Curramore Field system CO12499
- Coorleagh Enclosure KE10074
- Coorleagh Hut site KE10307
- Shandrum More Redundant record CO13745
- Beach Bullaun stone CO19578
- Keilnascarta Standing stone CO15097
- Dromore (Carbery W. (W.D.) By.) Burial ground CO15191
- Erneen Enclosure KE10216
- Gurteenroe (Bantry By.) Ringfort - rath CO13756
- Ardrah (Carbery West (W.D.) By.) Standing stone CO15101
- Trawlebane Stone circle - five-stone CO15154
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE10163
- Coorleagh Hut site KE10310
- Dromore (Carbery W. (W.D.) By.) Burial ground CO15187
- Maughanasilly Field boundary CO12616
- Gearhanagoul Enclosure KE09974
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE10166
- Townlots Church CO15068
- Coorloum North Enclosure CO12535
- Cloonygorman Burnt mound CO18489
- An Droim R?Ëidh Standing stone CO15051
- Carran Field boundary CO12533
- Dromdaniel Ringfort - rath CO13776
- Garranes (Glanarought By., Banawn Ed) Graveyard KE09967
- Dromore (Carbery W. (W.D.) By.) Cross-slab CO15188
- Derroograne Fulacht fia CO19522
- Raheen (Bantry By.) Standing stone CO15149
- Dromsullivan North Ringfort - rath CO13840
- Skahanagh More (Bantry By.) Souterrain CO18369
- Dromdoneen Ringfort - rath CO13762
- Maulikeeve Enclosure CO13820
- Ardrah (Bantry By.) Ringfort - rath CO13803
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE09788
- Aghaville Fulacht fia CO15238
- Coonane Hut site CO12505
- Kilnaruane Cross CO15063
- Mill Big Metalworking site CO19488
- Gearhanagoul Redundant record KE10223
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE10231
- Reenadisert House - fortified house CO13738
- Carran Enclosure CO12534
- Ardaturrish More Promontory fort - coastal CO13736
- Trawlebane Ringfort - rath CO15087
- Kilnaruane Burial ground CO15062
- Inchybegga Cairn - unclassified CO18760
- Coorleagh Standing stone KE10077
- Derroograne Field boundary CO12519
- Lisheen (Bantry By.) Fulacht fia CO13733
- Dromsullivan South Ringfort - rath CO13841
- Maughanasilly Hut site CO12621
- Derryvahalla Ringfort - rath CO16094
- Carran Enclosure CO12532
- Maughanasilly Fulacht fia CO12617
- Deelis (Glanarought By., Banawn Ed) Souterrain KE09960
- Derroograne Hut site CO12524
- Drombrow Promontory fort - inland CO19579
- Maugha Standing stone CO12546
- Garranes (Glanarought By., Banawn Ed) Redundant record KE09965
- Garranes (Glanarought By., Banawn Ed) Stepping stones KE10131
- Breeny More Boulder-burial CO13795
- Maulinward Cross-slab CO16089
- Cullomane East Boulder-burial CO15121
- Ardnageehy More Anomalous stone group CO15076
- Trawlebane Standing stone CO15086
- Coonane Enclosure CO12510
- Glanaphuca Standing stone CO16155
- Garranes (Glanarought By., Banawn Ed) Ritual site - holy well KE09969
- Derreengreanagh,Scartbaun Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb CO15075
- Dromore (Carbery W. (W.D.) By.) Redundant record CO15252
- Cullomane West Mass-rock CO15143
- Inchinagoum Hut site CO18377
- Cullomane East Ringfort - rath CO15117
- Gortnascreeny Church CO15200
- Deelis (Glanarought By., Banawn Ed) Hut site KE09962
- Rossnashunsoge Fulacht fia CO12478
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE10219
- Glanaphuca Fulacht fia CO16151
- Cloonygorman Souterrain CO13907
- Kealkill Mill - fulling CO13801
- Coorleagh Hut site KE10281
- Cooryleary Standing stone CO13720
- Deelis (Glanarought By., Banawn Ed) Hut site KE09964
- Derryclogher Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb CO12492
- Laharanshermeen Ringfort - rath CO13888
- Dunbittern West Ringfort - rath CO15052
- Gearhanagoul Redundant record KE10225
- Inchybegga Stone circle - five-stone CO15185
- Glanatnaw Ringfort - rath CO15160
- Caherogullane Standing stone CO15107
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE10164
- Esk East Cairn - unclassified KE10982
- Kealanine (Bantry By.) Cist CO13712
- Reenadisert Promontory fort - coastal CO19628
- Maughanasilly Redundant record CO12569
- Derroograne Hut site CO18371
- Derroograne Field boundary CO12526
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE10165
- Glanaphuca Fulacht fia CO16152
- Letterlicky Middle Standing stone CO15099
- Curramore Anomalous stone group CO12502
- Maulinward Bullaun stone CO19800
- Derryishal,Dromore (Carbery W. (W.D.) By.) Enclosure CO15184
- Gortagarry Souterrain CO18977
- Townlots Graveyard CO15069
- Baurgorm Standing stone CO15145
- Mill Little Redundant record CO13719
- Ardrah (Carbery West (W.D.) By.) Standing stone CO19473
- Laharan West (Bantry By.) Fish palace CO13769
- Glanbannoo Lower Ringfort - rath CO13851
- Dromataniheen Ringfort - rath CO16082
- Raheen More Ringfort - rath CO15029
- Cloonygorman Redundant record CO13906
- Kealanine (Bantry By.) Standing stone CO18674
- Cullomane West Standing stone CO15111
- Cullomane West Ringfort - rath CO15108
- Shandrum Beg Standing stone CO19124
- Derryishal Standing stone CO15183
- Dunnamark Castle - unclassified CO15020
- Baurgorm Radial-stone enclosure CO15138
- Mill Little Boulder-burial CO13716
- Milleencoola Fulacht fia CO20015
- Derryduff More Megalithic structure CO18627
- Cullomane East Standing stone CO15118
- Inchybegga Cairn - unclassified CO18762
- Gearhanagoul Redundant record KE10222
- Derryarkane Fulacht fia CO13883
- Cullomane East Hut site CO18766
- Derrynafinchin Stone circle - multiple-stone CO12544
- Cullomane East Burial ground CO15122
- Inchinagoum Enclosure CO18379
- Trawlebane Fulacht fia CO15146
- Derroograne Hut site CO18373
- Ardrah (Carbery West (W.D.) By.) Ringfort - rath CO15102
- Shandrum More Souterrain CO13744
- Derreengreanagh Standing stone CO15136
- Glandarta Ringfort - rath CO15162
- Deelis (Glanarought By., Banawn Ed) Ringfort - rath KE09959
- Ballycommane Standing stone - pair CO16084
- Garinish (Bear By., Kilcaskan Par.) Enclosure CO13688
- Erneen Hut site KE10304
- Crossoge Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb CO13742
- Derryduff More Standing stone CO12497
- Dromourneen Standing stone CO20062
- Breeny More Boulder-burial CO13794
- Letterlicky Middle Hut site CO18775
- Maughanasilly Fulacht fia CO12618
- Raheen (Bantry By.) Standing stone CO15034
- Cullomane East Ritual site - holy well CO15119
- Lisheen (Bantry By.) Fulacht fia CO13726
- Derroograne Hut site CO18375
- Ardaturrish More Megalithic structure CO19392
- Maughanasilly Standing stone CO12568
- Illane Cairn - unclassified CO12567
- Maughanasilly Hut site CO18399
- Kealkill Mill - carding CO13800
- Derrynafinchin Mass-rock CO19590
- Glanareagh Ringfort - rath CO13829
- Derryclogher Field boundary CO11187
- Ardrah (Bantry By.) Stone row CO13802
- Coonane Fulacht fia CO18362
- Dromore (Carbery W. (W.D.) By.) Ringfort - rath CO15193
- Coorleagh Field boundary KE10234
- Derryarkane Fulacht fia CO13886
- Maughanasilly Field boundary CO12622
- Garranes (Glanarought By., Banawn Ed) Church KE09966
- Lackavane (Bantry By.) Enclosure CO19751
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE09789
- Erneen Enclosure KE10302
- Ardaturrish More Burial ground CO13735
- Derryarkane Standing stone CO13856
- Curramore Redundant record CO12491
- Derroograne Hut site CO12523
- Gearha (Glanarought By.) Stepping stones KE10129
- Glanareagh Burnt mound CO18490
- Cappanaloha West Ringfort - rath CO15054
- Derryarkane Enclosure CO13852
- Coorleagh Hut site KE10312
- Lisheen (Bantry By.) Ringfort - rath CO13732
- Derryginagh East Clapper bridge CO15036
- Milleens Redundant record KE09991
- Cullomane West Standing stone CO15113
- Beach Mass-rock CO19577
- Dromclogh Fulacht fia CO15043
- Gearhanagoul Megalithic structure KE09975
- Currakeal (Bear By.) Field boundary CO12468
- Glanbannoo Upper Standing stone CO13849
- Derrynakilla Mass-rock CO19867
- Gearhanagoul Field boundary KE09791
- Gortacloona Standing stone CO15090
- Coorycommane,Cooryleary Stepping stones CO18908
- Farranfadda Standing stone CO12530
- Dunnamark Mill-Lot Mill - unclassified CO15026
- Cullomane West Souterrain CO15110
- Glanbannoo Upper Standing stone CO15150
- Dromore (Carbery W. (W.D.) By.) Standing stone CO19210
- Cullomane East Penitential station CO15120
- Ballycommane Boulder-burial CO16085
- Rossnashunsoge Fulacht fia CO12471
- Mill Little Boulder-burial CO13715
- Inchybegga Cairn - unclassified CO15284
- Dromourneen Ringfort - rath CO15115
- Derroograne Cist CO12525
- Dromgarriff (Bantry By.) Country house CO13711
- Maulinward Stone row CO16092
- Coorleagh Field boundary KE10311
- Derrynafinchin Ritual site - holy well CO19535
- Lissareemig Ringfort - rath CO15048
- Dromgarriff (Bantry By.) Cairn - unclassified CO13779
- Ards Beg Enclosure CO13826
- Kilnaruane Architectural fragment CO15065
- Curramore Anomalous stone group CO12538
- Curramore Fulacht fia CO19518
- Dromclogh West Standing stone - pair CO13885
- Gortnascreeny Burial ground CO15201
- Kealanine (Bantry By.) Inscribed stone CO13771
- Kealkill Stone circle - five-stone CO13797
- Baurgorm Burial ground CO15079
- Baurgorm Standing stone - pair CO15080
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE10230
- Gearhanagoul Redundant record KE10224
- Derroograne Enclosure CO12520
- Lisheen (Bantry By.) Redundant record CO13731
- Cummeenshrule Redundant record KE09985
- Coumaclavlig Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb CO12516
- Dromclogh East Ringfort - rath CO13827
- Ardnamanagh Burial ground CO13737
- Illane Stone circle - five-stone CO12566
- Coonane Hut site CO12504
- Derryclogher Hut site CO11189
- Gearhanagoul Fulacht fia KE10313
- Derrynafinchin Bullaun stone CO19534
- Breeny More Boulder-burial CO13793
- Maughanasilly Stone row CO12570
- Milleens Cliff-edge fort KE09780
- Carriganass (Bantry By.) Castle - tower house CO13788
- Derryarkane Stone circle - five-stone CO13816
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE09795
- Newtown (Bantry By.) Enclosure CO15018
- Milleens Kiln - corn-drying KE09784
- Gearhanagoul Enclosure KE09976
- Baurgorm Stone circle - five-stone CO15078
- Erneen Enclosure KE10211
- Kilnaruane Bullaun stone CO15064
- Dunnamark Midden CO15023
- Aghaville Ringfort - cashel CO15239
- Inchinagoum Hut site CO18378
- Curraghavaddra Ringfort - rath CO15039
- Milleens Souterrain KE10120
- Garranes (Glanarought By., Banawn Ed) Bullaun stone KE12318
- Coorleagh Hut site KE10309
- Lisheen (Bantry By.) Ringfort - rath CO13734
- Cloonygorman Standing stone CO13848
- Erneen Hut site KE10214
- Gearhanagoul Enclosure KE10022
- Glanbannoo Upper Field boundary CO15272
- Reenaknock Battery CO15131
- Derryginagh East Burial ground CO15035
- Garranes (Glanarought By., Banawn Ed),Gearha (Glanarought By.) Bridge KE10132
- Glanbannoo Upper Ringfort - rath CO15151
- Maughanasilly Fulacht fia CO12620
- Coonane Hut site CO12507
- Inchybegga Cairn - unclassified CO18761
- Kealkill Cairn - radial-stone cairn CO13799
- Raheen (Bantry By.) Standing stone CO15135
- Maughanasilly Fulacht fia CO12619
- Barna (Carbery West (W.D.) By.) Hut site CO16240
- Dromsullivan North Ringfort - rath CO13839
- Derryishal Ringfort - rath CO15089
- Dromourneen Redundant record CO16241
- Raheen (Bantry By.) Standing stone CO15032
- Currakeal (Bear By.) Hut site CO18360
- Dromnafinshin Ringfort - rath CO13783
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE09792
- Esk East Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb KE10031
- Coorleagh Enclosure KE10306
- Lisheen (Bantry By.) Ritual site - holy well CO13730
- Gearhanagoul Hut site KE09793
- Gearhanagoul Enclosure KE10021
- Gortroe Upper Redundant record CO12469
- Rossnashunsoge Burnt mound CO12480
- Coorleagh Hut site KE10308
- Lisheen (Bantry By.) Fulacht fia CO13725
- Barryroe (Carbery W. (W.D.) By.) Standing stone CO16144
- Dunnamark Redundant record CO15025