The King's Men stone circle by munki-boy

The Kings Men

The King’s Men is a fine stone circle broadly dating to 2670 bc to 1975 bc. The circle, on a hilltop setting, is nearly perfectly round, with a diameter of 33 m. In 1882 the circle was restored and new stones replaced missing ones. Of the seventy-three stones present today at least one-third were repositioned. Rollright has been seen as some kind of prehistoric astronomical observatory. However, there are very few meaningful alignments represented, a view of the midsummer sunset being the only one that stands out as potentially significant.

The Whispering Knights is part of The Rollright Stones complex.

The Kings Men is in Cotswolds AONB, a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Created: 27  November  2016  Edited: 29  November  2023

The Kings Men

The Kings Men LiDAR Map

A LiDAR Map showing the area around The Kings Men

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The King's Men map

The Kings Men UK Map