The Packet House at Worsley by munki-boy
The Packet House
A Group of several houses on the site of 1760 packet house but largely of C19 including a considerable timber-framed wing of c.1850 which was built for the first Earl of Ellesmere. English garden wall bond brick with slate roof and timber framing with stone slate roof. An irregular 2, 3 and 4- storey range with a total of 4 bays and with wings and additions to rear. Bays 1 and 2 are brick and have 3-light timber-mullioned windows with flat brick arches, brick hoodmoulds and stone sills. Bay 2 is gabled. Picturesque shop front to left return. Coped gables with kneelers and finials. Bays 3 and 4 are timber-framed. Bay 3 has an ovolo- moulded door surround and a 3-light ovolo-moulded timber- mullioned window on each floor including to a gabled dormer window. Bay 4 projects as a large gabled crosswing. Each floor, and the gable,is jettied out on carved brackets. 3, 4 or 6-light ovolo-moulded timber mullion window to each floor, decorative framing to the second floor and enriched barge boards and finial. Gabled porch to right return. Clustered and single diagonally set chimney stacks.
All in all a pleasing and picturesque composition which dominates the canal basin. The timber-framing is one of several examples for the 1st Earl of Ellesmere all of which are a particularly early revival.
Jetty steps used originally for boarding the packet boat which began in 1769. Probably built c.1769 or shortly after. Stone. 9 long steps which curve round at one end. Used by Queen Victoria on her visit to Worsley in 1851.
[National Heritage List for England]
Created: 4 March 2021 Edited: 29 November 2023
The Packet House
Bridgewater Canal
Bridgewater Canal is a canal in Greater Manchester
Bridgewater Canalis part of Manchester Ship and Bridgewater Canals.
Bridgewater Canal is 60.978 km long and is artificial and not a natural waterway.
Local History around The Packet House
There are some historic monuments around including:
Canal tunnel entrances and wharfBridgewater Canal's Barton Aqueduct embankment and retaining wallsRingley Old BridgeAstley Green Colliery: engine house and headgearWardley Hall moated site, WorsleyLime kiln and associated culvert 50m north of Worsley Methodist Church.