Overstone Hall (ruin)
Overstone Hall (ruin)
Overstone Hall was designed by the London architect William Milford Teulon.
The estate was originally built in 1857 for the Earl and Countess of Northampton, but it has fallen into disrepair and is now a crumbling ruin.
Created: 18 February 2022 Edited: 29 November 2023
Overstone Hall (ruin)
Overstone Hall (ruin) LiDAR Map
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Local History around Overstone Hall (ruin)
There are some historic monuments around including:
Lyddington Bedehouse: a medieval bishop's palace and post-medieval almshouse with moat, gardens, fishponds and cultivation remainsLittle Weldon Roman villaMarket cross 8m west of the Market HouseBowl barrow north of Hill Side SpinneyMarket cross 10m west of Cross FarmhouseRoundhouse or lock-upManor house and gardensBlatherwycke medieval village remainsKirby Hall: an Elizabethan country house and gardens, including the remains of the medieval village of KirbyIron Age enclosureWakerley Bridge.