Old Stones Outside Ribchester Roman Museum by munki-boy

Ribchester Roman Museum

The idea of a museum in Ribchester was conceived by Margaret Greenall, originally from Warrington and a member of the famous brewing family, in the early years of the twentieth century. Her objective was to stem the flow of artefacts out of the village that had occurred ever since Ribchester was first recognised as a site of special historic interest. Ribchester Museum of Roman Antiquities was thus opened under Miss Greenall’s direction in 1915.

In 2001 the Museum reopened after the most ambitious redevelopment scheme in its history. Making use of the Heritage Lottery Fund, European funding and grants and assistance from other supportive organisations, it was once more extended to incorporate the adjacent vacant building, and a new wing was built opposite the original Museum. The permanent exhibition was replaced completely by striking, informative and modern displays and for the first time the most interesting objects from the 1989 excavation in St Wilfrid’s Graveyard were put on show. Behind the scenes facilities were improved and issues such as access and education were addressed.

Website: https://ribchesterromanmuseum.org/

Created: 16  March  2019  Edited: 29  November  2023

Celtic Stone Heads at Ribchester Roman Museum
Stones Commemorating Buildings at Roman Ribchester by the 20th Legion
Roman Tombstone at Ribchester Roman Museum

Ribchester Roman Museum Information

Ribchester Roman Museum Address

Riverside, Ribchester, Preston, Lancashire


Website: https://ribchesterromanmuseum.org/

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