Shoreham Airport
Shoreham Airport (ESH)
Created: 18 November 2022 Edited: 29 November 2023
Shoreham Airport (ESH) Information
Shoreham Airport (ESH) Address
Cecil Pashley Way, Shoreham-by-Sea
BN43 5FF
Get directionsLocal History around Shoreham Airport
There are some historic monuments around including:
Barrows and ditches on Steyning Round HillSaltern in Saltings Field, 220m north of Beeding BridgeBowl barrow on Edburton Hill, 380m west of the motte and bailey castleCross dyke on Steep Down, 600m north east of Titch Hill FarmShoreham Fort, 120m SSE of East HouseCross dyke on Tottington Mount, 550m south east of Tottington Manor FarmMartin Down style enclosure, bowl barrow, Iron Age hillfort, Romano-British village and associated field system on Thundersbarrow HillRomano-British villa at Manor Hall Road, SouthwickCross dyke on Beeding Hill, 1100m north west of New Erringham Farm CottagesBramber CastleRegular aggregate field system with prehistoric and Romano-British farmsteads and a Bronze Age bowl barrow on Park BrowGroup of salterns north of St Peter's ChurchCross dyke in Court Plantation, 600m south west of Wiston BarnCross dyke on Steyning Round Hill, 700m south west of PepperscoombeMotte and bailey castle on Edburton HillCross dyke on Steep Down, 700m north east of Beggars BushDeserted medieval settlement and associated cultivation terraces on Perching HillShoreham Airfield dome trainer, 240m south west of Sussex Pad HotelShrunken medieval settlement at Old ErringhamCross dyke 760m WNW of PepperscoombeGroup of salterns and a possible moat 250m east of Bramber CastleRound barrow S of EdburtonBowl barrow on Fulking HillThe Marlipins.