Smardale Gill Nature Reserve by munki-boy

Smardale Gill Nature Reserve

Smardale Gill Nature Reserve is in The Yorkshire Dales National Park in England.

A lovely nature reserve along the track of an old railway line beside Scandal Beck.

It’s possible to walk along a decent path on the track of the old railway line and across the interesting Smardale Gill Viaduct. Also along the line is the site of the 1955 Smardale railway crash in which two engines were derailed. The line was closed in 1962.

Created: 14  December  2021  Edited: 29  November  2023

Old Trainline at Smardale Gill
Woodland at Smardale Gill

Smardale Gill Details

Smardale Gill is a nature reserve managed by Cumbria Wildlife Trust.

Smardale Gill Nature Reserve

Scandal Beck Details

Scandal Beck

Scandal Beck is a river in Cumbria

Scandal Beck takes in water from an area around 39.706 km2 in size and is part of the Eden Upper catchment area.

Scandal Beck is 18.667 km long and is not designated artificial or heavily modified.

Smardale Gill Nature Reserve LiDAR Map

A LiDAR Map showing the area around Smardale Gill Nature Reserve

Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0

Local History around Smardale Gill Nature Reserve

There are some historic monuments around including:

Two round cairns, three Romano-British settlements and aggregate field systems at Severals and Intake, and Smardale Gill lime kilns and quarryWarren including three pillow mounds at Smardale Demesne, 950m south west of Holme FarmRound barrow 1/4 mile (400m) N of Lammerside CastleWaitby Castle enclosed Romano-British settlement and part of a medieval dykeWharton Hall, gatehouse, banqueting hall and kitchenRound cairn 490m ENE of Grange HallBowl barrow on Asby MaskWhitber Romano-British farmstead 660m south west of Highmore HillLammerside Castle medieval tower houseWater Houses clapper bridgeDykes and mounds on either side of Scandal BeckMedieval settlement and chapel site N of Newbiggin-on-LuneThree round cairns 190m south of White Brackens HouseSmardale Demesne Romano-British farmstead, 700m south west of Holme FarmTwo Romano-British enclosed settlements and an associated regular aggregate field system at Waitby IntakeWaitby medieval village, part of associated open field system, and site of an associated chapelEarthworks at Little AsbyGreat Musgrave shrunken medieval villageRound cairn 450m north-east of Mazon WathRound cairn on the summit of Rasett HillSmardale railway viaductFoundations N of St Oswald's ChurchRound barrow 1/4 mile (400m) N of Wharton HallIntake Bottom settlement enclosure and hut circle, 500m WSW of Croglam CastleLynchets WNW of Wharton HallSmardale South Demesne medieval villageCroglam Castle defended Iron Age settlementWarcop Old Bridge.

Wildlife in and around Smardale Gill Nature Reserve

Smardale Gill Nature Reserve Mammals

There are 5 species of mammals recorded as found near Smardale Gill Nature Reserve.

American Mink (Neovison vison)
Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus)
Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)

Tap here for more wildlife found in Smardale Gill

Smardale Gill Nature Reserve Birds

There are 12 species of birds recorded as found near Smardale Gill Nature Reserve.

Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)
Common Gull (Larus canus)
Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris)
Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)
Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
Carrion Crow (Corvus corone)
Continental Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major)
Jackdaw (Corvus monedula)
Nuthatch (Sitta europaea)

Tap here for more wildlife found in Smardale Gill

Smardale Gill Nature Reserve map

Smardale Gill Nature Reserve UK Map