Raveden Brook in Raveden Clough by munki-boy
Raveden Brook
Raveden Brook is quite well-known as it passes through the parkland of Smithills Hall, but a little further upstream (and downstream) things get a bit complicated. There are many tributaries, all named Raveden Brook; some of which flow into a small reservoir and two emerge. In the area of Raveden Clough - which might be assumed to be The Raveden Brook - there are another two streams parallel, one of which is culverted for most of the distance.
The source of the Raveden Brook could perhaps be said to be high on Winter Hill, but there are numerous branches from over Horrock’s Fold. Once past Smithills Hall the Temple Springs also get involved in the confluence. Raveden Lodge which can be found near Smithills School is fed by the Brook(s) but there is no sign of the stream visible above ground for a good distance.
Raveden Brook for the most part is a typical stream for the area, having carved its way through the overlying sediment - mostly soil - and down to a sandstone bedrock with a few areas of small faults and a three or four small waterfalls depending on how loose you are with the tributary streams.
There are good walking paths near the stream and a few bridges, a few footpaths require fording of the stream which can be difficult after rain. In places the “clough” (small gorge) is quite deep and the sides thick with mulch and leaf litter, stick to the footpaths if you don’t like that sort of thing.
Created: 14 October 2019 Edited: 29 November 2023