Pull Beck waterfall by munki-boy

Pull Beck

Pull Beck is in The Lake District National Park in England.

Pull Beck at Pull Scar is an interesting area, very difficult to ascend the beck is in a steep ravine but there is supposedly a large waterfall hidden from view at the top.

Visited twice, a trickle is all I got out of the “waterfall”, looks like it’s been impressive though.

There is also a flooded trial mine adit, part of Coniston United Mine dating from 1827. Minerals where in fact mined from a nearby shaft dating to around 1856.# Pull Beck Waterfall The large watefall at the top of Pull Beck, spectacular after rain but damp and without proper flow after dry weather.

Created: 27  November  2016  Edited: 29  November  2023

Pull Scar mine adit
Pull Scar Beck - a bit of a scramble

Pull Beck

Pull Beck LiDAR Map

A LiDAR Map showing the area around Pull Beck

Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0

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Pull Beck map

Pull Beck UK Map