Kilmihil is a Village in the county of County Clare.
There are great places to visit near Kilmihil.
Kilmihil History
There are some historic monuments around Kilmihil:
- Brisla East Ringfort - rath CL05935
- Knockanalban Enclosure CL04414
- Clooncullin Hut site CL07144
- Carrowbane (Clonderalaw By.) Fulacht fia CL08289
- Tullycreen Lower Ringfort - rath CL06004
- Molougha Ringfort - rath CL06456
- Leitrim (Clonderalaw By.) Souterrain CL07156
- Coolmuinga Ringfort - rath CL05999
- Knockaderreen (Clonderalaw By.) Earthwork CL06005
- Cloghaunnatinny Ringfort - rath CL04385
- Cloonreddan Ringfort - rath CL05263
- Cross More Fulacht fia CL09032
- Kilmacduane East Graveyard CL05238
- Creegh South Enclosure CL05202
- Shanavogh West Ringfort - rath CL04427
- Cassarnagh Ringfort - rath CL07142
- Brisla West Ringfort - rath CL05930
- Kilmurry East Graveyard CL06035
- Tullaghaboy Ringfort - rath CL04437
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) Enclosure CL05278
- Carrowreagh West Ringfort - rath CL06048
- Knockalough Enclosure CL05289
- Knockerry West Fulacht fia CL06722
- Gowerhass Ringfort - rath CL05950
- Knockanalban Ringfort - rath CL04417
- Glenmore Megalithic tomb - unclassified CL04447
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05281
- Creegh North Enclosure CL05207
- Drumdigus Ringfort - rath CL07051
- Doonogan Ritual site - holy well CL04449
- Carrowniska North Ringfort - rath CL06030
- Carrownagry North Ringfort - rath CL04444
- Creevagh (Ibrickan By.) Enclosure CL07128
- Cahermurphy Hut site CL09163
- Doonnagurroge Ringfort - rath CL06547
- Treanmanagh Children's burial ground CL04445
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05279
- Kiltumper Ritual site - holy well CL05326
- Killernan Ritual site - holy well CL03592
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) House - indeterminate date CL06739
- Leitrim (Clonderalaw By.) House - indeterminate date CL07157
- Knockanalban Earthwork CL04413
- Cloghaun Beg (East) Ringfort - rath CL05205
- Tonavoher Ringfort - rath CL06532
- Knockerry West Ringfort - rath CL05968
- Lack East Ringfort - rath CL05995
- Furroor (Liscasey Ed) Ringfort - rath CL05262
- Greygrove Ringfort - rath CL05287
- Ballyduneen Ringfort - rath CL05355
- Carrowreagh East Ringfort - rath CL06051
- Ballymackea Beg Ringfort - rath CL04360
- Cloghaun More (East) Ringfort - rath CL04405
- Corraige Redundant record CL06735
- Tullagower Ringfort - rath CL05951
- Lack West Castle - unclassified CL05990
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05277
- Kiltumper Ritual site - holy well CL05258
- Cloondrinagh (Clonderalaw By.) Enclosure CL06060
- Drumdigus Earthwork CL06133
- Bleanmore Ringfort - rath CL06031
- Ballyduneen Ringfort - rath CL05357
- Castlepark House - indeterminate date CL07155
- Carrowlagan Ringfort - rath CL04390
- Carrowlagan Barrow - ring-barrow CL04391
- Molougha Penitential station CL06458
- Tarmon Ringfort - rath CL06528
- Knockmore (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05283
- Carrowlagan Burnt mound CL08517
- Tarmon Earthwork CL06020
- Carrowbane (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL06541
- Creevagh (Ibrickan By.) Sweathouse CL07126
- Finnor More Earthwork CL04386
- Tullycreen Lower Ritual site - holy well CL06009
- Cross Beg Quarry CL06044
- Ballyartney House - 16th/17th century CL06546
- Knockalough Castle - unclassified CL05321
- Doonogan Redundant record CL07165
- Cloonlaheen West Ringfort - rath CL04431
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05280
- Cloghaun Beg (East) Ringfort - rath CL05245
- Dunneill Ringfort - rath CL06585
- Knockalough Crannog CL05320
- Creevagh (Ibrickan By.) Hut site CL07129
- Creevagh (Ibrickan By.) Enclosure CL04452
- Finnor More Ritual site - holy well CL04383
- Coolmeen (Clonderalaw By.) Enclosure CL06067
- Crag (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05296
- Greygrove Ringfort - rath CL05288
- Kilmihil Ringfort - rath CL05309
- Burrane Upper Ringfort - rath CL06534
- Cloonnakilla (Glenmore Ed) Ecclesiastical enclosure CL05282
- Castlepark Ecclesiastical enclosure CL05250
- Knocknahila More North Enclosure CL06743
- Molougha Penitential station CL06464
- Cloonwhite South Enclosure CL05247
- Cross More Children's burial ground CL08379
- Doonnagurroge Ringfort - rath CL06511
- Clonderalaw House - 16th/17th century CL07039
- Knockaderreen (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL06002
- Carrowfree Ringfort - rath CL05965
- Killernan Ringfort - rath CL04419
- Kinlea Ringfort - rath CL06038
- Lack West Enclosure CL05993
- Creevagh (Ibrickan By.) Enclosure CL04451
- Cloondrinagh (Clonderalaw By.) Earthwork CL06059
- Binvoran Ringfort - rath CL06015
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - cashel CL05270
- Knockalough Redundant record CL05330
- Clonderalaw Enclosure CL06543
- Tullycreen Lower Ringfort - rath CL06012
- Moy Ringfort - rath CL06065
- Bleanmore Ringfort - rath CL06032
- Doonogan Redundant record CL04421
- Knockerry West Ringfort - rath CL05970
- Derreen (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05986
- Kilmihil Ringfort - rath CL05315
- Corraige Ringfort - rath CL05322
- Kiltumper Hut site CL05259
- Knockalough Ringfort - rath CL05325
- Burrane Upper Ringfort - rath CL06556
- Cloonwhite South Earthwork CL05327
- Ballymacrinan Redundant record CL06504
- Burrane Upper Ritual site - holy well CL06557
- Cloonwhite North Redundant record CL05246
- Doonogan Ringfort - rath CL04418
- Cloonkerry East Ringfort - rath CL06588
- Kilmacduane East Church CL05237
- Cassarnagh Ringfort - rath CL06535
- Knockerry West Fulacht fia CL06719
- Kilmihil Graveyard CL05313
- Doonogan Ringfort - rath CL04411
- Carrowbane (Clonderalaw By.) Souterrain CL08290
- Dunneill Enclosure CL06527
- Coor West Ringfort - rath CL04426
- Cloghaun Beg (West) Earthwork CL05200
- Tonavoher Ringfort - rath CL06531
- Lissanair Ringfort - rath CL05988
- Knockerry East House - indeterminate date CL06040
- Bolooghra Ringfort - rath CL06050
- Furroor (Liscasey Ed) Ringfort - cashel CL05294
- Derrylough Ringfort - rath CL06018
- Lack East Ringfort - rath CL05318
- Brisla East Ringfort - rath CL05936
- Garraunnatooha Earthwork CL05966
- Creevagh (Ibrickan By.) Redundant record CL07873
- Cahercannavan Ringfort - rath CL05304
- Knocknahila More North Burial ground CL04406
- Knockerry West Ringfort - rath CL06017
- Corraige Ringfort - rath CL05323
- Creevagh (Ibrickan By.) Hut site CL04454
- Finnor More Castle - unclassified CL04387
- Creevagh (Ibrickan By.) Hut site CL04453
- Knockerry East Ringfort - rath CL06019
- Clonderalaw Castle - unclassified CL06544
- Cloonlaheen Middle Ritual site - holy well CL04434
- Derriniddane Ringfort - rath CL06016
- Brisla East Ringfort - rath CL05984
- Knockanalban Castle - unclassified CL04415
- Knocknahooan (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL06023
- Brisla West Ringfort - rath CL05933
- Knockmore (Clonderalaw By.) Quarry CL05285
- Moyglass More Children's burial ground CL04440
- Brisla East Ringfort - rath CL05982
- Molougha Graveyard CL06461
- Brisla West Ringfort - rath CL05934
- Castlepark Castle - tower house CL05255
- Tullaghaboy Children's burial ground CL07127
- Cloonreddan Enclosure CL05298
- Kilmacduane East Ritual site - holy well CL05239
- Doonogan Ringfort - rath CL04412
- Kilmihil Ritual site - holy well CL05314
- Coolmeen (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL06066
- Kiltumper Enclosure CL05260
- Ballyartney Enclosure CL06587
- Ballynagun East,Creegh South Burial ground CL05201
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05275
- Ballymackea Beg Ringfort - rath CL04361
- Knockmore (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05286
- Molougha Fulacht fia CL07045
- Carncreagh Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb CL04436
- Kilmacduane East Hut site CL07160
- Brisla East Ringfort - rath CL05983
- Gowerhass Quarry CL05977
- Doonogan Ringfort - rath CL04416
- Cloghaun Beg (East) Hut site CL05206
- Burrane Upper Ringfort - rath CL06554
- Leitrim (Clonderalaw By.) Hut site CL05269
- Drumdigus Ringfort - rath CL06033
- Drumdigus Enclosure CL06045
- Cloonlaheen West Ringfort - rath CL04430
- Kilmurry East Church CL06034
- Clooncullin Ringfort - rath CL05987
- Cloonlaheen Middle Redundant record CL04432
- Burrane Upper Ringfort - cashel CL06558
- Carrowfree Ringfort - rath CL06718
- Molougha Church CL06462
- Carrowbane (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL06540
- Knocknahooan (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL06024
- Lack West Redundant record CL05331
- Tonavoher Ringfort - rath CL06530
- Lissanair Ringfort - rath CL07053
- Moyglass Beg Ringfort - rath CL04438
- Creevagh (Ibrickan By.) Hut site CL07130
- Ahaga Ringfort - rath CL05306
- Doonogan Castle - tower house CL04422
- Molougha Church CL06460
- Kiltumper Mound CL05257
- Ballymacrinan Earthwork CL06502
- Derryshaan Children's burial ground CL06037
- Kiltumper Ringfort - rath CL06737
- Killernan Ritual site - holy well CL04424
- Carrowniska North Ringfort - rath CL06029
- Crag (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - unclassified CL05358
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL06736
- Leitrim (Clonderalaw By.) Burial ground CL05226
- Carrowlagan Burnt mound CL08508
- Cahermurphy Ringfort - rath CL05248
- Carrowfree Fulacht fia CL07046
- Molougha Church CL06463
- Creevagh (Ibrickan By.) Inscribed stone CL04450
- Molougha Concentric enclosure CL06465
- Kilmore (Clonderalaw By.) Church CL06537
- Creegh North Souterrain CL07151
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) Earthwork CL05276
- Lissanair Barrow - ring-barrow CL06039
- Finnor More Kiln - corn-drying CL08519
- Treanmanagh Redundant record CL04446
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) Burial ground CL05273
- Kilmacduane East Ringfort - rath CL05297
- Lisheenydeen Ringfort - rath CL06026
- Cloonnakilla (Glenmore Ed) Cross-slab CL06734
- Cahercannavan Ringfort - rath CL05305
- Knockalough Barrow - ring-barrow CL05290
- Ballyartney Ringfort - rath CL06586
- Clooncullin Ringfort - rath CL05985
- Cloghaun More (West) Ringfort - rath CL04401
- Lissanair Barrow - ring-barrow CL06042
- Doonnagurroge Ringfort - rath CL06505
- Cross More Ringfort - rath CL05997
- Knockaderreen (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL06001
- Clooncullin Ringfort - rath CL07052
- Cross Beg Ringfort - rath CL05994
- Cloonarass Ringfort - rath CL06545
- Castlepark Moated site CL05254
- Knockmore (Clonderalaw By.) Excavation - miscellaneous CL06738
- Crag (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - cashel CL05354
- Kilmacduane East Earthwork CL05241
- Lack West Ringfort - rath CL05307
- Crag (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05359
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) Ritual site - holy well CL05303
- Knockmore (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05329
- Treanmanagh Ringfort - rath CL06712
- Kilmacduane East Ringfort - rath CL05240
- Castlepark Enclosure CL05328
- Garraunnatooha Ringfort - rath CL05964
- Knockmore (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05284
- Gowerhass Ringfort - rath CL05978
- Dunneill Ringfort - rath CL06526
- Coor West Ringfort - rath CL04428
- Bolooghra House - indeterminate date CL08094
- Knockalough Enclosure CL05324
- Castlepark Graveyard CL05251
- Teernagloghane Ringfort - rath CL05937
- Cloghaunnatinny Ringfort - rath CL04403
- Molougha Ritual site - holy well CL06457
- Binvoran Ringfort - rath CL06014
- Bolooghra Ringfort - rath CL06049
- Carrowreagh West Ringfort - rath CL05998
- Tullycreen Lower Children's burial ground CL06011
- Leitrim (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05268
- Doonogan Penitential station CL04448
- Carrowbane (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL06542
- Cloghaun Beg (East) Cairn - unclassified CL07019
- Carrowfree Ringfort - rath CL05967
- Doonnagurroge Castle - tower house CL06516
- Leitrim (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05227
- Finnor More Burnt mound CL08521
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05302
- Tullycreen Upper Redundant record CL06041
- Ballymackea Beg Ringfort - rath CL04362
- Brisla East Hut site CL07143
- Knocknahooan (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL06000
- Molosky Quarry CL06711
- Breaghva (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL06027
- Tarmon Ringfort - rath CL06533
- Moyglass More Ringfort - rath CL04442
- Corraige Ringfort - rath CL05996
- Knockerry West Ringfort - rath CL05971
- Greygrove Ringfort - rath CL05292
- Boolynamweel Earthwork CL05261
- Carrownagry North Ringfort - rath CL04443
- Cassarnagh Ringfort - rath CL06536
- Lack West Ringfort - rath CL05991
- Cloonreddan Ringfort - rath CL05266
- Creegh North Ringfort - rath CL05204
- Carrowniska North Ringfort - rath CL06028
- Cloonlaheen West Ringfort - rath CL04429
- Doonnagurroge Crannog CL06507
- Tonavoher Redundant record CL06584
- Brisla East Ringfort - rath CL05981
- Lissanair Ringfort - rath CL05989
- Carrownagry North Ringfort - rath CL04441
- Kilmacduane East Enclosure CL05300
- Tullycreen Lower Ringfort - rath CL06013
- Cassarnagh Ringfort - rath CL06539
- Kilmacduane West Ringfort - rath CL05235
- Castlepark House - indeterminate date CL07154
- Gowerhass Ringfort - rath CL05949
- Cloonlaheen Middle Redundant record CL04433
- Kilmihil Quarry CL05316
- Knockaderreen (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL07054
- Lack East Ringfort - rath CL05319
- Crag (Clonderalaw By.) Mass-rock CL07098
- Lack West Ringfort - rath CL05310
- Shanavogh West Ringfort - rath CL04423
- Molosky Ringfort - rath CL04402
- Killernan Burial ground CL03591
- Moyglass More Ringfort - rath CL04439
- Molougha Enclosure CL06455
- Cloghaunnatinny Ringfort - rath CL04404
- Doonnagurroge Ringfort - rath CL07041
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) Ritual site - holy well CL05271
- Knockaderreen (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL06003
- Ballynagun East Ringfort - rath CL05225
- Finnor Beg Ringfort - rath CL04388
- Tonavoher Ringfort - rath CL06529
- Kilmihil Ringfort - rath CL05317
- Lissanair Fulacht fia CL06731
- Knocknahila More North Standing stone CL06983
- Cloghaunnatinny Hut site CL06742
- Kilmihil Standing stone - pair CL05308
- Furroor (Liscasey Ed) Quarry CL05293
- Carrowlagan,Finnor Beg Ringfort - rath CL04389
- Leitrim (Clonderalaw By.) Earthwork CL05265
- Tullycreen Lower Ringfort - rath CL06008
- Ahaga Redundant record CL06043
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05272
- Tarmon Ringfort - rath CL06022
- Cahermurphy Ringfort - cashel CL05249
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) Souterrain CL07158
- Leitrim (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05264
- Castlepark Enclosure CL07153
- Breaghva (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL06025
- Tullycreen Upper Ringfort - rath CL06007
- Cahermurphy Hut site CL05252
- Doonnagurroge Ringfort - rath CL06517
- Teervarna Ringfort - rath CL06549
- Carrowlagan Burnt mound CL08507
- Crag (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05295
- Kilmore (Clonderalaw By.) Graveyard CL06538
- Castlepark Ringfort - rath CL05253
- Greygrove Ringfort - rath CL05291
- Carrowbane (Clonderalaw By.),River Shannon Weir - fish CL09193
- Knockerry West Ringfort - rath CL05969
- Kilmihil Church CL05312
- Kiltumper Enclosure CL05256
- Cullenagh (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL06576
- Molougha Ringfort - rath CL06466
- Cloonreddan Earthwork CL05299
- Derriniddane Redundant record CL07146
- Cloghaun Beg (West) Ringfort - rath CL05203
- Cross More Enclosure CL08378
- Coor West Ringfort - rath CL04425
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) House - indeterminate date CL07159
- Tullycreen Lower Ringfort - rath CL06010
- Carrowlagan Burnt mound CL08518
- Finnor More Excavation - miscellaneous CL08520
- Derrygeeha Ringfort - rath CL06036
- Finnor More Burial ground CL04382
- Tullycreen Lower Ringfort - rath CL06006
- Ballyduneen Ringfort - rath CL05356
- Killernan Ringfort - rath CL04420
- Cloonlaheen East Ringfort - rath CL04435
- Brisla West Ringfort - rath CL05932
- Cloonreddan Ringfort - rath CL05301
- Lack West Ringfort - rath CL05992
- Sheeaun (Clonderalaw By.) Ringfort - rath CL05274
- Tarmon Ringfort - rath CL06021
- Cloonreddan Ringfort - rath CL05267
- Crag (Clonderalaw By.) Enclosure CL07017