Ballyconnell is a Town in the county of County Cavan.
Ballyconnell postcode: H14 EC99
There are great places to visit near Ballyconnell including some great towns.
Ballyconnell is near some unmissable towns like Belturbet,
Ballyconnell History
There are some historic monuments around Ballyconnell:
- Keilagh Ringfort - rath CV00389
- Clonamullig Crannog CV00357
- Portaliff Or Townparks Ringfort - rath CV00716
- Toberlyan Standing stone CV00333
- Drummully East Ringfort - rath CV00704
- Cloncollow,Mullynagolman Road - unclassified togher CV00358
- Killymoriarty Megalithic tomb - court tomb CV00302
- Snugborough Ringfort - rath CV00225
- Derryragh Redundant record CV00343
- Bellaheady Or Rossbressal Hilltop enclosure CV00271
- Killycluggin Ringfort - rath CV00299
- Ballyhugh Promontory fort - inland CV00352
- Killarah Cairn - unclassified CV00392
- Brackley Ringfort - rath CV00187
- Kilcorby Enclosure - large enclosure CV02161
- Aghnacally Kiln - lime CV02145
- Gartaquill Designed landscape - tree-ring CV02085
- Gortnaleck Ringfort - rath CV00293
- Agharaskilly Ringfort - rath CV02165
- Kilcorby Habitation site CV02467
- Mullynagolman Round tower CV00407
- Kilnavert Barrow - unclassified CV00305
- Drumersee Kiln - corn-drying CV02146
- Sruhagh Crannog CV00328
- Snugborough Ringfort - rath CV00223
- Ballymagauran Ringfort - rath CV00268
- Gortnaleck Crannog CV02374
- Doon (Ballyconnell Ed) Exhibitionist figure (present location) CV00216
- Port (Bawnboy Ed) Church CV00321
- Killycluggin Cist CV00296
- Kildallan Graveyard CV00390
- Munlough North Ringfort - rath CV00198
- Toberlyan Duffin Penitential station CV00340
- Port (Bawnboy Ed) Graveyard CV00322
- Cuillaghan Enclosure CV02160
- Bawnboy Bawn CV00186
- Killycluggin Stone circle CV00295
- Aghavoher,Clifton Barrow - unclassified CV00350
- Kilnavert Standing stone CV00306
- Keenaghan,Mullanaffrin Crannog CV00221
- Gartaquill Enclosure CV02377
- Woodford Demesne Crannog LE02197
- Aghabane,Derrindrehid Crannog CV00683
- Court tomb: Giant's Grave
- Mullynagolman Architectural fragment CV00408
- Lissanover Castle - unclassified CV00319
- Port (Bawnboy Ed) Crannog CV00323
- Toberlyan Standing stone (present location) CV02473
- Mullanacre Lower Ringfort - rath CV00222
- Clowney Structure CV00363
- Clontygrigny Crannog CV00361
- Kilnavert Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb CV00308
- Coolnashinny Or Croaghan Redundant record CV02187
- Derrycassan Ringfort - rath CV00288
- Carn (Tullyhunco By.) Enclosure CV02518
- Toberlyan Duffin Bullaun stone (present location) CV00339
- Kilsob Architectural fragment CV02157
- Ballyhugh Megalithic tomb - court tomb CV00353
- Woodford Demesne Ringfort - rath LE01395
- Killarah Cairn - unclassified CV00391
- Lissanover Stone row CV00320
- Drumbo (Tullyhunco By.) Ritual site - holy well CV00699
- Snugborough Ringfort - rath CV00224
- Legavreagra Redundant record CV02098
- Camagh Standing stone CV00275
- Lissanover Stone row CV00317
- Coolnashinny Or Croaghan Bawn CV00689
- Kilnavert Graveyard CV00312
- Annagh (Tullyhaw By.) Crannog CV00208
- Sruhagh Ringfort - rath CV00329
- Derryniggin Redundant record LE01397
- Drumgesh Ringfort - rath CV00374
- Bawnboy Structure CV02149
- Port (Bawnboy Ed) Ringfort - rath CV00202
- Drumerdannan Ringfort - rath CV00701
- Killicar Enclosure CV02380
- Cloneary Souterrain CV00278
- Port (Bawnboy Ed) Graveyard CV00325
- Cormeen (Tullyhunco By.) Ringfort - rath CV00366
- Clowney Ringfort - rath CV00364
- Bellaheady Or Rossbressal Ringfort - rath CV00272
- Corran (Tullyhaw By.) Barrow - unclassified CV00286
- Brackley Enclosure CV02150
- Kilnavert Standing stone CV00310
- Ballymagauran Stone head CV00270
- Deramfield Ringfort - rath CV00694
- Annagh (Tullyhaw By.) Bawn CV00207
- Lecharrownahone Ringfort - rath CV00399
- Toberlyan Standing stone (present location) CV02474
- Gortoorlan Ringfort - unclassified CV00220
- Derrycassan Ringfort - rath CV00290
- Gortnaleck Ringfort - rath CV00292
- Shancroaghan Enclosure CV00722
- Killycluggin Megalithic structure CV00342
- Carn (Tullyhunco By.) Megalithic tomb - passage tomb CV00355
- Cormeen (Tullyhunco By.) Ringfort - rath CV00396
- Cavanaquill Ringfort - rath CV00188
- Coologe Crannog CV00279
- Agharaskilly Ringfort - rath CV00349
- Corran (Tullyhaw By.) Ritual site - holy well CV00284
- Kilnavert Stone circle CV00314
- Port (Bawnboy Ed) Church CV00324
- Portaliff Or Townparks Graveyard CV02107
- Camagh Ringfort - rath CV00276
- Derrycassan Ringfort - rath CV00287
- Killarah Enclosure CV00393
- Rosehill (Tullyhaw By.) Ringfort - rath CV00327
- Carn (Tullyhunco By.) Ringfort - rath CV00356
- Aughrim Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb CV00211
- Doon (Ballyconnell Ed) Megalithic tomb - court tomb CV00217
- Portaliff Or Townparks Church CV00715
- Creeny (Milltown Ed) Ringfort - rath CV00367
- Ray Ringfort - rath CV00326
- Lissanover Stone circle CV00315
- Rath
- Aghavoher Crannog CV00351
- Derryniggin Ringfort - rath LE01396
- Drumbar (Tullyhaw By.) Ringfort - rath CV00175
- Cloncose (Killashandra Ed) Souterrain CV00360
- Coologe Ringfort - rath CV00280
- Killycluggin Ringfort - rath CV00297
- Ardue Ringfort - rath CV00209
- Killywillin Ringfort - rath CV00304
- Gortnavreeghan Sweathouse CV02151
- Burren (Tullyhaw By., Lissanover Ed) Ringfort - rath CV00274
- Killycluggin Souterrain CV00298
- Derryragh Redundant record CV00344
- Carn (Tullyhunco By.) Enclosure CV02517
- Newtowngore Enclosure LE01407
- Drumasladdy Ringfort - rath CV00373
- Newtowngore Redundant record LE01404
- Newtowngore Graveyard LE01410
- Toberlyan Standing stone CV00332
- Killymoriarty Ringfort - rath CV00300
- Coolnashinny Or Croaghan Mausoleum CV02188
- Mullynagolman Sheela-na-gig CV00406
- Ardue Ringfort - rath CV00210
- Cordalea Crannog CV00690
- Ballyhugh Mound CV02084
- Ballymagauran Castle - tower house CV00269
- Mullynagolman Church CV00405
- Portaliff Or Townparks Wall monument CV00717
- Carn (Tullyhunco By.) Barrow - stepped barrow CV02506
- Lecharrownahone Ringfort - rath CV00398
- Burren (Tullyhaw By., Lissanover Ed) Ringfort - rath CV00273
- Gartacara Crannog CV02376
- Bofealan Mill - unclassified CV02158
- Cranaghan Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb (present location) CV02472
- Annagh (Tullyhaw By.) Castle - unclassified CV00206
- Cashel
- Kilnavert Standing stone CV00309
- Cuillaghan Ringfort - rath CV02162
- Toberlyan Duffin Ritual site - holy well CV00337
- Corracar Church LE02403
- Killycluggin Stone sculpture - aniconic CV00294
- Corran (Tullyhaw By.) Barrow - unclassified CV00285
- Cor Ringfort - rath CV00189
- Derryragh Hilltop enclosure CV00291
- Clowney Ringfort - rath CV00362
- Mullynagolman Crannog CV00403
- Cloneary Ringfort - rath CV00277
- Tonyhallagh Ringfort - rath CV00341
- Derrycassan Crannog CV00289
- Tomassan Crannog CV00226
- Mullyaster Ringfort - rath LE01414
- Ballyhugh Ringfort - rath CV00354
- Shancroaghan Crannog CV00721
- Killymoriarty Stone row CV00301
- Drumgesh Ringfort - rath CV00375
- Corran (Tullyhaw By.) Ringfort - rath CV00283
- Artillery fort
- Derrycassan Crannog CV00347
- Keenagh (Tullyhaw By.) Ringfort - rath CV00193
- Aghabane Castle - unclassified CV00682
- Rahaghan Ringfort - rath CV00409
- Toberlyan Duffin Bullaun stone CV00338
- Port (Bawnboy Ed) Ringfort - rath CV00203
- Kilnavert Barrow - unclassified CV00307
- Munlough South Ringfort - rath CV00199
- Cormeen (Tullyhunco By.) Ringfort - rath CV00365
- Listiernan Ringfort - rath CV00402
- Newtowngore Church LE01409
- Lissanover Ringfort - rath CV00318
- Tully North Ringfort - rath LE01411
- Rath
- Lissanover Barrow - unclassified CV00316
- Gartaquill Designed landscape - tree-ring CV02086
- Doon (Ballyconnell Ed) Castle - unclassified CV00215
- Killydrum Ringfort - rath LE01412
- Cullion Ringfort - cashel CV00174
- Brackley,Finaghoo,Mullaghlea Millstone quarry CV02508
- Killarah Cairn - unclassified CV00394
- Corglass (Lower Loughtee By.) Crannog CV00691
- Ballyhugh Ringfort - rath CV02520
- Toberlyan Barrow - unclassified CV00334
- Gortnaleck Redundant record CV00346
- Derrycassan Bullaun stone CV00348
- Kilnavert Barrow - unclassified CV00313
- Aghnacally Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb CV00170
- Gortnacleigh Ringfort - rath CV00388
- Toberlyan Duffin Ringfort - rath CV00335
- Newtowngore Redundant record LE01406
- Drumgart Ringfort - rath CV00219
- Eonish Ringfort - rath CV00706
- Gartaquill Stone row CV00387
- Drummany Glebe Ringfort - rath CV00386
- Derryragh Megalithic structure CV00345
- Kilnacross (Tullyhunco By.) Ritual site - holy well CV00397
- Cullyleenan Ringfort - rath CV00214
- Doon (Ballyconnell Ed) Barrow - unclassified CV00218
- Slievebrickan Ringfort - rath CV00410
- Carrickateane Ringfort - rath LE01405
- Kilnavert Church CV00311
- Killarah Cist CV00395
- Uragh (Lower Loughtee By.) Ringfort - rath CV00411
- Cloncose (Killashandra Ed) Ringfort - rath CV00359
- Aghnacally Cairn - unclassified CV00171