Windermere by munki-boy


Windermere is in The Lake District National Park in England.

Created: 27  November  2016  Edited: 29  November  2023


Shopping in Windermere

Wildlife in and around Windermere

Windermere Birds

There are 168 species of birds recorded as found near Windermere.

(Aegithalos caudatus subsp. rosaceus)
(Fulica atra subsp. atra)
(Parus major subsp. newtoni)
(Poecile palustris subsp. dresseri)
Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea)
(Certhia familiaris subsp. britannica)
(Gallinula chloropus subsp. chloropus)
(Periparus ater subsp. britannicus)
(Strix aluco subsp. sylvatica)
Bar-Headed Goose (Anser indicus)

Tap here for more wildlife found near Windermere lake

Wild Roe Deer

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Windermere map

Windermere UK Map