Jonesborough is a Village in the county of County Armagh.
Jonesborough postcode: BT35 8HR
There are great places to visit near Jonesborough including some great towns, lakes and cities.
Portadown, and Craigavon are some of Jonesborough best towns to visit near Jonesborough.
There are a several good lakes in the area around Jonesborough like Craigavon Lakes.
Armagh is one of Jonesborough's best, nearby cities to visit in Jonesborough.
Jonesborough History
There are some historic monuments around Jonesborough:
- Dowdallshill Enclosure LH02086
- Dungooly Bawn LH00029
- Killin (Dundalk Upper By.) Megalithic tomb - passage tomb LH00382
- Faughart Upper Souterrain LH00133
- Rockmarshall Fulacht fia LH00715
- Doolargy Sweathouse LH00287
- Donaghmore Souterrain LH00620
- Bellurgan Ritual site - holy well LH00749
- Rockmarshall Midden LH00751
- Carn More Cremation pit LH02630
- Mounthamilton Fulacht fia LH00624
- Doolargy Ringfort - rath LH00226
- Cashel
- Donaghmore Burial ground LH00617
- Doolargy Ringfort - rath LH00171
- Ballymakellett Souterrain LH00292
- Dungooly Castle - tower house LH00028
- Ballymascanlan,Culfore Enclosure LH00209
- Proleek Acres Souterrain LH00207
- Tateetra Souterrain LH02452
- Proleek Ecclesiastical enclosure LH00217
- Rockmarshall Fulacht fia LH00850
- Rath
- Cornamucklagh Earthwork LH00006
- Donaghmore Enclosure LH02258
- Bellurgan Ringfort - rath LH00232
- Tankardsrock Souterrain LH00586
- Lurgankeel Ringfort - rath LH00116
- Ballymakellett Rock art LH02743
- Donaghmore Souterrain LH00448
- Ballymakellett Hut site LH00228
- Monascreebe Enclosure LH00281
- Cornamucklagh Kiln - corn-drying LH02739
- Cashel and souterrain
- Lurgankeel Mound LH00179
- Donaghmore Souterrain LH00590
- Faughart Lower Souterrain LH00136
- Bellurgan Souterrain LH02264
- Cornamucklagh Ecclesiastical site LH00004
- Carrickedmond Cairn - unclassified LH00256
- Lurgankeel Megalithic tomb - portal tomb LH00182
- Redcow Enclosure LH02772
- Balriggan Excavation - miscellaneous LH02667
- Carrickedmond Earthwork LH00118
- Carn More Field system LH00199
- Ballymascanlan Souterrain LH00570
- Redcow Boundary stone LH02513
- Ballymakellett Hut site LH00325
- Doolargy Hut site LH02343
- Carrickedmond Earthwork LH00253
- Bellurgan Enclosure LH02492
- Lisdoo Ringfort - rath LH02774
- Doolargy Ringfort - rath LH00168
- Killin (Dundalk Upper By.) Megalithic tomb - unclassified LH00384
- The Danes Cast (south) - linear earthwork visible at several points
- Ravensdale Park Standing stone LH02489
- Farrandreg Souterrain LH02021
- Rockmarshall Ringfort - rath LH00761
- Bellurgan Burial ground LH00670
- Cornamucklagh Children's burial ground LH00003
- Doolargy Hut site LH00170
- Drumad Enclosure LH02759
- Demesne,Marshes Lower,Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Historic town LH00705
- Raskeagh Souterrain LH00123
- Ballymakellett Metalworking site LH00229
- Faughart Lower Fulacht fia LH02450
- Doolargy Enclosure LH00164
- Ballynahattin Cairn - burial cairn LH02448
- Castletown (Dundalk Upper By.) Castle - tower house LH00695
- Court tomb: North Cairn (area surrounding the state care monument
- Stumpa Structure LH00084
- Ecclesiastical site and bullaun (area surrounding the state care monument): Kilnasaggart
- Faughart Upper Ringfort - rath LH00138
- Cross-carved boulder
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Children's burial ground LH02159
- Carn More Enclosure LH00198
- Donaghmore Redundant record LH00621
- Dungooly Redundant record LH00107
- Kilcurly Crannog LH00615
- Drumad Souterrain LH00097
- Ballymakellett Earthwork LH00239
- Carrickedmond Standing stone LH00119
- Redcow Ring-ditch LH02766
- Doolargy Souterrain LH00225
- Aghnaskeagh Cist LH02328
- Balregan House - indeterminate date LH00550
- Mullaghattin Earthwork LH02640
- Monascreebe Megalithic tomb - portal tomb LH00121
- Drummullagh Earthwork LH00010
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Meeting-house LH01987
- Broughattin Souterrain LH00214
- Proleek Slab-lined burial LH00202
- Doolargy Ringfort - rath LH00223
- Castletown (Dundalk Upper By.) Souterrain LH00702
- Lurgankeel Enclosure LH00185
- Newtownbalregan Fulacht fia LH02440
- Doolargy Fulacht fia LH00293
- Donaghmore Habitation site LH02433
- Faughart Upper Church LH00246
- Faughart Upper Ringfort - rath LH00134
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Kiln - lime LH02156
- Standing Stone: the Long stone
- Redcow Ring-ditch LH02767
- Doolargy Hut site LH00172
- Round Cairn with portal tomb 'South Cairn' (area surrounding the state care monument
- Cornamucklagh Excavation - miscellaneous LH02737
- Doolargy Metalworking site LH00221
- Raskeagh Building LH02490
- Balregan Stone circle LH00548
- Lurgankeel Enclosure LH00184
- Faughart Lower Enclosure LH00280
- Faughart Upper Graveyard LH00247
- Newtownbalregan Souterrain LH02442
- Kilcurry Graveyard LH00190
- Kilcurly Souterrain LH00520
- Monascreebe Penitential station LH00274
- Bavan Ringfort - rath LH00297
- Kilcurly Burial ground LH00522
- Farrandreg Fulacht fia LH01946
- Ballymascanlan Souterrain LH00290
- Tankardsrock Cist LH00414
- Castletown (Dundalk Upper By.) Graveyard LH02478
- Ballymakellett Enclosure LH02742
- Bellurgan Enclosure LH02493
- Doolargy Hut site LH02334
- Faughart Upper Mound LH00249
- Corrakit Cairn - unclassified LH00304
- The Danes Cast (south) - linear earthwork visible at several points
- Dungooly Enclosure LH00115
- Aghnaskeagh Megalithic tomb - court tomb LH00151
- Carrickedmond Hut site LH00260
- Carrickaneena Battlefield LH02691
- Faughart Upper Enclosure LH00140
- Redcow Enclosure LH02769
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Castle - tower house LH01990
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Industrial chimney LH02778
- Donaghmore Ring-ditch LH00619
- Faughart Lower Souterrain LH00195
- Graveyard and crosses 'Clonlea
- Deerpark Ringfort - rath LH00514
- Round cairn with cist: Cofracloghy
- Hilltop Enclosure: Carrickinaffrin
- Ravensdale Park Standing stone LH00100
- Doolargy Ringfort - rath LH00167
- Ballynahattin Barrow - ring-barrow LH02632
- Bellurgan Ringfort - rath LH00231
- Navan Souterrain LH00208
- Ballymascanlan Castle - tower house LH00691
- Anaverna Sweathouse LH00285
- Dowdallshill Fulacht fia LH02655
- Doolargy Ringfort - rath LH00169
- Navan Habitation site LH02225
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Castle - tower house LH02007
- Jenkinstown Cliff-edge fort LH00717
- Corrakit Megalithic tomb - unclassified LH00314
- Rath and souterrain
- Proleek Megalithic tomb - portal tomb LH00210
- Lurgankeel Barrow - ring-barrow LH02515
- Lisnawully Souterrain LH00616
- Cashel: Lisbanemone (area surrounding the state care monument
- Kilcurly Souterrain LH00440
- Ballymascanlan Ringfort - rath LH00289
- Mounthamilton Fulacht fia LH00625
- Aghnaskeagh Ringfort - rath LH00145
- Castletown (Dundalk Upper By.) Castle - motte and bailey LH00701
- Doolargy Hut site LH02331
- Balregan Barrow - unclassified LH02620
- Ballymakellett Hut site LH02349
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Excavation - miscellaneous LH02646
- Balregan Castle - tower house LH00546
- Tankardsrock Standing stone LH00588
- Ballymakellett Hut site LH00241
- Faughart Upper Kiln - lime LH00130
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Excavation - miscellaneous LH02635
- Raskeagh Enclosure LH00122
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Excavation - miscellaneous LH02154
- Redcow Ring-ditch LH02773
- Megalithic tomb
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Burial ground LH02254
- Drumnasillagh Souterrain LH00113
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Market-house LH01993
- Dowdallshill Kiln - corn-drying LH02466
- Dowdallshill Souterrain LH00666
- Farrandreg Fulacht fia LH02020
- Dungooly Graveyard LH00106
- Monascreebe Ringfort - rath LH00126
- Ballymakellett Standing stone LH00283
- Aghnaskeagh Cist LH02327
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Town defences LH02153
- Mounthamilton Burial ground LH00671
- Megalithic Tomb
- Stumpa Earthwork LH00083
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Castle - tower house LH02010
- Balriggan Excavation - miscellaneous LH02634
- Aghnaskeagh Cist LH00149
- Rockmarshall Midden LH00763
- Faughart Upper Ecclesiastical enclosure LH00245
- Ballymakellett Megalithic tomb - court tomb LH00236
- Killin (Dundalk Upper By.) Passage tomb art LH00383
- Castletown (Dundalk Upper By.) Historic town LH00694
- Aghnaskeagh Megalithic tomb - portal tomb LH00147
- Stumpa Earthwork LH00086
- Aghnaskeagh Standing stone LH00160
- Lurgankeel Barrow - ring-barrow LH02518
- Balriggan Burial ground LH02444
- Balriggan Enclosure LH02443
- Carrickedmond Cairn - unclassified LH00258
- Dowdallshill Midden LH02656
- Balregan Standing stone LH00551
- Tankardsrock Rock art LH00675
- Proleek Slab-lined burial LH02347
- Corrakit,Doolargy,Tullaghomeath Cairn - unclassified LH00305
- Doolargy Sweathouse LH00286
- Drummullagh Stone head LH00014
- Dungooly Souterrain LH02250
- Doolargy Hut site LH02332
- Lurgankeel Barrow - ring-barrow LH02517
- Ballymascanlan Church LH00569
- Anaverna Church LH00282
- Aghnaskeagh Souterrain LH02453
- Dungooly Standing stone LH00025
- Donaghmore Excavation - miscellaneous LH02435
- Proleek Souterrain LH00270
- Kilcurly Souterrain LH00521
- Donaghmore Excavation - miscellaneous LH02434
- Doolargy Hut site LH02346
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Cross - High cross (present location) LH02695
- Carrickaneena Battlefield LH02690
- Doolargy Hut site LH02333
- Bellurgan Ringfort - rath LH00326
- Doolargy Hut site LH02336
- Rath
- Lisdoo Souterrain LH00568
- Broughattin Enclosure LH00213
- Drumnasillagh Megalithic tomb - court tomb LH00154
- Doolargy Hut site LH02342
- Castletown (Dundalk Upper By.) Church LH00699
- Kilcurry Enclosure LH00191
- Redcow Ring-ditch LH02765
- Bellurgan Enclosure LH00572
- Faughart Upper Building LH00132
- Faughart Lower Megalithic tomb - unclassified LH00193
- Glebe (Dundalk Par.) Ringfort - rath LH02775
- Aghnaskeagh Souterrain LH00144
- Lisdoo Burial ground LH02665
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Castle - tower house LH02003
- Annaloughan Hut site LH00767
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Kiln - pottery LH02158
- Ballinfuil Souterrain LH00094
- Faughart Upper Anomalous stone group LH00139
- Cornamucklagh Kiln - corn-drying LH02740
- Ballymakellett Hut site LH02348
- Dowdallshill Metalworking site LH02087
- Lisnawully Ringfort - rath LH02762
- Drumnasillagh Fulacht fia LH00155
- Carrickedmond Cairn - unclassified LH00259
- Demesne Souterrain LH00627
- Round Cairn
- Lisdoo Ringfort - rath LH00567
- Bellurgan Souterrain LH00676
- Redcow Ring-ditch LH02768
- Proleek Slab-lined burial LH00218
- Rockmarshall Souterrain LH00760
- Lurgankeel Barrow - ring-barrow LH02516
- Farrandreg Standing stone LH02781
- Doolargy Souterrain LH00224
- Proleek Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb LH00211
- Balregan Standing stone LH02257
- Rathduff Ringfort - rath LH00082
- Ravensdale Park Stone circle LH00099
- Donaghmore Souterrain LH00679
- Lurgankeel Megalithic tomb - wedge tomb LH00181
- Newtownbalregan Cist LH00673
- Cashel: Lisdoo (area surrounding the state care monument
- Tankardsrock Standing stone LH00589
- Lisnawully Souterrain LH00592
- Farrandreg Fulacht fia LH02062
- Newtownbalregan Fulacht fia LH02649
- Dowdallshill Fulacht fia LH02088
- Balregan Embanked enclosure LH00553
- Stumpa Souterrain LH00085
- Anaverna Ringfort - rath LH00114
- Dowdallshill Field system LH02467
- Raskeagh Enclosure LH00276
- Doolargy Enclosure LH00165
- Farrandreg Fulacht fia LH01945
- Newtownbalregan House - Neolithic LH02439
- Newtownbalregan Ringfort - rath LH02441
- Drumnacarra Ringfort - rath LH00152
- Faughart Lower Enclosure LH00194
- Bellurgan Ring-ditch LH00577
- Rockmarshall Ringfort - rath LH00718
- Donaghmore Souterrain LH00446
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Castle - tower house LH01995
- Dungooly Ringfort - rath LH00102
- Newtownbalregan Habitation site LH02437
- Annies,Ballynahattin,Faughart Lower,Faughart Upper,Monascreebe,Redcow Battlefield LH02689
- Lurgankeel Structure LH00178
- Doolargy Enclosure LH00220
- Ballymakellett Ringfort - rath LH00240
- Redcow Ring-ditch LH02770
- Killin (Dundalk Upper By.),Newtownbalregan,Tateetra Bridge LH00667
- Cornamucklagh Metalworking site LH02741
- State Care Court Tomb 'The King's Ring
- Rockmarshall Midden LH00753
- Aghnaskeagh Ringfort - rath LH00143
- Mounthamilton Fulacht fia LH00623
- Doolargy Hut site LH02344
- Faughart Upper Castle - motte LH00131
- Balriggan House - Iron Age LH02668
- Carn Beg Embanked enclosure LH00562
- The Danes Cast (south) - linear earthwork visible at several points
- Church and Graveyard: Templegowran
- Kilcurry Souterrain LH00180
- Doolargy Field system LH00173
- Proleek Ringfort - rath LH00269
- Carn More Habitation site LH02629
- Faughart Upper Earthwork LH00156
- Newtownbalregan Souterrain LH00580
- Donaghmore Ring-ditch LH02436
- Ballymakellett Ringfort - rath LH00227
- Kilcurly Souterrain LH00445
- Faughart Upper Ringfort - rath LH00157
- Ballinfuil Enclosure LH00070
- The Danes Cast (south) -Linear earthwork visible at several points
- Aghnaskeagh Megalithic tomb - court tomb LH00159
- Doolargy Hut site LH02337
- Drummullagh Ringfort - rath LH00011
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Excavation - miscellaneous LH02624
- Carrickedmond Stone circle LH00255
- Proleek Acres Souterrain LH00206
- Moneycrockroe Hut site LH00315
- Balriggan Ringfort - rath LH00187
- Ballymakellett Souterrain LH00238
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Religious house - Augustinian friars LH02004
- Motte
- Farrandreg Fulacht fia LH02030
- Ballymakellett Earthwork LH00242
- Drumnasillagh Enclosure LH00162
- Bellurgan Enclosure LH02494
- Carrickaneena Structure LH00110
- Balriggan Burial LH02669
- Farrandreg Excavation - miscellaneous LH02063
- Doolargy Hut site LH02339
- Farrandreg Redundant record LH02034
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Castle - tower house LH01999
- Bellurgan Enclosure LH00578
- Proleek Acres Earthwork LH00205
- Castletown (Dundalk Upper By.) Graveslab LH00698
- Proleek Ecclesiastical enclosure LH00201
- Aghnaskeagh Cist LH02329
- Rockmarshall Enclosure LH00756
- Doolargy Ringfort - rath LH00166
- Doolargy Hut site LH02341
- Marshes Upper Ritual site - holy well LH00690
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Excavation - miscellaneous LH02157
- Balriggan Enclosure LH02597
- Kilcurry Church LH00189
- Doolargy Hut site LH02340
- Bellurgan Ringfort - rath LH00230
- Ballymakellett Souterrain LH00235
- Ravensdale Park Megalithic tomb - court tomb LH00291
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Font LH02230
- Newtownbalregan Habitation site LH02438
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Castle - tower house LH01992
- Proleek Souterrain LH00275
- Ardaghy Ringfort - rath LH00296
- Dowdallshill Excavation - miscellaneous LH02654
- Bellurgan Enclosure LH00233
- Aghnaskeagh Cairn - unclassified LH00148
- Ravensdale Park Megalithic tomb - passage tomb LH00101
- Whitemill Earthwork LH00196
- Lislea Ringfort - rath LH00008
- Balregan Standing stone LH00549
- Rockmarshall Midden LH00752
- Drumnasillagh Souterrain LH00163
- Lurgankeel Ringfort - rath LH00120
- Balregan Cairn - unclassified LH00552
- Whitemill Ringfort - rath LH00192
- Annaloughan Souterrain LH00766
- Ballymascanlan Graveyard LH02275
- Faughart Lower Flat cemetery LH02648
- Tower-house: Bagnal's Castle
- Lurgankeel Ringfort - rath LH00117
- Carrickaneena Enclosure LH00141
- Raskeagh Building LH00128
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Cross-slab (present location) LH02684
- Balregan Souterrain LH00547
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Castle - tower house LH02005
- Faughart Lower Ringfort - rath LH00135
- Cornamucklagh Hut site LH00005
- Ballynahattin Barrow - ring-barrow LH02633
- Balriggan Enclosure LH00272
- Doolargy Ringfort - rath LH00234
- Cashel and Souterrain
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Ogham stone (present location) LH02683
- Carn Beg Stone circle LH02758
- Littlemill Habitation site LH02432
- Rath
- Ravensdale Park Standing stone LH02487
- Bellurgan Souterrain LH00576
- Monascreebe Ringfort - rath LH00125
- Rockmarshall Souterrain LH00719
- Doolargy Watchtower LH00215
- Aghnaskeagh Metalworking site LH00150
- Carrickedmond Cairn - unclassified LH00262
- Bellurgan Souterrain LH00574
- Bellurgan Souterrain LH00575
- Doolargy Hut site LH02338
- Newtownbalregan Souterrain LH00579
- Faughart Upper Cross - High cross LH00250
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Church LH01991
- Falmore Enclosure LH02702
- Ballymakellett Ringfort - rath LH00237
- Raskeagh Castle - motte and bailey LH00127
- Rockmarshall Souterrain LH00759
- Castletown (Dundalk Upper By.) Ritual site - holy well LH00561
- Carrickedmond Stone row LH00261
- Cashel and portal tomb: the Long stones
- Ballymakellett Ringfort - rath LH00324
- Faughart Lower Fulacht fia LH00565
- Rockmarshall Ringfort - rath LH00716
- Rockmarshall Megalithic tomb - court tomb LH00762
- Kilcurly Souterrain LH00450
- Bavan Ringfort - rath LH00298
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Religious house - Fratres Cruciferi LH02001
- Castletown (Dundalk Upper By.) Standing stone LH00700
- Faughart Upper Cross-slab LH02666
- Ballynahattin Barrow - embanked barrow LH02449
- Aghaboys Enclosure LH00284
- Doolargy Hut site LH02335
- Lurgankeel Souterrain LH00175
- Doolargy Hut site LH02345
- Dowdallshill Fulacht fia LH02468
- Balriggan Industrial site LH02445
- Drummullagh Stone head LH00013
- Drumnacarra Ringfort - rath LH00153
- Monascreebe Ringfort - rath LH00124
- Carrickedmond Stone row LH00257
- Annaloughan Earthwork LH00768
- Annaloughan Ringfort - rath LH00765
- Drumbilla Souterrain LH00087
- Faughart Lower Habitation site LH02451
- Plaster Ringfort - rath LH00158
- Donaghmore Souterrain LH00449
- Doolargy Hut site LH00174
- Faughart Lower Ringfort - rath LH00197
- Ardaghy Settlement cluster LH00295
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Cist LH00661
- Drumbilla Ringfort - rath LH00038
- Mullaghattin Enclosure LH02639
- Bellurgan Ring-ditch LH00573
- Lislea Ringfort - rath LH00012
- Faughart Upper Ritual site - holy well LH00251
- Aghnaskeagh Cist LH02330
- Doolargy Sweathouse LH00288
- Aghnaskeagh Souterrain LH00146
- Balregan Standing stone - pair LH00554
- Lisnawully Souterrain LH00618
- Motte and bailey: Crown Mound
- Farrandreg Souterrain LH00591
- Balriggan Field system LH02446
- Lurgankeel Castle - motte and bailey LH00177
- Tankardsrock Ringfort - rath LH00587
- Monascreebe Earthwork LH00271
- Balriggan Cist LH00672
- Rath
- Townparks (Upper Dundalk By.) Burial LH02224
- Cornamucklagh Excavation - miscellaneous LH02738
- Castletown (Dundalk Upper By.) Cist (present location) LH00703
- Ballynahattin Ringfort - rath LH00563
- Faughart Upper Round tower LH00248
- Rockmarshall Enclosure LH00758
- Carn More Ringfort - rath LH00200
- Drummullagh Ringfort - unclassified LH00009
- The Danes Cast (South) - Linear earthwork visible at several points
- Aghnaskeagh Cist LH02326
- Carn More Excavation - miscellaneous LH02631
- Drumnasillagh Ringfort - rath LH00112
- Dungooly Cross-slab LH00109
- Faughart Upper Architectural fragment LH02697
- State Care Court Tomb
- Castletown (Dundalk Upper By.) Standing stone LH00560
- Castletown (Dundalk Upper By.) Graveslab LH02353
- Ballymakellett Cross-inscribed stone LH02783
- Drumbilla Souterrain LH00039
- Faughart Upper Ringfort - rath LH00129
- Drumad Redundant record LH02760
- Carn More Souterrain LH02447
- Aghaboys Enclosure LH00203
- Demesne Souterrain LH00678
- Monascreebe Penitential station LH00273
- Demesne Souterrain LH00626
- Dungooly Church LH00105
- Castletown (Dundalk Upper By.) Castle - unclassified LH00697
- Faughart Lower Ringfort - rath LH00137
- Castletown (Dundalk Upper By.) Stone head LH00696
- Ravensdale Park Standing stone LH02488
- Farrandreg Habitation site LH02033
- Dungooly Bullaun stone LH00108
- Lurgankeel Cairn - unclassified LH00252
- Doolargy Ringfort - rath LH00222
- Ballymakellett Ringfort - rath LH00243
- Cornamucklagh Fulacht fia LH00007