The King Stone by munki-boy
The King Stone
The King Stone is a large block of limestone about 2.5 m. high and now tipped at a rakish angle. This was the marker stone for an early Bronze Age cemetery. Several small cairnst containing cremations were discovered around the stone during excavations in 1979.
The Whispering Knights is part of The Rollright Stones complex.
The King Stone is in Cotswolds AONB, a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Created: 8 July 2018 Edited: 29 November 2023
The King Stone
The King Stone LiDAR Map
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0
Local History around The King Stone
There are some historic monuments around including:
Chastleton Barrow camp: a hillfort south of Barrow HouseLong barrow on Adlestrop HillMoated siteOver Norton bowl barrow 150m north west of the intersection between the A361 and the A34(T)Moated site 300m east of Stourton Methodist ChapelHawk Stone standing stone 700m south of Claridges BarnNeolithic long barrow 400m SSE of Burnt HillSquire's Clump Anglo-Saxon burial mound 500m south west of Iron BuildingsBesbury Lane bowl barrow, 450m north east of Conduit FarmChipping Norton motte and bailey castle, and fishpondThe Mount bell barrow 110m south west of Mount FarmLowland Barn Romano-British farmstead 200m north west of Bury HillGreat house site, garden earthworks and associated remains immediately north, west and south of St Mary's ChurchMoated site, 230m west of St Michael's ChurchIron Age enclosed settlement and part of a trackway 150m north east of the King StoneShrunken medieval village NW of Churchill old churchThe Rollright StonesMoated site at Manor FarmPortal dolmen 400m south east of Burnt Hill.