Ballinkillin is a Village in the county of County Carlow.
Ballinkillin postcode: R21 NN
There are great places to visit near Ballinkillin including some great towns.
Carlow is a great place to visit close to Ballinkillin if you like towns.
Ballinkillin History
There are some historic monuments around Ballinkillin:
- Bannagagole Fulacht fia CW01770
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Ring-ditch CW02086
- Lorum Ritual site - holy well CW00911
- Lissalican Redundant record CW01096
- Lorum Church CW00908
- Tinnakeenly Rock art KK02582
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Enclosure CW01000
- Closutton Church CW00700
- Spahill Redundant record CW01098
- Spahill Redundant record CW01110
- Moanmore (Idrone West By.) Fulacht fia CW00668
- Wells Cross CW00674
- Oldleighlin Font (present location) CW01355
- Bohermore Enclosure CW00811
- Rathgeran Standing stone CW01385
- Fenniscourt Road - road/trackway CW00790
- Toberbride Ritual site - holy well CW00799
- Ballyloughan Castle - Anglo-Norman masonry castle CW00917
- Ballyknockan (Idrone West By.),Leighlinbridge Bridge CW00499
- Kildreenagh Bullaun stone CW00717
- Heath Enclosure CW00914
- Wells Graveyard CW01335
- Kilmissan Rock art CW02121
- Kilcarrig Excavation - miscellaneous CW01403
- Bannagagole Quarry CW00656
- Grange Lower Enclosure KK02098
- Agha Enclosure CW00491
- Kilcoltrim Graveslab (present location) CW01114
- Moanmore (Idrone West By.) Excavation - miscellaneous CW00662
- Fenniscourt Enclosure CW00786
- Sliguff Ring-ditch CW01867
- Fenniscourt Field system CW01857
- Spahill Rock art (present location) CW01120
- Sliguff Field system CW01682
- Ballinvally And Kiltennell Redundant record CW01066
- Shankill Ringfort - rath KK01583
- Pollagh (Gowran By.) Ritual site - holy well KK02566
- Corries Or Corrymore Redundant record CW00932
- Courtnaboghilla Burial KK05177
- Sliguff Enclosure CW00921
- Powerstown East Castle - motte KK02543
- Tinnacarrig Ringfort - rath CW01152
- Lorum Graveyard CW01398
- Powerstown East Enclosure KK02547
- Ballinkillin Ringfort - rath CW00929
- Shankill Burnt spread KK01582
- Donore Field system CW00771
- Pollagh (Gowran By.) Graveyard KK02569
- Barrowmount Earthwork KK02555
- Pollagh (Gowran By.) Barrow - unclassified KK02564
- Sliguff Ringfort - rath CW00900
- Shankill Ring-ditch KK05555
- Kilcarrig Mound CW00708
- Ballinree Earthwork CW00940
- Knocksquire Or Knockscur Standing stone CW00977
- Donore Kiln - lime CW00785
- Ballinkillin Hillfort CW00928
- Kilcruit Ringfort - rath CW00904
- Ballytarsna Burial ground CW00485
- Kellymount Excavation - miscellaneous KK05505
- Clowater (Idrone East By.) Enclosure CW01494
- Donore Redundant record CW00764
- Spahill Redundant record CW01107
- Shankill Redundant record KK05878
- Curraghacruit Redundant record CW00736
- Ballycormick Enclosure CW01676
- Seskinryan Earthwork CW00747
- Ullard Bullaun stone KK02592
- Shankill Castle - tower house KK01594
- Ballymoon Designed landscape feature CW00745
- Raheenwood (Idrone East By.) Enclosure CW01483
- Clomoney (St. Mullin'S Lower By.) Enclosure CW02093
- Kilcarrig Ring-ditch CW02057
- Knocksquire Or Knockscur Hut site CW00984
- Lorum Cross CW00906
- Bohermore,Curraghacruit,Dunleckny Settlement deserted - medieval CW00781
- Leighlinbridge Castle - tower house CW00500
- Clonygoose Ritual site - holy well CW01051
- Clowater (Idrone East By.) Castle - unclassified CW00949
- Donore Redundant record CW00766
- Ballytarsna (Knocktopher By.),Duninga Linear earthwork KK02077
- Barrowmount House - indeterminate date KK02554
- Bohermore Graveyard CW01336
- Ballykeenan (St. Mullin'S Lower By.) Mass-rock CW01149
- Rathellin Barrow - ring-barrow CW00791
- Ullard Cross - High cross KK02586
- Kilcarrig Structure CW01831
- Johnduffswood Earthwork CW00401
- Kilcruit Cairn - unclassified CW00925
- Ullard Redundant record KK02589
- Donore Megalithic structure CW00769
- Borris Redundant record CW01115
- Rathellin Enclosure CW00686
- Rathedan Church CW00693
- Sliguff Enclosure CW00898
- Toberbride Cairn - unclassified CW00778
- Ballynasilloge Ringfort - rath CW00970
- Castlekelly Road - road/trackway KK02092
- Knockmore Rock art CW01684
- Ballinvally And Kiltennell Font CW01067
- Moneybeg Ring-ditch CW00806
- Sliguff Enclosure CW00999
- Kilcarrig Kiln - corn-drying CW01401
- Kilcarrig Pit-burial CW01832
- Ballyellin And Tomdarragh Graveslab CW00960
- Sliguff Enclosure CW01934
- Sliguff Enclosure CW00758
- Ballymoon Rock art CW01347
- Nurney Cross - High cross CW00470
- Knockmore Enclosure CW01080
- Leighlinbridge Enclosure CW00503
- Ullard Cross-slab KK05327
- Powerstown East Headstone KK05335
- Kilree Enclosure CW00728
- Sliguff Ring-ditch CW01871
- Wells Ringfort - rath CW00672
- Moanmore (Idrone West By.) Fulacht fia CW01767
- Donore Ritual site - holy well CW00767
- Ballyellin And Tomdarragh Bawn CW01531
- Dunleckny Castle - motte CW00782
- Rathgeran Enclosure CW01140
- Ballymoon Enclosure CW00741
- Coolnakisha Enclosure CW01461
- Paulstown Fulacht fia KK02084
- Ballinree Church CW00937
- Gorteen (Gowran By.) Enclosure KK05835
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Enclosure CW00922
- Duninga Ring-ditch KK05813
- Pollagh (Gowran By.) Architectural fragment KK02568
- Killinane Cist CW00703
- Ballyteigelea (Idrone East By.) Ringfort - rath CW01042
- Gormona Earthwork CW00774
- Borris Ritual site - holy well CW01045
- Ballinvally And Kiltennell Ritual site - holy well CW01071
- Nurney Stone head CW01515
- Ballyellin And Tomdarragh Font CW00961
- Ballyknockan (Idrone West By.) Designed landscape feature CW00496
- Shankill Enclosure KK05846
- Clomoney (Idrone East By.) Ring-ditch CW01498
- Cloghasty South Castle - tower house KK03009
- Knockmore Enclosure CW01077
- Kilcarrig Enclosure CW00729
- Kilcarrig Ring-ditch CW02053
- Knockmore Cairn - unclassified CW01076
- Fenniscourt Graveyard CW01346
- Clomoney (Idrone East By.) Enclosure CW00989
- Grange Upper Graveyard KK02532
- Spahill Redundant record CW01099
- Coneykeare Ring-ditch CW01443
- Duninga Enclosure KK02086
- Milltown (Gowran By.) Enclosure KK02571
- Ballinree Enclosure CW00941
- Ullard Church KK02585
- Ballinree Charcoal-making site CW00935
- Ballynaboley Hut site CW01820
- Castlekelly Castle - unclassified KK02091
- Kyle Graveyard CW01083
- Kildreenagh Cross - High cross CW00716
- Fenniscourt Ring-ditch CW01864
- Killoughternane Standing stone CW00985
- Donore Enclosure CW00801
- Tinnacarrig Ringfort - cashel CW01200
- Rathellin Enclosure CW01480
- Moneybeg Enclosure CW00727
- Ballytarsna Castle - tower house CW00486
- Aughkiletaun Cross KK02581
- Lorum Cross - High cross CW00905
- Ballyduff (Gowran By., Graiguenamanagh Ed) Souterrain KK03006
- Grange Upper Ringfort - unclassified KK02536
- Killinane Enclosure CW00808
- Upton Or Ballyhubbock Enclosure CW00751
- Rathornan Enclosure CW00456
- Grange Lower Enclosure KK02093
- Cloneen Ring-ditch CW02062
- Ballyloughan Moated site CW00915
- Farranafreney Enclosure CW02067
- Kilcarrig Enclosure CW00730
- Oldtown (Nurney Ed) Enclosure CW01568
- Killoughternane Church CW00953
- Ballyroughan Little Ringfort - rath CW01092
- Aughkiletaun Cross KK02580
- Duninga Burial ground KK02085
- Ballymartin Ringfort - rath CW00950
- Tinnacarrig Graveyard CW01305
- Wells Church CW00724
- Ballyduff (Gowran By., Graiguenamanagh Ed) Ringfort - rath KK03005
- Glannahary Redundant record CW00903
- Kilree Quarry CW01522
- Ballymoon Enclosure CW00739
- Ballyteigelea (Idrone East By.) Ringfort - rath CW01040
- Ballyknockan (Idrone West By.) Castle - motte CW00683
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Ring-ditch CW01530
- Seskin Lower Enclosure CW00399
- Coneykeare Enclosure CW01774
- Ballynaboley Enclosure CW00504
- Shankill Linear earthwork KK01585
- Skahanrane Kiln - lime CW00951
- Powerstown East Barrow - unclassified KK02546
- Kildreenagh Graveyard CW00715
- Ballynasilloge Megalithic tomb - portal tomb CW01053
- Sliguff Field system CW01681
- Ballyellin And Tomdarragh Enclosure CW00965
- Ballinree Ringfort - rath CW00942
- Oldleighlin Cross - High cross CW01286
- Kilmacahill Enclosure KK02074
- Ballyellin And Tomdarragh Enclosure CW00944
- Closutton Graveyard CW01334
- Clomoney (Idrone East By.) Enclosure CW00990
- Fenniscourt Ecclesiastical enclosure CW00754
- Moanmore (Idrone West By.) Structure CW01769
- Nurney Ringfort - rath CW00493
- Spahill Enclosure CW02103
- Clonygoose Font CW01048
- Ballynasilloge Rock art (present location) CW01698
- Ballyfeanan Or Ballywhinnin (St. Mullin'S Lower By.) Enclosure CW00968
- Ballywilliamroe Cist CW00792
- Sliguff Ring-ditch CW01868
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Megalithic tomb - portal tomb CW00945
- Mountloftus Castle - tower house KK02561
- Ullard Bullaun stone KK02590
- Castlekelly Redundant record KK02090
- Kilcarrig Kiln - corn-drying CW01402
- Clomoney (Idrone East By.) Ring-ditch CW01497
- Sliguff Enclosure CW01533
- Duninga Enclosure KK05159
- Closutton Enclosure CW00663
- Dunleckny Ring-ditch CW01563
- Knocksquire Or Knockscur Enclosure CW00979
- Barnaviddaun North Enclosure KK03008
- Coolnakisha Earthwork CW00488
- Fenniscourt Enclosure CW01863
- Fenniscourt Enclosure CW00752
- Knockmore Enclosure CW01132
- Aughkiletaun Enclosure KK05837
- Spahill Redundant record CW01101
- Spahill Earthwork CW01060
- Aughkiletaun Ritual site - holy well KK02579
- Labanasigh Bullaun stone CW00795
- Rathellin Enclosure CW01674
- Kilcarrig Ringfort - rath CW00789
- Fenniscourt Road - road/trackway CW01854
- Kildreenagh Cross CW00719
- Kyle Church CW01082
- Grange Lower Well KK02102
- Closutton Enclosure CW00666
- Killoughternane Ringfort - cashel CW00974
- Spahill Rock art CW01383
- Powerstown East Kiln - corn-drying KK04987
- Killeen West Burial ground KK03055
- Rathellin Enclosure CW01675
- Coneykeare Ring-ditch CW01442
- Ballymoon Kiln - lime CW00746
- Ballinree Enclosure CW00938
- Rathellin Enclosure CW00685
- Coolnamara Ringfort - rath CW01150
- Spahill Rock art CW01384
- Curraghlane Upper Enclosure KK02574
- Orchard (Idrone East By.) Enclosure CW00490
- Rocksavage Ringfort - rath CW01109
- Knocksquire Or Knockscur Rock art CW01118
- Carrig More Earthwork CW00779
- Grange Lower Enclosure - large enclosure KK02097
- Boherduff Cist CW00698
- Coneykeare Ring-ditch CW01445
- Ballyknockan (Idrone West By.),Leighlinbridge Historic town CW00497
- Ballymoon Earthwork CW00743
- Fenniscourt Redundant record CW00813
- Fenniscourt Pit CW01865
- Kildreenagh Architectural fragment CW01826
- Ballinkillin Castle - unclassified CW00930
- Paulstown Enclosure KK02075
- Courtnaboghilla Enclosure KK02535
- Courtnaboghilla Moated site KK02558
- Lissalican Ringfort - rath CW01072
- Coneykeare Ring-ditch CW01446
- Ballyloughan House - 17th century CW00916
- Ballygraney Megalithic tomb - portal tomb CW01001
- Ballinvally And Kiltennell Ecclesiastical enclosure CW01065
- Barrowmount Religious house - unclassified KK02553
- Duninga Cist KK04941
- Kilcarrig Excavation - miscellaneous CW01405
- Duninga Enclosure KK02079
- Glencoum Ringfort - unclassified KK02573
- Curraghacruit Ritual site - holy well CW00707
- Ballyloughan Enclosure CW02115
- Kilcumney (Idrone East By.) Enclosure CW02043
- Seskinnamadra Graveyard CW01338
- Oldleighlin Cathedral CW01272
- Boherduff Moated site CW00699
- Ballymoon Castle - Anglo-Norman masonry castle CW00744
- Spahill Redundant record CW01100
- Dunleckny Enclosure CW02111
- Burgage Ritual site - holy well CW00684
- Ballyteigelea (Idrone East By.) Mass-rock CW01112
- Moanduff Fulacht fia CW01764
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Earthwork CW00927
- Fenniscourt Ring-ditch CW01860
- Lacken (Idrone East By.) Cross CW01062
- Oldleighlin Ritual site - holy well CW01288
- Wells Ringfort - rath CW00673
- Rathedan Ritual site - holy well CW00690
- Grange Lower Enclosure KK02100
- Kilcumney (St. Mullin'S Lower By.) Enclosure CW01567
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Enclosure CW00983
- Sliguff Ring-ditch CW01870
- Rathellin Mound CW00688
- Fenniscourt Ringfort - rath CW00677
- Killinane Enclosure CW00807
- Kildreenagh Architectural fragment CW00718
- Shankill Graveyard KK01589
- Barrowmount House - 17th century KK05163
- Leighlinbridge Flat cemetery CW00517
- Ullard Redundant record KK02594
- Ballymoon Mound CW00803
- Grange Lower Enclosure KK02545
- Clonygoose Megalithic structure CW01050
- Ballyellin And Tomdarragh Ringfort - rath CW00981
- Killoughternane,Knocksquire Or Knockscur Hillfort CW00976
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Ring-ditch CW01529
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Enclosure CW01492
- Castlekelly Enclosure - large enclosure KK02089
- Knocksquire Or Knockscur Standing stone CW01527
- Kilcarrig Kiln CW01406
- Kilcarrig Ringfort - rath CW00732
- Tinnacarrig Church CW01087
- Sliguff Ring-ditch CW01679
- Coolnakeeran Enclosure CW00403
- Fenniscourt Enclosure CW01856
- Ballyellin And Tomdarragh Church CW00959
- Dunleckny Mound CW00704
- Bohermore Church CW00783
- Grange Lower Cist KK02544
- Killeen West Burial ground KK02583
- Donore Enclosure CW00770
- Ballywilliamroe Standing stone CW00750
- Ballycormick Road - road/trackway CW02109
- Labanasigh Bullaun stone CW00794
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Road - road/trackway CW02107
- Tinnacarrig Earthwork CW01151
- Ballyknockan (Idrone West By.),Leighlinbridge Town defences CW00498
- Carrigpark Ringfort - rath CW00777
- Borris Fulacht fia CW01116
- Barrowmount Concentric enclosure KK02113
- Duninga Enclosure KK02080
- Sliguff Enclosure CW00759
- Fenniscourt Field system CW01866
- Ballyknockan (Idrone West By.) Church CW00681
- Oldleighlin Memorial stone CW01357
- Spahill Rock art CW01097
- Coneykeare Ring-ditch CW01444
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Ring-ditch CW02069
- Ballyknockan (Idrone West By.) Graveyard CW01301
- Ballynagrane Redundant record CW01121
- Moneybeg Field system CW01365
- Barrowmount Megalithic tomb - unclassified KK02103
- Grange Upper Church KK02531
- Ballinkillin Rock art CW01259
- Knockmore Hut site CW01078
- Aughkiletaun Enclosure KK02576
- Nurney Cross CW00471
- Moneybeg Field system CW01366
- Clowater (Idrone East By.) Enclosure CW01495
- Ballytarsna (Knocktopher By.) Enclosure KK02078
- Seskin Lower Fulacht fia CW00400
- Ballycormick Road - road/trackway CW02110
- Duninga Cist KK04940
- Johnduffswood Redundant record CW00398
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Enclosure CW02106
- Ballynattin Redundant record CW01058
- Mohullen Earthwork CW01102
- Paulstown Castle - tower house KK02076
- Killoughternane Bullaun stone CW00957
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Ring-ditch CW00997
- Fenniscourt Barrow - unclassified CW00757
- Kilcarrig Fulacht fia CW01404
- Ballyteigelea (Idrone East By.) Earthwork CW01043
- Grange Lower Enclosure KK02094
- Orchard (Idrone East By.) Enclosure CW00489
- Seskinryan Earthwork CW00772
- Clonygoose Cross CW01049
- Ballinkillin Rock art (present location) CW00993
- Owlbeg Ritual site - holy well CW01113
- Kilmaglin Enclosure CW00865
- Agha Cross CW00515
- Knocksquire Or Knockscur Cairn - ring-cairn CW00980
- Barnahaskin Redundant record CW01074
- Wells Flat cemetery CW00725
- Sliguff Ring-ditch CW01490
- Kilcumney (St. Mullin'S Lower By.) Burial ground CW00947
- Ballynolan Redundant record CW00788
- Gorteen (Gowran By.) Ritual site - holy well KK02560
- Moanmore (Idrone West By.) Ringfort - rath CW00660
- Redbog Redundant record KK02096
- Wells Souterrain CW00678
- Cloneen Enclosure CW02060
- Lorum Cross CW00910
- Ballinvally And Kiltennell Enclosure CW01348
- Fenniscourt Ring-ditch CW01859
- Nurney Graveyard CW00469
- Kilcarrig Ring-ditch CW02055
- Closutton Enclosure CW00665
- Glannahary Ringfort - rath CW00901
- Coolnakisha Structure CW01766
- Oldleighlin Font CW01356
- Ballytarsna Ring-ditch CW00487
- Shankill Enclosure KK01586
- Kilcumney (St. Mullin'S Lower By.) Earthwork CW00948
- Pollagh (Gowran By.) Ritual site - holy well KK02565
- Rathedan Enclosure CW02114
- Curraghacruit Enclosure CW00735
- Sliguff Cist CW00899
- Tinnacarrig Rock art CW01103
- Ballyellin And Tomdarragh House - 16th/17th century CW01002
- Ballyellin And Tomdarragh Enclosure CW01781
- Clomoney (Idrone East By.) Enclosure CW00991
- Fenniscourt Children's burial ground CW00755
- Bohernastrekaun Or Killure Moated site KK02083
- Lumcloon Enclosure CW02079
- Clomoney (St. Mullin'S Lower By.) Ring-ditch CW02094
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Cist CW00987
- Dunleckny Enclosure CW02065
- Kildreenagh Church CW00714
- Kilcarrig Ring-ditch CW02054
- Donore Enclosure CW00763
- Ballybrack Ritual site - holy well CW01105
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Ring-ditch CW01925
- Bohermore Enclosure CW00710
- Pollagh (Gowran By.) Enclosure KK02563
- Shankill Enclosure KK05818
- Ballymoon Moated site CW00742
- Closutton Redundant record CW00667
- Ballywilliamroe Earthwork CW00712
- Fenniscourt Barrow - unclassified CW00756
- Duninga Enclosure KK05649
- Ballyteigelea (Idrone East By.) Ritual site - holy well CW01111
- Ballyellin And Tomdarragh Burial ground CW00962
- Donore Church CW00762
- Kilcarrig Field system CW00734
- Rathedan Rock art CW01690
- Ballymoon Kiln - lime CW00738
- Griffinstown Enclosure KK05857
- Kellymount Fulacht fia KK05508
- Bohermore Ringfort - rath CW00697
- Ballyellin And Tomdarragh Cairn - unclassified CW00963
- Duninga House - 17th century KK02108
- Oldleighlin Cross CW01287
- Orchard (Idrone East By.) Church CW00463
- Sliguff Ring-ditch CW01869
- Seskinryan Enclosure CW00773
- Clonygoose Ringfort - cashel CW01052
- Agha Graveyard CW00513
- Pollagh (Gowran By.) Ritual site - holy well KK02570
- Jordanstown Fulacht fia KK05502
- Killeen West Enclosure KK03007
- Kellymount Fulacht fia KK05509
- Currane Enclosure CW00978
- Clomoney (St. Mullin'S Lower By.) Enclosure - large enclosure CW02095
- Kilmacahill Enclosure KK05769
- Shankill Redundant record KK01584
- Ballinree Castle - unclassified CW00939
- Kellymount Kiln - corn-drying KK05510
- Kilcarrig Ringfort - rath CW00731
- Nurney Enclosure CW00492
- Donore Enclosure CW00787
- Sliguff Enclosure CW01534
- Powerstown East Church KK02540
- Corries Or Corrymore Enclosure CW01496
- Clorusk Upper Ringfort - rath CW00670
- Donore Church CW00768
- Knockmore Rock art (present location) CW01685
- Ballyknockan (Idrone West By.) Boundary stone CW00682
- Ballynasilloge Enclosure CW01057
- Newtown (Idrone East By.) Designed landscape - tree-ring CW00516
- Dunleckny Cist CW00797
- Closutton Moated site CW00658
- Fenniscourt Ring-ditch CW01861
- Gormona Enclosure CW00776
- Killoughternane Font CW00954
- Rathduff Enclosure CW02064
- Bohermore Ringfort - rath CW00706
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Burial ground CW00926
- Ballynasilloge Rock art CW01697
- Garryhill Castle - unclassified CW00780
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Enclosure CW02070
- Courtnaboghilla Enclosure KK02559
- Shankill Linear earthwork KK04619
- Shankill Church KK01588
- Kilree Road - road/trackway CW00802
- Nurney Stone head CW00521
- Leighlinbridge Religious house - Carmelite friars CW00502
- Knockmore Megalithic structure CW01073
- Borris Designed landscape feature CW01044
- Ballyine Enclosure CW01085
- Ballynaboley Enclosure CW00506
- Fenniscourt Rock art CW01400
- Ballyellin And Tomdarragh Church CW00964
- Ballyellin And Tomdarragh Enclosure CW00966
- Sliguff Ring-ditch CW01935
- Glannahary Enclosure CW01491
- Ullard Ritual site - holy well KK02587
- Sliguff Enclosure CW00998
- Kellymount Fulacht fia KK05511
- Grange Upper Font KK02533
- Tinnacarrig Bullaun stone CW01089
- Sliguff Ritual site - holy well CW00760
- Closutton Earthwork CW00664
- Duninga Enclosure KK02087
- Kyle Mound CW01104
- Ballynaboley Enclosure CW01842
- Ballynaboley Enclosure CW00507
- Kilree Excavation - miscellaneous CW01702
- Powerstown East Font KK02541
- Dunleckny Castle - unclassified CW00705
- Ballyknockan (Idrone West By.) Enclosure CW00495
- Rathedan Earthwork CW00691
- Grange Upper Architectural fragment KK02534
- Leighlinbridge Enclosure CW01484
- Seskinnamadra Church CW00943
- Lumcloon Enclosure CW02080
- Agha Cross CW00514
- Barrowmount Enclosure KK02551
- Dunleckny Ring-ditch CW00809
- Shankill Linear earthwork KK04620
- Farranafreney Enclosure CW02066
- Corries Or Corrymore Enclosure CW00933
- Powerstown East Moated site KK02549
- Corries Or Corrymore Ringfort - rath CW00931
- Gormona Ringfort - rath CW00775
- Powerstown East Graveyard KK02542
- Ballymoon Enclosure CW00812
- Coolnakeeran Ringfort - rath CW00402
- Farranafreney Field system CW02083
- Orchard (Idrone East By.) Cross - High cross CW00460
- Ballymoon Ringfort - rath CW00740
- Killinane Ring-ditch CW01819
- Ballyloughan Gatehouse CW00918
- Fenniscourt Ringfort - rath CW00896
- Grange Lower Ring-ditch KK05860
- Mountloftus Enclosure KK02562
- Fenniscourt Enclosure CW01905
- Ballyellin And Tomdarragh Field system CW00992
- Ballinkillin Enclosure CW02022
- Ballinvally And Kiltennell Graveyard CW01342
- Ballinree Ringfort - rath CW00936
- Kildreenagh Bullaun stone CW00720
- Sliguff Ring-ditch CW01482
- Farranafreney Field system CW02068
- Currane Cairn - unclassified CW00971
- Tinnacarrig Ritual site - holy well CW01090
- Corries Or Corrymore Redundant record CW00934
- Farranafreney Enclosure CW00657
- Bannagagole Fulacht fia CW01768
- Shankill Burnt spread KK01581
- Curraghacruit Ringfort - rath CW00709
- Cashel Ringfort - cashel CW00973
- Kilcarrig Rock art CW02023
- Tinnacarrig Bullaun stone CW01088
- Coolnamara Enclosure CW01201
- Sliguff Ring-ditch CW01680
- Janeville Or Kilgarron Designed landscape feature CW01481
- Sliguff Graveyard CW01337
- Killoughternane Ritual site - holy well CW00956
- Rosdellig Earthwork CW01068
- Grange Lower Burial ground KK02105
- Butlersgrove Enclosure - large enclosure KK02082
- Spahill Rock art CW01693
- Kilcarrig Enclosure CW00733
- Moanduff,Oldleighlin,Raheenwood (Idrone West By.) Settlement deserted - medieval CW00405
- Grange Lower Castle - unclassified KK02101
- Leighlinbridge Standing stone CW00522
- Aughkiletaun Church KK02578
- Lorum Ritual site - holy well CW00913
- Kellymount Ring-ditch KK05512
- Spahill Moated site CW01070
- Ballywilliamroe Enclosure CW00749
- Tinnacarrig Enclosure CW01093
- Agha Church CW00512
- Knocksquire Or Knockscur Redundant record CW00975
- Aughkiletaun Enclosure KK02575
- Moanmore (Idrone West By.) Fulacht fia CW00661
- Ballinvally And Kiltennell Church CW01064
- Fenniscourt Church CW01345
- Killoughternane Redundant record CW00996
- Knockmore Cairn - unclassified CW01075
- Coneykeare Ring-ditch CW00518
- Sliguff Burial ground CW01648
- Clonygoose Church CW01047
- Rathedan Graveyard CW00694
- Sliguff Church CW00897
- Ballybrack Enclosure CW01079
- Rathedan Earthwork CW00696
- Ballymoon Enclosure CW00737
- Spahill Ringfort - rath CW01059
- Sliguff Ring-ditch CW01678
- Gormona Kiln - lime CW00784
- Duninga Enclosure KK05559
- Barrowmount Enclosure - large enclosure KK05183
- Wells Barrow - unclassified CW00676
- Grange Lower Field boundary KK02099
- Powerstown East Enclosure KK02538
- Moyvally Earthwork CW01131
- Kilcarrig Rock art (present location) CW01691
- Orchard (Idrone East By.) Cross - High cross (present location) CW00461
- Ballyteigelea (Idrone East By.) Redundant record CW01041
- Clomoney (Idrone East By.) Enclosure - large enclosure CW00946
- Clorusk Upper Ringfort - rath CW00671
- Nurney Cross CW00472
- Cloneen Ring-ditch CW02061
- Knocksquire Or Knockscur Redundant record CW01119
- Clonygoose Graveyard CW01341
- Ballycabus Enclosure KK02537
- Wells Barrow - unclassified CW01521
- Knockendrane Enclosure CW01020
- Ballybrack Earthwork CW01084
- Coolnamara Enclosure CW01202
- Pollagh (Gowran By.) Church KK02567
- Cashel Ringfort - rath CW00972
- Sliguff Ring-ditch CW01873
- Rathedan Earthwork CW00689
- Ballyellin And Tomdarragh Graveyard CW01339
- Moneybeg Ring-ditch CW00805
- Rathellin Concentric enclosure CW00687
- Knockmanus Redundant record CW00967
- Ballyglisheen Redundant record CW01159
- Borris Castle - unclassified CW01069
- Oldgrange Enclosure KK05836
- Kilcloney Burial ground CW00969
- Kilcruit Ringfort - rath CW00924
- Kildreenagh Ringfort - rath CW00711
- Clowater (Idrone East By.) Road - road/trackway CW02104
- Clomoney (Idrone East By.) Redundant record CW01677
- Lissalican Enclosure CW01108
- Nurney Church CW00468
- Glannahary Ringfort - rath CW00902
- Ullard Graveyard KK02593
- Fenniscourt Ring-ditch CW01858
- Kellymount Metalworking site KK05513
- Raheenwood (Idrone East By.) Enclosure CW00853
- Kilgraney (Idrone East By.) Enclosure CW01493
- Ballybrack Fulacht fia CW01106
- Ballyellin And Tomdarragh Standing stone CW00995