Wimpole Hall by Lucy Sugden Weaving Artist
Wimpole Estate
A working estate still guided by the seasons, with an impressive mansion, parkland, gardens and Home Farm.
Created: 29 May 2021 Edited: 29 November 2023
Wimpole Estate Information
Wimpole Estate Address
Royston, Arrington SG8 0BW, UK
Website: http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/wimpole-estate/
Get directionsWimpole Home Farm Information
Wimpole Home Farm Address
Wimpole Estate, Orwell, Royston SG8 0BW, UK
Website: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/wimpole-estate/features/explore-wimpole-home-farm
Get directionsLocal History around Wimpole Estate
There are some historic monuments around including:
Bi-focal deserted medieval settlement earthworksBourn WindmillMoated complex 260m north west of Fryers CottageCaxton Moats: a medieval moated site and associated fishponds and warren, 750m north west of Caxton HallMoated site in Boybridge Grove, 720m north east of Down Hall FarmBury Yard moated site adjacent to MilldykeMoulton Hills Roman barrowsA ringwork and bailey castle, and 17th century formal garden remains, at Bourn HallSite of Preceptory of Knights HospitallersMoated site at Moat House FarmDovecote 50m north east of Manor Farm HouseJohn o'Gaunt's House: a motte castle and moated site 300m NE of Haygate FarmArrington Bridge Romano-British siteDeserted village of Clapton (site of) N of Croydon HouseMoated site 200m south east of St Mary's ChurchMoated site in Moyne's WoodMoated site in Cobb's Wood.